Is there a DevExpress DateEdit mode where users can type numbers without slash delimiter - devexpress-windows-ui

Users who are used to working with another software package would like to type just the numbers of dates, without slashes: 0 9 1 8 2 0 1 7. They have developed "muscle-memory" for dates and are pretty grumpy about having to enter the slashes.
This is a "heads down" data-entry scenario where they have to enter hundreds of dates, and speed is a concern. They say that they often have to enter dates from previous years, and it takes too long to navigate to the past years using the dropdown calendar.
Is there a mode setting for the DevExpress DateEdit for Winforms which allows that mode of entry?

Try to specify a mask, I think it should work.

Set mask property, as you need.. but you must be clear what type of date format user will enter


VFP9 app different date format on different servers

I have the same executable for a VFP9 app running on 2 servers.
On server 1 when user enters date 10/01/2022 into a text field with format property set to KD, and when text field loses focus, the value in the text field gets changed to 10/1/2022.
On server 2 when user enters date 10/01/2022 into a text field with format property set to KD, and when text field loses focus, the value in the text field does not get changed so it remains 10/01/2022.
I believe the format property having the D means to use windows settings and from what I have read/googled, perhaps the windows short date may be different on the 2 servers. Not really sure about any of that. Also, I can't find any VFP or otherwise documentation that would tell me from inside my VFP app, the windows setting for "is short date on?".
Any help appreciated,
tell me from inside my VFP app, the windows setting for "is short date on?"
I'd put it like: a local VFP instance's Date display is not affected by O/S setting as long as your code does not Set SysFormats On. The following custom check works for me in an En/US Windows as well as a German, and a French Windows UI. What are yours?
? ISALPHA(DTOC(DATE())) && returns .F.
? ISALPHA(DTOC(DATE())) && returns .T.
As for the comment:
Perhaps this is a simpler asking of my question: The same exact executable is running on 2 servers. lddate=ctod("09/20/2022") On server 1, ?dtoc(lddate) returns "09/20/2022" On server 2 ?dtoc(lddate) returns "9/20/2022". What is causing the different results
Nobody can tell without seeing the two server's regional settings and the foxpro code of your executable.
Try to remove or disable any
Set Sysformats On
line in the foxpro code, the default settings there ought to be as documented
The default date setting is AMERICAN
i.e. dtoc(Date(2022,9,20)) should return "09/20/2022" on both servers
Another possible cause could be a combination of an unusual Windows Short Date format. e.g. like d/M/yyyy, together with doing a SET DATE SHORT in the foxpro code

How to display and read a float in a non english (german) ionic 3 app?

In an ionic 3 app I am currently trying to get a floating point number as user input. Since the application is exclusively targeting a german audience I am expecting input with a comma as the decimal separator, e.g. 750,5.
In addition I would like to open the numerical keyboard.
I tried including an input field with type="text". I parsed the resulting input string using a custom parsing method, which respects the different decimal separator.
Since the input field has a two way binding and the application might change the number itself I convert the number to a string using the Angular decimal pipe like so:
numberString = new DecimalPipe('de').transform(value.count, '1.0-2');
That worked well, however the app always opens the full alphanumerical keyboard.
To show the numerical keyboard I used the input field with type="number".
<ion-input type="number" step="any"></ion-input>
Using this, the numerical shows as expected. However the input field now includes thousand separators. For example if I type 7500, the input field displays 7,500 using the English decimal separator.
Now I am not sure where this problem is caused but the app itself seems to be running under an English locale although the device is set to German. I expect the problem to be solved by setting the web view locale to German. How could I achieve this?

Kentico 9 form fields.. Is there a way to make a feild into a currency field only?

Have a form I am trying to build and even though I have a text box field that will work for users to enter a $ amount it would be nice to make it so that field only accepts numbers and keeps it in the $0.00 format. Seems like a simple thing but I cannot seem to find out how this would be done.
You need to specify the field as a decimal or double and define the precision (depending on what version you are using). The field should NOT be a text field but can use a textbox as the displaying control.
From an output standpoint, it will not automatically output $0.00, you have to format that based on the culture. There are several macros and functions within the API to do this.
Setup you control as followed
make the Data type a decimal number
in the Editing control settings click to show the Advanced section
in Filter set Type to Numbers and Custom
Add Valid characters your delimiter (, or .)
In the validation section add a rule for the minimum value to be 0.
The data type will enforce it to be a actual number.
You could also use as Validation a Regular expression setting something like:
which will allow a dollar sign prefix or suffix.

Qt5: date format MMM, in Spanish, remove point

In Qt5, the MMM format, which displays the month name in a short format (e.g., "Dec" instead of "12" or "December"), when using it for the Spanish locale, shows the abbreviated month name with a dot at the end, for example, for, "25th December 2016", in MMM/dd/yyyy format, shows "Dic./25/2016".
The problem is when editing. For displaying a date, it's ok, since it's what the Spanish rules say, but it isn't suitable for editing. I'm forced to position the cursor just after the point, at the end of the month part, to delete the point, and then, the rest of the month name. If I try to put the cursor just before the point, to edit just the month name part, the field is in "read-only" mode. I can't not remove anything, unless I remove everything from the very right of the line and back, character to character (or just selecting the whole month part and remove everything).
Besides, the point is not autocompleted. So, if the user writes the new month forgetting the dot, the edition is rejected and fall backs to the original value.
Taking all of it into account, editing a QDateEdit is a bit cumbersome (in Spanish).
I don't know if it is the built-in QDateEdit behaviour, or internally it is using a QRegExpValidator, but in that case, I don't know what it's the regexp expression, to personalize it from it.
In short, how can I "solved" it? (the cumbersome edition; it's ok for me both, removing the dot, or changing the validation).
The Qt 5 behavior is correct and there's nothing Qt can do (or should do). The only correct and acceptable short name of December in a es_ES locale is "dic.", trailing dot included. That's what CLDR says:

number representing text string

A web form collects data on students in a band organization at school. The form data is fed into a google sheet that then populates a merge template and the merged forms are emailed to the recipient. A parent needs to print, sign and turn in the forms. There are hundreds of kids in this band and at registration time when the forms are turned in it is easier to sort all the papers in the stack if you have a short sort number in the corner... Volunteer kids don't apply alphabetization well. I'm trying to create a formula that will give me that sorting number to merge onto the header of each page of the PDF they receive after submitting the form. I want it based on last name and then first name and be able to create that number (in the google sheet) on the fly because the merging happens almost instantly when the user submits the form. Hence, an excel type formula is desired that will result in a number representing the kids name. I'd like for each number to be unique but some names are the same for the first few letters, also some names are only 2 characters long. I tried making A=10, B=11, z=35 etc. (so all are 2 digits) So, using only the first 3 characters, Bob Jones would = 192423112411 - hardly easy to sort the paper at a glance and it doesn't really differentiate between Bob Janes either. 4 digits is preferable. I also looked at =code() formula and it came out with long numbers too. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
Side note: What method do spreadsheets use to sort text? Do they weight the characters or what? Before I got the automerge thing to work I assigned each kid in the list a number higher than the one below and lower than above (on the sheet), then did the merge.
One option is to:
sort the name list alphabetically
add a sort number column, and put a =TEXT(row(),"0000") formula to generate a unique ID
on the merge spreadsheet, use a VLOOKUP function to retrieve the unique ID for that specific name.
First off, that wall of text was kind of hard to read through. Please try and do a little formatting so the people trying to help you can easily follow what you're trying to convey.
Personally I would suggest a hyphenated system. First initial of last name converted to a number, followed by a hyphen, followed by the first two letters of their first name converted to numbers.
Bob Jones becomes 11-1956 assuming you differentiate between upper and lower case, or 11-1924 if you convert everything to upper case, which I guess makes more sense.
You could use this VBA function to convert names to a system like that:
Function ConvertToIndex(strInput As String) As String
Dim strLast As String
Dim arrName() As String
Dim strFirst1 As String
Dim strFirst2 As String
arrName = Split(strInput, " ")
strLast = Mid(arrName(1), 1, 1)
strFirst1 = Mid(arrName(0), 1, 1)
strFirst2 = Mid(arrName(0), 2, 1)
ConvertToIndex = Asc(UCase(strLast)) - 55 & "-" & Asc(UCase(strFirst1)) - 55 & Asc(UCase(strFirst2)) - 55
'MsgBox ConvertToIndex
End Function
Thank you Tim, Nutsch and Mad Tech for your responses. I appreciate your input. Sorry the paragraph was so long, I get wordy. Because the members get their merged PDF sheet immediately after submitting I need the number to be based on the name as soon as it's entered, not after the fact; so I was looking for a formula that would reside in the sheet. Interesting VBA function too though. I'll settle for numbering them afterwards, maybe when the sheets are turned in. By then I'll know all who are in the band and can assign numbers like before. Thanks again!