Play Framework,
ReactiveMongo Play JSON library
So in MongoDB; imagine that I have a collection for a league of teams. Each document represents a team's attributes, e.g.
"_id" : ObjectId("59ea36d3fdc2ce3d73c4be96"),
"name" : Team 1,
"stats" : {
"goalsScoredThisSeason" : 17,
"goalsConcededThisSeason" : 6,
"avgTicketPrice" : 74.0,
"thisSeasonFormArr" : [
I'm using scala forms to create input boxes, fill values from my collection (when editing fields), etc. I am able to do so with all of these except for the JsArray. There is a feature which creates the right amount of input boxes for the field array (repeated values) but I would prefer to have all of the values in a single input box, e.g.
W, L, D, ...
This is my case class (using automated mapping):
case class FormData(_id: Option[BSONObjectID], name: String, stats: Option[Stats])
case class Stats(goalsScoredThisSeason: Int, goalsConcededThisSeason: Int, avgTicketPrice: Double, thisSeasonFormArr: Option[JsArray])
So my form looks like this:
object MyForm {
val form = Form(
"_id" -> ignored(Option.empty[BSONObjectID]),
"name" -> nonEmptyText,
"stats" -> mapping(
"goalsScoredThisSeason" -> number,
"goalsConcededThisSeason" -> number,
"avgTicketPrice" -> of(doubleFormat),
"thisSeasonFormArr" -> optional(list(text)) // is this correct?
Can anyone help as to how I would create the suitable reads and writes for thisSeasonFormArr to ensure that the jsArray is converted to a string and vice-versa (so that the array can be mapped to one input box separated by commas). Let me know if you need any more details. Many thanks
Just to update: I now know that mapping the array (of strings) within the form is done like this "thisSeasonFormArr" -> optional(list(text)); ensuring that within the case class we have thisSeasonFormArr: Option[List[String]]. This allows to iterate through the List in the (Play) template to create multiple input boxes as mentioned earlier. So the only issue is to understand what would need to be done to have one input box containing all of the values of the array concatenated (separated by a comma) - being able to map them to the Scala Play form; in order to both read and write the content.
My input (simplified) is coming from many JSON files structured like this:
Type : "Root",
Id: "R1",
Nested : [
{ Type : "NestedType1", Id: "N1", SharedAttribute: 1 },
{ Type : "NestedType1", Id: "N2", SharedAttribute: 2 },
{ Type : "NestedType2", Id: "N3", SharedAttribute: 3, NestedType2SpecificAttribute = "foo" }
The important bit is that the nested elements share certain attributes (eg SharedAttribute), but they can have various other attributes (eg NestedType2SpecificAttribute). I cannot capture all attributes in the input schema as they are changing over time.
I want the nested array to be transformed so that it outputs a Kusto table with all common/shared attributes and an additional column with a string representing the nested array's items' JSON.
I'm using a DataFlow to read these JSON files from Data Lake.
To extract the array, I added a "Flatten" formatter and selected to unroll by "Nested" and made the unroll root the same. This gives me the expected data:
But I have no idea how to add an additional column called "RawJson" which should contain the source element of the unrolled array, essentially toString(currentItem) to produce a result like this:
{ Type : "NestedType1", Id: "N1", SharedAttribute: 1 }
{ Type : "NestedType1", Id: "N2", SharedAttribute: 2 }
{ Type : "NestedType2", Id: "N3", SharedAttribute: 3, NestedType2SpecificAttribute = "foo" }
Adding to #Mark Kromer MSFT, after flatten transformation, you will get the array of objects in the output.
additional column with a string representing the nested array's items'
Then use derived column transformation to get the output as String.
Flatten Output as array of objects:
Derived column:
In the Flatten transformation's "Input Columns" section, you can include the original array. You should be able to choose the array name that you set to unroll by and you can then rename it to "RawJson" in the Input Columns using the Name As property.
In my example, "coordinates" is the array that I unrolled as well as generated it as part of the output.
Given the following exemplary JSON document, which is a list of polymorphic objects of type A and B:
[ {
"a" : 1,
"type" : "A"
}, {
"b" : true,
"type" : "B"
}, {
"b" : false,
"type" : "B"
}, {
"a" : 2,
"type" : "A"
} ]
How would I be able to select the As and the Bs to be able to document them differently.
I put an example project on github:
Here is an excerpt of me trying to document the fetch method:
.description("only node types 'A' and 'B' are supported"),
.description("specific field for node type A")
.description("only node types 'A' and 'B' are supported"),
.description("specific field for node type A")
But I get the following error message:
org.springframework.restdocs.payload.PayloadHandlingException: [0] identifies multiple sections of the payload and they do not have a common structure. The following non-optional uncommon paths were found: [[0].a, [0].b]
It looks like that [0] or [1] does not work and is interpreted as [].
What would be the best way to handle this situation?
It looks like that [0] or [1] does not work and is interpreted as [].
That's correct. Adding support for indices is being tracked by this issue.
What would be the best way to handle this situation?
The beneathPath method that you've tried to use above returns an implementation of a strategy interface, PayloadSubsectionExtractor. You could provide your own implementation of this interface and, in the extractSubsection(byte[], MediaType) method, extract the JSON for a particular element in the array and return it as a byte[].
I m in the process of creating application where my back end is in go lang and database is mongoDB. My problem is that i have a map in my struct declared like
Data struct {
data map[interface{}]interface{}
after adding values in to this like
var data Data
I m inserting it like
When i insert this i m losing my key and can only see the values...
"_id" : Object Id("57e8d9048c1c6f751ccfaf50"),
"data" : {
"<interface {} Value>" : "country",
"<interface {} Value>" : "number",
"<interface {} Value>" : "son"
May i know any way possible to use interface and get both key and values in my mongoDB. Thanks....
You can use nothing but string as key in MongoDB documents. Even if you would define your Data structure as map[int]interface{} Mongo (don't know if mgo will convert types) wouldn't allow you to insert this object into the database. Actually, you can use nothing but string as JSON key at all as this wouldn't be JSON (try in your browser console the next code JSON.parse('{2:"number"}')).
So define your Data as bson.M (shortcut for map[string]interface{}) and use strconv package to convert your numbers into strings.
But I guess you must look at arrays/slices, as only one reason why someone may need to have numbers as keys in JSON is iterations through these fields in future. And for iterations we use arrays.
Update: just checked how mgo deals with map[int]interface{}. It inserts into DB entry like {"<int Value>" : "hello"}. Where <int Value> is not number but actually string <int Value>
I have got a database filled with documents like the following :
"_id" : ObjectId("56zeffb2abcf7ff24b46"),
"id_thing" : -1,
"data" : {
"info1" : 36.0709427,
"date" : ISODate('2005-11-01T00:33:21.987+07:00'),
"info2" : 24563.87148077
My find method returns a List which I operate some operations over:
for (d <- result_of_find_method_here)
val l_d = d("data")
But I would like to l_d a List which is currently not, and the toList method does not work.
How do I retrieve all the fields and their value of the data container as a list?
I have tried multiple methods, and none work because neither applies to AnyRef which is what I get when I iterate through the l_d with a foreach loop.
Find method returns a list because there are more objects returned.
l_d is not a list, because d['data'] is not a list is a key value store: a dictionary, json or map in Scala. The question is how do you want to represent this data?
Maybe you want to take out the values from the map as a list.
You can convert map to list using: l_d.toList or map values to list: l_d.values.toList
I am trying to query a mongo database from R using RMongo and return the values of a couple nested documents.
Looking through the documentation for RMongo, I understand the following query:
output <- dbGetQueryForKeys(mongo, 'test_data', '{"foo": "bar"}', '{"foo":1}')
Where the arguments are...
db = mongo
collection = 'test_data'
query = '{"foo": "bar"}'
keys = 'Specify a set of keys to return.'
What is the 1 in '{"foo":1}'? What is the structure of this key set? Checking against this blog post, I found a format like:
result < - dbGetQueryForKeys(mongo, "items", "{'publish_date' : { '$gte' : '2011-04-01', '$lt' : '2011-05-01'}}", "{'publish_date' : 1, 'rank' : 1}")
So, apparently, the keys need the value 1?
How would I get keys for nested documents? If I wanted something like...
output <- dbGetQueryForKeys(mongo, 'test_data', '{"foo": "bar"}', '{"foo1.foo2.foo3.foo4":1,"foo1.foo2.foo3.bar4":1}')
For nested keys, I'm currently returning something more like...
1 50fabd42a29d6013864fb9d7
1 { "foo2" : { "foo3" : { "foo4" : "090909" , "bar4" : "1"}}}
...where output[,2] is a looooong string, rather than as two separate variables for the values associated with the keys foo4 and bar4, ("090909", "1") as I would have expected.
What is the 1 in '{"foo":1}'? What is the structure of this key set?
These keys are the query projections to return for read operations in MongoDB. A value of "1" means to include a specific field and "0" excludes. The default behaviour is to include all fields in the projection.
How would I get keys for nested documents?
For nested keys, I'm currently returning something more like...
1 { "foo2" : { "foo3" : { "foo4" : "090909" , "bar4" : "1"}}}
...where output[,2] is a looooong string, rather than as two
separate variables for the values associated with the keys foo4
and bar4, ("090909", "1") as I would have expected.
The RMongo driver is returning data including the embedding hiearchy.
You can reshape & flatten the result output using the RMongo dbAggregate() command and the $project operator which is part of the Aggregation Framework in MongoDB 2.2+.
If your end goal is to extract the values from the nested object for some type of downstream processing in R this will get you there. It avoids having to build an aggregation pipeline and is a simple solution to your problem. Instead of trying to get deep into the nested structure and access bar4 directly, extract the top level of the object which will provide the long string that you've referenced.
output <- dbGetQueryForKeys(mongo, 'test_data', '{"foo": "bar"}', '{"foo1.foo2.foo3.foo4":1,"foo1":1}')
Since the output is a data.frame, you can use the 'jsonlite' library to get to your data:
foo1 <- fromJSON(output$foo1)
bar4 <- foo1$foo2$foo3$bar4