Actions on Google: HTTP POST User Entities v2 - actions-on-google

I'm looking to create an User Entity for each user.
Using this url from the docs:{parent=projects//agent/sessions/}/entityTypes
And POST body of:
"name": myString,
"entityOverrideMode": enum(EntityOverrideMode),
"entities": [
"value": "myHistory",
"synonyms": [
"Google\u0027s history",
"Google\u0027s past",
"history of Google"
Is this the right way to do it?
I've inserted this code in my NodeJS server, but ERROR says enum is a reserve keyword.
update 17 may:
"name": entityname,
"entities": [
"value": "barbie",
"synonyms": [
"barbie\u0027s doll",
function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
where link is '' + conv.body.session + '/entityTypes';
and entityname = conv.body.session + '/entityTypes/device_name'

enum is a reserved keyword in ES5 and ES6.
The enum(EntitiyOverrideMode) here means that this value should be any of the EntitiyOverrideMode enum values provided in the reference here.


How to create multiple entities using a single OData POST to a Business Central Web Service?

I tried to POST an array of objects and, as expected, it isn't that easy. In my case I want to insert multiple Transfer Order Lines in the same request.
// Request Body
"documentNo": "1002",
"itemNo": "1968-S",
"quantity": 3
"documentNo": "1002",
"itemNo": "1968-S",
"quantity": 113
// Response
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Invalid Request Body CorrelationId: a2606676-3f8f-4753-aaee-be91a621f070."
Is it possible to do what I want without sending a request for every Line entity I want to add?
You need to create a structure like this:
url: api/2.0/$batch
"method": "POST",
"url": "companies(id)/APIEntitySetName",
"content-Type": "application/json"
another line

FAILURE answer from kie-server (using kie-server-showcase and business-central-workbench-showcase)

I am testing business-central with kie-server both running in docker, both are "showcase" versions. I've made project in business-central with "Cow" model (pic) and decision table (pic) for it. Build & Deploy is successful.
After sending json with request body
"commands:": [
"insert": {
"object": {
"Cow": {
"name": "cow1",
"age": 11
"out-identifier": "Cow",
"return-object": true
"fire-all-rules": {}
to endpoint
receiving an error:
"type": "FAILURE",
"msg": "Bad request, no commands to be executed - either wrong format or no data",
"result": null
Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Why my request doesn't proceed?
I think in your request you need the canonical class name com.axaukraine.Cow, but you are using just the simple name Cow.
"commands:": [
"insert": {
"object": {
"com.axaukraine.Cow": {
"name": "cow1",
"age": 11
"out-identifier": "Cow",
"return-object": true
"fire-all-rules": {}

Error trying to use an uploaded image in Linkedin

I'm trying to use the Linkedin API to share a post with an image. I've followed all the steps in the documentation:
First, I register the upload with a POST to and this body:
"registerUploadRequest": {
"recipes": [
"owner": "urn:li:person:{{owner_ID}}",
"serviceRelationships": [
"relationshipType": "OWNER",
"identifier": "urn:li:userGeneratedContent"
I get this response:
"value": {
"uploadMechanism": {
"com.linkedin.digitalmedia.uploading.MediaUploadHttpRequest": {
"uploadUrl": "",
"headers": {
"media-type-family": "STILLIMAGE"
"asset": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C4E22AQF6AS1WhrD1lw",
"mediaArtifact": "urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifact:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C4E22AQF6AS1WhrD1lw,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:feedshare-uploadedImage)"
Then I use the uploadURL to make another post with the image as body, and get a 201 Created response.
I've checked the upload with a GET and it has been uploaded correctly:
"recipes": [
"recipe": "urn:li:digitalmediaRecipe:feedshare-image",
"status": "AVAILABLE"
"serviceRelationships": [
"relationshipType": "OWNER",
"identifier": "urn:li:userGeneratedContent"
"mediaTypeFamily": "STILLIMAGE",
"created": 1600415270252,
"id": "C4E22AQF6AS1WhrD1lw",
"lastModified": 1600415345915,
"status": "ALLOWED"
When I try to share a post referencing this image I get this error:
{"message":"com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException [HTTP Status:401]: com.linkedin.content.common.ResponseException: Writers of type person are not authorized to modify UserGeneratedContent.","status":401}
I'm sending a POST to this URL with this body:
"author": "urn:li:person:{{person_id}}",
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"specificContent": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
"shareCommentary": {
"text": "Feeling inspired after meeting so many talented individuals at this year's conference. #talentconnect"
"shareMediaCategory": "IMAGE",
"media": [
"status": "READY",
"description": {
"text": ""
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C4E22AQF6AS1WhrD1lw",
"title": {
"text": ""
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"
I can share an only text post without trouble, look at my person ID, even like a post, but I'm stuck with this.
Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?
Solved. I had an error in the person_id variable, so I was trying to create a post with the wrong id.

google actions: conversation exit using actions sdk does not invoke actions.intent.CANCEL

I am using the actions SDK to build fulfilments. I am using Google Functions for the same. I have the following in the action.json
"actions": [
"description": "Default Welcome Intent",
"name": "MAIN",
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "App"
"intent": {
"name": "actions.intent.MAIN",
"trigger": {
"queryPatterns": [
. . .
"conversations": {
"App": {
"name": " ... ",
"url": " ...",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
"locale": "en"
In the function code I notice that the custom intent code of actions.intent.CANCEL is not getting called when the user says/ types exit or Goodbye. In the emulator only the <earcon> appears. The JS code is as below:
app.intent('actions.intent.MAIN', (conv) => {
conv.ask('Welcome to ...');
app.intent('actions.intent.TEXT', (conv, input) => {
// the main logic of the application is here
app.intent('actions.intent.CANCEL', (conv) => {
conv.close(`Okay, let's try this again later.`);
// this code does not get called
Is something to be set in action.json for the cancel intent to work
Yes, you need to add something to your action.json for it to send you the CANCEL Intent. In your existing conversations object, add an inDialogIntents attribute with an array of objects giving the name of the CANCEL Intent. Something like this:
"conversations": {
"App": {
"name": "...",
"url": "...",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
"inDialogIntents": [
"name": "actions.intent.CANCEL"

Storing data "across conversations" in Google Action

I'm a bit confused by the Google Actions documentation about storing data and hoped someone can help clarify...
The docs state that data in the object will be saved "across conversations". I took this to mean that if the user exited the conversation these values would be persisted and available the next time they interact with my action. Is that understanding correct?
The reason I ask is that I can't get this behaviour to work in my action.
I have built a simple action fulfilment service (using Actions on Google NodeJS library v2.4.0 and Koa v2.5.3). The fulfilment is triggered from an intent defined in Dialogflow (after an account has been linked with Google Sign In) and stores a value in conversation storage. The code is as follows:
server.js (base server - loads actions dynamically from the local ./actions/ dir)
/* Load the environment */
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const path = require('path');
const packageJson = require('./package.json');
silent: true,
path: process.env.ENV_FILE!=undefined && process.env.ENV_FILE.trim()!='' ? path.normalize(process.env.ENV_FILE) : path.join(__dirname, './.env')
const SERVER_NAME = process.env.NAME ||;
const SERVER_PORT = process.env.PORT||'8080';
const SERVER_HOST = process.env.HOST||'';
const HANDLERS_PATH = './actions/';
/* Load the dependencies */
const logger = require('utils-general').logger('google-server');
const Koa = require('koa');
const KoaBody = require('koa-body');
const KoaActionsOnGoogle = require('koa-aog');
const fs = require('fs');
const { dialogflow } = require('actions-on-google');
/* Load and initialise the Google Assistant actions */
//Initialise DialogFlow
const action = dialogflow({ debug: process.env.ACTIONS_DEBUG==='true', clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID });
//Load the action intent handlers
const handlers = [];
let handlerFiles = fs.readdirSync(HANDLERS_PATH);
handlerFiles.forEach(function loadHandlers(file) {
let handlerImpl = require(HANDLERS_PATH+file);
let handler = {};
handler[handlerImpl.intent] = handlerImpl.action;
//Add the actions intent handlers to DialogFlow
handlers.forEach(item => {
let key = Object.keys(item)[0];`Adding handler for action intent ${key}`);
action.intent(key, item[key]);
/* Create the application server to handle fulfilment requests */`Initialising the ${SERVER_NAME} server (port: ${SERVER_PORT}, host: ${SERVER_HOST})`);
//Create the server
const app = new Koa();
//Add default error handler middleware
app.on('error', function handleAppError(err) {
logger.error(`Unhandled ${||'Error'}: ${err.message || JSON.stringify(err)}`);
//Add body parsing middleware
app.use(KoaBody({ jsonLimit: '50kb' }));
//Log the request/ response
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
logger.trace(`REQUEST ${ctx.method} ${ctx.path} ${JSON.stringify(ctx.request.body)}`);
await next();
logger.trace(`RESPONSE (${ctx.response.status}) ${ctx.response.body ? JSON.stringify(ctx.response.body) : ''}`);
//Make the action fulfilment endpoint available on the server
app.use(KoaActionsOnGoogle({ action: action }));
/* Start server on the specified port */
app.listen(SERVER_PORT, SERVER_HOST, function () {`${SERVER_NAME} server started at ${new Date().toISOString()} and listening for requests on port ${SERVER_PORT}`);
module.exports = app;
storage-read.js (fulfilment for the "STORAGE_READ" intent - reads stored uuid from conversation storage):
const logger = require('utils-general').logger('google-action-storage-read');
const { SimpleResponse } = require('actions-on-google');
const { getUserId } = require('../utils/assistant-util');
const _get = require('lodash.get');
module.exports = {
intent: 'STORAGE_READ',
action: async function (conv, input) {
logger.debug(`Processing STORAGE_READ intent request: ${JSON.stringify(conv)}`, { traceid: getUserId(conv) });
let storedId = _get(conv, '', undefined);
logger.debug(`User storage UUID is ${storedId}`);
conv.close(new SimpleResponse((storedId!=undefined ? `This conversation contains stored data` : `There is no stored data for this conversation`)));
storage-write.js (fulfils the "STORAGE_WRITE" intent - writes a UUID to conversation storage):
const logger = require('utils-general').logger('google-action-storage-read');
const { SimpleResponse } = require('actions-on-google');
const { getUserId } = require('../utils/assistant-util');
const _set = require('lodash.set');
const uuid = require('uuid/v4');
module.exports = {
intent: 'STORAGE_WRITE',
action: async function (conv, input) {
logger.debug(`Processing STORAGE_WRITE intent request`, { traceid: getUserId(conv) });
let newId = uuid();
logger.debug(`Writing new UUID to conversation storage: ${newId}`);
_set(conv, '', newId);
conv.close(new SimpleResponse(`OK, I've written a new UUID to conversation storage`));
This "STORAGE_WRITE" fulfilment stores the data and makes it available between turns in the same conversation (i.e. another intent triggered in the same conversation can read the stored data). However, when the conversation is closed, subsequent (new) conversations with the same user are unable to read the data (i.e. when the "STORAGE_READ" intent is fulfilled) - the object is always empty.
I have voice match set up on the Google account/ Home Mini I'm using, but I can't see how I determine in the action if the voice is matched (although it seems to be as when I start a new conversation my linked account is used). I'm also getting the same behaviour on the simulator.
Sample request/ responses (when using the simulator) are as follows:
"user": {
"userId": "AB_Hidden_EWVzx3q",
"locale": "en-US",
"lastSeen": "2018-10-18T12:52:01Z",
"idToken": "eyMyHiddenTokenId"
"conversation": {
"conversationId": "ABwppHFrP5DIKzykGIfK5mNS42yVzuunzOfFUhyPctG0h0xM8p6u0E9suX8OIvaaGdlYydTl60ih-WJ5kkqV4acS5Zd1OkRJ5pnE",
"type": "NEW"
"inputs": [
"intent": "actions.intent.MAIN",
"rawInputs": [
"inputType": "KEYBOARD",
"query": "ask my pathfinder to write something to conversation storage"
"arguments": [
"name": "trigger_query",
"rawText": "write something to conversation storage",
"textValue": "write something to conversation storage"
"surface": {
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
"isInSandbox": true,
"availableSurfaces": [
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"requestType": "SIMULATOR"
"conversationToken": "[]",
"finalResponse": {
"richResponse": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "OK, I've written a new UUID to conversation storage"
"responseMetadata": {
"status": {
"message": "Success (200)"
"queryMatchInfo": {
"queryMatched": true,
"intent": "a7e54fcf-8ff1-4690-a311-e4c6a8d1bfd7"
"userStorage": "{\"data\":{\"uuid\":\"7dc835fa-0470-4028-b8ed-3374ed65ac7c\"}}"
Subsequent STORAGE_READ request:
"user": {
"userId": "AB_Hidden_EWVzx3q",
"locale": "en-US",
"lastSeen": "2018-10-18T12:52:47Z",
"idToken": "eyMyHiddenTokenId"
"conversation": {
"conversationId": "ABwppHHVvp810VEfa4BhBJPf1NIfKUGzyvw9JCw7kKq9YBd_F8w0VYjJiSuzGLrHcXHGc9pC6ukuMB62XVkzkZOaC24pEbXWLQX5",
"type": "NEW"
"inputs": [
"intent": "STORAGE_READ",
"rawInputs": [
"inputType": "KEYBOARD",
"query": "ask my pathfinder what is in conversation storage"
"arguments": [
"name": "trigger_query",
"rawText": "what is in conversation storage",
"textValue": "what is in conversation storage"
"surface": {
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
"isInSandbox": true,
"availableSurfaces": [
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"requestType": "SIMULATOR"
STORAGE_READ response:
"conversationToken": "[]",
"finalResponse": {
"richResponse": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "There is no stored data for this conversation"
"responseMetadata": {
"status": {
"message": "Success (200)"
"queryMatchInfo": {
"queryMatched": true,
"intent": "368d08d3-fe0c-4481-aa8e-b0bdfa659eeb"
Can someone set me straighten me out on whether I'm misinterpreting the docs or maybe I have a bug somewhere?
my suspicion is that personal results are turned off in your case.
You mentioned you're testing on Home Mini and Prisoner was able reproduce on device (in the comments).
Shared devices like Smart Speakers (Home, Mini) and Smart Displays have personal results disabled by default. Check this documentation to enable it.
Open Settings on your Android phone
Under "Assistant devices," select your device (e.g. Mini)
Turn Personal results on
Beware that this means personal results like Calendar entries can be accessed through the device.
To check if userStorage will persist, you can use the GUEST/VERIFIED flag, see documentation here.