How to take screenshot of test stpes in ready API? Do we need to take screenshot of test cases? - ready-api

-Test suite
-Test steps
-Test case execution
-Apply assertion
-generate report
Do we take screenshot of test cases in ReadyApi?


Nunit won't discover working non explicit tests Visual studio 2022

I have 3 normal and 1 explicit test but when I run my test using the Test Explorer window I get this output under "Tests" in the Output window
========== Starting test run ==========
NUnit Adapter Test execution started
Running all tests in xyz.dll
NUnit3TestExecutor discovered 1 of 1 NUnit test cases using Current Discovery mode, Explicit run
ExplicitMethod(03/10/2022 08:00:00,03/10/2022 16:00:00): OneTimeSetUp:
NUnit Adapter Test execution complete
========== Test run finished: 1 Tests (0 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Skipped) run in 462 ms ==========
*Note I'm using NUnit Adapter 4.2.1 instead of 4.2.0 so that's already weird
And this is how the Test Explorer window looks
Test Explorer window
*Note the full blue test is the Explicit test that get's skipped like it should
This is a problem because it does seem to only discover tests which are explicit.
The tests I want to run are of course not explicit, here is an example
public async Task<float> TestName(DateTime start, DateTime end, List<CalculateHoursObj>? list = default)
if (list == null) list = new List<CalculateHoursObj>();
return await EmployeeService.CalculateOverTimeHours(start, end, list);
public static IEnumerable TestNameData
yield return new TestCaseData(TenthMarch8_2022, TenthMarch16_2022).Returns(8.0f);
It fails to discover and/or run this test.
But curiously if I break all my non explicit tests by making the data non-static like this
public IEnumerable TestNameData
yield return new TestCaseData(TenthMarch8_2022, TenthMarch16_2022).Returns(8.0f);
It of course breaks the test and when I run all tests it does actually discover all tests
========== Starting test run ==========
NUnit Adapter Test execution started
Running selected tests in xyz.dll
NUnit3TestExecutor discovered 2 of 4 NUnit test cases using Current Discovery mode, Non-Explicit run
NUnit Adapter Test execution complete
========== Test run finished: 2 Tests (0 Passed, 2 Failed, 0 Skipped) run in 394 ms ==========
But even now it only runs 2 of the 3 broken non explicit tests and of course they all fail
I have looked up everything online for 1.5 hours and really can't find a solution.
Don't bother responding with "have you updated visual studio or the nugget packages"
This question was part of a bug the solution is to not use new DateTime() withing nunit tests or to have nunit test be discover with id's using the <UseParentFQNForParametrizedTests>true</UseParentFQNForParametrizedTests> <UseNUnitIdforTestCaseId>true</UseNUnitIdforTestCaseId> flags
This was a bug because it was not reported correctly in the output window and/or Error List window.
I've created an Issue on GitHub about this if anyone wants to read.
Now stop editing this post because it truly is answered and the Issue link which I included shows the valid, correct and readable answer by "OsirisTerje" whom explains it way better than I could.

Azure Releases Pipeline - newman test - publish test results failed with "The following extension fields were not found: TestRunSystem"

I have a simple newman test implemented on Azure release pipeline.
The test is working, however when it try to publish the test results I got this warning:
"The following extension fields were not found: TestRunSystem"
and no tests results of course.
Any idea?

Powershell to fetch the Component Governance result from azure devops build pipeline

We have a requirement to fail the azure devops Build pipeline if you get a Component goverance alert om missing license information on that particular build. Is there any powersehll command topull the component goveranace build result from pipeline and fail the build
When you get a Component goverance alert om missing license information, you could write an error with the following code:
# Writes an error to build summary and to log in red text
Write-Host "##vso[task.LogIssue type=error;]This is the error"
If you want this error to fail the build, then add this line:
exit 1

Is there a way to send the result message to slack when we use the command line to run Katalon's test?

Is it possible to send the Katalon's test result to slack when we are using command line?
I have created the integration for slack inside the Katalon-Studio and it is working fine, but when I tried to execute that test using command-line, the test is running, but the result is not sending to slack.
katalon -noSplash -runMode=console -consoleLog -noExit -projectPath="C:\Users\test\Katalon Studio\Web.Portal\test.prj" -retry=0 -testSuitePath="Test Suites/New Test Suite" -executionProfile="default" -browserType="Chrome"
I expected to receive the same message that I've received when I executed the tests through Katalon-Studio.
Summary execution result of test suite: Test Suites/New Test Suite
Total test cases: 1
Total passes: 1
Total failures: 0
Total errors: 0
Total skipped: 0
All you need is Katalon Plugins
To test suite in console mode and you want Katalon to send a summary report to Slack,
You need to add one more parameter -apiKey into your command as well.
To get an API Key, you can access the store (, log in with your account then navigate to the Setting page to add a new apiKey.
Example in CMD mode
./Katalon\ --args -runMode=console -projectPath="/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/QA-katalon/kyy.prj" -reportFolder=“Reports” -reportFileName=“report” -retry=0 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/Employees” -browserType=“Chrome” -apiKey=“de544cef-a56b-4eb5-a051-391bc0537b59(your key)”
Find more details here >

.net core 2.1 Test Result not displaying in TFS 2018

I have .net core 2.1 project build pipeline as shown below.
I have 2 simple unit test cases which executed successfully. “.NET Core test” command executes successfully and publishes thereport.
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0138714Z Passed Login_Test
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0139277Z Passed Logoff_Test
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0495295Z Results File: P:\*******2018-09-06_17_05_41.trx
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0516990Z Attachments:
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0517972Z P:\*****\TestResults\329a8629-7ec1-454b-97d8-2623d29bbd0e\XXXXX 2018-09-06 17_05_39.coverage
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0518516Z Total tests: 2. Passed: 2. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0519312Z Test Run Successful.
2018-09-06T22:05:42.0528123Z Test execution time: 1.9003 Seconds
2018-09-06T22:05:42.1424722Z Publishing test results to test run '90'
2018-09-06T22:05:42.1424881Z Test results remaining: 2. Test run id: 90
2018-09-06T22:05:42.1592889Z ##[section]Async Command Start: Publish test results
2018-09-06T22:05:42.2384075Z Published Test Run : http://******/_TestManagement/Runs#runId=90&_a=runCharts
2018-09-06T22:05:42.2384433Z ##[section]Async Command End: Publish test results
2018-09-06T22:05:42.2385471Z ##[section]Finishing: VsTest - testAssemblies
But I don’t see any “Test Results” under dashboard.
I included "Visual Studio Test" too, but still dont see the result in the dashboard. What am I missing here?