How to deploy web application to the specific glassfish virtual server? - deployment

Is there a way to specify a virtual server in the web application deployment descriptor, like web.xml or glassfish-web.xml?
In the application deployment guide i found the information:
Virtual Servers. If you deploy a web application and do not specify any assigned
virtual servers, the web application is assigned to all currently-defined virtual
servers with the exception of the virtual server with ID __asadmin, which is
reserved for administrative purposes. If you then create additional virtual servers
and want to assign existing web applications to them, you must redeploy the web
It's true. After deployment the application is assigned to all virtual servers and I can go to the Admin Console -> Applications -> MyApplication -> check only one virtual server and click Save to achive the point. But during the development process, when some glassfish restarts is needed, it is really irritating. Is it possible to set the virtual server name, like "server", in the application deployment descriptor?
I'm using the latest promoted glassfish version, at this moment it's Glassfish 5 build 22.


TFS-2017 web interface issues

I have created a release pipeline in TFS web interface. Instead of default website, I have created a new website in IIS in dev server.
How to configure this website in IIS WEB APP MANAGE and IIS Web App Deploy what is the path I have to give in Virtual Application in IIS WEB APP MANAGE and IIS Web App Deploy in TFS web interface.
IIS Web App Manage:
Creating an IIS Web Site and Application Pool. Typically this is only needed the first time deploying to a target machine.
Example: To create an application Site/Application enter /Application as the Virtual path . The parent website should be already existing.
IIS Web App Deploy:
If you have created the web site/application, then you just need to deploy it directly with IIS Web App Deployment task.
You can reference this thread :

Difference between deployment and hosting

What is the difference between hosting and deployment? Do web apps, android apps and websites get deployed or do they get hosted?
The process of moving code from your local computer to a public host (server) is called Deployment. It is basically putting out your project to the world so that people can use it.
Web hosting is a service provided by Web Hosts. Web hosts are companies that provide this service which includes:
Web space for storing data of your website and
Domain name
For Example :
Netlify is a web hosting company and it is used for deploying static websites for free.
Deployment is phase of product lifecycle when software and data deployed , that is installed , delivered to environment, configured, etc. After that product enters in next phase - usage. And in this phase we can say that software and data is hosted. This steps can be repeated.

WildFly 9.x Deployment Scanner

I have an application running on Clustered Wildfly environment
Server-One on Machineone and Server-one on Machinetwo are used to form a HA cluster. Serverone also act as a domain controller in my cluster environment.
When I go from UI Console management
And tries to replace or update the deployment war then it start deploying on both the servers.
Is there any way to change the deployment scanner to stop scanning for new changes ?
Any help would be great use.
this is not the deployment scanner, this scanner is available in standalone mode only and pick up *.?ar from the standalone/deployments folder.
In domain mode a deployment can activated for a server-group.
In this case ALL servers of this group will deploy it.
If you want to have two servers with different deployments you need to create two server groups, you might share the same profile.
But if both are in the same cluster I don't understand why you don't want to have the same application deployed.

Understanding lightswitch deployment

I wish to deploy a lightswitch application for a small company. I want a central server hosting the database and then the silverlight client to run inside the network connecting to the server and updating the database with clients, etc.
I have made a working system using the intrinsic database in VS2013, but now I come to deploy it and am having problems, despite hours reading MSDN and following tutorials.
I create a deployment package on my development machine, which I then install on the server, but I then need to create a client only package, which points to the server? Does this mean I need to specify the central database as an external data source? Or does this switch happen automatically? Can I publish only the server, and install that on the server machine, (I have already installed the web server package) then publish a separate client package for installing the application on the clients? I need all the clients to update a single database, not all have their own local copies and local databases...
When you "create a client only package" the intrinsic database is running on the client, so nothing point to the server.
A external data source is always external regardless of the app type.
What type of a LightSwitch Application you've selected?
A 2-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to the end-user computer.
A 3-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.
A 3-tier Web application runs in an end-user web browser. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.

deploy a jee6 web application in glassfish v3.1.1

What things have to taken care for deploy a web appl ( war ) in glassfish v3.1.1 ( glassfish-3.1.1-web-windows.exe installer ) , the appl. is developed using netbeans 7.0.1. I am using postgresql database . Developement machine and Production machine is different and is not connected to each other. Any detailed step by step instruction ?
It all depends on what resources your application would need to run successfully on the application server.
e.g. If your application uses container managed persistence then you have to make sure that you create the required JDBC connection pool and resource on the server before you can deploy your application server. If you check the persistence.xml file you will see if your application uses some jta-datasource (the value provided there is actually the JNDI name of the JDBC resource created on the server). Here you might also have to supply the required JDBC driver to the server if it is not package within the application.
What you can do is install the same application server on your local machine and deploy the application there and see if it fails. If it fails then you can check the stacktrace to find out the reason for failure.