Viewing "alphabetical filters" on a small screen - paraview

The Paraview "Alphabetical Filters" menu appears to be bigger than my laptop screen.
When I open the menu, a list of filters covers my entire screen (as has happened when I've used Paraview previously on other, larger, screens). I see filters listed alphabetically. They start at "AMR connectivity" on the upper-left corner of the screen, but terminate with "Tube" at the bottom right, with filters U through Z out of sight.
How can I access the full set of filters on this laptop?
This is Paraview 5.4.1 64-bit on lubuntu.

There is a dedicated option for this, but only with ParaView >= 5.5.0
Edit->Settings->Show advanced options (cogwheel)
General->Force Single Column Filter Menu

In Paraview 5.4, the menu text size can be reduced, allowing more options to fit on the screen:
edit > settings > general > GUI font > override font > set font size to 8
This fix works down to a 14" or 15" screen, provided the user is comfortable reading small text.


In VS Code can I change the width of the split editor panel with a shortcut or command?

In VS Code When I have a vertical editor split with 2 panels I would like to be able to change the right panel's width to a predefined total window width % using a shortcut.
Say I would like to have one shortcut to show the right panel at 50% of the overall VSC width. Then the second shortcut is 30%, the third is 80% and the 4th is 0%.
At the same time I would not like to have any files from the right editor panel joined or closed when I change the panel's width.
Is it posssible with the built-in commands of extensions?
I discovered the VS Code behavior that partially resembles the feature I described above.
To see this we have to split the editor in 2 panels (View->Editor Layout->Two Columns), open some file in the right hand one, manually move its border to the farthest right. Then as we switch between the panels with Ctrl-1 and Ctrl-2 (Windows) the respective active panel will restore its maximum width and the other will get the minimum width.
This does not fully solve my problem but at least alleviates the pain.

Is there a way to make the terminal in VSCode take up the entire width of the application even if the sidebar is open?

Is there a way to make terminal span the entire width of the application without closing the sidenav? I use it quite a bit, and often I have to hide the sidenav in order to see it in full width. It would be great if I could set it up so the sidenav is just alongside the editor, allowing terminal to take up the full width of the application.
This is in Stable v1.64 now.
Go to View/Appearance/Align Panel/Justify or use the Layout Control icon on the upper right mentioned below.
Other options for the Panel alignment are center/left/right.
Note that that the Layout icon on the upper right was recently added with this setting:
Workbench > Layout Control: Enabled
Also, as of v1.75 this can be done via the context menu for the Panel. Right-click on an open space of the Panel to the right of the View headers to open the context menu:
See Release Notes: Manage Panel Alignment
It's already available since version 1.64.
Let's switch to Justify option.
**Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment.
There is a ticket for this feature in the VSCode repository -
It's already available since version 1.64.
See other answers below for more information

Set MATLAB Programming Environment fullscreen (without Title Bar) in Windows

I am currently setting up my MATLAB programming environment in windows. I am trying to remove the title bar at the very top of the screen while editing code. It is similar to the "Enter Full Screen" feature in IntellijIDEA based editors. I am well aware that this is possible MacOSX but did not find any feature supported in Windows. Thank you in advance for your help.
Matlab does not have a true full-screen option on Windows, but take a look at this help page: Optimize Desktop Layout for Limited Screen Space.
Title bars can be hidden by going to the Home tab > Environment section > Layout. Under Show, you can select or deselect "Panel Titles".
You can also hide the toolstrip by clicking the arrow in the upper right corner.
There appears to be no way to hide the Windows title bar and tabs at the very top, but combining these options should get you pretty close to the "full-screen" look you describe.

Keyboard shortcut to change font size in Eclipse?

It is relatively straightforward to change font sizes in Eclipse through preferences (and answered several times in this forum).
However I'd like to change font size quickly (e.g., with Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- like in Linux terminal or Ctrl+mouse wheel in MS Office apps). Is there a way to do this in Eclipse?
Eclipse Neon (4.6)
Zoom In
Zoom Out
This feature is described here:
In text editors, you can now use Zoom In (Ctrl++ or Ctrl+=) and Zoom Out (Ctrl+-) commands to increase and decrease the font size.
Like a change in the General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts preference page, the commands persistently change the font size in all editors of the same type. If the editor type's font is configured to use a default font, then that default font will be zoomed.
So, the font size change is not limited to the current file and the new value of the font size is available here Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts.
I know it has been long since the original question was posted, but for future reference:
check this project,
I have used it, and it's very simple and efficient.
Take a look at this project:
It has some other features, but most importantly, it has Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- to change the font size, it's awesome.
The Eclipse-Fonts extension will add toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts for changing font size. You can then use AutoHotkey to make Ctrl+Mousewheel zoom.
Under Help | Install New Software... in the menu, paste the update URL ( into the Works with: text box and press Enter. Expand the tree and select FontsFeature as in the following image:
Complete the installation and restart Eclipse, then you should see the A toolbar buttons (circled in red in the following image) and be able to use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+- and Ctrl+= to zoom (although you may have to unbind those keys from Eclipse first).
To get Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming, you can use AutoHotkey with the following script:
; Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming in Eclipse.
; Requires Eclipse-Fonts (
; Thank you for the unique window class, SWT/Eclipse.
#IfWinActive ahk_class SWT_Window0
^WheelUp:: Send ^{=}
^WheelDown:: Send ^-
Windows > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts
Then, to change Java editor font: Java > Java Editor Text Font > EDIT
There it is.
Oddly, working on a .js file and Ctrl, Shift, += works to zoom in (and Ctrl - works to zoom out but you have to select 1 or 2 after Ctrl -). This only works when I'm in the js file but the zoom applies to all my open tabs. Using Eclipse Juno on Ubuntu.
In Eclipse Neon.3, as well as in the new Eclipse Photon (4.8.0), I can resize the font easily with Ctrl + Shift + + and -, without any plugin or special key binding.
At least in Editor Windows (this does not work in other Views like Console, Project Explorer etc).
Found a great plugin that works in Juno and Kepler. It puts shortcuts on the quick access bar for increasing or decreasing text size.
Install New Software ->
I use an Eclipse plugin (in Eclipse Marketplace)
Here's a quicker way than multi-layer menus without resorting to plug-ins:
Use the Quick Access tool at the upper left corner.
Type in "font", then, from the list that drops down, click on the link for "Preferences->Colors and Fonts->General->Appearance".
One click replaces the 4 needed to get there through menus. I do it so often, my Quick Access tool pulls it up as a previous choice right at the top of the list so I can just type "font" with a tap on the enter key and Boom!, I'm there.
If you want a keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+3 sets the focus to the Quick Access tool. Better yet, this even automatically brings up a list with your previous choices. The last one you chose will be on top, in which case a simple Ctrl+3 followed by enter would bring you straight there! I use this all the time to make it bigger during long typing or reading sessions to ease eye strain, or to make it smaller if I need more text on the screen at one time to make it easier to find something.
It's not quite as nice as zooming with the scroll wheel or with a simple Ctrl+ or Ctrl-, but it's a lot better than navigating through the menus every time!

How to turn off netbeans welcome screen?

The screen which shows whenever i start Netbeans is very annoying, and among the hundreds of options I can't find the one which turns it off?
To disable the welcome screen, all you have to do is uncheck the box at the bottom that says "Show on startup".
(If I misunderstood you and you were asking about the splash screen, you can disable it by passing the -nosplash parameter.)
It could be complicated for 4k screen users, but it can be done in "blind" mode, by using TAB button to jump through menu and ENTER to uncheck the box.
As noted in another answer (, that checkbox is impossible to see on high resolution screens (it is completely invisible).
The solution I found is to specify a small font size at Netbeans startup (using --fontsize 14 as parameter), disable the checkbox and then restore the size I've been using all along, in my case --fontsize 20.