Deploy Discord bot on vps (Plesk) - deployment

I have recently created a Discord bot in Javascript. I have bought a vps (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Plesk Web Host) and a domain name. How do I run a Discord Bot 24/7 on this server? I have tried putting the app.js in a subdomain but that of course didn't seem to work...
I have enabled node.js
Thanks in advance!

Solved the problem! I've downloaded Jenkins so it automatically deploys. After that I deploy it using forever. If someone wants to do this too, here is the script for jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent any
tools {nodejs "node"}
stages {
stage('start node') {
steps {
sh 'npm --prefix ./src install ./src'
sh 'JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE=dontKillMe forever stop ./src/app.js || true'
sh 'JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE=dontKillMe forever start ./src/app.js'


Run a self-hosted agent in Docker

I am trying to run a self- hosted agent in docker, I have created the dockerfile and start.ps1 files and installed the Azure DevOps Server Express Admin console. I am getting a "Basic authentication requires a secure connection to the server " when I try running the container in docker ( switched windows containers) URL: http://computername/DefaultCollection
I have also attached a screenshot of the error
can you please advise how to resolve this issue.
Docker Run error
Run a self-hosted agent in Docker
I could not reproduce this issue on my side with hosted agent windows-2019.
To test this issue, I created a folder dockeragent in my Azure repo, which including the files Dockerfile and start.ps1:
Then copy the content from the document Run a self-hosted agent in Docker to those two files.
Next, create a pipeline with an inline powershell task to create the docker image and run docker container:
cd $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\dockeragent
docker build -t dockeragent:latest .
docker run -e AZP_URL=<YourOrganizationName> -e AZP_TOKEN=<YourPAT> -e AZP_AGENT_NAME=mydockeragent dockeragent:latest
The test result:
To make it work, please make sure the file Dockerfile and start.ps1 is correct without any change.
If above info not help you, please share the content of your Dockerfile and the steps you did.
Your are using azureDevOps without https.
Registering your PiplineAgent via PAT requires https (hence the error: "Basic authentication requires a secure connection to the server".
Try using other authentication Methoden (negotiation, which uses windows authentication)

How to deploy docker-compose solution automatically from github to vps over ssh?

What I want to do:
Deploy docker-compose solution from Github to my virtual private server which has docker and docker-compose installed.
I saw that there are Github Actions that allow me to copy files over SSH after push to master, but I don't know how to run docker-compose up on my server after source has been copied.
On my VPS I have Ubuntu 18.4 installed.
I believe Github actions also allow you to run arbitrary commands on remote servers via ssh (there are a few in their library).
Assuming you copy your docker-compose.yml into, /home/user/app/docker-compose.yml, you could run a command like so:
ssh "cd /home/user/app/ && docker-compose up -d"

winrm or requests is not installed: No module named winrm

I have a small simple setup consisting of Jenkins & Ansible 2.7.8 running on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = [u'/home/jon/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 2.7.15rc1 (default, Nov 12 2018, 14:31:15) [GCC 7.3.0]
Jenkins ver. 2.150.3
I then have a Windows VM ( that has a Powershell script stored on it and an Ansible playbook configured to connect to the Windows VM and run the Powershell script.
When I run the Ansible-Playbook directly from the command line it works fine, connects to the Windows machine and runs the script. All good.
I am having real trouble though implementing Ansible into Jenkins to run the playbook. When I run the playbook through Jenkins, I get the following error:
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Ansible-RunPS-1.0
[Ansible-RunPS-1.0] $ /usr/bin/ansible-playbook //etc/ansible/runPS.yml -f 5
PLAY [Runs remote PS script] ***************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
[0;31mfatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "winrm or requests is not installed: No module named winrm"}[0m
To me, it seems to be running the playbook but then failing as it cannot find the winrm module. Could it be something to do with the account that Jenkins uses can't somehow find the winrm module, yet if I run the same command under my account, it finds it ok ?
Happy to post other configs etc. if that would help but thought I'd try and keep it as simple as possible to begin with.
As is the way with these things, you spend days trying to fix it, then as soon as you ask for help you manage to fix it.
I'd love to be able to say it was just a case of installing this or running that but in truth, I really don't know what got it going, it suddenly burst into life after a reboot, can't believe that's all it was but you never know!

Switching between or adding multiple VOLTTRON Historian Framework

I have below agent installed in my Volttron platform:
sqlhistorianagent-3.6.1 - platform.historian - platform_historian
Following the documentation:
I tried to install another Historian -(Mongo Historian) following this doc.:
Below the steps followed to install mongodb on Ubuntu:
cd volttron
. env/bin/activate
sudo scripts/historian-scripts/
2.Mongodb connector
pip install pymongo
The installation done successfully. However, I am using below commands to check the status of the installed agent.
volttron -l log1&
volttron-ctl status
For some reason, it is not showing up under my agents.
Is it possible to have both agents in the same Volttron? if it is not,
please let me know how to switch between the historian agents (i.e replace Sqlhistorianagent with Mongodbagent) or enable Mongodbagent agent?
It is worth-mentioning that I have "Crate Historian" installed.
pymongo is required for connecting to the mongo database. You still need to install the MongodbHistorian.
You can look at for an example of what you will need to do to install the agent itself. The following assumes that you are running it from the root of the volttron directory and that you have modified the config file in the mongodbhistorian directory to connect to your mongodb instance.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ ! -e "./volttron/platform" ]; then
echo "Please execute from root of volttron repository."
exit 0
export HIST="services/core/MongodbHistorian"
export HIST_CONFIG="$HIST/config.mongodb"
One thing also to note is that shortly we will be updating master to releases/5.0rc so the methodology for installations will have changed.

How to deploy a meteor application to my own server?

How to deploy a meteor application to my own server?
flavour 1: the development and deployment server are the same;
flavour 2: the development server is one (maybe my localhost) and the deployment server is another (maybe a VPS in the cloud);
flavour 3: I want to make a "meteor hosting" domain, just like "". Is it possible? How?
I'm running Ubuntu and I don't want to "demeteorize" the application. Thank you.
Meteor documentation currently says:
"[...] you need to provide Node.js 0.8 and a MongoDB server. You can
then run the application by invoking node, specifying the HTTP port
for the application to listen on, and the MongoDB endpoint."
So, among the several ways to install Node.js, I got it up and running following the best advice I found, which is basically unpacking the latest version available directly in the official Node.JS website, already compiled for Linux (64 bits, in my case):
# Does NOT need to be root user:
# create directory
mkdir -p ~/.nodes && cd ~/.nodes
# download latest Node.js distribution
curl -O
# unpack it
tar -xzf node-v0.10.13-linux-x64.tar.gz
# discard it
rm node-v0.10.13-linux-x64.tar.gz
# rename unpacked folder
mv node-v0.10.13-linux-x64 0.10.13
# create symlink
ln -s 0.10.13 current
# add path to PATH
export PATH="~/.nodes/current/bin:$PATH"
# check
node --version
npm --version
And to install MongoDB, I simply followed the instructions in the MongoDB manual available in the Documentation section of its official website:
# Needs to be root user (apply "sudo" if not at root shell)
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 7F0CEB10
echo 'deb dist 10gen' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/10gen.list
apt-get update
apt-get install mongodb-10gen
The server is ready to run Meteor applications! For deployment, the main "issue" is where the "bundle" operation happens. We need to run meteor bundle command from inside the application source files tree. For example:
cd ~/leaderboard
meteor bundle leaderboard.tar.gz
If the deployment will happen in another server (flavour 2), we need to upload the bundle tar.gz file to it, using sftp, ftp, or any other file transfer method. Once the file is there, we follow both Meteor documentation and the README file which is magically included in the root of the bundle tree:
# unpack the bundle
tar -xvzf leaderboard.tar.gz
# discard tar.gz file
rm leaderboard.tar.gz
# rebuild native packages
pushd bundle/programs/server/node_modules
rm -r fibers
npm install fibers#1.0.1
# setup environment variables
export MONGO_URL='mongodb://localhost'
export ROOT_URL=''
export PORT=3000
# start the server
node main.js
If the deployment will be in the same server (flavour 1), the bundle tar.gz file is already there, and we don't need to recompile the native packages. (Just jump the corresponding section above.)
Cool! With these steps, I've got the "Leaderboard" example deployed to my custom server, not ""... (only to learn and value their services!)
I still have to make it run on port 80 (I plan to use NginX for this), persist environment variables, start Node.JS dettached from terminal, et cetera... I am aware this setup in a "barely naked" one... just the base, the first step, basic foundation stones.
The application has been "manually" deployed, without taking advantage of all meteor deploy command magic features... I've seen people published their "" and "" and I am following the same path... create a script to emulate the "single command deploy" feature... aware that in the near future all this stuff will be part of the pioneer Meteor explorers only, as it will grow into a whole Galaxy! and most of these issues will be an archaic thing of the past.
Anyway, I am very happy to see how fast the deployed application runs in the cheapest VPS ever, with a surprisingly low latency and almost instant simultaneous updates in several distinct browsers. Fantastic!
Thank you!!!
Try Meteor Up too
With that you can deploy into any Ubuntu server. This uses meteor build command internally. And used by many for deploying production apps.
I created Meteor Up to allow developers to deploy production quality Meteor apps until Galaxy comes.
I would recommend flavor two with a separate deployment server. Separation of concerns leads to a more stable environment for your code and its easier to debug.
To do it, there's the excellent Meteoric bash script that helps you deploy to Amazon's EC2 or your own server.
As for how to roll your own, I suggest you break that out into it's own StackOverflow question as it's not related. Plus, I can't answer it :)
I done with it few days ago. I deployed my Meteor application to my own server on the DigitalOcean. I used Meteor Up tool for managing deploys and Nginx on the server to serve the app.
It's very simple to use. You should install meteor up with the command:
npm install -g mup
Then create the folder for deployment configuration and go to the created directory. Then run mup init command. It will created two configuration files. We are have interest for mup.json file. It have configurations for deployment process. It's looks like this:
// Server authentication info
"servers": [
"host": "hostname",
"username": "root",
"password": "password",
// or pem file (ssh based authentication)
//"pem": "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
// Also, for non-standard ssh port use this
//"sshOptions": { "port" : 49154 },
// server specific environment variables
"env": {}
// Install MongoDB on the server. Does not destroy the local MongoDB on future setups
"setupMongo": true,
// WARNING: Node.js is required! Only skip if you already have Node.js installed on server.
"setupNode": true,
// WARNING: nodeVersion defaults to 0.10.36 if omitted. Do not use v, just the version number.
"nodeVersion": "0.10.36",
// Install PhantomJS on the server
"setupPhantom": true,
// Show a progress bar during the upload of the bundle to the server.
// Might cause an error in some rare cases if set to true, for instance in Shippable CI
"enableUploadProgressBar": true,
// Application name (no spaces).
"appName": "meteor",
// Location of app (local directory). This can reference '~' as the users home directory.
// i.e., "app": "~/Meteor/my-app",
// This is the same as the line below.
"app": "/Users/arunoda/Meteor/my-app",
// Configure environment
// ROOT_URL must be set to when using the spiderable package & force SSL
// your NGINX proxy or Cloudflare. When using just Meteor on SSL without spiderable this is not necessary
"env": {
"PORT": 80,
"ROOT_URL": "",
"MONGO_URL": "mongodb://",
"MAIL_URL": "smtp://"
// Meteor Up checks if the app comes online just after the deployment.
// Before mup checks that, it will wait for the number of seconds configured below.
"deployCheckWaitTime": 15
After you fill all data fields you can start the setup process with command mup setup. It will setup your server.
After sucessfull setup you can deploy your app. Just type mup deploy in the console.
Another alternative is to just develop on your own server to start with.
I just created a Digital Ocean box and then connected my Cloud9 IDE account.
Now, I can develop right on the machine in a Cloud IDE and deployment is easy--just copying files.
I created a tutorial that shows exactly how my set up works.
I had a lot of trouble with meteor up, so I decided writing my own deploy script. I also added additional info how to set up nginx or mongodb. Hope it helps!
See /sh folder in repository
What the script does:
Select environment (./ for staging, ./ prod for production)
Build and bundle production version of the meteor app
Copy bundle to server
SSH into server
Do a mongodump to backup database
Stop the running app
Unpack bundle
Overwrite app files
Re-install app node package dependencies
Start the app (uses forever)
Tested for the following server configurations:
Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
meteor --version
node --version v0.10.41
npm --version 3.10.3