Does universal-ctags support exuberant-ctags config files? - exuberant-ctags

I've got a $HOME/.ctags file from exuberant-tags, but universal-tags doesn't seem to be picking up my options from it. Does universal-tags support these config files?

See this documentation for details. The quick answer is:
mkdir $HOME/.ctags.d
mv $HOME/.ctags $HOME/.ctags.d/default.ctags
As an added bonus, you can now add comments to the file.

Apparently the file must have a name. at least in windows. so
.ctags will never work. As soon as I renamed my file to defaults.ctags the executable started reading it, if you enter bad syntax in the ctags file you will see errors output on the command line.


I can't change permissions

So my "code ." command doesn't work. I get the error
/usr/local/bin/code2: line 6: python: command not found
/usr/local/bin/code2: line 10: ./MacOS/Electron: No such file or directory
I saw that I just have to change python to python3 in the code file in /usr/local/bin. Except when I change the file, I'm unable to save it with the change. I get all sorts of errors telling me I don't have permission to change it. So then I look up how to change it, and it says to click on get info on the file, and then change the permissions in the sharing and permissions section. But my get info doesn't HAVE a sharing and permissions section!
What do I do?
PS: I realized I can see permissions if I do get info on the whole bin directory. I made it so everyone can read & write. Except I still can't save the altered version of the code file. I still don't know what to do anymore.
Ok I still have no idea how to save an edited version of the code file, but here is how I got around it for now.
brew install python
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
Now I can use code . but I'm still very upset with my computer for not cooperating with me. 😡

Doxygen failed to run html help compiler, hhc.exe error HHC5010 when running from folder that has a parent folder that starts with "."

I am using Conan package manager on Windows to create a package. The conan command to create the package copies files to a folder within %USERPROFILE%\.conan (or C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.conan). Then from this location it builds a Visual Studio project and ultimately calls doxygen.exe to create a .chm help file in a post-build command. The doxygen command fails with:
error : failed to run html help compiler on index.hhp
Further investigation reveals the hhc.exe command executed by doxygen is failing with:
C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.conan\data\Module\1.0.0\user\channel\build\524dc97e4a3dd1f774ea3897f9e4faf26c5457d2\Documentation>"C:/Program Files (x86)/HTML Help Workshop/hhc.exe" html\index.hhp
HHC5010: Error: Cannot open "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\data\Module\1.0.0\user\channel\build\524dc97e4a3dd1f774ea3897f9e4faf26c5457d2\Documentation\html\Module.chm". Compilation stopped.
Close inspection reveals that in the error message, the ".conan" folder is missing. Sure enough, I confirmed that hhc.exe fails when the index.hpp resides in a folder that has a parent folder that starts with a ".".
Attempts to resolve this:
changing the Doxyfile setting OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to "$(TMP)/DoxygenModule" resolves the error, but creates the .chm file in another location, which I do not prefer.
navigating to the 8DOT3 name of the ".conan" folder, which is "CONAN~1", to run the hhc.exe command, succeeds, but unfortunately I have no way of getting conan to use this 8DOT3 path for creating the package. E.g. C:\Users\xxxxxxx\CONAN~1\...
I can live with the using the %TMP% folder but would prefer generating the .chm in the current folder. Anyone have any ideas?
HTML Help Workshop v1.31 is installed on my machine at C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop, probably from a Visual Studio installation (not sure). I attempted using a version downloaded from Microsoft website (v1.30) as well, which made no difference.
Other info: Conan version 1.18.0, Doxygen version 1.8.14, Windows 10 Version 1809
Unfortunately not a solution, but this is a known limitation in the hhc.exe, see:
HTML Help 1.x command line compiler hhc.exe cannot compile CHM file to folder whose full path contains folder name starting with dot. If you have that problem, you probably specified output path with folder starting with dot, e.g. "d:\My files.NET\documentation". You can use dots in folder names but not at the beginning.
Edit 2019-11-15:
I've just pushed a proposed patch to github (pull request 7402,
This proposed patch changes inside doxygen from the current directory to the short named current directory, but just for the HTML Help compilation.
Edit 2019-11-16:
Code has been integrated in the master version on github.
This is not an answer either. Actually, you found the answer and workaround[s] yourself.
Use OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to specify a directory containing no folder names beginning with periods.
The error you described is a known issue of the MS HTML Help compiler. More general, the HTML Help compiler does not like some folder and file names. Try and stick with these characters _, a..z, A..Z, 0..9. Do not use these signs in particular ., -, # .
Please note that the proprietary CHM file format is about 20 years old (Windows 95, ...). HTML Help is in maintenance mode, which means no new features and bug fixes are expected for either the runtime or the compiler. All mainstream development on HH has stopped.
There is no way to avoid this error if a directory name above begins with a period. Not even if only the necessary files are written by Doxygen and compiling of the index.hhp is done by a third-party tool like FAR HTML using your path that contains .conan. This is because all applications are using the faulty HHA.dll.
The above applies of course to the entire workflow you have described. Maybe you can interrupt it.
Doxygen can be configured not to call the HTMLHelp compiler. Just uncheck the GENERATE_HTMLHELP option (DoxyWizard: Experts > Topics > HTML). You have all files generated by Doxygen in your preferred output directory - but of course without the CHM file. This can be imported later e.g. by HelpNDoc and compiled as a CHM file in another location.
If you can interrupt the workflow and can also make changes to Doxygen's settings, then a preference setting of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to e.g. C:/CacheMenu/CONAN~1/DOXYGE~1 also works as expected (here used as test case).
No matter what you do, your workaround and copy and paste from another directory outside is a quick solution at this stage. Please note the EDIT in #albert's answer.

error using doxygen and graphViz: problems opening map file

I'm using Doxygen-1.8.7, which i have downloaded from official website in dmg version. I'm using 10.9.3 MacOS. I have installed graphviz via macports.
I use Doxygen GUI to configure it and run. Everything works great, if i choose "use build-in diagram generator". But when i use dot tool, i get this:
error: problems opening map file
1207/html/ for inclusion in the docs!
I've tried to change SHORT_NAMES and FULL_PATH_NAMES as i find in solution from 2008, but it doesn't help.
GraphViz/bin is in paths.
There are no white spaces in *.dot names.
I got this message 'problem opening map file for inclusion in the docs', if doxygen is not able to find graphviz/dot in the path.
Try setting the path explicitly using DOT_PATH in the doxyfile.
As albert, already mentioned remove any whitespace in the path to the output path.
Another good idea is to completely remove your output directory, e.g. html, and regenerate your documentation.
It also seems that doxygen is for activating dot.exe space sensitive. Make sure your path is like this or at least without whitespaces:
based on experience of Graphviz 2.38 on windows 10
The following method worked for me on Windows 10 with Doxygen 1.8.14.
Open cmd and type dot -c. Then, delete the doxygen output folder and regenerate it.
Make sure you have graphviz in your path. My graphviz is installed at C:\Program Files\Graphviz 2.44.1. So, there is no problem, even if spaces are there.

Where are Doxygen output files put?

I have just run Doxygen from the command line and am unsure where it put it...
It doesn't show up in the directory I ran it from
Is there an easy way to find it?
From the Doxygen manual:
The default output directory is the directory in which doxygen is started. The root directory to which the output is written can be changed using the OUTPUT_DIRECTORY. The format specific directory within the output directory can be selected using the HTML_OUTPUT, RTF_OUTPUT, LATEX_OUTPUT, XML_OUTPUT, and MAN_OUTPUT tags of the configuration file. If the output directory does not exist, doxygen will try to create it for you (but it will not try to create a whole path recursively, like mkdir -p does).
If you are having some problems getting it to do what you want use doxywizard it makes writing the configuration file much easier.

iphone build error that makes me want to buy a nail gun

I'm just trying to build a simple update (which I have done before) for an iphone app, but now for some reason I'm getting this error. Can anyone tell me what it means?
Command/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin/Contents/Resources/copyplist failed with exit code 127
sh: plutil: command not found
Here are the Build Results:
CopyPNGFile /Users/me/path/build/Dist-iphoneos/ images/img_000.png
cd /Users/me/
setenv COPY_COMMAND /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Resources/pbxcp
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.frameworK/Versions/1.6/Home/"
"/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneOS Build System Support.xcplugin/Contents/Resources/copypng" -compress "" /Users/path/images/img_000.png /Users/me/path/build/Dist-iphoneos/
sh: dirname: command not found
CopyPlistFile /Users/me/path/build/Dist-iphoneos/ Entitlements.plist
cd /Users/me/
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.frameworK/Versions/1.6/Home/"
/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin/Contents/Resources/copyplist --convert binary1 Entitlements.plist --outdir /Users/me/path/build/Dist-iphoneos/
sh: plutil: command not found
Your PATH variable is screwed up for some reason. You want to look into how exactly that happened. This is yours (colon-separated for emphasis):
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin
This is what a working PATH looks like:
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin
(line separation is to clarify how PATH variables are separating paths)
Notice how mine has /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin and yours does not? This is the problem right there. The shell script only finds executables in its path, and while the files are in /usr/bin/, it doesn't find them.
For an SO discussion on Xcode PATH's, see e.g. where is $PATH set in xcode?
Is it possible that your path environment variable is not set somehow?
You have:
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.frameworK/Versions/1.6/Home/"
/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin/Contents/Resources/copyplist --convert binary1 Entitlements.plist --outdir /Users/me/path/build/Dist-iphoneos/
While I show:
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
builtin-infoPlistUtility test34-Info.plist -genpkginfo /Users/gnd/Desktop/test34/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ -expandbuildsettings -format binary -platform iphonesimulator -o /Users/gnd/Desktop/test34/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
I don't see /usr/bin in your path.
(in terminal:
echo ${PATH}
though most OS X GUI applications get their path from ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist not 100% sure about Xcode though.
Additional Info:
from the 'man bash' page:
When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable.
So if you have it in .bash_login but .bash_profile exists, then your change will not be seen.
Also note the comment about the GUI apps PATH definition alternate file above.
You may need to log out and then back in to get the change to "take".
I had same problem.... the problem is that plutil is not in any of the directories in PATH.
My solution was to make a copy from /usr/bin to /user/local/bin which is in the PATH.
No idea if the problem is Xcode, OS X or Apple.
plutil usually resides in /usr/bin. Make sure it's there. If it's not, you may have installed your Developer Tools without unchecking (or with unchecking) the System Tools checkbox, which puts the base Mac OS X programmer tools into /usr.
Tried reinstalling the SDK?
I have gone over the answers provided and none of them worked for me. The problem persisted.
I looked carefully at the error in xcode and notice that it was looking for the image in the wrong place. In my case I had copied and renamed the directory containing my project. None of the references to my images were updated.
I fixed my problem by right clicking the project file in finder and clicking Show Package Contents. I then opened the *.pbxproj in xcode. I did a find and replace on the file to replace the name of the old folder with the new folder.
After closing and opening xcode this solved my problem.
I hope this helps others...
I've seen this error before. The issue lies in a corrupted .png file. The error is pretty deceiving. Try deleting the affected .png and replace it back in your project from a backup or clean version of that file. That should clear up the build errors.
this error will also show if you deleted a file via finder (not in xcode) then try to archive. So make sure that none of your files are listed in red and if they are remove it from your project.