Ionic v3 css CDN link? - ionic-framework

I am looking for Ionic v3 css CDN link. I figured out that styles are applied through JS bundles post compilation. I found out the links for the older versions here . Similarly do we have any CDN links for V3 and plus?

You can use
unpkg is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on
npm. Use it to quickly and easily load any file from any package using
a URL.
Default theme:
Dark theme:


Configure GitHub Pages syntax highlighting identical to GitHub

How to configure syntax highlighting for GitHub Pages to be identical to GitHub syntax highlighting?
GitHub uses a closed syntax highlighting library not available on GitHub Pages. Supposedly, it should be possible to get a reasonable result using the default Jekyll highlighter. However, for me it was simpler to switch to the highlight.js JS library. Here are the steps.
Disable Jekyll's highlighter in the _config.yml
Obtain the highlight.min.js library
Prebuilt library is available from the website or via CDNs.
A custom version can be generated online, if necessary.
Obtain a CSS theme file
Specific CSS theme can be picked chosen using online demo service. CSS files are also available via CDNs or can be downloaded for local access.
Load the library, theme file, and initialize the library
In my case, I placed the library in /assets/js/highlight.min.js and included the following lines in /_includes/head_custom.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ '/assets/js/highlight.min.js' | relative_url }}"></script>
I also included a CSS element /_sass/custom/custom.scss in to overwrite code block background:
.hljs {background: #fdfdfa !important;}

Import from node_modules into Svelte

Let me preface this by saying my knowledge of node apps and javascript is very limited, all my programming knowledge comes from a python data analyst background.
So, I am trying to learn frontend and build an app in Svelte. I will serve this app with another backend so I will not be using SvelteKit. I am also using Ionic for my UI framework. I will probably use Routify for routing but this is beyond the scope of this question. Also, I know svelte isn't officially supported by Ionic but i'm not interested in using another framework.
The simple method would be to include the Ionic CDN in the svelte index.html. However, I would like to keep my files in one place when I build the final app and not require a CDN or even possibly a network connection if I decide to use Capacitor to build for mobile devices. So, I'm not sure how to proceed. I would like to bundle Ionic (Ionic/Core - IonicIcons) with the default JS and CSS bundles that svelte builds using Rollup. Googling around a bit iv'e discovered I apparently need to use something called "rollup-plugin-css-only" to bundle the CSS and somehow include the JS files in commonjs in the "rollup.config.js". I tried adding the path to the JS files to commonjs but I couldn't see any changes to the bundled JS the svelte outputs. I also have no idea how to use add the css or use "rollup-plugin-css-only". Instructions and explanations iv'e found haven't been very helpful.
So, in summary... I'm trying to bundle Ionic into my svelte project without using a CDN and haven't figured out how too do it yet. I also may not be understanding this workflow correctly so let me know if I got something wrong. I just need an explanation or example of Ionic bundled in a svelte app. I would also like to mention that the workflow I am looking to accomplish will also allow custom themes in Ionic with the CSS processing.

IdentityServer3 supported browsers

I am trying to find the official documentation for the supported browser list for IdentityServer3. Does anyone know a link or such? I have been crawling the official documentation and have not found a full list as of yet.. Hopefully, I have just over looked it.
If you mean the default views, they utilize the following js libs - so you're better off the browser support for these:
=> source code, external js libs
Angular 1.3.1
Boostrap 3.0.3
jQuery 1.11
When that is said, all views can be overriden and implemented by you - so you can decide yourself what your browser support level is.
To quote Brock Allen on what's the intended default browser support
We don't support deprecated browsers. IIRC we agreed to IE9 and above. In fact much of the login or consent pages won't work for you if you're in IE7 I'd imagine.
=> source of quote

Using Pure CSS Blog Template

I am looking to create a blog website.
I was searching for CSS Template That I can use for my blog website.
I found blog theme very good.
How can I use it as my website template
What kind of Blog system are you using? Wordpress?
To use this layout:
You have to copy the html structure from the layout into your Blog template. You must also use the same css files.
If you're using Wordpress you could start with this theme:
It has all functionality without any layout.

TinyMCE with CDN on Contao 3.x

I have a Contao 3.x website where I use CDN for the assets. The problem that gives rise to on the backend is that TinyMCE does not work anymore. I read that there is a different cdn js for loading TinyMCE with CDN, but on a Contao (or probably the same with any other CMS using TinyMCE), and especially the backend, something like that is auto configured by the system. I could try to make a core change inserting a script tag on the template, but that is not optimal at all and not what I am looking for as a solution.
Anyone knows if there is a workaround with Access Control or something? I use Amazon CDN.