How to draw a deployment diagram? - deployment

A simple cd player has four buttons: "power" (on/off), "eject" (open/close tray), "play" (if a cd is in the tray: plays the cd or pauses a playing cd) and "stop" (if a cd is in the tray: stops a playing or paused cd). When the player is switched of, the tray closes if it is open. Do not take into account switching the player off in any other way than with the "power" button.
(Question) :Draw a deployment diagram with a cd player, amplifier, Blu-ray player, and television set. The television has also Internet and thus can play YouTube videos.
Joey Harwood, I have maybe you would be that kind to help me with it.

You should use an UML modeler to make your diagrams, it would be easier to do for you, and easier to read for us. You have free modelers at your disposal ;-)
Some remarks :
You did a diagram, that is fine, please next time do not wait for our protests to publish them
The TV device is not the web server allowing you to access to youtube for instance, it is a web client. So the separate proposal with just the couple CD player -- TV is wrong for me
It is strange for me to see the CD player and the blueray player connected, what they exchange ?
Can you explain why youtube is an artifact ?


Making a live audio streaming webpage problem

I'm working on an project for which I would need to make a webpage with very simple interface, just consisting of several buttons. These buttons should serve as a press play/pause buttons for playing a particular live audio only stream. The streams should be played at the press of the button without any additional interface or windows popping out, essentially playing in the background. Also it would need to be possible to play more of them simultaneously. I was planning to use OBS as a streaming program.I am not a developer, but a designer, I have reached out to several wed developers with this project but all of them could only make this work with only prerecorded audio and not live audio streams.Does anyone know a solution for this problem, or at least what should I look at, it would be really helpful.
Thank You

Google Assistant for voice-input game

I'd like to develop a game/skill on Google Assistant that requires the following, once the user has entered the game/session (“hey Google, start game123”)
playing an audio file that is a few minutes long
playing a second audio file while the first clip is still playing
always listening. While the files are playing, the game needs to listen and respond for specific voice phrases without the “Hey Google” keyword.
Are these capabilities supported? Thanks in advance.
"Maybe." A lot of it depends what devices on the Actions on Google platform you're looking to support and how necessary some of the requirements are. Depending on your needs, you may be able to play some tricks.
Playing an audio file that is "a few minutes" long.
You can play audio using SSML that is up to 120 seconds long. But that will be played before the microphone is opened to accept a response.
For longer files, you can use a Media Response. This has the interesting feature that when the audio finishes, an event will be sent to your server, so you have some limited way to handle timed responses and looping. On the downside - users have to say "Hey Google" to interrupt it. (And there are currently some bugs when using it.)
Since you're doing a game, you can take advantage of the Interactive Canvas. This will let you use things such as the HTML <audio> tag and the Web Audio API. The big downside is that this is only available on Smart Displays and Android devices - you can't use it on Smart Speakers.
Playing multiple audio tracks
Google has an extension to SSML that allows parallel audio tracks for multiple spoken and audio output. But you can't layer these on top of a Media Response.
If you're using the Web Audio API with the Interactive Canvas, I believe it supports multiple simultaneous inputs.
Can I leave the microphone open so they don't have to say "Hey Google" every time.
Probably not, but this may not be a good idea in some cases, anyway.
For Smart Speakers, you can't do this. People are used to something conversational, so they're waiting for the silence to know when they should be saying something. If you are constantly providing audio, they don't necessarily know when it is their "turn".
With the Interactive Canvas devices, we have a display that we can work with that cues them. And we can keep the microphone open during this time... at least to a point. The downside is that we don't know when the microphone is open and closed, so we can't duck the audio during this time. (At least not yet.)
Can I do what I want?
You're the only judge of that. It sounds like the Interactive Canvas might work well for your needs - but won't work everywhere. In some cases, you might be able to determine the capabilities of the device the user is playing with and present slightly different games depending on the features you have. Google does this, for example, with their "Lucky Trivia" game.

VR/360 playback of gameplay recording

Apologies if this question has been asked before, and apologies too if it is obvious to those with knowledge - I'm completely tech illiterate especially when it comes to gaming etc so bear with me!
I'm wondering whether it is possible to record gameplay (any console/platform) but be able to play this back in a 360/VR format?
The usecase is this:
I want to watch and follow a game but rather than having 1st person PoV, I'd love to be able to use either a VR headset device (most ideal) or a 360 viewer (tablet or smartphone) to move perspective beyond forward facing field of vision.
Ideally the PoV would follow players (think specatator mode) and not necessarily be a static camera - although not necessarily a deal breaker.
Is this possible?
How would this be done with existing tools etc or would new tools need to be developed?
Would it be 'recorded' client side or serverside - and would this matter?
Huge thanks in advance - also very very happy to be pointed in the direction of sources of info around this subject to consume if readily available.
You need to connect the gameobject(character) in your game that has the camera to your VR display (wherever you are coding the display at) and write a code that takes the image that it displaces in that camera under that gameobject and make it so it is continuously updating, making it seem like you are in the game.
look here

.Net (or other) dev links for streaming video to an Apple TV?

We are a school district and are in the middle of deploying ~800 iPads, one for every teacher. Next year we'll probably be installing an Apple TV in every room to mirror the iPads wirelessly to the classroom projectors.
I would love to use Apple TV as our standard to mirror all our Windows7 laptops also.
AirParrot ( allows this from Mac OS/X. Apple doesn't license the mirroring protocol so the way AirParrot gets around it is they basically stream the desktop as an H.264 "movie" that is sent to the Apple TV. The Apple TV thinks it's just playing a movie. From the reviews it seems they've gotten the lag to a pretty acceptable level.
I can't see why this couldn't easily be done for Windows 7, I just can't see a app out there that has done it.
Any ideas? I'm a .Net software developer. If anyone has at least links towards how to handle Apple TV video streams from .Net that would be a good first step.
I'm working on a C# library for sending pictures/video to the AppleTV, having trouble with video cutting out after 30 seconds (Link to question), but hopefully I'll figure that out soon. If that problem is overcome you can probably figure out how to generate a movie of the screen and stream it using the library code.

ipod app replacement-in-a-tab?

With the new media-library capabilities in the 3.0 SDK, I'd like to have a tab in my application to control the music that's playing. Not just pause and play (i'm aware that pressing the home button twice brings up controls for this), but also the ability to browse and queue albums/artists/songs/playlists. Basically a copy of the ipod app functionality.
Any chance someone has already done this and made it freely available?
I'm not aware of any readily available source for you. However, the Media Player Framework Reference is pretty straight-forward, and you should be able to mimic the iPod app pretty easily (sans CoverFlow and other niceties, of course). Good luck!
The Media Player framework gives you very limited access to the iPod music player. For example, you can't know where the currently playing song is in its playlist. If you use the application music player, it stops the currently playing song, and when you quit, it stops playing, but the app music player does give you more control over playlists.
In short, you can't replicate all the features of the iPod app in a tab in the OS 3.0 through 3.1.3, but you can do a good job of the basic features of the pop-up control when you double-click the home button.