How to include the "+" (must include) search operator in a lynx command line bing/google search query - bing

I'm using Lynx to scrape Bing search results and having trouble incorporating into the command line the "+" operator that in Bing (and Google) signifies "must have" in search results.
E.g. the bing URL for searching for "+mango" is:
The "+" gets converted to "%2B". Fine. However, if I develop a lynx command around this to scrape the result, neither using "%2B" nor using "+" works. The "%2B" is not interpreted correctly or as it would be if you pasted the whole URL into a browser URL bar, and the "+" function is not interpreted correctly either.
The lynx command should be
lynx -dump "" -nolist > output.txt
But it doesn't work, and putting the "+" in place of the "%2B" doesn't work either, because it is then interpreted as a space (spaces get converted to "+" in these expressions). Wrapping quotation marks around the plus sign also doesn't work, unsurprisingly, since the quote marks have a different function in the expression there.
Wondering if there is some sort of "escape character" in the lynx world, or some other way to hardcode a "+" into the expression ?
Using Windows.


Capture File name from File Browser Item Field in Oracle Apex

I want to capture file_name and store it in another item field at run time using dynamic action.
I tried it to capture File Browser Item field but its capturing entire file path.
Please suggest if this can be done using PLSQL or JS in Oracle Apex 4.2
You can use regular expression, relying on the fact that there is always a backslash before the filename:
explaining the regular expression:
\\ double backslash: escaping the backlash
() parenthesis to dig out the filename from the result that initially includes backslashes
[^\\]* any letter that is not a backslash, as many times as you'd like
$ end of string
Stackoverflow sometimes escapes backslashes itself, so this might look messy
this has worked in DA set value
I use this SQL to get the file name from the file browser :
select filename
FROM apex_application_temp_files
where name = :P2_FILE_SELECT;
P2_FILE_SELECT is the file browser item.
Write this SQL into "SQL Query" of SOURCE.

Markdown: less sign and back slash interpretation

I'm writing a file on GitHub.
In my project explanation I would like to refer to a Windows user path, in particular:
I just see here on SO that the formatting is working fine. On Github, instead, that row is shown like this:
even if the md file contains the correct format. It seems that the \ and the < are (due to some rule I don't know) simply converted into <.
Do you have any clue why is happening?
Markdown allowd HTML entities in it, so '<' is <, '\' is e.g. \ (also \\ works for me on GitHub) and '>' is > etc.; search for HTML special characters if you need more. you can encode verything in UTF8 easily by the notation with &#dddd; where d stands for a digit.
unfortunately often in code segments or other interpreters it is different.
examples working in GitHub editor with preview:
all result to the same output.

Is there a "n/a" symbol in unicode?

Is there an unicode symbol for "n/a"? There are some fractions like ½, but a n/a symbol seems to be missing.
If there is none, what would be the most appropriate unicode symbol to use for n/a in a website (which should be contained in common fonts, to avoid needing a webfont)?
Looking at the Unicode code charts, I do not see a single N/A symbol. I do, however, see ⁿ (U+207F) and ₐ (U+2090), which you could separate with / (U+002F) eg: ⁿ/ₐ, or ̷ (U+0337), eg: ⁿ̷ₐ, or ̸ (U+0338), eg: ⁿ̸ₐ. Probably not what you are hoping for, though. And I don't know if "common" fonts implement them, either.
For future reference, the fastest way I know to answer questions like the OP's when I have them myself is to go to, because of the way it works: there's a search bar at the top, and you just type a string and it will return any and all unicode characters containing that string (this is also a great way to discover new and useful symbols). So in the OP's case, he could proceed like this:
first try entering "not" (without the quotes) in the search field
visually scan through the results... doing so would not reveal a "not
applicable" character in this case
try again but this time entering "applic" in the search field
again, doing so would not turn up anything along the lines of what he's
looking for
At that point he would be reasonably confident the current Unicode standard does not have a "n/a" symbol.
If you use Firefox you can define a keyword like "uni" to search that site from the URL bar, meaning any time the browser is open and regardless of what page or site is currently showing, you could do this:
hit [F6]... this moves the cursor to the URL bar at the top
type something like "uni applic" and hit [Enter]... this brings up the website with the search results for "applic" already
For the above to work you would need to define your keyword ("uni" or wtv you prefer) to point to location
There's a Negative Acknowlege icon...
␕ symbol for negative acknowledge 022025 9237 0x2415 ␕
Found by searching negative on the Unicode Lookup site.
I'm not a fan, and for my purposes have just gone with __N/A__ (Markdown..)
I see lots of answers going head-on at the "Not Applicable" abbreviation, without exploring what a symbol is. A quick search for the equivalent phrase "out of scope" brings up a couple of variations on the No symbol: ⃠ – this seems to fit the bill (and since I was looking for a way to represent inapplicability, I'll be using it in my technical document).
Per the Wikipedia article, the Unicode codepoint U+20E0 is a combining character, so it is superimposed on the preceding character; e.g. ! ⃠ overlays an exclamation point. To get it to appear isolated, use a non-breaking space
If you don't want to bother with the combining symbol, the article mentions there's also an emoji U+1F6AB 🚫 but it's typically going to be colored red, or won't render!
There's actually a single character that could be repurposed for this: the "Square Na" character ㎁ (U+3381), which is used to represent the nanoampere in fullwidth (CJK) scripts.
What about the "SYMBOL FOR NULL" ␀ (U+2400)?

SharePoint 2013 REST API odata $filter ignores unicode characters such as German umlauts äöü

I'm trying to use SharePoint 2013 REST API (odata) with unicode characters such as umlauts (ä ö ü).
^^ should search for "hello w*ö*rld" using substringof('...', Field)
I'm escaping the URL correctly (and also single quotes with double quotes) and filtering works for all kinds of characters (even backslash and quotes), however, entering ä/ö/ü or any other unicode character has no effect, it is as if those characters were simply filtered out on the server side (i can insert a lot of ääääääs without changing the results).
Any idea how to escape those? I tried the obvious (%ab { \u1234 \xab x1234) without success. Can't find anything on the web or in the specs either.
Thanks for suggestions.
I found that you can use the %uhhhh variant of escaping them:
?$filter=substringof('hello w%u00f6rld')
Of course one must only escape that once (i.e. not the whole thing again), but it seems that's the way to go.
(can't answer my own question now lol)

What made many of the coding websites converting standard " into non standard ”?

This question is about standard double quote " and non-standard double quote “ & ”
Yesterday when I searched for some sample facebook serverfbml codes, and came upon to this
okay so it has got what I want, so I copied the code to my project and run it... bah... lots of errors
Why? Because the site turned the standard double quote " inside his script into “ or ” ,
or single quote from ' into ’
This is not the first time I faced this problem when copying codes from the Internet, and I believe many of the code writers haven't expected that the site turned their single/double quotes into strange ones.
Any explanation to this strange phenomenon ?
edited: I notice the title converted my " into “ & ” too... let me edit it... oh and I failed
At least in the title or in the text, it looks much better to have typographic double quotes (i.e. is more pleasant to the eye). Coding sites should not do this for actual code, i.e. in StackOverflow code that is indented by four spaces. If a double quote in text is converted to typographic, it's fine.
This gets really worse when you paste typographic quotes into a console that tries to display the character and falls back to a standard quote, because the console font does not have a typographic quote. Because then it looks like it's a standard one, but it isn't. Not much you can do about it, other than use a code display plugin on your website that does not change code.
The problem is in the underlying blog engine. Wordpress does that by default, and there is AFAIK no way to turn it off (Without changing the code). Given the fact that there are only relatively few really great blog engines, there may not always be a choice to switch to something "better".
Also in the same category: Fancy dashes, aka. turning - into –
the source shows that the quote char is sometimes ”
that's the quote that is the good looking quote which will cause problem in a program.
i think either the WordPress text editor or storage/retrieval converted the ordinary quote into that one.
You can use the replace function in your program editor to replace those characters.