Dialogflow not triggering prompt for required parameters - actions-on-google

I have the issue that prompts I defined for parameters which are required in an intent are simply not triggered when the parameter is missing. The simulator is responding with "sorry, I didn't get that" if the parameter is missing.
An example:
functions code using dialogflow-fulfillment nodejs library:
function test(agent) {
let age = agent.parameters.age.amount;
let conv = agent.conv();
conv.ask('This is from the backend: ' + age);
return agent.add(conv);
Intent on Dialogflow:

The issue is that the training phrase you used includes a number, so the machine learning sees the pattern as something roughly like "If the person says 'test' followed by a number, trigger this intent."
But when testing, we were just using a phrase "test". The pattern detection didn't see a number as part of the phrase, so it didn't think it would match that intent.
To solve this, you can add the training phrase of just "test" without giving it a parameter. This will match the phrase, but still need to make sure the "age" parameter has a value, so it will prompt for it.


In a Quiz, how can i instead of "Say A, B or C" let the user use one of the three response words?

VIA Actions Console, not Dialogflow!
After several days I finally finished to create a Quiz that works like this.
Google Mini says: "What is the capital of France? A) Rome, B) Berlin or C) Paris ?"
In my scene i have two conditions.
scene.slots.status == "FINAL" && intent.params.choosenABC.original == session.params.antwort
!(scene.slots.status == "FINAL" && intent.params.choosenABC.original == session.params.antwort)
So here, these conditions check whether the user says the correct letter coming from the session parameter "antwort".
Everything works smooth as long as the user says "A", "B" or "C".
But how can i compare a condition to what the user says?
In the above example i want the user to be able to say "Rome" or "Berlin" or "Paris" and the condition to check these entries.
Thanks in advance!
You have a number of questions packed in there, so let's look at each.
Does input.params.original exist?
In short, yes. You can see the documentation of the request Intent object and you'll see that there is intent.params.*name*.original. Your question seems to suggest this would work as well.
There is also intent.params.*name*.resolved which contains the value after you take type aliases into account.
I found some variables on a Dialogflow forum...
Those only work if you're using Dialogflow and don't make any sense when you're looking at Action Builder.
How to match
You don't show the possible value of session.params.antwort or how you're setting antwort. But it sounds like it makes sense that you're setting this in a handler. So one thing you could do is to set antwort to the city name (or whatever the full word answer is) and set letter to the letter with the valid reply. Then test both against original to see if there is a match.
But, to be honest, that starts getting somewhat messy.
You also don't indicate how the Intent is setup, or if you're using an Entity Type to capture the answer. One great way to handle this, however, is to create a Type that can represent the answers, and use a runtime type override to set what the possible values and aliases for that value are. Then, you can control exactly what the valid value you will use to compare with will be.
For example, if you create a type named "Answer", then in your fulfillment when you ask the question you can set the possible values for this with something like
conv.session.typeOverrides = [{
name: 'Answer',
synonym: {
entries: [
name: 'A',
synonyms: ['A', 'Rome']
name: 'B',
synonyms: ['B', 'Berlin']
name: 'C',
synonyms: ['C', 'Paris']
If you then have an Intent with a parameter of type Answer with the name answer, then you can test if intent.parameter.answer.resolved contains the expected letter.
Adding a visual interface
Using runtime type overrides are particularly useful if you also decide to add support for a visual selection response such as a list. The visual response builds on the runtime type override to add visual aliases that users can select on appropriate devices. When you get the reply, however, it is treated as if they said the entry name.

How do i stop my Watson Assistant from auto-correcting the user input

Can anyone help me solve this issue
The screenshot attached below is self explanatory
It is auto-correcting sufyan to Susan
The value for the context variable is
"<? input.text.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.text.substring(1) ?>"
The motive here is to simply convert lowercase name sufyan to Sufyan
or for that case any Indian name.
But the auto-correct has now become a hindrance.
I want the assistant to interact with the user in the later part using his/her name.
You can configure autocorrection in your bot settings.
Along with Henrik’s answer, it’s good to learn about fuzzy matching in Watson Assistant as it runs before autocorrection
How is spelling autocorrection related to fuzzy matching?
Fuzzy matching helps your assistant recognize dictionary-based entity mentions in user input. It uses a dictionary lookup approach to match a word from the user input to an existing entity value or synonym in the skill's training data. For example, if the user enters boook, and your training data contains a #reading_material entity with a book value, then fuzzy matching recognizes that the two terms (boook and book) mean the same thing.
When you enable both autocorrection and fuzzy matching, the fuzzy matching function runs before autocorrection is triggered. If it finds a term that it can match to an existing dictionary entity value or synonym, it adds the term to the list of words that belong to the skill, and does not correct it.
Check the complete documentation here before turning of autocorrection
You can use the following context variable:
"<? input.original_text.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + input.original_text.substring(1) ?>"

IBM Watson Assistant: Chatbot Entity Confusion over regular expression

I have an entity called "#material_number" in which two values are stored.
First value is "material_number1" with the pattern (\d{3}).(\d{3})
The second value is "material_number2" with the pattern (\d{3}).(\d{3}).(\d{3})
When the user enters a material number, I store the value with a context variable called "$materialnumber" and I set the value of this variable to "?#material_number.literal?". And at the end the bot responds "Oh okay, the material number is $materialnumber."
The problem is that when the user enters a material number like "123.123.123", the bot thinks that the material number is "123.123". Basically it neglects the last three digits and prompts back "Oh okay, the material number is 123.123".
What can I do in order to fix this confusion?
I quickly tested this and there are two problems. First, the dot (. is a special wildcard and needs to be escaped. Second, Watson Assistant does not support the full regex options and seems to match both numbers when typing in the longer number.
You can simply escape using a \ and change your definition or use mine:
num1: (\d{3}\.){1}\d{3}
num2: (\d{3}\.){2}\d{3}
Because of the trouble with the regex evaluation I solved that in the expression itself. Watson Assistant holds the longer match as second value (if matched). The following expression looks if the long number, material_number2, has been matched, then extracts the correct value for it. It assumes that the shorter (incorrect) match is stored first.
"context": {
"materialnumber": "<? #matrial_number:matnum2 ? entities.material_number[1].literal : entities.material_number[0].literal ?>"

how to solve actions on google-Api.ai error

Screenshot 2The one screen shot of this errorissue I am building an app using api.ai , an syllabus app which tells you the syllabus, but when I invoke it with desired parameters like branch and semester I have made each individual intent for it even then I'm getting miss answers sometimes like when asked for sem 4 and branch electronics its showing sem 3 sem 4 or of other branch . I have given sem and branch as required n given few invoking statements even then getting this. Tried even training it manually for free 30s of actions on api.ai no solution please help. Not using any web hook , context , event.
Short answer - check here for screenshots http://imgur.com/a/tVBlD
Long answer - You have two options
1) Create 3 separate custom entities for each branch type (computer science, civil, communication) which you need to attach to your branch parameter
2) Using the sys.any entity and attaching it to your branch parameter; then determining what the incoming parameter value is on a server then sending back a response through a webhook.
If you go the second route, you have to create a webhook and hardcode recognized words like 'computer science' in IF statements which check the incoming parameter (sent through JSON from API.AI). This route will be more difficult but I think you will have to travel it regardless because you will have backend architecture which you access to find and return the syllabus.
Note the second route is what I did to solve a similar issue.
You can also use regex to match an item in a list which limits the amount of hardcoding and if statements you have to do.
Python regex search example
baseurl = "http://mywebsite.com:9001/"
# Parse the document
# Build the URL + File Path and Parse the Document
url = baseurl + 'Data'
xmlLink = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
xmlData = etree.parse(xmlLink)
# Find the number of elements to cycle through
numberOfElements = xmlData.xpath("count(//myData/data)")
numberOfElements = int(numberOfElements)
types = xmlData.xpath("//myData/data")
# Search the string
i = 0
while numberOfElements > i:
listSearch= types[i].text
match = re.search(parameter, listSearch, re.IGNORECASE)
if match is None:
i += 1
# Grab the ID
elementID = types[i].get('id')
i = 0
An simple trick would be what i did, just have an entity saved for both branch and semester , use sys.original parameters and an common phrase for provoking each intent saves up the hard work.

Apply Command to String-type custom fields with YouTrack Rest API

and thanks for looking!
I have an instance of YouTrack with several custom fields, some of which are String-type. I'm implementing a module to create a new issue via the YouTrack REST API's PUT request, and then updating its fields with user-submitted values by applying commands. This works great---most of the time.
I know that I can apply multiple commands to an issue at the same time by concatenating them into the query string, like so:
Type Bug Priority Critical add Fix versions 5.1 tag regression
will result in
Type: Bug
Priority: Critical
Fix versions: 5.1
in their respective fields (as well as adding the regression tag). But, if I try to do the same thing with multiple String-type custom fields, then:
Foo something Example Something else Bar P0001
results in
Foo: something Example Something else Bar P0001
The command only applies to the first field, and the rest of the query string is treated like its String value. I can apply the command individually for each field, but is there an easier way to combine these requests?
Thanks again!
This is an expected result because all string after foo is considered a value of this field, and spaces are also valid symbols for string custom fields.
If you try to apply this command via command window in the UI, you will actually see the same result.
Such a good question.
I encountered the same issue and have spent an unhealthy amount of time in frustration.
Using the command window from the YouTrack UI I noticed it leaves trailing quotations and I was unable to find anything in the documentation which discussed finalizing or identifying the end of a string value. I was also unable to find any mention of setting string field values in the command reference, grammer documentation or examples.
For my solution I am using Python with the requests and urllib modules. - Though I expect you could turn the solution to any language.
The rest API will accept explicit strings in the POST
import requests
import urllib
from collections import OrderedDict
URL = 'http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/{issue}/execute?'.format(issue='TEST-1234')
params = OrderedDict({
'State': 'New',
'Priority': 'Critical',
'String Field': '"Message to submit"',
'Other Details': '"Fold the toilet paper to a point when you are finished."'
str_cmd = ' '.join(' '.join([k, v]) for k, v in params.items())
command_url = URL + urllib.urlencode({'command':str_cmd})
result = requests.post(command_url)
# The command result:
# http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/TEST-1234/execute?command=Priority+Critical+State+New+String+Field+%22Message+to+submit%22+Other+Details+%22Fold+the+toilet+paper+to+a+point+when+you+are+finished.%22
I'm sad to see this one go unanswered for so long. - Hope this helps!
After continuing my work, I have concluded that sending all the field
updates as a single POST is marginally better for the YouTrack
server, but requires more effort than it's worth to:
1) know all fields in the Issues which are string values
2) pre-process all the string values into string literals
3) If you were to send all your field updates as a single request and just one of them was missing, failed to set, or was an unexpected value, then the entire request will fail and you potentially lose all the other information.
I wish the YouTrack documentation had some mention or discussion of
these considerations.