I have deployed my first classic asp application to Docker container.now i am trying to set up db connection for testing.i have db connection test page but its throwing error seems like SQL driver not installed in the windows container.Can any body help on this ,is there any commands for installing SQL driver in the container. Find the docker file which i used.
FROM microsoft/iis:windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
RUN Install-WindowsFeature Web-ASP
COPY ./share/ClassicAspApp.zip
RUN Expand-Archive -Path ClassicAspApp.zip -DestinationPath C:\ClassicAspApp; `
Remove-Item ClassicAspApp.zip
RUN Remove-Website -
I am trying to find the location of .dbshell storing, but I can't manage to find.
May I know normally where does it storing?
Docker mongo
The server is installing in GCP, I am using debian server and run with ssh to manage the server.
I'm trying to implement a small API in docker and i need that API writes to a database which is hosted on the same server but running on windows server 2006
I can't change the OS in the server because that server also works as a gateway for Powerbi
Should i mount the volume to (I'm guessing C:/mongodb/data) or should i make the insert by the localhost
These are my limitations :
host: running windows server 2006 (cant change this)
app: a container running in windows subsystem for linux (it has to run on linux because i need async functions and i only have knoweldge in python|nodejs) but it has to persist the data in the mongo database running on host
mongo database : it has to be running in windows server because a Power Bi Gateway is running comsuming data
keeping with diagrams maybe this will help to explain this in a better way
As far as I understand your system is as in the picture. You want to write data to MongoDB. There should be a network bridge to connect between the host and the Linux environment. You can access MongoDB via bridge IP. If you want to run another MongoDB and mount disk where is in the host. It is not reliable because the data may conflict.
I am able to run PGadmin version 4.4 as a desktop application. Is it possible to run the PGadmin as a service in windows so I can access the PGadmin web portal as a different user.
This is needed for the automation purposes.
run the following from admin cmd prompt:
sc.exe create PGAdmin4 binpath= "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\pgAdmin 4\bin\pgAdmin4.exe"
please ensure the "binpath" is correct for your environment
I have successfully connected to local environment on Jupyter notebook on port 8888. Now I am trying to query locally running mongodb on port 3001. I am using pymongo and below is my code:
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:3001")
mydb = myclient["meteor"]
mydoc = mydb["historicalNames"].find({ "Name" : "John Doe"})
<pymongo.cursor.Cursor at 0x7f78ff706e80>
But when I try to fetch data using below code
df = pd.DataFrame(list(mydoc))
I get the error:
ServerSelectionTimeoutError: localhost:3001: [Errno 111] Connection refused
How to connect to local DB with connect local environment from google colab
You might try simplifying your setup by removing colab: does the same notebook code work on your local jupyter installation using the jupyter front-end?
A total guess: is the jupyter runtime running inside a docker container different to where the mongodb server is running? If yes then you probably need to bridge networks to make it work, or tell both docker containers to use --net=host networking (and make sure there are no port collisions among your host & all docker containers).
I've checked evrything using bugzilla. it says ok. but still not getting script running. The server I'm trying to connect is suse Linux. Oracle 10g server. I'm running cgi script on Windows x86 PC.
Thanks in advance.
i assume you have oracle driver installed on the windows machine and that the env parameters in windows is setup properly for oracle_home, tns_admin and that normal net8 capibilities all work to connect to oracle without perl first via sqlplus from the oracle driver/instant client. If not install either oracle instant client or oracle full client install. Then configure your oracle client to properly connect to the db and test that its working.