UWP - can't interact with localhost IBM Sametime - deployment

I have a UWP application that should interact with local Sametime client through REST API that is hosted on localhost by I faced with the issue - that's restricted to call localhost from UWP app.
There are a few of solutions:
Create a proxy(e.g. WCF) that will interact with localhost.
Execute "CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt -a -p=SIDHERE" in cmd on each client machine.
But I need a solution that will allow me to use just only a single package file to deploy my application. So may be there is any more elegant solution to solve my problem?


How to access my desktop MongoDB from EC2 Linux?

I have MongoDB installed on my desktop, using which I have developed a web application. I want to now deploy this webapp on an EC2 linux instance and test it. I don't want to setup another mongoDB on the EC2 separately, rather use the one on my desktop. I understand that it is not that simple to put my ip and mongo port and just connect.
I have added port-forwarding settings on my router like this -
Also I have opened my firewall for this port by adding an inbound rule.
Yet I'm not able to connect. What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance

How to expose services between containers with docker-compose

On circleci, when I declare multiple dockers for a job:
app: company/image
selenium: selenium/image
app will expose a port 4000 and selenium will expose port 4444.
Then from app container, I can access selenium service via localhost:4444, and on selenium container, I can access app webserver via localhost:4000.
docker-compose, however, behaves differently. I only allow me to access to selenium:4444 from app, and app:4000 from selenium.
I want docker-compose to behave similar to circleci, in which it allows me to use localhost:port to access other services. How can I do that?
The way to achieve the above is via networking_mode:
I need to tell docker-compose to run selenium using networking_mode = "services:app" so that every ports listened by selenium will be available to access from app using just localhost:PORT (and vice versa)
This is explained here: Can docker-compose share an ip between services with discrete ports?
Also the reason for it to work is explained in the docker networking model here: https://codability.in/docker-networking-explained/

Digitalocean, deploying jhipster app

I am trying to deploy my jhipster app on DigitalOcean.
I have already created a droplet, connected to it with ssh and cloned the jhipster app from git. Now im having trouble with running the app on the server.
I can run the app on localhost, but I want to create remote access to it.
As i have never done it before I would like some help on how can I achiave that.
Thanks in advance!
Solved my problem.
Didnt have to configure anything, just had to write in the url: ip adress of the virtual machine + : port number and it worked.

Can a web site running on Windows Azure connect to a socket hosted outside the Azure cloud?

I am curious if it is possible (as well as how) to connect FROM a website hosted by/in Windows Azure TO an outside server (IP and port) using a TCP socket. I have no ability to change the outside infrastructure, but could change the way I access it - for example, maybe rewriting the request to connect using socket.io or something else (which may or may not solve the problem). But since I already have it working outside of Azure, it would be nice if it was simply a configuration to enable my web site to call to this outside system, which only exposes its functionality through a socket connection. Thanks!

Making web application go Public

I have my web Application deployed in jboss web server. It contains Servlets. Right now its url is localhost:8080/MyWebApp I want to make it public so that the clients not in localhost can also access MyWebApp. I am new to this so I am not pretty sure about how to do this. I have browsed through many sites offering a domain but I dont understand where will my Server reside. Can I make my own System as Server and run jboss Server?
Regarding listening only on localhost, take a look at your startup scripts ; to make it listen on all the network interfaces you can use
run.sh -b
To listen only on a particular ip use
run.sh -b
Ideally you do not want users to access http://some_server:8080/MyWebApp but something like http://some_server/MyWebApp. To do this you will need to setup Apache with mod_jk and proxy the requests to jboss. If you have never done this before, it might be challenging. But there are plenty of resources on the internet to help you perform this task.