Color legend missing when export scene (.eps) from paraview - paraview

I want to export eps format image from paraview. The paraview version I am using is 5.4.0. When I export eps format image from paraview, the color legend is missing as shown as the figure. The text and the color legend is missing and only the tick label is there. I tried with and without rasterizing the image but still get the same output. Is there any setting need to be changed?
Thank you

This was a bug in ParaView, it has been fixed for the upcoming release, 5.8.1


How to export a MATLAB plot without changing the color?

I'm trying to export plots of MATLAB but the colours change a bit.
This is my exportation using RGB and 600 as resolution:
And this the screenshot:
I would like to know how can I keep the red of the screenshot one.
Thank you.
Did you try this framework?
Else this problem might be related to the export command Export Matlab figure as PNG?

Matlab figure saved as .eps appears in 'horizontal sections' when opened in Adobe Illustrator

I normally save my matlab figures as .eps and then make them better looking using Adobe Illustrator. This works for most figures but not all.
For example I plotted my data using the violin.m function from file exchange. When I save it as .eps and open it in Illustrator, I don't get an editable figure as I usually do. Instead, My figure appears chopped in horizontal sections, and all I can do is delete them (like in the figure below).
Is there anything I can do in either matlab or Illustrator to be able to edit the figure?
I don't need an .eps file, I just need to be able to edit it.
I tried #MattSchmatt's suggestion of using the print2eps function but I had the same problem.
Saving as .pdf doesn't solve the problem, because the image I get is not editable in Illustrator (plus, I also get the horizontal 'chunks').
A minimal, complete and verifiable example requires matlab, the violin function linked above and illustrator. But if it helps, here's the matlab code to produce a similar figure. I save by clicking on Figure -> save as. (But as I said above I tried the print2eps function and that was the same).
X = rand(100,6);
figure; violin(X)
I tried the following, didn't work either.
set(gcf, 'Renderer', 'painters')
As the author of the question suggests, I also wasn't able to export an editable (vectorized) .eps file into Illustrator. However, exporting it as .pdf does the trick. The 'fill' for the violin plots is weird, though, and has horizontal sections (perhaps something to do with the way the density estimate is being plotted?) all over. I was able to fix this and make the plots normal (with solid filled shades): select all the horizontal sections/chunks using the magic wand tool, and then increase opacity to 100% (it is set to 50 based on the exported file). Once all the required edits are made, export the file as .tiff and it seems to look fine. Hope this replicates, and thus helps! (my MATLAB version is 2016, and Illustrator version is the CS5)

Issue Matlab EPS figures

I have a problem when I create a EPS figure which I want to include in Latex. Somehow I am unable to place a caption above the figure created with Matlab. It gets overwritten by whitespace. I have created a minimum working example. The figure in matlab is created according the following code:
title('A line')
And the corresponding latex file:
\caption{Caption is overwritten}
No caption is visible in the output pdf. I am a dvi-ps-pdf chain.
It seems to be an issue with the bounding box values. If I add go to the draft mode of graphicx (\usepackage[draft]{graphicx} ) the caption appears.
Thanks for any help.
Best, Rob
Try the clip option in includegraphics:
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth, clip]{test.eps}
You may also want to include some vertical space between caption and figure:
\caption{Caption is overwritten}
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth, clip]{test.eps}

Core Plot - Customize x-axis Labels

I want to draw graph using Core Plot Library. I try to customize the x-axis Labels such as shown in attached Image.
this graph have two label on x-axis at one tick location. and title of axis at origin. Can i draw this type of graph using Core Plot or not ? If yes, how i can do this ?
Yes, you can do this. However you will have to use the latest coreplot code from the repository. AFAIK the attributed label formatter support no available yet in the latest official release. With that formatter you can give your labels the form you want (and use only one label with a line break, instead 2).

EPS figures created with MATLAB, edited with Illustrator, Different Colors in after dvipdf prepared PDF

I create figures in MATLAB, and export to EPS using the normal File->Save As dialog box. I added some additions to the EPS file using Adobe Illustrator CS6, and then saved the EPS again. Viewing the EPS file with Evince, everything looks normal.
But when adding these figures to a LaTEX file, compiling as normal, then converting the .dvi to a PDF using dvipdf, the colors of the Illustrator modified EPS come out different. Any ideas what can be done to fix them?
I solve the problem by the following procedure. When you save the EPS file in illustrator, DO NOT check the "Include CMPK PostScript in RGB Files". Then the colors in the compiled LaTeX file won't be in dull color.