Bing image search APIs give different result that Bing Image web search page - bing

I am using the bing image search APIs (endpoint: Using this endpoint the results are different than what I am seeing on the bing image search website (
Do we know how I can get the same results using the APIs and the bing search website?

This is expected as consumes a lot of other information (with user's permission) such as session id, browser, form factor, etc. In API, all this info is optional and hence response may vary. Ideally, you can get very close to results on but replicating exactly is difficult.


Getting a thumbnail from a Bing News result using Bing News Search API

I am trying to get a thumbnail from an object that is returned using the Bing News Search API. The only helpful attribute of the returned object that I can think of in this problem is the url. Is there any easy way of using this url to get the thumbnail for the article?
Use the url Bing Search gives you back to make a curl call to the url and get the image from the page's OGP data. Several libraries are available in multiple programming languages to parse a webpage's OGP data.

facebook fanpage geotaggig map

Is there a way to have a map on my facebook fanpage with geotaggs from my photos similar with instagram map ??
I have a lots of pictures and i”ve put on everyone location so it would be nice to find a way to display my route on a map.
I'm not going to provide full code for you to do this, but if you are prepared to put a little bit of code together, this should be pretty simple:
Get a list of photos from your Page. You can do this via Graph API with either the /pageid/photos or /pageid/tagged/ connections. You will of course require an access token in order to request this information.
This will give you a list of Photo IDs, so you should now iterate through these IDs one by one (or using Batch Graph API requests) and request the Graph API object for each Photo ID. In each object will be a place field (if the location has been tagged, and if the user whose access token you are using is able to view the photo) which contains a Place ID.
For each of those Place IDs, there may be (some Places lack this) a location field which will contain a latitude and a longitude.
Use these Geo-points with an API for Google, Bing or some other mapping software to create an HTML page with a map filled with markers that highlight each of the photos.
Use this HTML page as your Page Tab URL for a Facebook app and then follow these instructions to add this as a tab to your Facebook Page.

Fetch location or coordinates specfic posts using facebook search api

Is there are way to fetch location/coordinate specific public posts using the facebook search api ( ...)? I want this to be a general search query, without any user authorization.
I tried using,-122.427&distance=1000&access_token=... , but this requires access_token and returns objects(not posts) posted only by friends of the user whose access token is used for querying.
I also tried,77.5833&distance=1000&access_token=[I-USED-ANY-ACCESS-TOKEN], but I dont think this is giving me the location specific results as I am not receiving any loc info in the json response.
Are there any free data sources/APIs that can provide me location/coordinate/ip specific posts/data/tweets/feeds, etc from the web / social networking websites?
It is possible to walk the FB graph to get such places and their coordinates for types like event, place, checkin. For example:
Search (link):
Then pick one of the results and do (link):
Then lookup the venue id's coordinates (link):
Check the FQL table definitions to verify that location coordinates are provided.
The accepted answer doesn't really answer the question.
The answer is no, there isn't a way to search for general posts by location (excluding your friends). It's probably to protect user privacy.

Comments not crawlable by search engines?

I was wondering if Search Engine spiders can see the comments, when I open the source of the page the comments are not showing up (same as with disqus), so I'm assuming when the search engines crawl the page they won't see the comments either? Is this assumption correct? If so, is there a way to change this?
Found the solution:
How can I get an SEO boost from the comments left on my site?
The Facebook comments box is rendered in an iframe on your page, and
most search engines will not crawl content within an iframe. However,
you can access all the comments left on your site via the graph API as
described above. Simply grab the comments from the API and render them
in the body of your page behind the comments box. We recommend you
cache the results, as pulling the comments from the graph API on each
page load could slow down the rendering time of the page.
Only what get thrown to a crawl engine the crawl engine can see, hence these comments should be outputted in able to get crawled and saved into the SE database or whatever it uses to collect data about websites, you might check the headers the connection request came from, if it belongs to a crawl engine and that's called a user agent in our case humans (browsers), here you can find a way to detect crawlers using PHP, after detecting it you force the comments to be shown in order to get crawled, here also a good resource on how to deal with crawlers from Google itself.
Now if you're talking about Facebook comments, it's impossible to let them indexed by the crawler or SE, when a crawler attempt to visit one of the Facebook pages it won't be able to see users' data because of the login page, and if you are talking about Facebook plugins you may do what what I suggested above, article talking about Facebook comments crawling.

Getting the large picture in search results with Facebook Graph API

In Facebook Graph API, I'm trying to get the large picture of each user in a search result. The following call will give me the small picture of each user:,id,picture&limit=10&type=user&access_token=*
It's rather easy to get the large picture for a single user, by adding the type=large parameter. But that seems to be ignored when searching (probably since there's already a 'type' parameter used to filter the search results).
Is there any way I can do it with Graph API?
My approach was to pre-fetch all users with the large and square pictures so that I can choose to use either. As far as I know, you cannot do this with the Graph API because the Graph API is pre-defined to present a specific output.
Let me know if you need more information around this.