gcloud container engine - Network Load Balancing cost - kubernetes

I have a kubernetes setup running in google container engine. one of the k8s Service "type: LoadBalancer"... so i guess it created a Google Network Load Balancing. Now part of my billing
"Compute Engine Network Load Balancing" is way higher than my compute engine cost. Is there a way to eliminate "Network Load Balancing" cost item with any other solution in kubernates...please advise.
This question is close to what I'm looking for:
GCP Kube-Lego forwarding rule pricing
...but no answers so far.

1) Deploy nginx-ingress-controller to kube-cluster:
helm install --name my-lb stable/nginx-ingress --set controller.service.type=NodePort
helm list
kubectl get svc
This will create "my-lb-nginx-ingress-controller" - a custom nginx load balancer instead of gke-load-balancer(google's). This will implement ingress rule objects in the kube-cluster.
*** After this, any ingress rule object created with "annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx", will be enforced by this ngnix-controller.
2) Create firewall rule to open nodePorts:
Since nginx-controller deployed as "conroller.service.type=NodePort", check the nodePorts from "kubect get svc" command and create gcloud "networking/firewall" rule to allow ports "tcp:31181;tcp:31462". Now you can use browser to reach "http://node-ip-address:31181" or "https://node-ip-address:31462" reach ngnix controllers..
3) Delete stuff:
helm delete my-lb
helm del --purge my-lb
I did above in gke, and now i have ngnix-load-balancer instead of google's cloud-load-balancer. But one limitation i experience is "http://node-ip:80" gets connection refused...don't know why is this. But, access through nodeport "http://node-ip-address:31181" is working. Ok for now, have to figure out port 80 access denial.


bitnami/external-dns with Kubernetes on Docker Desktop does not work

What I'm trying to do
I have deployed an aps.net core gRpc service on Docker for Desktop (Kubernetes enabled). To do client-side load balancing, I want to expose the same via a headless service. The deployment and service definition YAML files are as provided by the link viz. Deployment.yaml , service.yaml, and PV and PVC .yaml. When the deployment is run two replicas will be created. Now I want to expose them via a headless service and do a DNS lookup of the pods' IP addresses and do a client-side load balancing. For this, I installed the bitnami external-dns using the HELM charts. I did not make any modifications to the default chart values. Now when I try to do a nslookup of my service this is not working.
My expectation
Deploy the bitnami external-dns on Docker for Desktop with Kubernetes enabled and configured service to expose as DNS on the load balancer. I was expecting the nslookup to succeed in getting the pod IPs as a result
Can someone help me to get the same working?

How to set DNS entrys & network configuration for kubernetes cluster #home (noob here)

I am currently running a Kubernetes cluster on my own homeserver (in proxmox ct's, was kinda difficult to get working because I am using zfs too, but it runs now), and the setup is as follows:
lb01: haproxy & keepalived
lb02: haproxy & keepalived
etcd01: etcd node 1
etcd02: etcd node 2
etcd03: etcd node 3
master-01: k3s in server mode with a taint for not accepting any jobs
master-02: same as above, just joining with the token from master-01
master-03: same as master-02
worker-01 - worker-03: k3s agents
If I understand it correctly k3s delivers with flannel as a CNI pre-installed, as well as traefik as a Ingress Controller.
I've setup rancher on my cluster as well as longhorn, the volumes are just zfs volumes mounted inside the agents tho, and as they aren't on different hdd's I've set the replicas to 1. I have a friend running the same setup (we set them up together, just yesterday) and we are planing on joining our networks trough vpn tunnels and then providing storage nodes for each other as an offsite backup.
So far I've hopefully got everything correct.
Now to my question: I've both got a static ip #home as well as a domain, and I've set that domain to my static ip
Something like that: (don't know how dns entries are actually written, just from the top of my head for your reference, the entries are working well.)
A example.com. [[my-ip]]
CNAME *.example.com. example.com
I've currently made a port-forward to one of my master nodes for port 80 & 443 but I am not quite sure how you would actually configure that with ha in mind, and my rancher is throwing a 503 after visiting global settings, but I have not changed anything.
So now my question: How would one actually configure the port-forward and, as far as I know k3s has a load-balancer pre-installed, but how would one configure those port-forwards for ha? the one master node it's pointing to could, theoretically, just stop working and then all services would not be reachable anymore from outside.
Assuming your apps are running on port 80 and port 443 your ingress should give you a service with an external ip and you would point your dns at that. Read below for more info.
Seems like you are not a noob! you got a lot going on with your cluster setup. What you are asking is a bit complicated to answer and I will have to make some assumptions about your setup, but will do my best to give you at least some intial info.
This tutorial has a ton of great info and may help you with what you are doing. They use kubeadm instead of k3s, buy you can skip that section if you want and still use k3s.
If you are setting up and installing etcd on your own, you don't need to do that k3s will create an etcd cluster for you that run inside pods on your cluster.
Load Balancing your master nodes
haproxy + keepalived nodes would be configured to point to the ips of your master nodes at port 6443 (TCP), the keepalived will give you a virtual ip and you would configure your kubeconfig (that you get from k3s) to talk to that ip. On your router you will want to reserve an ip (make sure not to assign that to any computers).
This is a good video that explains how to do it with a nodejs server but concepts are the same for your master nodes:
Load Balancing your applications running in the cluster
Use an K8s Service read more about it here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/
essentially you need an external ip, I prefer to do this with metal lb.
metal lb gives you a service of type load balancer with an external ip
add this flag to k3s when creating initial master node:
configure metallb
You will want to reserve more ips on your router and put them under the addresses section in the yaml below. In this example you will see you have 11 ips in the range to
create this as a file example metallb-cm.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: default
protocol: layer2
kubectl apply -f metallb-cm.yaml
Install with these yaml files:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.12.1/manifests/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.12.1/manifests/metallb.yaml
source - https://metallb.universe.tf/installation/#installation-by-manifest
Will need a service of type load balancer, use its external ip as the external ip
kubectl get service -A - look for your ingress service and see if it has an external ip and does not say pending
I will do my best to answer any of your follow up questions. Good Luck!

Kubernetes: The proxy server is refusing connections

I have started with kubernetes and followed this link to get the response as they mentioned. I followed the exact steps but when I am trying to open the port I get the following error:
How to solve this issue? I have tried by adding the IP address and port in the Browser proxy.
Can anyone help me on this?
Here is the service image: my service image
List of pods: Kubectl Pods
List of kubectl deployments:Deployment List
I believe you're using the baremetal(simple laptop) to deploy your service.
If you have look at my-service it is in pending state and it is of type LoadBalancer. The type load balance is supported only for the cloud providers like aws,azure and google cloud. Hence you are not able to access anything.
I will suggest you to follow this tutorial here which allow you to deploy nginx as a pod and deploy a service around that and export that service as nodeport (without load balancer) to be able to access from outside.

Is there a way to not use GKE's standard load balancer?

I'm trying to use Kubernetes to make configurations and deployments explicitly defined and I also like Kubernetes' pod scheduling mechanisms. There are (for now) just 2 apps running on 2 replicas on 3 nodes. But Google's Kubernetes Engine's load balancer is extremely expensive for a small app like ours (at least for the moment) at the same time I'm not willing to change to a single instance hosting solution on a container or deploying the app on Docker swarm etc.
Using node's IP seemed like a hack and I thought that it might expose some security issues inside the cluster. Therefore I configured a Træfik ingress and an ingress controller to overcome Google's expensive flat rate for load balancing but turns out an outward facing ingress spins up a standart load balancer or I'm missing something.
I hope I'm missing something since at this rates ($16 a month) I cannot rationalize using kubernetes from start up for this app.
Is there a way to use GKE without using Google's load balancer?
An Ingress is just a set of rules that tell the cluster how to route to your services, and a Service is another set of rules to reach and load-balance across a set of pods, based on the selector. A service can use 3 different routing types:
ClusterIP - this gives the service an IP that's only available inside the cluster which routes to the pods.
NodePort - this creates a ClusterIP, and then creates an externally reachable port on every single node in the cluster. Traffic to those ports routes to the internal service IP and then to the pods.
LoadBalancer - this creates a ClusterIP, then a NodePort, and then provisions a load balancer from a provider (if available like on GKE). Traffic hits the load balancer, then a port on one of the nodes, then the internal IP, then finally a pod.
These different types of services are not mutually exclusive but actually build on each other, and it explains why anything public must be using a NodePort. Think about it - how else would traffic reach your cluster? A cloud load balancer just directs requests to your nodes and points to one of the NodePort ports. If you don't want a GKE load balancer then you can already skip it and access those ports directly.
The downside is that the ports are limited between 30000-32767. If you need standard HTTP port 80/443 then you can't accomplish this with a Service and instead must specify the port directly in your Deployment. Use the hostPort setting to bind the containers directly to port 80 on the node:
- name: yourapp
image: yourimage
- name: http
containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80 ### this will bind to port 80 on the actual node
This might work for you and routes traffic directly to the container without any load-balancing, but if a node has problems or the app stops running on a node then it will be unavailable.
If you still want load-balancing then you can run a DaemonSet (so that it's available on every node) with Nginx (or any other proxy) exposed via hostPort and then that will route to your internal services. An easy way to run this is with the standard nginx-ingress package, but skip creating the LoadBalancer service for it and use the hostPort setting. The Helm chart can be configured for this:
One option is to completely disable this feature on your GKE cluster. When creating the cluster (on console.cloud.google.com) under Add-ons disable HTTP load balancing. If you are using gcloud you can use gcloud beta container clusters create ... --disable-addons=HttpLoadBalancing.
Alternatively, you can also inhibit the GCP Load Balancer by adding an annotation to your Ingress resources, kubernetes.io/ingress.class=somerandomstring.
For newly created ingresses, you can put this in the yaml document:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: somerandomstring
If you want to do that for all of your Ingresses you can use this example snippet (be careful!):
kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces \
-o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"kubectl annotate ingress -n "}{.metadata.namespace}{" "}{.metadata.name}{" kubernetes.io/ingress.class=somerandomstring\n"}{end}' \
| sh -x
Now using Ingresses is pretty useful with Kubernetes, so I suggest you check out the nginx ingress controller and after deployment, annotate your Ingresses accordingly.
If you specify the Ingress class as an annotation on the Ingress object
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
Traefik will pick it up while the Google Load Balancer will ignore it. There is also a bit of Traefik documentation on this part.
You could deploy the nginx ingress controller using NodePort mode (e.g. if using the helm chart set controller.service.type to NodePort) and then load-balance amongst your instances using DNS. Just make sure you have static IPs for the nodes or you could even create a DaemonSet that somehow updates your DNS with each node's IP.
Traefik seems to support a similar configuration (e.g. through serviceType in its helm chart).

Kubernetes External Load Balancer Service on DigitalOcean

I'm building a container cluster using CoreOs and Kubernetes on DigitalOcean, and I've seen that in order to expose a Pod to the world you have to create a Service with Type: LoadBalancer. I think this is the optimal solution so that you don't need to add external load balancer outside kubernetes like nginx or haproxy. I was wondering if it is possible to create this using DO's Floating IP.
Things have changed, DigitalOcean created their own cloud provider implementation as answered here and they are maintaining a Kubernetes "Cloud Controller Manager" implementation:
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager for DigitalOcean
Currently digitalocean-cloud-controller-manager implements:
nodecontroller - updates nodes with cloud provider specific labels and
addresses, also deletes kubernetes nodes when deleted on the cloud
servicecontroller - responsible for creating LoadBalancers
when a service of Type: LoadBalancer is created in Kubernetes.
To try it out clone the project on your master node.
Next get the token key from https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/api/tokens and run:
export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=abc123abc123abc123
kubectl apply -f do-cloud-controller-manager/releases/v0.1.6.yml
There more examples here
What will happen once you do the above? DO's cloud manager will create a load balancer (that has a failover mechanism out of the box, more on it in the load balancer's documentation
Things will change again soon as DigitalOcean are jumping on the Kubernetes bandwagon, check here and you will have a choice to let them manage your Kuberentes cluster instead of you worrying about a lot of the infrastructure (this is my understanding of the service, let's see how it works when it becomes available...)
The LoadBalancer type of service is implemented by adding code to the kubernetes master specific to each cloud provider. There isn't a cloud provider for Digital Ocean (supported cloud providers), so the LoadBalancer type will not be able to take advantage of Digital Ocean's Floating IPs.
Instead, you should consider using a NodePort service or attaching an ExternalIP to your service and mapping the exposed IP to a DO floating IP.
It is actually possible to expose a service through a floating ip. The only catch is that the external IP that you need to use is a little unintuitive.
From what it seems DO has some sort of overlay network for their Floating IP service. To get the actual IP you need to expose you need to ssh into your gateway droplet and find its anchor IP by hitting up the metadata service:
curl -s
and you will get something like
This is the address that you can use as an external ip in LoadBalancer type service in kubernetes.
kubectl expose rc my-nginx --port=80 --public-ip=10.x.x.x --type=LoadBalancer