I have use case where for every second 5k messages are sent to a kafka topic,On the Kafka consumer side I need to aggregate all message for that hour and write files hourly.We are just getting started in Kafka Streams and wondering whether this use case to aggregate message hourly is a right fit for Kafka streams.
I have a database with time series data and this data is sent to Kafka.
Many consumers build aggregations and reporting based on this data.
My Kafka cluster stores data with TTL for 1 day.
But how I can build a new report and run a new consumer from 0th position that does not exist in Kafka but exists in source storage.
For example - some callback for the producer if I request an offset that does not exist in Kafka?
If it is not possible please advise other architectural solutions. I want to use the same codebase to aggregate this data.
For example - some callback for the producer if I request an offset
that does not exist in Kafka?
If the data does not exist in Kafka, you cannot consume it much less do any aggregation on top of it.
Moreover, there is no concept of a consumer requesting a producer. Producer sends data to Kafka broker(s) and consumers consume from those broker(s). There is no direct interaction between a producer and a consumer as such.
Since you say that the data still exists in the source DB, you can fetch your data from there and reproduce it to Kafka.
When you produce that data again, they will be new messages which will be eventually consumed by the consumers as usual.
In case you would like to differentiate between initial consumption and re-consumption, you can produce these messages to a new topic and have your consumers consume from them.
Other way is to increase your TTL (I suppose you mean retention in Kafka when you say TTL) and then you can seek back to a timestamp in the consumers using the offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition,Long> timestampToSearch) and seek(TopicPartition topicPartition, long offset) methods.
I new to Kafka and i have a configuration where i have a source Kafka topic which has messages with a default retention for 7 days. I have 3 brokers with 1 partition and 1 replication.
When i try to consume messages from source Kafka topic and to my target Kafka topic i was able to consume messages in the same order. Now my question is if i am trying to reprocess all the messages from my source Kafka and consume in ,y Target Kafka i see that my Target Kafka is not consuming any messages. I know that duplication should be avoided but lets say i have a scenario where i have 100 messages in my source Kafka and i am expecting 200 messages in my target Kafka after running it twice. But i am just getting 100 messages in my first run and my second run returns nothing.
Can some one please explain why this is happening and what is the functionality behind it ?
Kafka consumer reads data from a partition of a topic. One consumer can read from one partition at one time only.
Once a message has been read by the consumer, it can't be re-read again. Let me first explain the current offset. When we call a poll method, Kafka sends some messages to us. Let us assume we have 100 records in the partition. The initial position of the current offset is 0. We made our first call and received 100 messages. Now Kafka will move the current offset to 100.
The current offset is a pointer to the last record that Kafka has already sent to a consumer in the most recent poll and that has been committed. So, the consumer doesn't get the same record twice because of the current offset. Please go through the following diagram and URL for complete understanding.
I use a SpringBoot App to produce or consume/listen to Kafka
I produce a message in the topic and consume/listen to the
specific message by comparing the messageKey and then send the
consumed message for further processing.
I am stuck with what approach will be better suited to my requirement to get specific message i.e. Kafka Listener or Kafka Consumer what ?
KafkaListener is a Spring specific concept that wraps the Kafka Consumer API.
There is no way to get a message by a particular offset given the key. You must calculate the partition, then scan the entire offset
When I have a kafka console producer message produce some messages and then start a consumer, I am not getting the messages.
However i am receiving message produced by the producer after a consumer has been started.Should Kafka consumers be started before producers?
--from- beginning seems to give all messages including ones that are consumed.
Please help me with this on both console level and java client example for starting producer first and consuming by starting a consumer.
Kafka stores messages for a configurable amount of time. Default is a week. Consumers do not need to be "available" to receive messages, but they do need to know where they should start reading from
The console consumer has the default option of looking at the latest offset for all partitions. So if you're not actively producing data you see nothing as a consumer. You can specify a group flag for the console consumer or a Java client, and that's what tracks what offsets are read within the Kafka protocol and where a read request will resume from if you stopped that consumer in a group
Otherwise, I think you can only give an offset along with a single partition to consume from
I produce some messages first and these messages are persisted on disk by kafka's brokers. Then I start the spark streaming program to process these data, but I can't receive anything in spark streaming. And there is not any error log.
However, If I produce message when the spark streaming program is running, it can receive data.
Can spark streaming only receive the real time data from kafka?
To control the behavior of what data is consumed at the start of a new consumer stream, you should provide auto.offset.reset as part of the properties used to create the kafka stream.
auto.offset.reset can take the following values:
earliest => the kafka topic will be consumed from the earliest offset available
latest => the kafka topic will be consumed, starting at the current latest offset
Also note that depending on the kafka consumer model you are using (received-based or direct), the behavior of a restarted spark streaming job will be different.