BMP280 Reports Odd Output RPi - raspberry-pi

My BMP280 attached to my RPi0W is reporting a consistent 133.90 degrees Celcius (should be around 25 degrees....) Similarly is reporting over 5 million Pascals pressure (should be around 100,000.)
Temp = 133.90 *C Pressure = 5611578.00 Pa Altitude = -50829.45 m
Sealevel Pressure = 5611578.00 Pa
I'm using the Adafruit Python test program (only 6 lines of error indication) Only change I made was to reference I2C address of 0x76 instead of the default 0x77, since I'm not using the Adafruit brand BMP280.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Adafruit Industries
# Author: Tony DiCola
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Can enable debug output by uncommenting:
#import logging
import Adafruit_BMP.BMP085 as BMP085
# Default constructor will pick a default I2C bus.
# For the Raspberry Pi this means you should hook up to the only exposed I2C bus
# from the main GPIO header and the library will figure out the bus number based
# on the Pi's revision.
# For the Beaglebone Black the library will assume bus 1 by default, which is
# exposed with SCL = P9_19 and SDA = P9_20.
sensor = BMP085.BMP085(address=0x76)
# Optionally you can override the bus number:
#sensor = BMP085.BMP085(busnum=2)
# You can also optionally change the BMP085 mode to one of BMP085_ULTRALOWPOWER,
# datasheet for more details on the meanings of each mode (accuracy and power
# consumption are primarily the differences). The default mode is STANDARD.
#sensor = BMP085.BMP085(mode=BMP085.BMP085_ULTRAHIGHRES)
print('Temp = {0:0.2f} *C'.format(sensor.read_temperature()))
print('Pressure = {0:0.2f} Pa'.format(sensor.read_pressure()))
print('Altitude = {0:0.2f} m'.format(sensor.read_altitude()))
print('Sealevel Pressure = {0:0.2f} Pa'.format(sensor.read_sealevel_pressure()))
The Adafruit detector does detect I2C address 0x76 properly.
DHT11 attached to same board is reporting roughly accurate temp of 84 degrees F (it was sitting in the exhaust stream from my
What should I check for?

Brand of device is "gybmep". After some additional searching, I find I may have been using the wrong Adafruit library. I found another approach at
Seems I should have been using the Adafruit BME280 libraries. From that library example code, I got reasonable results.


QSPI connection on STM32 microcontrollers with other peripherals instead of Flash memories

I will start a project which needs a QSPI protocol. The component I will use is a 16-bit ADC which supports QSPI with all combinations of clock phase and polarity. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a source on the internet that points to QSPI on STM32, which works with other components rather than Flash memories. Now, my question: Can I use STM32's QSPI protocol to communicate with other devices that support QSPI? Or is it just configured to be used for memories?
The ADC component I want to use is: ADS9224R (16-bit, 3MSPS)
Here is the image of the datasheet that illustrates this device supports the full QSPI protocol.
Many thanks
page 33 of the datasheet
The STM32 QSPI can work in several modes. The Memory Mapped mode is specifically designed for memories. The Indirect mode however can be used for any peripheral. In this mode you can specify the format of the commands that are exchanged: presence of an instruction, of an adress, of data, etc...
See register QUADSPI_CCR.
QUADSPI supports indirect mode, where for each data transaction you manually specify command, number of bytes in address part, number of data bytes, number of lines used for each part of the communication and so on. Don't know whether HAL supports all of that, it would probably be more efficient to work directly with QUADSPI registers - there are simply too many levers and controls you need to set up, and if the library is missing something, things may not work as you want, and QUADSPI is pretty unpleasant to debug. Luckily, after initial setup, you probably won't need to change very much in its settings.
In fact, some time ago, when I was learning QUADSPI, I wrote my own indirect read/write for QUADSPI flash. Purely a demo program for myself. With a bit of tweaking it shouldn't be hard to adapt it. From my personal experience, QUADSPI is a little hard at first, I spent a pair of weeks debugging it with logic analyzer until I got it to work. Or maybe it was due to my general inexperience.
Below you can find one of my functions, which can be used after initial setup of QUADSPI. Other communication functions are around the same length. You only need to set some settings in a few registers. Be careful with the order of your register manipulations - there is no "start communication" flag/bit/command. Communication starts automatically when you set some parameters in specific registers. This is explicitly stated in the reference manual, QUADSPI section, which was the only documentation I used to write my code. There is surprisingly limited information on QUADSPI available on the Internet, even less with registers.
Here is a piece from my basic example code on registers:
void QSPI_readMemoryBytesQuad(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint8_t destination[]) {
while (QUADSPI->SR & QUADSPI_SR_BUSY); //Make sure no operation is going on
QUADSPI->DLR = length - 1U; //Set number of bytes to read
QUADSPI->CR = (QUADSPI->CR & ~(QUADSPI_CR_FTHRES)) | (0x00 << QUADSPI_CR_FTHRES_Pos); //Set FIFO threshold to 1
* Set communication configuration register
* Functional mode: Indirect read
* Data mode: 4 Lines
* Instruction mode: 4 Lines
* Address mode: 4 Lines
* Address size: 24 Bits
* Dummy cycles: 6 Cycles
* Instruction: Quad Output Fast Read
* Set 24-bit Address
(0x06 << QUADSPI_CCR_DCYC_Pos) |
QUADSPI->AR = (0xFFFFFF) & address;
/* ---------- Communication Starts Automatically ----------*/
*destination = *((uint8_t*) &(QUADSPI->DR)); //Read a byte from data register, byte access
It is a little crude, but it may be a good starting point for you, and it's well-tested and definitely works. You can find all my functions here (GitHub). Combine it with reading the QUADSPI section of the reference manual, and you should start to get a grasp of how to make it work.
Your job will be to determine what kind of commands and in what format you need to send to your QSPI slave device. That information is available in the device's datasheet. Make sure you send command and address and every other part on the correct number of QUADSPI lines. For example, sometimes you need to have command on 1 line and data on all 4, all in the same transaction. Make sure you set dummy cycles, if they are required for some operation. Pay special attention at how you read data that you receive via QUADSPI. You can read it in 32-bit words at once (if incoming data is a whole number of 32-bit words). In my case - in the function provided here - I read it by individual bytes, hence such a scary looking *destination = *((uint8_t*) &(QUADSPI->DR));, where I take an address of the data register, cast it to pointer to uint8_t and dereference it. Otherwise, if you read DR just as QUADSPI->DR, your MCU reads 32-bit word for every byte that arrives, and QUADSPI goes crazy and hangs and shows various errors and triggers FIFO threshold flags and stuff. Just be mindful of how you read that register.

Does modern operating-systems use the MCFG ACPI table to find the registers of the xHCI?

I'm working on a minimal hobby operating-system. I want to write a driver for xHCI in order to support USB keyboards and mouses. I'm using QEMU for virtualization. I'm passing the -device qemu-xhci parameter to qemu so that it emulates the xHCI. I was wondering if the modern operating-systems use the MCFG ACPI table to find the configuration space of PCI (and the registers of the xHCI)? I was also wondering how to enable PCI-Express in QEMU so that I can find a MCFG table in RAM so that I can support the latest technology in my hobby OS.
To find all xHCI controllers you search PCI configuration space for devices ("functions") with matching "class/subclass/progID" values (see note 2); which means that you have to find a way to access PCI configuration space first.
On 80x86; there are 3 possible ways to access PCI configuration space - 2 that use IO ports ("mechanism #1" and the deprecated "mechanism #2"), and one that maps PCI configuration space into the physical address space (called "Enhanced Configuration Access Mechanism").
If the Enhanced Configuration Access Mechanism is supported; the MCFG ACPI table describes how PCI configuration space is mapped into the physical address space. Primarily; PCI buses are described as "groups of buses", where each group (defined by a "starting bus number" and "total buses in this group" pair) has a base physical address, and the correct physical address for a PCI function is determined by finding information for the relevant group of buses for the requested bus number, then doing a calculation like:
physical_address = base_physical_address_for_group +
(bus_number - starting_bus_number_for_group) << 20 +
device_number << 15 +
function_number << 12 +
Note 1: because most operating systems use virtual memory it's possible for an OS to create a nice "virtually linear" mapping of the ("possibly physically disjoint") physical memory areas described by MCFG ACPI table (while using the same page full of zeros mapped as read-only to fill any gaps in the "virtually linear mapping"); so that the OS can use a simplified approach (with no need to find information for the relevant group of buses) like:
virtual_address = PCI_config_space_base_virtual_address +
bus_number << 20 +
device_number << 15 +
function_number << 12 +
Note 2: An OS doesn't/shouldn't literally search PCI configuration space each time it wants to start a device driver for one specific type of device. Instead an OS typically enumerates PCI buses once during boot (and possibly after boot in response to a notification if "hot-plug PCI" is supported) and starts device drivers based on the results of that enumeration. In other words, it's more like "I found an xHCI controller and need to start the appropriate driver" and not like "I want to start an xHCI driver and need to find the appropriate device/s".

Can't receive from USB bulk endpoint despite Windows enumerates and libusb reads descriptor of STM32 custom device class

For a fast ADC sampling USB device, I am using the USB 2.0 High Speed capable STM32F733 with the embedded USB-HS PHY. In USBView, I can see that the device is enumerated, the libusb code opens the device and claims interface, but when I try to receive data with libusb_bulk_transfer, the operation times out (return code -12). Things I have tried: I have confirmed than when I request data with libusb_bulk_transfer, the device is interrupted. Note: I have DMA enabled in my class configuration C file and it is not clear to me how that is triggered. I have verified that the transfersize and packet count registers are being set correctly by the LL library function, and that when I request data from
Any tips on debugging such problems will be much appreciated - this board is my undergrad thesis due in under two months!
Desktop sequence:
libusb_get_device_list, libusb_get_device_descriptor, libusb_open, libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii, libusb_free_device_list, libusb_bulk_transfer(devh, fat_EPIN_ADDR, inframe, fat_EPIN_SIZE, &gotBytes, 100). Where gotBytes is integer, and inframe is a large array.
Device firmware:
uint8_t txBuffer[10*fat_EPIN_SIZE];
while (1)
USBD_LL_Transmit(&hUsbDeviceHS, Custom_fat_EPIN_ADDR, txBuffer, Custom_fat_EPIN_SIZE);
Custom_fat_EPIN_SIZE is 0x200 and the endpoint address is 0x81 (EP IN 1)
Installed driver for device is WinUSB (verified in Device Manger to be winusb.sys), and I am linking libusb-1.0 into my desktop program. You can find my source code at, the firmware is My SW/v1 and the desktop software is a Qt Creator project in My SW/Viewer, of note is usb.cpp. You can also compare with testing project/HIDTest, which is code that I tested with STM32F303 nucleo dev board where I was able to read an array through IN bulk endpoint with the Viewer application. However, F3 has the USB peripheral, while F7 has OTG_USB, and I am now attempting USB 2.0 compliant HS so there may be more protocol-based pitfalls. You can also find the output of the device descriptor etc from USBView in my SW/USBView_broken.txt
EDIT 1: I have found finally some concrete error in the STM32 behavior. The DMAADDR is set for EPIN 0x81, and never increments, despite the DMA being enabled. I have went through literally every occurrence of the word "DMA" in the USB_OTG periphery.
I thought it might be that my linker script makes my array be stored in DTCM or similar, and the OTG DMA can't access it, but the address of txBuffer is 0x2003EBEC which is in SRAM2. The AHB matrix in the reference manual clearly shows, that the USB OTG HS DMA is master for a bus that SRAM2 is a slave of. And DTCM is connected too. I will look for application notes for USB OTG HS DMA - it just seems to be refusing to copy data!
I have fixed my issue by disabling the DMA setting. I have re-read the relevant portions of the reference manual and still don't know how exactly the values propagate into the Tx FIFOs. It is possible that DMA-less operation will be a major bottleneck in my project, I might return to this later.

Question about Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI) on x86 LAPIC system

Hi I'm writing a kernel and plan to use MSI interrupt for PCI devices.
However, I'm also quite confused by the documentations.
My understanding about MSI are as follow:
From PCI device point of view:
Documentations indicate that I
need to find Capabillty ID = 0x05 to locate 3 registers: Message control (MCR), Message Address (MAR) and Message Data (MDR) registers
MCR provide control functionality for MSI interrupt,
MAR provide the physical address the PCI device
will write once interrupt occurs
MDR forms out the actual data it will write into the physical address
From CPU point of view:
Documentation shows that Message Address register contains fixed top of 0xFEE, and following by destination ID (LAPIC ID) and other controlling bits as follow:
The Message Data register will contain the following information, including the interrupt vector:
After reading all of these, I am thinking if the APIC_ID is 0x0h would the Message Address conflict with the Local APIC memory mapping? Although the address of FEE00000~FEE00010 are reserved.
In addition, is it true that the vector number in MDR is corresponding to the IDT vector number. In other words, if I put MAR = 0xFEE0000C (Destination ID = 0, Using logical APIC ID) and MDR = 0x0032 (edge trigger, Vector = 50) and enable the MSI interrupt, then once the device issues an interrupt CPU would correspondingly run the function pointed by IDT[50]? After that I write 0h to EOI register to end it?
Finally, according to the documentation, the upper 32 bit of MAR is not used? Can anyone help on this?
Thanks a lot!
Your understanding of how to detect and program MSI in a PCI (or PCIe) device is correct.*
The message address controls the destination (which CPU the interrupt is sent to), while the message data contains the vector number. For normal interrupts, all bits of the message data should be 0 except for the low 8 bits, which contain the vector.
The vector is an index into the IDT, so if the message data is 0x0032, the interrupt is delivered through entry 50 of the IDT.**
If the Destination ID in an interrupt message is 0, the Message Address of the MSI does match the default address of the local APIC, but they do not conflict, because the APIC can only be written by the CPU and MSIs can only be written by devices.
On x86 platforms, the upper 32 bits of the message address must be 0. This can be done by setting the upper part of the message address to 0 or by programming the device to use a 32-bit message address (in which case the upper message address register is not used). The PCI spec was designed to work with systems where 64-bit MSI addresses are used, but x86 systems never use the upper 32 bits of the message address.
Reprogramming the APIC base address by writing to the APIC_BASE MSR does not affect the address range used for MSI; it is always 0xFEExxxxx.
* You should also look at the MSI-X capability, because some devices support MSI-X but not MSI. MSI-X is a bit more flexible, which inevitably makes it a bit more complicated.
** When using the MSI capability, the message data isn't exactly the value in the Message Data Register (MDR). The MSI capability allows the device to use several contiguous vectors. When the device sends an interrupt message, it replaces the low bits of the MDR with a different value depending on the interrupt cause within the device.

max732x.c I2C IO Expander + GPIO Keys w/ Linux Device Tree not working

I'm working with a Freescale MX6 and a 3.10.31 Freescale modified kernel. I have a Maxim MAX7325 used as an IO expander, which has pushbuttons attached to P0-P2. The interrupt line from the 7325 is attached to the GPIO_3 pad (which I believe is GPIO1_3...)
I set up the 7325 and gpio-keys in the device tree like this:
max7325_reset: max7325-reset {
compatible = "gpio-reset";
reset-gpios = <&gpio5 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
reset-delay-us = <1>;
#reset-cells = <0>;
gpio-keys {
compatible = "gpio-keys";
sw2 {
gpios = <&max7325 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
linux,code = <30>; //a
&i2c1 {
clock-frequency = <100000>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c1_2>;
status = "okay";
max7325: gpio#68 {
compatible = "maxim,max7325";
reg = <0x68>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
resets = <&max7325_reset>;
gpios = <&gpio1 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
interrupts = <3 2>;
What appears to happen is when probe for the MAX7325 driver is called, client->dev.platform_data is NULL. Because of this, when max732x_irq_setup is called later, it doesn't set up the chip->gpio_chip.to_irq pointer to point at max732x_gpio_to_irq function (presumably because it doesn't have the right info for this to work.) Later, when gpio_keys
tries to config the first input, it fails when it tries to set up the interrupt and none of the other keys get set up.
gpio-keys gpio-keys.20: Unable to get irq number for GPIO 242, error -6
I did determine using the /sys interface that P0 maps to GPIO 240, so yeah, GPIO 242 is the sw2 GPIO-KEY I was trying to set up.
I'm wondering, does this driver not work with a device tree? I don't see it trying to get any device tree properties, but other IO expander drivers I looked at didn't either, so I thought maybe the I2C core is reading the device tree and supposed to fill in the platform_data from there somehow before it calls the driver's probe function (?)
I'm fairly new at this, so any help would be appreciated. =) I did read a few of the Device Tree docs online, but I'm thinking this is something fairly specific that I'm not doing correctly, which they don't cover... (?)
I do have CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X_IRQ configured in the kernel... and I did at one point try setting the interrupt-controller property for the max7325 I2c1 node, but I wasn't sure that was needed (?)
MAX732x device tree support
Driver you are using won't work with data from device tree. I have added device tree support to this driver and sent it to kernel mailing lists for review, but they are not merged yet. See this thread (total 4 patches):
You can either apply those patches to your branch or wait for them to get into upstream kernel and then cherry-pick them from there (into your branch).
Bindings documentation (see patches above) shows how to create device tree declaration for MAX732x. In your case it may look like this:
&i2c1 {
expander: max7325#68 {
compatible = "maxim,max7325";
reg = <0x68>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
interrupts = <3 2>;
Another way for you to use this driver (without patches above) is to specify platform data in board file for your board. I believe it should be one of next files:
You can find an example how to do so here: arch/arm/mach-pxa/littleton.c, line 394.
But it may be not reliable way: I tried to do so and had some issues with i2c buses numbers (didn't look too much in that way though). It also looks bad to scatter devices' definitions between board file and dts file. So I strongly recommend you to use patches above.
Answers to questions
What appears to happen is when probe for the MAX7325 driver is called, client->dev.platform_data is NULL.
It happens because driver was binded with device declaration from device tree file rather than from board file. In that case driver should use client->dev.of_node instead of client->dev.platform_data. Just see how it's done in my patch above.
You can read more about how binding/matching/instantiating happens in kernel documentation here:
I thought maybe the I2C core is reading the device tree and supposed to fill in the platform_data from there somehow before it calls the driver's probe function (?)
No. When binding is happening, client->irq being automatically populated in I2C core (before driver's probe function being called). Properties like gpio_base and irq_base -- you don't need them in case when data came from device tree.
I did at one point try setting the interrupt-controller property for the max7325 I2c1 node, but I wasn't sure that was needed (?)
MAX7325 issues interrupt to your SoC when it detects changes on input lines (more specifically, on open-drain I/O ports configured as inputs).
So if you want your driver to generate separate interrupts for each input I/O line (so that other drivers can consume them), you should specify "interrupt-controller" and "#interrupt-cells" properties. But for this you need all patches mentioned above to be applied.
Patches status
Now all mentioned patches were merged into upstream kernel (v4.0 and later):
gpio: max732x: Add device tree support
gpio: max732x: Rewrite IRQ code to use irq_domain API
gpio: max732x: Fix possible deadlock
gpio: max732x: Add DT binding documentation
Also notice that there are some new patches were made on top of my patches. You can watch them here.