Removing nodes (but keeping graph strongly connected) - networkx

I'm trying to simulate a rectangular room with some rectilinear obstacles within it, and so I formulated the problem as a graph in networkx. To add the obstacles, I'll choose nodes and then delete all of its edges. In order to prevent the graph from partitioning, this is the code I used
self.G = nx.grid_2d_graph(*room_size)
# create obstacles but keep graph strongly connected
for i in range(obstacles):
copy = self.G.copy
while nx.number_connected_components(copy) != 1:
copy = self.G.copy
self.G = copy
But it seems the 'nx.number_connected_components(copy) ' raises an error: 'function' object has no attribute 'is_directed'
Which makes no sense to me because the graph is a grid_2d_graph, which is clearly undirected. What is the problem and how do I fix it?

Got it.
while obstacles > 0:
copy = self.G.copy()
if nx.number_connected_components(copy) == 1:
self.G = copy
obstacles -= 1

Your method of copying the graph, removing a random node and then checking if the graph remains connected, is likely not efficient for large graphs.
Instead, get the list of nodes you can safely remove via: list(nx.bridges(self.G)).
A bridge in a graph is an edge whose removal causes the number of connected components of the graph to increase. Equivalently, a bridge is an edge that does not belong to any cycle. Bridges are also known as cut-edges, isthmuses, or cut arcs.


Removing edges from NetworkX graph which are NOT in a set

I have an almost tree-like graph with one special node which serves as the root and a bunch of terminal nodes which are the leaves. The graph has some small loops which are artifacts from a previous function and I need to remove them.
To do this, I have performed a nx.dijkstra_path between the root node and every terminal node. I then convert the traversed nodes into tuples representing edges and store them in a set:
traversed_edges = set()
for terminal_node in terminal_nodes:
dijkstra_res = nx.dijkstra_path(graph, root_node, terminal_node, weight="length")
for n_idx in range(len(dijkstra_res)-1):
traversed_edges.add((dijkstra_res[n_idx], dijkstra_res[n_idx+1]))
I have to use this instead of a depth-first search because I want to use a weight, which doesn't seem possible any other way.
At this point I want to remove all edges which have NOT been traversed, which would make the graph into a proper tree. I try to do this like so:
graph.remove_edges_from(graph.edges - traversed_edges)
This statement executes successfully, but it has deleted edges seemingly at random. It's worth noting that this graph currently has many "psuedonodes", i.e. nodes that are just connecting two edges. Really, every long line is composed of lots of little short lines end-to-end.
But what I find most perplexing is that if I remove the traversed edges, then I am indeed left with the edges that were definitely not traversed, as seen below, which is the result of executing:
Why is it that removing the traversed edges successfully leaves me with all the edges that I want to delete, but removing the inverse just garbles the graph?

Creation of two networks with the same node coordinates

I create a network add nodes and edges. I view it (it creates a dot and pdf file automatically). Later, I want to create a second network with the same nodes but different edges. I want to place the nodes in the same coordinates, so that I can make a comparison of both graphs easily. I tried to get the coordinates of the first graph, and tried to set the coordinates of the nodes) but I couldn't find proper functions to do that. I also checked networkx package. I also tried to get a copy of the first network, and delete the edges with no success. Can someone please show me how to create a second network with the same node coordinates?
This is the simple network creation code
import graphviz as G
network1 = G.Digraph(
edge_attr={...} )
network.edge("xxx", "yyy")
network.edge("yyy", "zzz")
First, calculate the node positions for the first graph using the layout of your choice (say, the spring layout):
node_positions = nx.layout.spring_layout(G1)
Now, you can draw this graph and any other graph with the same nodes in the same positions:
nx.draw(G1, with_labels=True, pos=node_positions)
nx.draw(G2, with_labels=True, pos=node_positions)
Graphviz's layers feature might also be interesting:
Here is a working example of using layers - ignore the last two lines that create a video.
And here is some more background:

Anylogic - line of sight

Is there a way to check if there is a line of sight between two agents assuming some buildings and presentation markup?
(Meaning a function that would check if two agents can see each other assuming buildings and walls)
This is how I did it once in the past. The only problem is that it might be slow if you need to do that calculation thousands of times per second. And it's only in 2D. If you need 3D, the idea is not so different.
1) add all your building nodes and everything that might be an obstacle between the two agents to a collection. You may want to put a rectangular node around your buildings to keep everything in one collection (assuming you are using space markup with nodes)
2) generate a delta distance delta (equal to 1 for example) and find the angle of the line that passes through both agents.
3) Make a loop from the position of agent1 till the position of agent2. It will be something like this:
x1 = agent1.getX() + L*cos(angle);
y1 = agent1.getY() + L*sin(angle);
for(Node n : yourCollectionOfNodes){
return false
/*This can also work maybe faster
//int numNodesInTheWay=count(yourCollectionOfNodes,n->n.contains(x1,y1));
//if(numNodesInTheWay>0) return false
return true
welcome to SOF.
No, there is no build-in function, afaik. You would have to code something manually, which is possible but not straight forward. If you want help with that, you need to provide more details on the specifics.

GKGraph GKGraphNode GKGridGraphNode, what's relationship for them?

I've read the document but still confused of them, could any guy can give me a clearly explaining, e.g.any image comparison? Thanks.
The Wikipedia article on Pathfinding might help, as might the related topics on graphs and graph search algorithms linked from there. Beyond that, here's an attempt at a quick explainer.
Nodes are places that someone can be, and their connections to other nodes define someone can travel between places. Together, a collection of (connected) nodes form a graph.
GKGraphNode is the most general form of node — these nodes don't know anything about where they are in space, just about their connections to other nodes. (That's enough for basic pathfinding, though... if you have a graph where A is connected to B and B is connected to C, the path from A to C goes through B regardless of where those nodes are located, like below.)
GKGraph is a collection of nodes, and provides functions that work the graph as a whole, like the important one for finding paths.
GKGridGraphNode and GKGraphNode2D are specialized versions of GKGraphNode that add knowledge of the node's position in space — either integer grid space (like a chessboard) or open 2D space. Once you've added that kind of information, a GKGraph containing these kinds of nodes can take distance into account when pathfinding.
For example, look at this image:
If we're just using GKGraphNode, all we're talking about is which nodes are connected to which. So if we ask for the shortest path from A to D, we can get either ACD or ABD, because it's an qual number of connections either way. But if we use GKGridGraphNode or GKGraphNode2D, we're looking at the lengths of the lines between nodes, in which case ACD is the shortest path.
Once you start locating your nodes in (some sort of coordinate) space, it helps to be able to operate on the graph as a whole in that space. That's where GKGridGraph and GKObstacleGraph come in.
GKGridGraph works with GKGridGraphNodes and lets you do things like create a graph to fill a set of dimensions (say, a 10x10 grid, with diagonal movement allowed) instead of making you create and connect a bunch of nodes yourself.
GKObstacleGraph adds more to free-2D-space graphs by letting you mark areas as impassable obstacles and automatically managing the nodes and connections to route around obstacles.
Hopefully this helps a bit. For more, besides the reference docs and guide, Apple also has a WWDC video that shows how this stuff works.

iPhone pathfinding implementation

I am trying to create a Pacman AI for the iPhone, not the Ghost AI, but Pacman himself. I am using A* for pathfinding and I have a very simple app up and running which calculates the shortest path between 2 tiles on the game board avoiding walls.
So running 1 function to calculate a path between 2 points is easy. Once the function reaches the goalNode I can traverse the path backwards via each tiles 'parentNode' property and create the animations needed. But in the actual game, the state is constantly changing and thus the path and animations will have to too. I am new to game programming so I'm not really sure the best way to implement this.
Should I create a NSOperation that runs in the background and constantly calculates a goalNode and the best path to it given the current state of the game? This thread will also have to notify the main thread at certain points and give it information. The question is what?
At what points should I notify the main thread?
What data should I notify the main thread with?
...or am I way off all together?
Any guidance is much appreciated.
What I would suggest for a pacman AI is that you use a flood fill algorithm to calculate the shortest path and total distance to EVERY tile on the grid. This is a much simpler algorithm than A*, and actually has a better worst case than A* anyway, meaning that if you can afford A* every frame, you can afford a flood fill.
To explain the performance comparison in a in a little bit more detail, imagine the worst case in A*: due to dead ends you end up having to explore every tile on the grid before you reach your final destination. This theoretical case is possible if you have a lot of dead ends on the board, but unlikely in most real world pacman boards. The worst case for a flood fill is the same as the best case, you visit every tile on the map exactly once. The difference is that the iterative step is simpler for a flood fill than it is for an A* iteration (no heuristic, no node heap, etc), so visiting every node is faster with flood fill than with A*.
The implementation is pretty simple. If you imagine the grid as a graph, with each tile being a node and each edge with no wall between neighboring tiles as being an edge in the graph, you simply do a breadth first traversal of the graph, keeping track of which node you came from and how many nodes you've explored to get there. You mark a node as visited when you visit it, and never visit a node twice.
Here's some pseudo code to get you started:
openlist = [ start_node ]
node = openlist.remove_first()
for each edge in node.edges
child = node.follow_edge(edge)
if not child.has_been_visited
child.has_been_visited = true
child.cost = node.cost + 1
child.previous = node
while openlist is not empty
To figure out how to get pacman to move somewhere, you start with the node you want and follow the .previous pointers all the way back to the start, and then reverse the list.
The nice thing about this is that you can make constant time queries about the cost to reach any tile on the map. For example, you can loop over each of the power pellets and calculate which one is closest, and how to get there.
You can even use this for the ghosts to know the fastest way to get back to pacman when they're in "attack" mode!
You might also consider flood fills from each of the ghosts, storing in each tile how far away the nearest ghost is. You could limit the maximum distance you explore, not adding nodes to the open list if they are greater than some maximum cost (8 squares?). Then, if you DID do A* later, you could bias the costs for each tile based on how close the ghosts are. But that's getting a little beyond what you were asking in the question.
It should be fast enough that you can do it inline every frame, or multithread it if you wish. I would recommend just doing it in your main game simulation thread (note, not the UI thread) for simplicity's sake, since it really should be pretty fast when all is said and done.
One performance tip: Rather than going through and clearing the "has_been_visited" flag every frame, you can simply have a search counter that you increment each frame. Something like so:
openlist = [ start_node ]
node = openlist.remove_first()
for each edge in node.edges
child = node.follow_edge(edge)
if child.last_search_visit != FRAME_NUMBER
child.last_search_visit = FRAME_NUMBER
child.cost = node.cost + 1
child.previous = node
while openlist is not empty
And then you just increment FRAME_NUMBER every frame.
Good luck!
Slightly unrelated, but have you seen the ASIPathFinder framework? Might help if you have more advanced pathfinding needs.
I would recommend just pre-computing the distance between all pairs of points in the map. This takes n^2/2 space where there are n traversable points in the map. According to this link there are 240 pellets on the board which means there are about 57k combinations of points that you could query distances between. This is pretty small, and can be compressed (see here) to take less space.
Then, at run time you don't have to do any real computation except look at your possible moves and the distance to reach that location.