All routes not accessible once angular5 app is deployed - deployment

I am deploying my angular5 app to I have been able to successfully deploy the app to the server. I can visit the site with for example but if I try to visit another page defined in the router such as I get a Not found error.
However, if I place a button within the app that links to the I can visit it that way.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me because the page I want to visit by entering it into the address bar is only for the owner of the site.
Does anyone know how I can get the page to be accessed by entering it in the address bar?
Thanks in advance Tony


Why am I not logged in anymore when I click on a link from an email?

I apologise if the title is unclear; I am unsure how to phrase my issue.
I have a web app (nextjs) running locally with an authentication system (AWS Cognito).
Now, I am logged in and I navigate to this path to consult a book: http://localhost:3000/books/569
If I copy-paste that link and paste it into a new browser window, I am able to consult my book (i.e. I am logged in).
If I send myself this same link by email and I click on the link from the email (same browser, same computer), I am being redirected to the root http://localhost:3000/ (I am not logged in).
Again, sorry if this is vague but I am very much lost as to why it happens like this so any help is greatly appreciated.
Are you sure the same browser is started when you click the link in the email? And this will only work if the site uses cookie based authentication. Some email apps even have a built in browser.

How to support multiple domain links to open home screen app for flutter web pwa?

Problem is that when user installs the home screen app from google form a link such as and then a link such as is clicked it opens in home screen app but if is clicked it doesnot open in homescreen app. Thanks for your help in advance.
This is not a bug or a problem to circumvent. Instead it has to be handled inside the app to work on the same origin. For a detailed explanation on why this is not the case please read this article on multi-orign-pwas.
So I would suggest to work with only one domain or as in the above mentioned article request user permission to register each sub-domain while installing the PWA initially, if this is possible.
I assume you are using firebase hosting. So always works with the available registered domain. That way there is no need to expose the and domains to the users. In this case always work with

C# Facebook SDK, Page Tab App & Auth

Please forgive me if this is a silly question. We're running into a problem attempting to authenticate. The issue seems like a straight forward one so I'm sure it's something silly we're over looking.
Step 1: User hits our tab app front page. This page is public and doesn't not require us knowing who the current user is.
Step 2: There is a button on this page that let's people join our application. This takes the user to another action on our controller and here is where app authentication is checked. If the user has not authorized the application, we are providing the re-direct URL to our app being hosted on our server (I believe this is the crux of our problem).
Step 3: The user authenticates the app, however, when being re-directed we're taken outside of Facebook to the target page.
Do we have to re-direct back to our page tab and if so how can we exchange the code for an access token?
Thanks in advance,
Set a "Namespace" for the app. That creates a new link to you app which ends with the namespace. Use this new url as return_url when calling for authentification.

facebook connect setup issue

I'm trying to add facebook connect to my online mafia game that I own.
When trying to add my domain name I get this:
App Domain: is not a valid domain.
It is valid cause I am logged in right now, the site is working fine.
I had to pay money to add this to my site, after purchase I go into my site control panel and into the newly available facebook connect option. It gave me an app name and game url and a link to facebook to create a new app. I followed this link and added the info as instructed, and result was invalid domain name. I used copy and paste to enter info. And url shown is correct.
Any idea how i can fix this?
thank you in advance.
i figured out my problem...
i was posting app domain as
facebook wouldn't accept it using caps.
it worked using
thanks for your responses!
check your facebook app configuration at . make sure in basic setting, you set your App Domain with your url.
That's not a domain, that's a URL.
Enter just and it should work fine.

Does anyone have access to my iFrame App that I build for a page?

I'm new to facebook app dev.
I habe built a basic app for iFrame and was able to push it to my page.
However, the app seems to be public. Can anyone push my content to his page?
If so, can I prevent this in my script (that lies on my server).
If not: Where are the restrictions to this?
See this answer: How to tell which Facebook Page my Page Tab App is installed on - it explains how to determine the page your app is installed on