i want to change my mysqli check exist and insert into pdo.. my statement look like below:
$addSearch = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ %\[\]\.\(\)%&-]/s', '', $search);
if ($CheckMusic = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM search WHERE term='$addSearch'")) {
$CheckRow = mysqli_fetch_array($CheckMusic);
$CheckId = $CheckRow['id'];
$CheckCnt = $CheckMusic->num_rows;
} else {
printf("Error: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
$Now = strtotime("now");
$addSearch = $mysqli->escape_string($addSearch);
if ($CheckCnt < 1) {
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO search (term, datetime) VALUES('$addSearch','$Now') ") or die(mysqli_error());
} else {
$mysqli->query("UPDATE search SET datetime='$Now' WHERE id='$CheckId'") or die(mysqli_error());
hope someone can help with sample if can ;q thanks for your advance!
$addSearch = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ %\[\]\.\(\)%&-]/s', '', $search);
$CheckMusic = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM search WHERE term='$addSearch'");
$Now = strtotime("now");
if($CheckMusic->num_rows == 0){
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO search (term, datetime) VALUES('$addSearch','$Now') ") or die(mysqli_error());
$CheckRow = mysqli_fetch_array($CheckMusic);
$CheckId = $CheckRow['id'];
$addSearch = $mysqli->escape_string($addSearch);
$mysqli->query("UPDATE search SET datetime='$Now' WHERE id='$CheckId'") or die(mysqli_error());
I hope it will work.
I made a module that display how many days ago a article was published
it looks like this.
$jinput = JFactory::getDocument()->input;
$option = $jinput->get('option');
$view = $jinput->get('view');
if ($option=="com_content" && $view=="article") {
$ids = explode(':',JRequest::getString('id'));
$article_id = $ids[0];
$article =& $jinput->get("content");
$date = new JDate($article->get("publish_up"));
$currentTime = new JDate('now');
$interval = $date->diff($currentTime);
if($interval->d == 0) {
echo 'dzisiaj' . "<br>";
else if( $interval->d == 1) {
echo 'wczoraj' . "<br>";
else if( $interval->d > 1) {
echo $interval->format('%a dni temu') . "<br>";
And it works on my local joomla but when use it on custom template it doesnt work. I'm using Joomla 3.4.8.
The issue is you're trying to access the input values using Document Factory that's wrong you have to use
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
Document Factory is used for other purpose like adding , styles or Js to the pages etc. read more about input here.
Hope it make sense.
I am pulling comments from my database. The 'created_on' field I have created is inserting properly, however when I echo the results, it's a random date and time that is the same no matter what(Mar 11, 2013 at 10:50 AM).
Here is my query to pull the records:
public function get_airwave_comments($profile_id)
$session = $this->session->userdata('is_logged_in');
$user_id= $this->session->userdata('id');
if($profile_id == $user_id)
$comments_query = "SELECT * FROM airwaves_comments aw,users u WHERE u.id=aw.from_id AND AW.FROM_id=aw.to_id AND aw.from_id=".$profile_id." order by aw.created_on desc" ;
$comments_query = "SELECT * FROM airwaves_comments aw,users u WHERE u.id=aw.from_id AND aw.to_id=".$profile_id." order by aw.created_on desc" ;
$query = $this->db->query($comments_query);
if($query->num_rows() >= 1)
$data = $query->result_array();
// return whole resultset. It contains zero, one or more records
return $data;
else return false;
$query = $this->db->query($poster_info_query);
if($query->num_rows() >= 1)
$data = $query->result_array();
// return whole resultset. It contains zero, one or more records
return $data;
else return false;
Here is the view in which I'm trying to echo the 'created_on' field properly:
if ($airwave && $profile_id == $session_id)
foreach ($airwave as $airwave_comment_row)
$airwave_comment_row = $airwave[0];
echo "<div id='profile_airwave'>";
echo $airwave_comment_row['comment'];
echo "<br />";
echo "<span class='profile_airwave_info'>";
echo date('M d, Y',strtotime($airwave_comment_row['created_on'])); ?> at <?php echo date('g:i A',strtotime($airwave_comment_row['created_on']));
echo "</span>";
echo "</div>";
so basically even if I just do echo $airwave_comment_row['created_on']; It's echoing the same said date.
thanks in advance.
I changed the name of the datetime column in the comments table so that it was different from the datetime column in the users table it's being spliced with.
In order to be able to use lazy loading, I need to modify the src attribute of tt_news' image output like so:
<img src="/foo/bar/baz.png" … /> // <-- before
<img data-original="/foo/bar/baz.png" … /> // <-- after, no src!
I have tried:
plugin.tt_news.displayList.content_stdWrap {
parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE
HTMLparser = 1
HTMLparser.keepNonMatchedTags = 1
HTMLparser.tags.img.fixAttrib.src.unset = 1
but to no avail, since
The image in question is not being inserted via RTE, but the "normal" media integration.
That wouldn't copy the src attribute over to data-original before unsetting.
So, what should I do aside from pulling my hair out?
This cannot be solved via typoscript, because the src attribute is hard coded in the cImage function:
$theValue = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix .
t3lib_div::rawUrlEncodeFP($info[3])) . '" width="' . $info[0] . '" height="' . $info[1] . '"' .
$this->getBorderAttr(' border="' . intval($conf['border']) . '"') .
$params .
($altParam) . ' />';
The only way I see to modify the src attribute is through a user function. tt_news provides a hook for a user function that allows the custom processing of images (see line 2150 of class.tx_ttnews.php).
Insert the following typoscript:
includeLibs.user_ttnewsImageMarkerFunc = fileadmin/templates/php/user_ttnewsImageMarkerFunc.php
plugin.tt_news.imageMarkerFunc = user_ttnewsImageMarkerFunc->ttnewsImageMarkerFunc
Whereas the file user_ttnewsImageMarkerFunc.php contains:
class user_ttnewsImageMarkerFunc {
* Fills the image markers with data.
* #param array $paramArray: $markerArray and $config of the current news item in an array
* #param [type] $conf: ...
* #return array the processed markerArray
function ttnewsImageMarkerFunc($paramArray, $conf) {
$markerArray = $paramArray[0];
$lConf = $paramArray[1];
$pObj = &$conf['parentObj'];
$row = $pObj->local_cObj->data;
$imageNum = isset($lConf['imageCount']) ? $lConf['imageCount'] : 1;
$imageNum = t3lib_div::intInRange($imageNum, 0, 100);
$theImgCode = '';
$imgs = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $row['image'], 1);
$imgsCaptions = explode(chr(10), $row['imagecaption']);
$imgsAltTexts = explode(chr(10), $row['imagealttext']);
$imgsTitleTexts = explode(chr(10), $row['imagetitletext']);
if ($pObj->config['code'] == 'SINGLE') {
$markerArray = $this->getSingleViewImages($lConf, $imgs, $imgsCaptions, $imgsAltTexts, $imgsTitleTexts, $imageNum, $markerArray, $pObj);
} else {
$imageMode = (strpos($textRenderObj, 'LATEST') ? $lConf['latestImageMode'] : $lConf['listImageMode']);
$suf = '';
if (is_numeric(substr($lConf['image.']['file.']['maxW'], - 1))) { // 'm' or 'c' not set by TS
if ($imageMode) {
switch ($imageMode) {
case 'resize2max' :
$suf = 'm';
case 'crop' :
$suf = 'c';
case 'resize' :
$suf = '';
// only insert width/height if it is not given by TS and width/height is empty
if ($lConf['image.']['file.']['maxW'] && ! $lConf['image.']['file.']['width']) {
$lConf['image.']['file.']['width'] = $lConf['image.']['file.']['maxW'] . $suf;
if ($lConf['image.']['file.']['maxH'] && ! $lConf['image.']['file.']['height']) {
$lConf['image.']['file.']['height'] = $lConf['image.']['file.']['maxH'] . $suf;
$cc = 0;
foreach ($imgs as $val) {
if ($cc == $imageNum)
if ($val) {
$lConf['image.']['altText'] = $imgsAltTexts[$cc];
$lConf['image.']['titleText'] = $imgsTitleTexts[$cc];
$lConf['image.']['file'] = 'uploads/pics/' . $val;
$theImgCode .= str_replace('src="', 'class="lazy" data-original="', $pObj->local_cObj->IMAGE($lConf['image.'])) . $pObj->local_cObj->stdWrap($imgsCaptions[$cc], $lConf['caption_stdWrap.']);
if ($cc) {
$markerArray['###NEWS_IMAGE###'] = $pObj->local_cObj->wrap($theImgCode, $lConf['imageWrapIfAny']);
} else {
$markerArray['###NEWS_IMAGE###'] = $pObj->local_cObj->stdWrap($markerArray['###NEWS_IMAGE###'], $lConf['image.']['noImage_stdWrap.']);
if ($pObj->debugTimes) {
// debug($markerArray, '$$markerArray ('.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.')', __LINE__, __FILE__, 2);
return $markerArray;
* Fills the image markers for the SINGLE view with data. Supports Optionssplit for some parameters
* #param [type] $lConf: ...
* #param [type] $imgs: ...
* #param [type] $imgsCaptions: ...
* #param [type] $imgsAltTexts: ...
* #param [type] $imgsTitleTexts: ...
* #param [type] $imageNum: ...
* #return array $markerArray: filled markerarray
function getSingleViewImages($lConf, $imgs, $imgsCaptions, $imgsAltTexts, $imgsTitleTexts, $imageNum, $markerArray, $pObj) {
$marker = 'NEWS_IMAGE';
$sViewSplitLConf = array();
$tmpMarkers = array();
$iC = count($imgs);
// remove first img from image array in single view if the TSvar firstImageIsPreview is set
if (($iC > 1 && $pObj->config['firstImageIsPreview']) || ($iC >= 1 && $pObj->config['forceFirstImageIsPreview'])) {
if ($iC > $imageNum) {
$iC = $imageNum;
// get img array parts for single view pages
if ($pObj->piVars[$pObj->config['singleViewPointerName']]) {
* does this work with optionsplit ?
$spage = $pObj->piVars[$pObj->config['singleViewPointerName']];
$astart = $imageNum * $spage;
$imgs = array_slice($imgs, $astart, $imageNum);
$imgsCaptions = array_slice($imgsCaptions, $astart, $imageNum);
$imgsAltTexts = array_slice($imgsAltTexts, $astart, $imageNum);
$imgsTitleTexts = array_slice($imgsTitleTexts, $astart, $imageNum);
if ($pObj->conf['enableOptionSplit']) {
if ($lConf['imageMarkerOptionSplit']) {
$ostmp = explode('|*|', $lConf['imageMarkerOptionSplit']);
$osCount = count($ostmp);
$sViewSplitLConf = $pObj->processOptionSplit($lConf, $iC);
// reset markers for optionSplitted images
for ($m = 1; $m <= $imageNum; $m++) {
$markerArray['###' . $marker . '_' . $m . '###'] = '';
$cc = 0;
foreach ($imgs as $val) {
if ($cc == $imageNum)
if ($val) {
if (! empty($sViewSplitLConf[$cc])) {
$lConf = $sViewSplitLConf[$cc];
// if (1) {
// $lConf['image.']['imgList.'] = '';
// $lConf['image.']['imgList'] = $val;
// $lConf['image.']['imgPath'] = 'uploads/pics/';
// debug($lConf['image.'], ' ('.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.')', __LINE__, __FILE__, 3);
// $imgHtml = $pObj->local_cObj->IMGTEXT($lConf['image.']);
// } else {
$lConf['image.']['altText'] = $imgsAltTexts[$cc];
$lConf['image.']['titleText'] = $imgsTitleTexts[$cc];
$lConf['image.']['file'] = 'uploads/pics/' . $val;
$imgHtml = str_replace('src="', 'class="lazy" data-original="', $pObj->local_cObj->IMAGE($lConf['image.'])) . $pObj->local_cObj->stdWrap($imgsCaptions[$cc], $lConf['caption_stdWrap.']);
// }
//debug($imgHtml, '$imgHtml ('.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.')', __LINE__, __FILE__, 3);
if ($osCount) {
if ($iC > 1) {
$mName = '###' . $marker . '_' . $lConf['imageMarkerOptionSplit'] . '###';
} else { // fall back to the first image marker if only one image has been found
$mName = '###' . $marker . '_1###';
$tmpMarkers[$mName]['html'] .= $imgHtml;
$tmpMarkers[$mName]['wrap'] = $lConf['imageWrapIfAny'];
} else {
$theImgCode .= $imgHtml;
if ($cc) {
if ($osCount) {
foreach ($tmpMarkers as $mName => $res) {
$markerArray[$mName] = $pObj->local_cObj->wrap($res['html'], $res['wrap']);
} else {
$markerArray['###' . $marker . '###'] = $pObj->local_cObj->wrap($theImgCode, $lConf['imageWrapIfAny']);
} else {
if ($lConf['imageMarkerOptionSplit']) {
$m = '_1';
$markerArray['###' . $marker . $m . '###'] = $pObj->local_cObj->stdWrap($markerArray['###' . $marker . $m . '###'], $lConf['image.']['noImage_stdWrap.']);
// debug($sViewSplitLConf, '$sViewSplitLConf ('.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.')', __LINE__, __FILE__, 2);
return $markerArray;
Most of this code is copied from class.tx_ttnews.php. The important line is the following (in each of the two functions):
str_replace('src="', 'class="lazy" data-original="', $pObj->local_cObj->IMAGE($lConf['image.']))
Then you'll get the following image tags:
<img class="lazy" data-original="uploads/pics/myimage.jpg" width="110" height="70" border="0" alt="" />
In 2019 tt_news is still around. I use it with TYPO3 8 LTS, the version from github as its not anymore in the official extension repository. (For new Projects use "news")
So I think, because tt_news has to be updated in TYPO3 9, its legit to just hack the code directly, by changing tt_news/Classes/Plugin/TtNews.php like this:
--- a/Classes/Plugin/TtNews.php
+++ b/Classes/Plugin/TtNews.php
## -2621,6 +2621,7 ## class TtNews extends AbstractPlugin
$markerArray['###NEWS_IMAGE###'] = $this->local_cObj->stdWrap($markerArray['###NEWS_IMAGE###'],
+ $markerArray['###NEWS_IMAGE###'] = $this->LazyLoading($markerArray['###NEWS_IMAGE###']);
## -2632,6 +2633,13 ## class TtNews extends AbstractPlugin
+ function LazyLoading($html){
+ $html = str_replace('src="', 'class="lazy" data-original="', $html);
+ return $html;
+ }
* Fills the image markers for the SINGLE view with data. Supports Optionssplit for some parameters
I', trying to re-format a date from a table in Codeigniter. The Controller is for a blog. I was succesfull when the date conversion happens in the View. I was hoping to convert the date in the Model to have things in order.
This is the Model:
class Novedades_model extends Model {
function getAll() {
$query = $this->db->get('novedades');
if($query->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
This is part of the controller
$data['records'] = $this->novedades_model->getAll();
Here's the date conversion as it happens in the View. This is inside the posts loop:
<?php foreach($records as $row) : ?>
$fdate = "%d <abbr>%M</abbr> %Y";
$dateConv = mdate($fdate, mysql_to_unix($row->date));
<div class="article section">
<span class="date"><?php echo $dateConv ;?></span>
... Keeps going ...
How can I convert the date in the Model? Can I access the date key and refactor it?
Why you need to format the date in the Model because ultimately you need the formatted date in the View to be shown. However, you can do the same what you are already doing in the View for formatting it:
function getAll() {
$query = $this->db->get('novedades');
if($query->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
$data[] = $row;
foreach($data as $row) :
$fdate = "%d <abbr>%M</abbr> %Y";
$dateConv = mdate($fdate, mysql_to_unix($row->date));