Capistrano use a custom name for release_path folder - deployment

Capistrano uses "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" to name the release_path folder.
So that the folder hierarchy looks like;
|------ shared
Would there be a possibility to use my own defined variable so that the releases inside releases folder looks like below;
|------ shared


PyQt5/Python3 reference qss file

I have a PyQt5 (5.15.6) application running in Python 3 and want to reference my qss file as such
qss_file = QtCore.QFile("my_app_qss.qss")
However, I have multiple apps that use the same qss file so depending on where I run the app from I need an absolute import rather than a relative import. I would also like to compile any of those apps with pyinstaller and deploy them to another machine. How can I reference this qss file?
example folder structure
| - resources/my_app_qss.qss
| - apps/
| -------project2/
The issue is that I did not understand that
qss_file = QtCore.QFile("my_app_qss.qss")
Is not a path to a file. It is referencing a file that gets built by pyrcc4 from the .qrc source

how to regenerate meson for newly added yaml files

I have added yaml files to add new dbus objects and I added PHOSPHOR_MAPPER_SERVICE_append = " com/newCoName"
(newCoName is the name of my company)
But when I run bitbake, do_configure for phosphor_mapper bails when it passes the option -Ddata_com_newCoName to meson. The following readme says I need to run ./regenerate_meson from the gen directory when I add new YAML files. But how do I do that from a recipe file?
One option is to generate these files outside ot yocto environment (i.e. not involving bitbake). Thus
clone that git repo
place your yaml file where you cloned repo
do what readme tells, i.e. go to gen directory and execute meson-regenerate script
collect changes that are done by script and create patch
add patch to your layer and reference it in .bbappend file (meta-/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces_git.bbappend)
Another option would be to add to .bbappend file additional task that runs before do_configure - and call that script from there:
do_configure_prepend() {
cd ${S}/gen && ./meson-regenerate
Along this .bbappend you should add your yaml so that it lands inside gen folder in patch or directly in your layer (check FILESEXTRAPATHS).
In both cases you'll need to patch meson_options.txt: add option
option('data_com_newCoName', type: 'boolean', value: true)

How to inlude multiple doxyfiles in a master doxyfile?

I am working on a project which has multiple modules with their own doxyfiles. My idea is to have a single master doxyfile which can include other private doxyfiles to create a one big documentation of the project. The directory structure looks like following:
| |-Doc+
| |-doxyfile_privateprj1
|-doxyfile_myproject(AKA Master Doxyfile)
How can I configure the doxyfile_myproject to include doxyfile_privateprj1 and doxyfile_privateprj2 in such a way that when I run Doxygen on the doxyfile_myproject, it then sequentially runs other doxyfiles?

Linking to multiple subdirectories using :repo_tree

My repository is set up similar to the following:
- artwork
- app
- designsystem
- api
Since each of the other folders in the repo (e.g. app, api, designsystem) depend on artwork, I have symlinks in place when running locally. This is working fine, as the path for images in the designsystem subdirectory is something like ../../artwork. When you check out the repository, the entire tree is checked out, so the symlinks are pointing to the correct directory.
However, when I deploy with capistrano, I use :repo_tree to only deploy a portion of the overall monorepo. For example, the deploy.rb script for the designsystem folder looks like:
# config valid for current version and patch releases of Capistrano
lock "~> 3.11.0"
set :application, "designsystem"
set :repo_url, ""
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/"
set :deploy_via, "remote_cache_with_project_root"
set :repo_tree, 'designsystem'
set :log_level, :error
before 'deploy:set_current_revision', 'deploy:buildMonolith'
The problem, of course, is that this only ends up deploying the designsystem subdirectory. Thus, the symlinks aren't valid, and are actually skipped in the building (buildMonolith step).
I'm wondering how I might go about having capistrano check out another subdirectory, artwork, and placing it somewhere in the repository source tree.
I was able to solve this by adding a capistrano task called assets.rb:
require 'pathname'
# Import assets from a top level monorepo directory into the current working
# directory.
# When you use :repo_tree to deploy a specific directory of a monorepo, but your
# asset repository is in a different directory, you need to check out this
# top-level directory and add it to the deployment path. For example, if your
# monorepo directory structure looks something like:
# - /app
# - src/
# - assets -> symlink to ../../assets
# - /assets
# - /api
# And you want to deploy /app, the symlink to the upper directory won't exist if
# capistrano is configured to use :repo_tree "app". In order to overcome this,
# this task checks out a specified piece of the larger monorepo (in this case,
# the assets directory), and places it in the deployment directory at a
# specified location.
# Configuration:
# In your deploy/<stage>.rb file, you will need to specify two variables:
# - :asset_path - The location within the deployment directory where the
# assets should be placed. Relative to the deployment working
# directory.
# - :asset_source - The location of the top-level asset folder in the
# monorepo. Relative to the top level of the monorepo (i.e.
# the directory that would be used as a deployment if
# :repo_tree was not specified).
# In the above example, you would specify:
# set :asset_path, "src/assets"
# set :asset_source, "assets"
namespace :deploy do
desc "Import assets from a top-level monorepo directory"
task :import_assets do
on roles(:all) do |host|
within repo_path do
final_asset_location = "#{release_path}/#{fetch(:asset_path)}"
asset_stat_result = capture "stat", "-t", "#{final_asset_location}"
asset_stat_result = asset_stat_result.split(" ")
if asset_stat_result[0] == "#{final_asset_location}"
info "Removing existing asset directory #{final_asset_location}..."
execute "rm", "-rf", "#{final_asset_location}"
source_dir =
info "Importing assets to #{source_dir}/#{fetch(:asset_source)}"
execute "GIT_WORK_TREE=#{source_dir}", :git, "checkout", "#{fetch(:branch)}", "--", "#{fetch(:asset_source)}"
info "Moving asset directory #{source_dir}/#{fetch(:asset_source)} to #{final_asset_location}..."
execute :mv, "#{source_dir}/#{fetch(:asset_source)}", "#{final_asset_location}"
It would be nice if I could somehow link into the git scm plugin, rather than calling git from the command line directly.

Use WinZip command line to zip files including specifc to level folder

I have a directory structure that looks like this:
I want to zip everything up EXCEPT the Mac directory. So essentially I want to have Include and Windows/* in the zip folder like this:
.zip ---
My issue is I cannot seem to figure out how to get winzip to zip the include folder w/out include the mac (by doing Main/*)
This is what I am running:
c:\\progra~2\\winzip\\wzzip.exe -rp Main\Include\\* Main\Windows\\*
Any ideas?