I have an ARM template that deploys the SendGrid account but the deployment is always failing with error code": "ResourcePurchaseValidationFailed",
"message": "User failed validation to purchase resources. Error message: 'Offer with PublisherId: Sendgrid, OfferId: sendgrid_azure cannot be purchased due to validation errors. See details for more information.'"
For the first time I was able to create the send grid account through portal successfully. Then for testing purpose I deleted that send grid account directly on portal and tried depoying through ARM template. Then onwards the deployment is failing with the above error when I try using both ARM template and Portal.
Please someone help me on this.
While deploying content to the test stage "Power BI Automation tools" I am getting bad request error.
Can anyone please help?
Error status
My account and subscription is active in portal.azure.com and also same account I have been using for azure devops as well, However while trying to add new service connection in release pipeline section I am seeing below error. Please help.
enter image description here
Please follow these steps to troubleshoot the error "You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription".
Open a new InPrivate/incognito window of browser, and try to create a service connection again.
Go to https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade to check if your subscription status is active.
Go to https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/TenantPropertiesBlade to check whether the Security defaults is disabled.
In addition, when the user is assigned the subscription for the first time, it needs time to sync the changes when logging in to Azure DevOps.
If there is still the error, please report your issue to Developer Community, you could share your detailed messages in private channel (Microsoft Only).
I am just new to Azure Cloud and Devops, so forgive me if I may forget some critical info here.
So during creation of tasks for the release and selecting subscriptions, I get an error when trying to authorize the subscription (which I suspect is because of insufficient permissions associated to my account), so I go to advanced options to select the managed identity authentication.
After which no error shows now. So I set all remaining items and assign Deploy Azure App Service task. However during the running of the agent I get an error during Deploy Azure App Service step.
Error: Failed to get resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites' and resource name 'sample-vue'. Error: Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: 400, status message: Bad Request
I have already set my azure app service to have a system assigned managed identity, but still this error occurs. I can't find any answer, online, with regards to the error above so hoping that someone could help explain to me the problem and how to possibly fix it. My hunch now is that I may have some insufficient permissions, but I don't know what it may be.
Please try the following items:
Remove and re-add the service connection in DevOps.
Check the rights of the account on Azure subscription. Please verify if the account has at least contributor access on Azure subscriptions. Check https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/billing/billing-add-change-azure-subscription-administrator
Please suggest me how to overcome, I am getting Error TF400071: The provisioned service account for this collection could not be retrieved. when I enter account name , https://example.visualstudio.com/ here account name I am using is the name that i have on the place of example while setting TFS to run my selenium test.
The error is
You need to use service account Account Service to communicate with the hosted service. This service account is created automatically when you create a collection in VSTS.
I need to create a "Service account" in order to permit my application to access Google Cloud Storage.
I'm attempting to "Create a new Client ID" --> Service account via the Google Cloud front-end, and getting this error:
Server Error Whoops! Our bad.
Please try again. If the problem persists, please let us know using
the "Send feedback" link below. Copy the tracking number below, and
include it with your feedback. Thanks!
Tracking Number: XYZ
I've "sent feedback", but the error has put a hard-stop on testing, and I don't have a $150/month Google support plan ... so I'm now at the mercy of Google's support system w/ no insight into how long resolution might take.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I might be doing wrong / what I can do to more quickly remedy, short of waiting for Google to respond?