Laravel 5.5. artisan command queued - queue

I installed version 5.5 and I'm trying to generate the file by command.
php artisan make: MyCommand command --queued
The error is as follows. The "-queued" option does not exist.
How to create this file in this version?

In Laravel 5.5, --queued option does not exist, it was deprecated since version 5.1.
Check below similar question for version 5.4
The "--queued" option does not exist in Laravel 5.4


How do I update swift tools version?

I am following a server side swift tutorial and I am currently trying to dockerize my project.
when running the command docker run -v $PWD:/swift-project -w /swift-project server-build /swift-utils/ build release to run the build image and Im getting the following error:
/swift-project: error: package at '/swift-project' is using Swift tools version 5.2.0 but the installed version is 5.0.0
If I wanted to keep the swift-tools-version at 5.2 in my Package.swift, how would I update from version 5.0 to 5.2?

Carthage install of Eureka failing due to Swift Version

Starting with a brand new project, I am trying to install Eureka through Carthage. I set up a Cartfile with the specified line: github "xmartlabs/Eureka" ~> 3.0.0 as instructed.
I then execute with: carthage update --platform iOS
The build fails with the message:
Task failed with exit code 65" with the further message that the
project likely failed to compile. Checking the log file as instructed
I see the following: "error: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0' is unsupported,
supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. (in target 'Eureka')
I am using Xcode 10.2.1 and the new project defaults Swift Compiler Language to Swift 5. However, this is for the target of the new project. I see in the error the version is 3.0 for target Eureka.
Do I need to change something else for the default running through the terminal? Do I have some old version of a setting from Swift 3.0 hanging around somewhere?
Thank you, version Eureka 5.0 solved it. Unfortunately I was using the command from the webpage"github which says use: "xmartlabs/Eureka" ~> 3.0.0"

How to run upgrade wizards from command line in TYPO3 8

This works for TYPO3 9:
./vendor/bin/typo3 upgrade:list -a
./vendor/bin/typo3 upgrade:run <wizardName>
without Composer:
Same as Composer, but use different path:
./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 upgrade:list
./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 upgrade:run <wizardName>
As documented in Installation & Upgrade Guide: Upgrade Wizard (see also Reference Index for both Composer and non-Composer)
In TYPO3 8, shows no commands "upgrade", e.g.
referenceindex:update Update the reference index of TYPO3
syslog:list Show entries from the sys_log database table of the last 24 hours.
How can you run these commands from CLI in TYPO3 8?
You can try the binary typo3cms.
The typo3cms binary is NOT part of the core. Its provided by the composer package helhum/typo3-console and includes the basic binary featurees plus some extra.
Call it like the typo binary => ./vendor/bin/typo3cms
Then you will get the following output for the upgrade option:
upgrade:all Execute all upgrade wizards that are scheduled for execution
upgrade:checkextensionconstraints Check TYPO3 version constraints of extensions
upgrade:list List upgrade wizards
upgrade:wizard Execute a single upgrade wizard
TYPO3 also includes the binaries fluid and doctrine-dbal in the vendor/binfolder

Magento 2.2.7 MAGENTO di:compile STOPS AT 1/7 PROCESS

I'm upgrading from Magento 2.1.7 to Magento 2.2.7 and PHP 7.1, When I run " php bin/magento setup:di:compile" it stops at 1/7 and
I get the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Magento\SalesRule\Observer\SalesOrderAfterPlaceObserver' not found in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/app/code/Amasty/Promo/Observer/FixCouponsUsageObserver.php on line 19
I'm using the following Amasty versions:
amasty/module-special-promo: "2.2.1",
amasty/promo: "1.4.0",
amasty/base: 1.4.10
As a result of this I'm getting the following error when checking out:
code 500
message Fatal Error: 'Class 'Magento\SalesRule\Observer\SalesOrderAfterPlaceObserver' not found' in '/home/mthabisi/projects/oliversweeney/vendor/amasty/promo/Observer/FixCouponsUsageObserver.php' on line 19
When I have this type of error I follow those steps:
1 : Delete de var/di and var/generation folders and recompile.
2 : Check if the class "Magento\SalesRule\Observer\SalesOrderAfterPlaceObserver" Still exist. It could have been deleted or renamed in versions higher than 2.1.7
3 : If the class does not exist, update your plugin. The version of amasty you are using might only works with version prior to 2.2

vapor build command not working with Swift 3.0

I am currently following the small and brief introduction to Swift Vapor by following their "Hello World" tutorial on their website. However I keep getting an error from swift-package when I try to build the project where it shows the following.
$ vapor build
No .build folder, fetch may take a while...
Fetching Dependencies [Failed]
Error: swift-package: error: unknown command: --enable-prefetching
I cannot seem to find out how to resolve this online. Anybody have any idea?
you have not mentioned your environment, so i'm giving solution for macOS.
I had the same issue, my swift version is 3.0.2 and vapor toolbox version is 1.0.9,
I tried the following thing to make it work
get into your project directory
create xcode project with command
swift package generate-xcodeproj
open xcode project
Select your scheme as App like this
and then build and run app
hope this helps!!
Make sure that you're using the correct command line tools for the Swift Version that you're using.
You can check from Xcode > Preferences > Locations > Command Line Tools
For me, using swift 3.0.2, vapor build command doesn't work neither.
However using swift 3.1.0, vapor build command works well.
My Vapor toolbox version is v1.1.0
I had the same problem, and I had Swift 3.1 installed. I deleted old version completely and installed new one and now it's building fine.
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/vapor
brew tap vapor/homebrew-tap

brew install vapor
brew link vapor
if you have installed a new version previously.