Content Assist (Ctrl + Space) Is not working for testNG.xml file in eclipse - testng-eclipse

Content Assist (Ctrl + Space) is not working in Eclipse IDE for testng.xml .
Eclipse Version: Photon Release (4.8.0)


Why don't Eclipse shortcut keys (CTRL + space) work?

When I installed Eclipse to write java programs, I found the feature of shortcut coding (CTRL + space) doesn't work popping up error message, giving that Eclipse version is Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)

my eclipse splits editor windows automatically, it's extremely annoying for me.

Does anybody know how to disable this auto-splitting?
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Version: Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a)
Please see the image Windows==>Editor==>Toggle split Editor.

PyDev - in Eclipse Oxygen "show in System explorer" absent for Python project; available in Java Project

In Java project I can show anything in "System Explorer". Why for python project I cannot do the same?
Press ALT + SHIFT + W after select some file.

Eclipse Mars Configuration

I am facing couple of problems with projects configuration in Eclipse Mars/Kepler.
Build Path is not coming for projects.
Ctrl + click is not working
Ctrl + Shift + T not working.
Package view is not coming got projects.
I did lot googling and tried, but none are working.
I finally found the issue.
Eclipse Mars has an embedded maven plugin installed and configured in eclipse.
This was different from the version of eclipse configures on my system which I was using to "mvn clean install" the workspace. So, pointing to my system configured maven and re-importing the projects resolved the issue.
Go to Windows --> Preferences --> Maven --> Installations and point to system maven.
My projects are compatible with maven 3.2.3 (system maven) and eclipse has higher version of maven.

PyDev 5.3 and Eclipse Neon 4.6 - loacation (OSx)

I switched from Eclipse Mars to Eclipse Neon today. The Pydev plugin was not installed at the place where it was in Eclipse Mars (/Applications/eclipse/cpp-neon/
Does anyone know where the is located on OsX.
The easiest way to know where the PyDev debugger is located is by opening a PyDev editor, writing pydevd and requesting a code completion just showing the templates (ctrl space twice)... A template for creating a programmatic breakpoint will be shown (and it adds the debugger to the PYTHONPATH, so you can see where it's located).