How to copy build artifact to external server in Teamcity? - deployment

I am working on Angular 4 deployment using TeamCity. I need to copy artifacts generated by build to a external FTP-server in automated manner. Can anyone help me to achieve this?

You can add a specific Build Step with the runner type: FTP Upload
You should use it either:
After producing the content to push.
In another build step, with artifact dependencies.


Azure Pipeline artifacts do not show under Storage

I have created a c++ pipeline where the output of the build pipeline is published to drop container. The structure is the following
My engineers will need to view drop folder and according to the version that needs to be manually deployed to a client the will download the dll file.
As far as I understand there is not any way to view them under Artifacts (what a shame). I go to the project settings under Storage but I cannot view them either there. Only place that I am able to find them is under the pipeline run and then I have to find in which version of the pipeline run a specific service version was produced. This is a maze. We have dozens of c++ projects and we have to keep track of which pipeline version run of each project matches the service version.
Is there any way to be able to access them like in a folder structure?
You could use Builds - List via rest API to get all the builds for a pipeline, then use : Artifacts - List rest API to get all the artifacts for a build. It will list all the download URL for artifacts, then you could download them together or choose the one you want to download.
Besides, you could use the publishLocation argument in publish build artifacts task to copy the artifacts to a file share (FilePath). And the file share must be accessible from the agent running the pipeline. In this way you could publish all your artifacts to the file share you want for better management.
In addition, you could also use Universal Package task to publish your artifacts to your feed for better review.

How do I add Sonarqube scans to NativeScript apps?

Has anyone ever integrated Sonarqube scans in their CI pipeline to scan Nativescript apps?
My current scenario is I have 3 separate build jobs.
Build the Angular website
Cloud - Windows
Build the android apk and publish the artifact (tns build android...)
Cloud - Mac
Build the ios ipa and publish the artifact (tns build ios)
The problem I face is that I want to run a sonarqube scan, which needs to run on-premise, which is fine because I can download the artifacts (apk file or ipa), or I can download the source. The real issue is that I do now know what to scan exactly. I don't know what to put in my (sonar.sources). Does anyone have a clue?
The sonar.sources paths are the directories containing main source files. The path is relative to the file. Defaults to ..
So you can download the source code, and set the path of sonar.sources to the source code folder.
For example, if the source files reside in mysource folder which is in the same directory of your file. You can set the sonar.sources=mysource.
Please check the document
Analysis Parameters and
SonarScanner for more information.
You can also check this thread, you may find it helpful.
You can also check out this tutorial to integrate Sonarque with azure devops pipeline. Managing technical debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps

Build multiple projects/repositories with one build definition VSTS

I am using VSTS for my OPA5 Tests, so all works for one project. For this I created a Build for these Projects i wanted to test.
But if I want to test all projects, do I need to create a build for all Project or is there a solution to build all projects with one build definition?
The build should do always the same things, saved in a YAML File.
I have seen thats is possible to do builds with difficult branches but not with difficult repositories.
So has anyone a solution for this or is it impossible at the moment?
Yes, it's possible.
You just need to clone another git repositories at the beginning of the build.
So you can add a PowerShell task as the first task and execute git clone command.
And If you are using YAML file, just add the script to execute the PowerShell task.
Besides, you can also refer the post VSTS build from multiple repositories.

Can I download artifacts built by BuildHive?

I have started using the free Jenkins build service on BuildHive for one of my GitHub projects. This is also my first try doing anything with Maven. I have succeeded in building my project using this script on BuildHive:
cd base_dir
mvn package
The build log shows that the resulting JAR has been built. Now I would like to offer the JAR to my project's users as a download artifact because GitHub has discontinued the feature of manually uploading binaries in a separate download section.
Is there any way I can download an artifact, referencing it by a URL? If so, how do I construct the URL, knowing only the artifact's local path from the build log?
Alternatively, is there a way in which I can push the artifact to another place by adding a command to my build shell script after mvn package? I was thinking of something like a curl or ftpput commmand.
The best thing I was able to come up with as a quick workaround was to upload the artifacts in question to my FTP server via curl, as suggested by my original question. It works, but the downside are the FTP credentials in the build public log. I have counterbalanced that by a shell script on my DSL router which checks for FTP storage abuse every few minutes.
As an alternative I found that after creating a free CloudBees account for my little open source project, I got my own Jenkins build configuration as well as my own artifact repository where to deploy my build artifacts. This is much more elegant and does not involve posting any FTP credentials to a public server.
I am still open for BuildHive-only solutions if anyone has a smart idea. :-)

TeamCity: Best Practices to deploy produced installers (artifacts)

We got a TeamCity server which produces nightly deployable builds. We want our beta tester to have access these nightly builds.
What are the best practices to do this? TeamCity Server is not public, it is in our office, so I assume best approach would be pushing artifacts via FTP or something like that.
Also I have no clue how to trigger a script when an artifact created successfully. Does TeamCity provide a way to do that?
I don't know of a way to trigger a script, but I wouldn't worry about that. You can retrieve artifacts via a URL. Depending on what makes sense for your project, you could have a script set up on a scheduler (cron or Windows Scheduling) that pulls the artifact and sends it to the FTP site for the Beta testers. You can configure it to pull only the latest successful artifact. If you set up the naming right, if the build fails they beta testers won't notice because the new build number just won't be there, no bad builds would be pushed to them.
Read the following help page from the documentation. It shows how you send commands from your build script to tell teamCity to publish the artifacts to a given path.
In TeamCity 7.0+ you can use Deployer plugin. Installation steps can be found here. It also allows to upload artifacts via SMB and SSH.
I suggest you start looking at something like (n)Ant to handle your build process. That way you can handle the entire "build artifacts" -> "publish artifacts" chain in an automated manner. These tools are dependency based, so the artifacts would only be published if the build succeeded.