I have a Subject that I use as an event bus. This bus emits multiple items, all of a common type:
static class EventBus {
private final Subject<Event> subject = BehaviorSubject.create();
* #param event Event to publish to the subject
void publish(#NonNull Event event) {
* Listen to events of a specific class
* #param eventClass class of event to listen for
* #param <T> generic type
* #return Observable
<T extends Event> Observable<T> listenForEvents(#NonNull Class<T> eventClass) {
return this.subject
abstract static class Event {
int id;
public Event(int id) {
this.id = id;
final class EventA extends Event {
EventA(int id) {
final class EventB extends Event {
EventB(int id) {
Things that want to listen for specific events can call listenForEvents and pass in the class they want to listen for.
However I want a BehaviorSubject behavior for each class type. An example will illustrate this:
void main() {
EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
// publish some A's
eventBus.publish(new EventA(1));
eventBus.publish(new EventA(2));
eventBus.publish(new EventA(3));
// publish a B
eventBus.publish(new EventB(4));
.subscribe(eventA -> {
// 1. I want to receive EventA(3) but I won't receive
// anything because last value in the BehaviorSubject is an EventB
Log.d("TAG", String.valueOf(eventA.id));
eventBus.publish(new EventA(5));
// 2. It's only if I put another EventA into the subject
// after I subscribe that I'll seen anything emitted.
I have several possible solutions but none of them seem like good ones =)
1.) multiple BehaviorSubjects, one for each event type; these can be lazy created
2.) track "most recent event of type X" outside observable stream
3.) Convert BehaviorSubject with ReplaySubject and use .debounce(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) and assume that replayed items will be emitted quickly and new items will not be published quickly
private final Subject<Event> subject = ReplaySubject.create();
<T extends Event> Observable<T> listenForEvents(#NonNull Class<T> eventClass) {
return this.subject
.debounce(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Is there a clean way to do this with existing rx operators?
I need to recollect some data calling to a method is connecting to a webservice.
problem: Imagine I need to update the content text of a label control according to this remote gathered information. Until all this data is recollected I'm not going to be able to show the label.
desired: I'd like to first show the label with a default text, and as I'm receiving this information I want to update the label content (please, don't take this description as a sucked code, I'm trying to brief my real situation).
I'd like to create an observable sequence of these methods. Nevertheless, these method have not the same signature. For example:
int GetInt() {
return service.GetInt();
string GetString() {
return service.GetString();
string GetString2 {
return service.GetString2();
These methods are not async.
Is it possible to create an observable sequence of these methods?
How could I create it?
Nevertheless, which's the best alternative to achieve my goal?
Creating custom observable sequences can be achieved with the Observable.Create. An example using your requirements is shown below:
private int GetInt()
return 1;
private string GetString()
return "Hello";
private string GetString2()
return "World!";
private IObservable<string> RetrieveContent()
return Observable.Create<string>(
observer =>
observer.OnNext("Default Text");
int value = GetInt();
observer.OnNext($"Got value {value}. Getting string...");
string string1 = GetString();
observer.OnNext($"Got string {string1}. Getting second string...");
string string2 = GetString2();
return Disposable.Empty;
Note how I have emulated network delay by introducing a Thread.Sleep call into each of the GetXXX methods. In order to ensure your UI doesn't hang when subscribing to this observable, you should subscribe as follows:
IDisposable subscription = RetrieveContent()
.Subscribe(text => Label = text);
This code uses the .SubscribeOn(TaskPoolScheduler.Default) extension method to use a TaskPool thread to start the observable sequence and will be blocked by the calls the Thread.Sleep but, as this is not the UI thread, your UI will remain responsive. Then, to ensure we update the UI on the UI thread, we use the ".ObserveOn(DispatcherScheduler.Current)" to invoke the updates onto the UI thread before setting the (data bound) Label property.
Hope this is what you were looking for, but leave a comment if not and I'll try to help further.
I would look at creating a wrapper class for your service to expose the values as separate observables.
So, start with a service interface:
public interface IService
int GetInt();
string GetString();
string GetString2();
...and then you write ServiceWrapper:
public class ServiceWrapper : IService
private IService service;
private Subject<int> subjectGetInt = new Subject<int>();
private Subject<string> subjectGetString = new Subject<string>();
private Subject<string> subjectGetString2 = new Subject<string>();
public ServiceWrapper(IService service)
this.service = service;
public int GetInt()
var value = service.GetInt();
return value;
public IObservable<int> GetInts()
return this.subjectGetInt.AsObservable();
public string GetString()
var value = service.GetString();
return value;
public IObservable<string> GetStrings()
return this.subjectGetString.AsObservable();
public string GetString2()
var value = service.GetString2();
return value;
public IObservable<string> GetString2s()
return this.subjectGetString2.AsObservable();
Now, assuming that you current service is called Service, you would write this code to set things up:
IService service = new Service();
ServiceWrapper wrapped = new ServiceWrapper(service); // Still an `IService`
var subscription =
wrapped.GetInts().Select(x => x.ToString()),
.Subscribe(x => label.Text = x);
IService wrappedService = wrapped;
Now pass wrappedService instead of service to your code. It's still calling the underlying service code so no need for a re-write, yet you still are getting the observables that you want.
This is effectively a gang of four decorator pattern.
I'm using reactive programming to build an MVVM app and am trying to figure out how my view model can raise a question and wait for a dialog to prompt the user for an answer.
For example, when the user clicks a Rename button I want a dialog to pop up that allows the user to change the text. My approach is for the view model to expose an IObservable<string> property. Code-behind in the View listens for emitted values and might display a UWP ContentDialog. If the user changes the text and clicks OK, code in that dialog would call ReportResult(string newText) on view model. I've got some code below to show how it works. Two questions:
Is this a reasonable approach for collecting information from the user?
Also, I've got two subtly different approaches for building this and don't know which is better.
interface IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult> : ISubject<TResult, TSource> { }
// Requests for information are just 'passed through' to listeners, if any.
class ServiceRequestA<TSource, TResult> : IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult>
IObservable<TSource> _requests;
Subject<TResult> _results = new Subject<TResult>();
public ServiceRequestA(IObservable<TSource> requests)
_requests = requests;
public IObservable<TResult> Results => _results;
public void OnCompleted() => _results.OnCompleted();
public void OnError(Exception error) => _results.OnError(error);
public void OnNext(TResult value) => _results.OnNext(value);
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TSource> observer) => _requests.Subscribe(observer);
// Requests for information are 'parked' inside the class even if there are no listeners
// This happens when InitiateRequest is called. Alternately, this class could implement
// IObserver<TSource>.
class ServiceRequestB<TSource, TResult> : IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult>
Subject<TSource> _requests = new Subject<TSource>();
Subject<TResult> _results = new Subject<TResult>();
public void InitiateRequest(TSource request) => _requests.OnNext(request);
public IObservable<TResult> Results => _results;
public void OnCompleted() => _results.OnCompleted();
public void OnError(Exception error) => _results.OnError(error);
public void OnNext(TResult value) => _results.OnNext(value);
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TSource> observer) => _requests.Subscribe(observer);
class MyViewModel
ServiceRequestA<string, int> _serviceA;
ServiceRequestB<string, int> _serviceB;
public MyViewModel()
IObservable<string> _words = new string[] { "apple", "banana" }.ToObservable();
_serviceA = new ServiceRequestA<string, int>(_words);
.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine($"The word is {i} characters long."));
WordSizeServiceRequest = _serviceA;
// Alternate approach using the other service implementation
_serviceB = new ServiceRequestB<string, int>();
IDisposable sub = _words.Subscribe(i => _serviceB.InitiateRequest(i)); // should dispose later
.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine($"The word is {i} characters long."));
WordSizeServiceRequest = _serviceB;
public IServiceRequest<string, int> WordSizeServiceRequest { get; set; }
// Code outside the view model, probably in the View code-behind, would do this:
// WordSizeServiceRequest.Select(w => w.Length).Subscribe(WordSizeServiceRequest);
Based on comments from Lee Campbell, here is a different approach. Maybe he'll like it better? I'm actually not sure how to build the IRenameDialog. Before it was just a bit of code-behind in the View.
public interface IRenameDialog
void StartRenameProcess(string original);
IObservable<string> CommitResult { get; }
public class SomeViewModel
ObservableCommand _rename = new ObservableCommand();
BehaviorSubject<string> _name = new BehaviorSubject<string>("");
public SomeViewModel(IRenameDialog renameDialog,string originalName)
_rename = new ObservableCommand();
var whenClickRenameDisplayDialog =
.WithLatestFrom(_name, (_, n) => n)
.Subscribe(n => renameDialog.StartRenameProcess(n));
var whenRenameCompletesPrintIt =
.Subscribe(n =>
Console.WriteLine($"The new name is {n}");
var behaviors = new CompositeDisposable(whenClickRenameDisplayDialog, whenRenameCompletesPrintIt);
public ICommand RenameCommand => _rename;
The first block of code looks like a re-implementation of IObservable<T>, actually I think event worse ISubject<T>, so that raises alarm bells.
Then the MyViewModel class does other things like pass IObservable<string> as a parameter (Why?), create subscriptions (side effects) in the constructor, and expose a Service as a public property. You also metion having code in your view code behind, which is often a code-smell in MVVM too.
I would suggest reading up on MVVM (solved problem for 10yrs) and havnig a look at how other Client applications use Rx/Reactive programming with MVVM (solved problem for ~6yrs)
Lee shamed me into coming up with a better solution. The first and best turned out to be very simple. I pass into the constructor one of these:
public interface IConfirmationDialog
Task<bool> Show(string message);
Inside my view model, I can do something like this...
IConfirmationDialog dialog = null; // provided by constructor
_deleteCommand.Subscribe(async _ =>
var result = await dialog.Show("Want to delete?");
if (result==true)
// delete the file
Building a ConfirmationDialog wasn't hard. I just create one of these in the part of my code that creates view models and assigns them to views.
public class ConfirmationDialogHandler : IConfirmationDialog
public async Task<bool> Show(string message)
var dialog = new ConfirmationDialog(); // Is subclass of ContentDialog
dialog.Message = message;
var result = await dialog.ShowAsync();
return (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary);
So the solution above is pretty clean; dependencies my view model needs are provided in the constructor. Another approach similar to what Prism and ReactiveUI do is one where the ViewModel is constructed without the dependency it needs. Instead there is a bit of code-behind in the view to fill in that dependency. I don't need to have multiple handlers, so I just have this:
public interface IInteractionHandler<TInput, TOutput>
void SetHandler(Func<TInput, TOutput> handler);
void RemoveHandler();
public class InteractionBroker<TInput, TOutput> : IInteractionHandler<TInput, TOutput>
Func<TInput, TOutput> _handler;
public TOutput GetResponse(TInput input)
if (_handler == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No handler has been defined.");
return _handler(input);
public void RemoveHandler() => _handler = null;
public void SetHandler(Func<TInput, TOutput> handler) => _handler = handler ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();
And then my ViewModel exposes a property like this:
public IInteractionHandler<string,Task<bool>> Delete { get; }
And handles the delete command like this:
_deleteCommand.Subscribe(async _ =>
bool shouldDelete = await _deleteInteractionBroker.GetResponse("some file name");
if (shouldDelete)
// delete the file
In java-9 Skins made it into public scope, while Behaviors are left in the dark - nevertheless changed considerably, in now using InputMap for all input bindings.
CellBehaviorBase installs mouse bindings like:
InputMap.MouseMapping pressedMapping, releasedMapping;
pressedMapping = new InputMap.MouseMapping(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, this::mousePressed),
releasedMapping = new InputMap.MouseMapping(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, this::mouseReleased),
new InputMap.MouseMapping(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, this::mouseDragged)
A concrete XXSkin now installs the behavior privately:
final private BehaviorBase behavior;
public TableCellSkin(TableCell control) {
behavior = new TableCellBehavior(control);
The requirement is replace the mousePressed behavior (in jdk9 context). The idea is to grab super's field reflectively, dispose all its mappings and install the custom behavior. For some reason that I don't understand, the old bindings are still active (though the old mappings are empty!) and are invoked before the new bindings.
Below is a runnable example to play with: the mapping to mousePressed is simply implemented to do nothing, particularly to not invoke super. To see the old bindings at work, I set a conditional debug breakpoint at CellBehaviorBase.mousePressed like (in Eclipse):
System.out.println("mousePressed super");
new RuntimeException("whoIsCalling: " + getNode().getClass()).printStackTrace();
return false;
Run a debug and click into any cell, then the output is:
mousePressed super
java.lang.RuntimeException: whoIsCalling: class de.swingempire.fx.scene.control.cell.TableCellBehaviorReplace$PlainCustomTableCell
at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.CellBehaviorBase.mousePressed(CellBehaviorBase.java:169)
at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap.InputMap.handle(InputMap.java:274)
at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler$NormalEventHandlerRecord.handleBubblingEvent(CompositeEventHandler.java:218)
at com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler.dispatchBubblingEvent(CompositeEventHandler.java:80)
at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:238)
at com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(EventHandlerManager.java:191)
//... lots more of event dispatching
// until finally the output in my custom cell behavior
Feb. 02, 2016 3:14:02 NACHM. de.swingempire.fx.scene.control.cell.TableCellBehaviorReplace$PlainCustomTableCellBehavior mousePressed
INFORMATION: short-circuit super: Bulgarisch
I would expect to only see the very last part, that is the printout by my custom behavior. It feels like I'm somehow fundamentally off - but can't nail it. Ideas?
The runnable code (sorry for its length, most is boiler-plate, though):
public class TableCellBehaviorReplace extends Application {
private final ObservableList<Locale> locales =
private Parent getContent() {
TableView<Locale> table = createLocaleTable();
BorderPane content = new BorderPane(table);
return content;
private TableView<Locale> createLocaleTable() {
TableView<Locale> table = new TableView<>(locales);
TableColumn<Locale, String> name = new TableColumn<>("Name");
name.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("displayName"));
name.setCellFactory(p -> new PlainCustomTableCell<>());
TableColumn<Locale, String> lang = new TableColumn<>("Language");
lang.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("displayLanguage"));
lang.setCellFactory(p -> new PlainCustomTableCell<>());
table.getColumns().addAll(name, lang);
return table;
* Custom skin that installs custom Behavior. Note: this is dirty!
* Access super's behavior, dispose to get rid off its handlers, install
* custom behavior.
public static class PlainCustomTableCellSkin<S, T> extends TableCellSkin<S, T> {
private BehaviorBase<?> replacedBehavior;
public PlainCustomTableCellSkin(TableCell<S, T> control) {
private void replaceBehavior() {
BehaviorBase<?> old = (BehaviorBase<?>) invokeGetField(TableCellSkin.class, this, "behavior");
// at this point, InputMap mappings are empty:
// System.out.println("old mappings: " + old.getInputMap().getMappings().size());
replacedBehavior = new PlainCustomTableCellBehavior<>(getSkinnable());
public void dispose() {
* Custom behavior that's meant to override basic handlers. Here: short-circuit
* mousePressed.
public static class PlainCustomTableCellBehavior<S, T> extends TableCellBehavior<S, T> {
public PlainCustomTableCellBehavior(TableCell<S, T> control) {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (true) {
LOG.info("short-circuit super: " + getNode().getItem());
* C&P of default tableCell in TableColumn. Extended to install custom
* skin.
public static class PlainCustomTableCell<S, T> extends TableCell<S, T> {
public PlainCustomTableCell() {
#Override protected void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) {
if (item == getItem()) return;
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null) {
} else if (item instanceof Node) {
} else {
protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() {
return new PlainCustomTableCellSkin<>(this);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(getContent(), 400, 200));
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Reflectively access super field.
public static Object invokeGetField(Class source, Object target, String name) {
try {
Field field = source.getDeclaredField(name);
return field.get(target);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger
The suggestion inherit from the abstract skin XXSkinBase instead of the concrete XXSkin (then you are free to install whatever behavior you want, dude :-) is very reasonable and should be the first option. In the particular case of XX being TableCell, that's currently not possible, as the base class contains abstract package-private methods. Also, there are XX that don't have an abstract base (like f.i. ListCell).
Might be a bug in InputMap:
Digging into the sources I found some internal book-keeping (eventTypeMappings) parallel to mappings (these are the handlers). InputMap is listening to changes in mappings and updates the internal book-keeping on changes
mappings.addListener((ListChangeListener<Mapping<?>>) c -> {
while (c.next()) {
// TODO handle mapping removal
if (c.wasRemoved()) {
for (Mapping<?> mapping : c.getRemoved()) {
// removeMapping
private void removeMapping(Mapping<?> mapping) {
Meaning that the internal structure is never cleaned, particularly not when the mappings are removed in behavior.dispose(). When looking up eventHandlers - by inputMap.handle(e), see debug stacktrace shown in the question - the old handler is found in the internal book-keeping structure.
Joys of early experiments ... ;-)
At the end, a (very dirty, very hacky!) solution is to take over InputMap's job and force a cleanup of the internals:
private void replaceBehavior() {
BehaviorBase<?> old = (BehaviorBase<?>) invokeGetField(TableCellSkin.class, this, "behavior");
// at this point, InputMap mappings are empty:
// System.out.println("old mappings: " + old.getInputMap().getMappings().size());
replacedBehavior = new PlainCustomTableCellBehavior<>(getSkinnable());
* This is a hack around InputMap not cleaning up internals on removing mappings.
* We remove MousePressed/MouseReleased/MouseDragged mappings from the internal map.
* Beware: obviously this is dirty!
* #param inputMap
private void cleanupInputMap(InputMap<?> inputMap) {
Map eventTypeMappings = (Map) invokeGetField(InputMap.class, inputMap, "eventTypeMappings");
BTW: just in case anybody is wondering wtf - without, my hack around the missing commitOnFocusLost when editing a cell stopped working in java-9.
Try in PlainCustomTableCellSkin to inherit from the abstract class TableCellSkinBase rather than from TableCellSkin.
Then you can call the super constructor, which takes an TableCellBehaviorBase object as additional param.
Then you can save your time replacing it, by initializing it directly with the right one.
Just for more claryfication:
TableCellSkin extends TableCellSkinBase
TableCellBehavior extends TableCellBehaviorBase
One more thing. You need to also call super.init(tableCell) in your constructor.
Take the TableCellSkin class as reference.
I get the fact that it might take more than 10 lines of code (hopefully not more than 50), but I was wondering if you could help me anyway.
I'm trying to update one user's UI thread at runtime, based on another user's input. I've created a basic project which implements three predefined users (jim, tom and threeskin). I'd like to send a message from jim to tom and have it appear as a new Label object in tom's UI, without threeskin ever knowing about it, even though they're all logged in. Oh, and jim shouldn't have to refresh his page. The label should just spawn on screen out of it's own accord.
To say that I'd appreciate some help would be the understatement of the decade.
public class User {
public String nume;
public User(String nume) {
this.nume = nume;
public class Engine implements ServletContextListener {
public static ArrayList<User>userbase;
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) { }
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
System.out.println("This code is running at startup");
userbase =new ArrayList<User>();
userbase.add(new User("jim"));userbase.add(new User("tom"));userbase.add(new User("threeskin"));
public class InfigeUI extends UI {
User us3r;
#WebServlet(value = "/*", asyncSupported = true)
#VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = InfigeUI.class)
public static class Servlet extends VaadinServlet {}
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
VerticalLayout everything=new VerticalLayout();
if (us3r==null){everything.addComponent(auth());}else{everything.addComponent(main());}
ComponentContainer auth(){
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
TextField userField=new TextField();
Button login = new Button("Log in");
login.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (us3r!=null){
saveValue(InfigeUI.this, us3r);
}else{Notification.show("I only know jim, tom and threeskin. Which one are you?");}}
return layout;
User login(String nume){
for (int i=0;i<Engine.userbase.size();i++){
if (nume.equals(Engine.userbase.get(i).nume)){return Engine.userbase.get(i);}
return null;
static void saveValue(InfigeUI ui,User value){
ui.getSession().setAttribute("something", value);
VaadinService.getCurrentRequest().getWrappedSession().setAttribute("something", value);
ComponentContainer main(){
VerticalLayout vl=new VerticalLayout();
Label label=new Label("This is the post-login screen");
String name=new String(us3r.nume);
Label eticheta=new Label(name);
TextField to=new TextField("Send to");
TextField message=new TextField("Message");
Button sendNow=new Button("Send now!");
return vl ;
Basically you want three things
UI updates for a user which does no action himself, or in other words a message sent from the server to the browser. To enable this, you need to annotate the UI class using #Push. Otherwise, the update will only be shown when the user does something which causes a server visit, e.g. clicks a button
Some way of sending messages between UI instances (there is one UI instance per user). You can use some message bus implementation for this (CDI, Spring, ...) or you can make a simple on using a static field (static fields are shared between all users). See e.g. https://github.com/Artur-/SimpleChat for one way of doing it. It's also a good idea here to avoid all *.getCurrent methods as they in many cases will refer to another UI than you think (e.g. sender when you are in the receiver code), and you will do something else than you intend.
Safely update a UI when a message arrives. This is done using UI.access, also visible in the chat example.
First of all you need to enable the server push on your project help
based on Vaadin Documentation.
However, below code example will give what you want:
Create an Broadcast Listener Interface:
public interface BroadcastListener {
public void receiveBroadcast(final String message);
The Broadcaster Class:
public class Broadcaster {
private static final List<BroadcastListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<BroadcastListener>();
public static void register(BroadcastListener listener) {
public static void unregister(BroadcastListener listener) {
public static void broadcast(final String message) {
for (BroadcastListener listener : listeners) {
Your UI with Push Enalbed (via Annotation):
public class BroadcasterUI extends UI implements BroadcastListener {
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
final TextArea message = new TextArea("",
"The system is going down for maintenance in 10 minutes");
final Button button = new Button("Broadcast");
button.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Register broadcast listener
public void detach() {
public void receiveBroadcast(final String message) {
access(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Notification n = new Notification("Message received",
you can find the full link here.
I am looking for something I would call CounterObservable One side would count the numbers on it and other side would be the observer side that will receive notification every time total count changes.
In other words I will have something like this
public CounterObservable totalMailsReceived = new CounterObservable(0);
public void OnNewMail(Mail mail)
///Rest of the code goes here
on the Observer side I will have
mailManager.totalMailsReceived.Subscribe(count => labelCount.Text = count.ToString());
Or if I want to go real classy, I would use Paul Betts' ReactiveUI like the following
mailManager.totalMailsReceived.ToProperty(x => x.TotalMailsReceived);
I have so far found nothing in Rx that could help me. But I figured if I create my own class that implements IObservable<int>. I am thinking of leveraging the Sample MSDN Code for IObservable implementation for that.
My questions are
1. Is that MSDN Sample thread-safe ?
2. Is there really nothing in Rx already that does what I am trying to do ?
Just use a BehaviorSubject:
public class MailServer
private BehaviorSubject<int> _count = new BehaviorSubject<int>(0);
public IObservable<int> TotalMailsReceived
get { return _count; }
public void OnNewMail(Mail mail)
_count.OnNext(_count.Value + 1);
Or, if you decide to go deeper into Rx, so that you are just observing a Mail stream, then you can use Scan operator which is good for that and Publish to remember the most recent value and multicast it to all subscribers.
You can write this new extension method:
public IObservable<T> RunningTotal<T>(this IObservable<T> source)
return source.Scan(0, sum => sum + 1);
And use it like so:
public class MailServer
private IConnectableObservable<int> _total;
private IDisposable _subscription;
public MailServer(IObservable<Mail> incomingMail)
_total = incomingMail.RunningTotal().Publish(0);
_subscription = _total.Connect();
public IObservable<int> TotalMailsReceived
get { return _total; }