Google Cloud Compute Engine cannot deploy - deployment

Hello I try to deploy the hello world compute engine test project to my asp instance.
When I try to push it I just get the error "Failed to deploy"
/p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=AnyCPU /t:WebPublish
/p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:DeleteExistingFiles=True
/p:publishUrl="C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\hgy2katd.oce" Failed
to publish project 1-hello-world.
Does anyone have an idea where I can find a more detailed error message or what could cause the problem?
I followed this tutorial:
Thanks in advance!

seems like the problem was that multiple msbuild.exe were used. I reinstalled my pc and everything worked fine afterwards


Test-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage Settings.xml already exists

I am using sdk 3.3.622.9590 and having some difficulty deploying my application using powershell.
The error is like follows:
Test-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage : The file 'C:\Users\xxx\A
ppData\Local\Temp\TestApplicationPackage_740405352\n2r3lbmn.zlv\Release(service name)\Config\Settings.xml' already exists.
At C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Service Fabric\Tools\PSModule\ServiceFabricS
DK\Publish-NewServiceFabricApplication.ps1:163 char:38
+ ... tionSuccess = (Test-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage $AppPkgPathToUse)
My application structure is like this
Applicaiton Folder
Service 1
Service 2...
I managed to deploy twice, but the other times it all failed with the same error.
I am new to SF and powershell. Can someone please help me and point me to the right direction?
Just in case it may help anyone who hits this, we were using a self-hosted agent to run the pipeline. Switching the fabric publish task to use an Azure hosted agent seems not to exhibit the same problem.
Hope this helps
As a short term workaround - until Microsoft fix the issue formally, I've managed to mitigate the problem...
What was needed was to ensure that the workspace was cleaned before each and every action involving the application. Build and each release stage.
My specific instance was when using the multi-stage YAML file for build and deployment so adding in a workspace: clean was what was needed.
I still have a support ticket with Microsoft for a more formal fix.

Deploying an angular 2+ app into cloud Foundry using Ng serve

I am attempting to deploy an angular app into IBM Cloud - Cloud Foundry using the CF CLI.
It always seems to fail and doing some research it requires a node script for the start command in package.json. Therefore it is failing due to me having a Ng serve command.
Any ideas about getting around this issue?
So after having a play I realised that the research that I have done is misleading and I have finally figured it out now. Thought that I would post my findings here to save someone else the trouble:
Firstly, unlike doing a ng serve locally, you will need to build the project first i.e npm run-script build. This should give you the dist directory.
Secondly I had a slightly invalid manifest.yml. This is a sample of the file that I have used which finally got it to work:
- name: <App Name>
path: dist <- This points to the compiled code
random-route: true
Hope that this helps someone in the future.

Validation of ServiceMetadataDerivedType failed

Validation of ServiceMetadataDerivedType failed: not found
I tried running without deploying the application. I tried to run a pipeline in Jdev but it is throwing this error in test console. Tried restarting my machine also, but no luck. Please help.
I have edited the question, do not know how to go about. Last time somebody has deleted my answer. So here is the answer: When I first deploy it on WebLogic, and then run the pipeline, it ran successfully.

PredictionIO and Recommendation Template Files

i'm trying to build movie recommendation application using PredictionIO.
i have already using PredictionIO 0.11 on Docker, the issue
that when i run pio build --verbose it's showing:
no engine found. your build might have failed. aborting.
not sure where to puts the recommendation template files?.
any idea?
You need to be sure that you are in the current working directory of your engine I mean you have to execute your pio build --verbose command from the directory where your templates's engine.json file is placed . If this not solves your issue can you please paste the complete error along with template link.

maven was6:installApp TransferFailed

I'm trying to deploy my ear to a remote Websphere 8.5 with maven plugin was6 via SOAP.
I set up the correct ear with correct host, node,cell,server, port etc.
But when I try to install app I got WASX7017E: ConnectException - Connection refused with a TransferFailedException
In logs, there is nothing in local and remote neither. As I see with netstat when I run the mvn installApp there are many connection trying on serverside whiches have status TIME_WAIT.
The plugin seems to be working with v8.5 cause other functions for example wsListApp work.
I tried to google it but with no results.
Does anyone get this error before me? Or has anyone idea what should I do?
Thank you.
was6-maven-plugin generates a temporal ant file under "target\was6-maven-plugin\" folder and then calls $WAS_HOME\bin\ utility using -f option with the previously generated ant file.
If you don't use the clean target, the files should continue there so you can use ws_ant to find the real error and find if there is an error on your configuration or in the plugin.
If you find an error in the plugin, please open an issue here:
In this link you'll find all the options available in the wsInstallApp target:
Javier Murciego