Example of filemaker script if statement, for someone to only see customers with UK field in table - filemaker

In filemaker security I only want users from a country such as Uk to see Uk customers in a table.
How would I write the if statement for this for example
If(Country = “UK”; ????

Assuming you have a field for country in your user table, you need to compare this for the logged in user to the country field in the table you want to restrict access to.
Such as:
LoggedInUserCountry = Country
If this evaluates to true, the privilege is enabled.
LoggedInUserCountry should be a global field that is set during login, making it accessible from every table.


Restrict Submission on Cognito Forms' Form Based on Previous Entries

I built a form in Cognito Forms for employees to reserve company vehicles. The following are important fields on the form:
Employee Name
Employee Email
Vehicle (selection)
Pick Up Date = date the user will get the car
Mileage = how many miles the user put on the car, entered after returning the car
We want to restrict the user from entering a new car reservation if they have a past entry that has not had Mileage entered. I was considering using a calculated field of some kind and then using the quantities feature to restrict duplicate entries but not sure what could be used in the form as comparison for duplicates. I know that currently Cognito Forms does not have a method for doing lookups of previous entries or else there wouldn't be a question. Has anyone else found a workaround before?

How to find out the columns to be grouped when a query is generated dynamically?

I need to implement a feature where the user will be generating reports dynamically.
In that feature, the user will be presented with an interface to select some specific modules. Each module will point to a set of tables internally.
Consider the following tables,
**Table Name : module_location**
location_name ->Contains a location name
**Table Name : module_streets**
street_location_id (F.K module_location.location_id)
street_name ->Contains street name in a location
If the user selects the module name Location, he is indeed choosing the list tables to be queried on(which is done internally)
In this case, module_location and module_streets (They will be joined by location id).
After selecting the Location module the user has to choose the set of fields which needs to be shown in the dynamic report, once generated.
So he'll be provided with an interface to select those fields. The names given in the interface will be alias names for the respective fields in the tables
The user will be presented with option to select the following
Location Name -> Corresponds to the field 'location_name'
Street Name -> Corresponds to the field 'street_name'
After selecting the required fields to be shown, the user will have to select some conditions like(count,sum etc)
Suppose, the condition is like Get the number of streets in a location, the user will have to add condition count against the option Street Name.
After selecting the conditions, the user have to simply click the submit button in-order to generate the report.
The issue I'm facing here is how to decide the columns to be grouped. If this is done manually, I know that I need to group the location_id to get the count. So how can I do that, if the query is generated dynamically?
Kindly help. The database I'm using is postgresql8.4

Read only logic on the basis of user logged in to openbravo

I have a requirement in Openbravo 3.0 framework . I have two user one is HR and the other is employee . Their is a checkbox in user window called HR USER .. In my window I need to write a read only logic so that when HR logins the record has to be editable , and when the employee logins the record has to be non editable,, I know how to do that for normal fields ,, But i am not getting anything about user validation..
In the employee screen i am assigning the user id to that employee.
Please Help
Read Only Logic based on Logged in User:
finding out the ID (primary key) of the User (HR or Employee) using PGAdmin Query tool.
Add read only as shown below.
Read Only Logic based on Logged in Role :
This can be achieved in three steps
creating Auxiliary Input.
finding out the ID (primary key) of the role (HR or Employee)
associating Read Only Logic to the Column.
First of all, we need to add an Auxiliary Input that will make
AD_ROLE_ID of the currently logged in user available to the user
window. Using the System Administrator role navigate to the
Application Dictionary || Setup || Auxiliary Input and create a new
record as shown below:
This will make the #AD_ROLE_ID session variable available to the [user] tab of the HR User window through the #ROLE_ID# variable.
Secondly, you need to find out what the AD_ROLE_ID of the HR role
is. Use the PgAdmin to query the AD_ROLE table and find that out. A
simple query reveals the following:
select ad_role_id, name from ad_role;
ad_role_id | name
1000001 | Admin
(38 rows)
The primary key (AD_ROLE_ID) of the HR role is 054A32701D6D4CE6BF4F695DAB23EDB3. This will clearly be different in your case.
With this information, we can now find the HR User field definition
and set its Read Only Logic to
#ROLE_ID#!'054A32701D6D4CE6BF4F695DAB23EDB3' as shown below:

Filemaker - Can I use a portal like a drop-down value list?

I am trying to work around a limitation that Filemaker 12 seems to have. In a value list that links to an ODBC attached SQL Server database, it doesn't display every piece of data. If there are 2 people with the same last name for example, it only displays the first person with that last name in the list. This is verified by the following in the Filemaker documentation (which I found after a lot of digging)
If the value list is defined to display information from two fields, items will not be duplicated for the field on which the value list is sorted. For example, if the value list displays information from the Company field and the Name field, and if the values are sorted by the Company field, only one person from each company will appear in the value list.
Portals on the other hand will find all the related data, I just don't understand how do something with the data once I get it in the portal. I essentially thus wish to use a portal AS my drop-down value list, and then to use it as I would have a value list (which is then to act as the key to do the rest of the lookups on the page to fill out the invoice.
The major issue here (other than this maddening choice Filemaker seems to make) is that the external file I am pulling the data from is an ODBC mounted SQL Server file, so I can't do something easy like a calculated field which would give me last name & " " & first which would make almost every person unique. Filemaker won't let me do that because it says I can't do that with a field that is not indexed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Assuming that we're starting with table MyTable and we're trying to get a ID from the People table for the selected person, which we'll call ID so that we can put it into MyTable::PersonID
Start by creating a new Table Occurrence of your People table and call it PeopleWhoCanBeSelected. If you want every person in the People table you can connect it to MyTable with the X relationship. If you want to show just a subset of the people you can build a different relationship.
Now, on a layout displaying records from MyTable you will make a portal showing records from the PeopleWhoCanBeSelected table.
In the portal put a button. When that button is pressed use the Set Field script step:
Set Field MyTable::PersonID to:
That should do it. You can make the button an invisible overlay on the entire portal record if you like, so that the user clicks on "the name" instead of "the button next to the name".
Now, if you want to pull additional data through to the MyTable record, you'll need to create a second Table Occurrence, called People with the relationship MyTable::PersonID = People::ID. Then you can get information on the specifically chosen person through that relationship.

Password Protect a form in MS Access 2003

I am trying to create a login for my database and I don't want to use the Microsoft way of doing so. I want to have the users login with a username and password then have that information verified in the "tblUsers" table.
UserID LoginID Level LevelID
jpurk jack23 admin 3
krimes kitty editor 2
lwalms low34 reader 1
I got as far as verifying the "UserID" and "LoginID" using dlookup
Nz(DLookup("[LoginID]", "tblUsers", "[UserID] = '" & Me.txtUserID & "'"), "")
The problem I have now is that I want certain items on the menu unavailable to users without the proper Level; If they are only an "editor" or a "reader", then I don't want them to have access to the "administrative" button where I have placed all admin forms.
After I use dLookup to verify the username and password, how do I now find out their "Level" and assign rights to different menu items? Thank you.
Assuming your DLookup has found an existing LoginID value, you can use another to retrieve that user's LevelID. Then enable/disable the administrative command button based on their LevelID.
I'll suggest something like this in Form Load:
Dim lngLevelID As Long
lngLevelID = DLookup("[LevelID]", "tblUsers", "[LoginID] = " & Me.txtLoginID)
Me.cmdAdmin.Enabled = (lngLevelID = 3)
Notes: That assumes you've previously loaded the user's LoginID number into a text box named txtLoginID. txtLoginID could be hidden if you don't want the users to see it. Or you can grab the LoginID value by some other method.
If you have one-to-one matches between Level and LevelID, you shouldn't need to store both values in tblUsers. You can create a UserLevels lookup table to hold both, and store just the LevelID in tblUsers as a foreign key to the appropriate row in UserLevels.
Finally, the strategy you're using can work, but the security is shaky. As "guidance" to users willing to follow the rules, it's OK. But it can be easily circumvented by even unsophisticated users. Look for a different approach if your security needs are stringent.