Where is the pycharm deployment pad? - deployment

This question sounds extremely stupid and ridiculous, but I don't remember what I did (not anything evil and complicated, though), and the 'tools'->'deployment' item can no longer be found in my pycharm, it no longer appears in the menu.
I am using pycharm professional 2018.3 on a Macbook.

You need to enable the Remote Host Access plugin.
File -> Settings -> Plugins, and then check 'Remote Host Access' in the list at the right. It looks like this in Pycharm 2017.3.3 Professional Edition:
The official JetBrains documentation on the Plugins menu can be found here.


Is there a way to track an extension's resource usage?

I've noticed through GitHub and Google search that a lot of people have similar issues as mine: vscode hangs and apart from the text editor, nothing works. Sometimes everything but debugging works.
As usual, disabling all extensions make it work perfectly. Checking developer tools, I can notice [Extension Host] working like crazy.
My question is: is there a way to check each extension's usage of process, disk, etc? Something similar to Google Chrome's Task Manager.
As of VSCode 1.23 (April 2018), there is now a Process Explorer built-in. It can be opened with the Developer: Open Process Explorer command:

Improve Eclipse look and feel on Fedora

I am using Eclipse Neon on Fedora 24. The look and feel is not as great as Eclipse on Windows - for example, it takes a long time for the mouse pointer to become draggable when on the border of two windows. What are some potential solutions to improve this.
A few things to consider:
Sometimes certain plugins cause glitches. For example I know Javascript plugin interferes with C development sometimes. Try a fresh upstream Eclipse with a fresh workspace, ex try the latest 'maintenance' eclipse:
These often have the latest fixes.
If you've turned on the black theame, you could try the regular white theame as currently there are some u.i issues specific to the dark theme. ex:
499515: [Gtk3][Dark] Click on package explorer only works on second click when dark theme is enabled
Some Window managers (ex i3) tend to introduce visual glitches in Eclipse. Try alternative window managers or the standard 'gnome' to see if there is a difference.
If you're running wayland, currently Eclipse is a little unstable on wayland, but port is in progress: 496923: [Wayland] Improve support for Wayland in 4.7
You should also consider submitting a bug with more specific details of your setup, (help -> about -> installation details -> Configuration, copy and attach). To do so, go here:
Select "SWT" from Component.
If all else fails, I often hang out on freenode#swt, feel free to ping me there. (lufimtse)
Try this
and I modified my /usr/share/applications/elipse.desktop exec parameter, like this
Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 eclipse
my eclipse.desktop =>
[Desktop Entry]
Name= Eclipse
Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
**Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 eclipse**

VSCode plugin VSCode-PHP-Format not working

I start using vscode less than a month. Please forgive me if this is a dump question.
OS: OS X 10.11.3
VSCode: 0.10.6
Plugin: VSCode-PHP-Format (download via git clone)
Extension path: ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format
I restarted VSCode, open php files, but do not see "Format Code" on the right click menu.
Any idea how to debug this? Right now I don't even know if the plugin load correctly.
With tips from Tobiah Zarlez, I found the "Toggle Developer Tools" in VSCode.
It is shown in the console the plugin cannot find js-beautify.
Inside ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format, run
npm install
It will pull in js-beautify. Then restart VSCode.
I am on my phone and not able to double check to see if it is there, but I'd recommend installing from the visual studio marketplace to insure the plug in is installed correctly. You can do so by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+P and typing "install extension"
Beyond that, a quick glance at the code the plug in should be activated when you open a php file... but since this is a third party plugin, I can't speak to if it actually works or not.
(Again, on phone so can't test)
What you could do is modify the extension.js file to add a "console.log ("hello world")" to the activate function. Them check the log to see if the plug in is installed correctly.
I saw you weren't the only person to complain about the plug in not working though. If I were you, I would continue to try and contact the creator

How to remove LibreOffice's File Explorer context menu options in Windows?

I have LibreOffice installed but it put a whole bunch of options in my 'New' context menu in File Explorer (Windows 10). I want it gone but I can't find the option in LibreOffice's preferences. I found some answers on the web saying "open regedit and modify the registry" but that's ridiculous - I'm looking for the option provided by LibreOffice settings - I mean it MUST exist somewhere, right?
If the option doesn't exist I'd also like to know, I'll then create a feature request. And uninstall LO until they fix it because it's driving me nuts :P
So I haven't found the option yet but you can disable it during installation. When asked, choose Custom and disable the Windows Explorer integration.
Still curious where the option is to disable it after installation though..

Some questions about Ubuntu permissions and shortcuts

I just downloaded Eclipse IDE and Netbeans directly from the websites and installed then in my Ubuntu 12.04. I have some questions:
1 - How can I add their shortcuts in the Ubuntu's sidebar?
2 - When I add shortcuts in desktop using the gnome-desktop-item-edit app, I can't have super user permissions to manipulate then, the Netbeans IDE (that uses a script file to start) shows lots of erros telling that some files are read-only. How can I add sudo privileges in a launcher created with gnome-desktop-item-edit?
Sorry by my poor english.
As far as question #1, first, open the program. Find its icon on the side bar, and right-click it, then select “Keep in Launcher.”
As for #2, in Ubuntu, you can edit the item to run with gksudo COMMAND, but that's extremely unwise (running anything with elevated privileges on the desktop. You should probably instead fix the permissions of the relevant files (right-click on the file, and give yourself permission)
Well, after some days trying to find the better solution for my problem, I think that the better solution is first, Download Eclipse and/or NetBeans IDE from the Ubuntu Software Center and after:
For NetBeans:
Use the IDE's plugin's manager to download the needed ones, and make (if you want) an IDE update process.
For Eclipse:
After download, follow the steps of this link.
After follow this, you can easely create favorite links to your "sidebar" if you use Gnome 3 as me, or make desktop shortcuts without needing sudo privileges, just using the gnome-desktop-item-edit tool or whatever you prefer.