I recently upgraded from Eclipse Luna to Mars and I am getting the below error while clicking on Maven tab on viewing properties of index.html(Report file of cucumber project).
Please help me with the below error
It's not stopping me from generating reports but it was not happening before yesterday and I didn't change anything.
When I double click on any project (go into) in project explorer it won't open, to display my project content, this problem happened after installing glassfish tools on eclipse for the server.
I wanted to know where i can find out what the error is that causing me the strange behavior.
Before I double click on my project:
After I double click on my project :
my project is not empty !!
before installing glassfish i had jboss tools 4.0 and spring tools 4, when everything works fine but when i added glassfish i got this error (that I show the top) i tried to reset eclipse and install glassfish tools at the beginning without the other two to see will it give me another error, it worked without error but when I try to install spring tools 4 it gives me this error
I am using latest Eclipse version with cmake4eclipse add-on on my Debian machine. I am a noob at using Eclipse and already there is a problem! The very strange problem is that after building a project the explorer tab of IDE shows the built binary but I can not actually find it using my usual file manager. When I try to run the binary from IDE, Eclipse complaints a nullpointer exception has occurred. What is happening here?
I'm trying to configure Eclipse 4.5 with Gradle and Groovy. I have a more-or-less identical config (excepting later Eclipse version) as a colleague's in terms of Gradle and Groovy add-ons. But when I run Gradle->Refresh All I get a recurring error:
"Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'canon-qa'.
I've tried changing the Groovy compiler version, but nothing fixes the problem and the error message doesn't give me a lot to go on.
I recently tried configuring Eclipse 4.5.1 with the Groovy plugin found in the Eclipse marketplace (Groovy-Eclipse for Juno/Indigo 2.7.1) and ran into similar problems as you (Java Builder errors when trying to compile the Groovy code).
In order to resolve it, I had to stop using the marketplace plugin and install the groovy plugin for Eclipse 4.5 following instructions from https://github.com/groovy/groovy-eclipse/wiki (update url http://dist.springsource.org/snapshot/GRECLIPSE/e4.5/).
Not sure if this will help you but it resolved my issues.
I have just installed eclipse Mars (4.5) and I have a problem with one old JavaFx project. Before installing Mars, I was using Luna and got no problem with my JavaFx projects, now I have the following problem with one project, all the javafx code are underlined with a similar error:
Access restriction: The type 'LineChart' is not API (restriction on required library 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar')
I do not know what it means, I tried to refresh the project and reboot Eclipse but the errors do not disappear, I can run my application without any problem though. I have other JavaFx project but none got this error.
I am using the latest JDK 1.8 update 45.
I solved my problem by removing JavaFX SDK from the build path and adding it again. I don't understand why it did not work the first time.
I recently let STS update itself from 3.1 to 3.5 and now I'm getting errors regarding the MatchLocator class. I'm not sure what MatchLocator is, but it appears to be a core Eclipse service.
When I open STS I get 'Initializing Java Tooling' has encountered a problem.
An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling".
After it's open I get an error marker for each applicationContext.xml in each project that says
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jdt/internal/core/search/matching/MatchLocator
No lines are marked, just that it's a "Spring Beans Problem"
When I close STS I get Problmes occurred while trying to save the state of the workbench with details:
An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling".
I've tried downloading a fresh copy of STS 3.5 to a separate directory and each of my workspaces still have this error so I suspect the problem is in the .metadata directory. A couple other Stack Overflow posts have recommended deleting the workspace .metadata or .metadata\.plugins directories and letting Eclipse rebuild them for that workspace but that didn't fix it either.
I'm running on a Mac with these plugins: m2e Maven Integration and associated plugins, Scala IDE, STS and StartExplorer.
Is there a way to restore the missing MatchLocator files?
Fixed this by removing this file in each workspace:
Opening STS from the command line (on mac: ./STS.app/Contents/MacOS/STS -clean) and viewing stack traces on startup led me to this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13884461/1637003
Now all the random ways this bug was manifesting itself have gone away: JUnit tests not running, cmd+clicking to open declarations not working, various MatchLocator errors on startup and shut down.
One of the simplest solution for this problem is that we have to launch a new eclipse IDE and again we install STS tool plugin then import your project.
It works well and u get free from errors.