How can I truncate my paragraph to only show a certain amount of words and the have a "show more" link that opens up the rest of the paragraph in the same page?
In my page.ts file I have an array filled with this code:
slides = [
paragraph:'a very long long long long paragraph '
paragraph:'very long long long long paragraph'
paragraph:'very long long long long paragraph'
In my HTML file I have this code to show it:
<ion-slides [options]="slideOpts" pager="true">
<ion-slide *ngFor="let slide of slides">
<h4> {{ slide.paragraph }} </h4>
You can use css trick to resolve this issue
.customStyle {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
<h4 class="customStyle"> abc... </h4>
You could use this library #yellowspot/ng-truncate
Then, in your html:
<p *ngIf="isFull[i] === true">{{slide.paragraph}} <span (click)="toggleMore(i)">.. see less</span></p>
<p *ngIf="isFull[i] === false">{{slide.paragraph | truncate :100: "..."}} <span *ngIf="slide.paragraph.length > 100" (click)="toggleMore(i)">see more</span></p>
In .ts file:
for(let i=0; i<this.slides.length; i++){
this.isFull[i] = !this.isFull[i];
Hope this helps.
Im Using Ionic3.I want to change my ion-card background color whenever the click function fires, i have some problem it does not work for me, any help on this would be great.Thank You
<ion-card [color]="buttonColor" (click)="someAction()" tappable>
<ion-card-content >
<p class="item-nme">01.Account Creation Success</p>
<div item-end class="item-mark"><img src="../assets/imgs/checked.png"></div>
export class WelcomePage {
private buttonColor: string = "primary";
someAction() {
this.buttonColor = "light";
you need to use ngStyle or style.background. ion-card doesn't have direct color attribute.
<ion-card [ngStyle]="{'background':buttonColor}" (click)="someAction()" tappable>
<ion-card-content >
<p class="item-nme">01.Account Creation Success</p>
<div item-end class="item-mark"><img src="../assets/imgs/checked.png"></div>
Using style:
<ion-card [style.background]="buttonColor" (click)="someAction()" tappable>
<ion-card-content >
<p class="item-nme">01.Account Creation Success</p>
<div item-end class="item-mark"><img src="../assets/imgs/checked.png"></div>
I have tried every solution but nothing has worked. I am building a chat app where i want it to be scrolled to last message automatically,also when new message comes it scrolls to the bottom.
I have tried scrollTo() on the #content but it doesn't work
<ion-content #content *ngIf="buddy">
<div class = "chatwindow">
<ion-list no-lines *ngIf="allmessages">
<ion-item *ngFor = "let item of allmessages; let i = index" text-wrap>
<ion-avatar item-left *ngIf="item.sentby === buddy.uid">
<img src="{{buddy?.photoURL}}">
<div class="bubble me" *ngIf="item.sentby === buddy.uid">
<h3 *ngIf="!imgornot[i]">{{item.message}}</h3>
<img src="{{item?.message}}" *ngIf="imgornot[i]">
<ion-avatar item-right *ngIf="item.sentby != buddy.uid">
<img src="{{photoURL}}">
<div class="bubble you" *ngIf="item.sentby != buddy.uid">
<h3 *ngIf="!imgornot[i]">{{item.message}}</h3>
<img src="{{item?.message}}" *ngIf="imgornot[i]">
#ViewChild('content') content: Content;
scrolltoBottom() {
setTimeout(() => {
// this.content.scrollToBottom();
}, 1000);
Your code should be like this.
export class ChatPage {
#ViewChild('content') content: Content;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {
scrolltoBottom() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
} }
All of my content elements are wrapped using stdWrap.wrap.
I am looking for a solution to wrap content elements in the page which i have my ke_search added differently .
Why do you need another HTML-markup?
Normaly you have another <div> around your search results which should enable you to add another styling by CSS.
your page may look like:
<div class="header">
<div class="content">
<div id="C123">
<h3>my very special CE</h3>
<p class="bodytext">with some text to demonstrate.</p>
<div id="345">
<h3>your search results:</h3>
<div class="search-results">
<a href="index.php?id=67&s=special">
<div id="C123">
<h3>my very special CE</h3>
<p class="bodytext">with some text to demonstrate.</p>
<a href="index.php?id=83&s=special">
<div id="C52">
<h2>just a demo</h3>
<p class="bodytext">this text is nothing special.</p>
with appropiate CSS the first CE looks completely different to the same CE in the search results.
h3 { color:black; font-size:16px; }
p.bodytext { color:#444; font-size:12px; }
.search-results h3 { color:blue; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; }
.search-results p.bodytext { color:#44b; font-size:10px; font-style:italics; }
I answer my own question:
You can conditionally wrap specific content elements using the following typoscript snippet.
tt_content {
stdWrap {
if.value = tx_kesearch_pi2
wrap = |
innerWrap >
wrap = <div class="someotherclass">|</div>
I'm making a simple app that keeps track of my hours at work. I'm developing the app for android and I'm having a problem with the scrolling.
Structure of the App:
I have a header bar and a footer which are both outside of the < ion-content > tab, so I don't expect that to be scrollable. Within the < ion-content > I have used an < ion-side-menus > tab and finally within the < ion-side-menu-content > tab I have put in a < ion-nav-view > tab which is controlled by my state provider.
Everything works fine, the menu is operational and the views change according to their design. Within one of my views I have a list that exceeds the size HERE IS WHERE THE PROBLEM BEGINS!. When using a computer, I can pull the page down (as if I were trying to refresh it) but when I try to scroll down the page goes straight to the top of the list unless I keep dragging and have my finger on the left click. Furthermore the rest of the content in the list is not loaded. The listed is literally cropped to where it stopped before I dragged down. When I export it to an android app I cant even drag to scroll. The scrolling is literally non-functional.
I've attached some code
var app = angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])
.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
// for form inputs)
if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
if (window.StatusBar) {
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: "views/home.html",
controller: "MainController"
.state('rotas', {
url: '/rotas',
templateUrl: "views/rotas.html",
controller: "MainController"
.state('update', {
url: '/update',
templateUrl: "views/update.html",
controller: "UpdateController"
.scroll {
height: 100%;
/* Before i put in this CSS element, the content in the view was cropped SIGNIFICANTLY. not sure exactly what it does but it solved my problem. All other CSS elements are colour changes*/
<body ng-app="starter" ng-controller="MainController">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-stable">
<!--header bar -->
<h1 class="title">Shiftwiz.{{controllerCheck}}</h1>
<div class="bar bar-footer bar-stable">
<table id="footer-table">
<a ui-sref="rotas" ng-click="activity.doRotas()">
<a ui-sref="update" ng-click="activity.doUpdate()">
<ion-side-menu-content overflow-scroll="true">
<button class="button button-full button-positive" ng-click="toggleLeft()">
Rotas: {{activity.rotas}} Update: {{activity.update}}
<ion-nav-view overflow-scroll="true"></ion-nav-view>
<ion-side-menu side="left">
<ion-item>Next Week</ion-item>
<ion-item ng-click="toggleLeft(); activity.chooseThisWeek(); calcDates()">This Week</ion-item>
<div id="further-weeks" ng-show="activity.rotas">
<ion-item>Last Week</ion-item>
<ion-item>Last Two</ion-item>
<ion-item>Last Three</ion-item>
<!-- this view contains the list which isn't rendering-->
<div class="card" ng-repeat="day in unPublishedRota">
<a ng-click="day.toggleState()">
<div class="item item-divider">
<p class="day">{{ | date:"EEEE" }}
<br />{{ | date:"d, MMM y"}}</p>
<p class="times">{{day.start}} | {{day.finish}}
<br />{{day.hours}} hrs</p>
Your update.html contents should be wrapped in <ion-view> and <ion-content> elements.
<div class="card" ng-repeat="day in unPublishedRota">
<a ng-click="day.toggleState()">
<div class="item item-divider">
<p class="day">{{ | date:"EEEE" }}
<br />{{ | date:"d, MMM y"}}</p>
<p class="times">{{day.start}} | {{day.finish}}
<br />{{day.hours}} hrs</p>
You can also have a look at a working sidemenu example by Ionic.
I was impressed by the smoothness of the iScroll on iOS so i tried to implement it in my iPhone application.
The iScroll Demo works real fine on my iPhone. But only when the scrollable content is as simple as short text in <li> elements:
<ul id="thelist">
<li>Pretty row 1</li>
<li>Pretty row 2</li>
<li>Pretty row 3</li>
When i tried to put a slightly more complex contents :
<li class="GOE-WOTBDO GOE-WOTBIO GOE-WOTBEO " __idx="0">
<div class="cssDivStyle">
<img width="120px" height="74px" src="http://some_jpg_image.jpg">
<p>Some long text ....</p>
The smoothness is completely gone, and the list hardly scrolls ..
Is there a way to make my contents lighter ?
Any suggestions whatsoever ? Thank you very much !
Here's how i declare my iScroll element:
myScroll = new $wnd.iScroll(
useTransition : true,
topOffset : pullDownOffset,
hScroll : false,
onRefresh : function() {
if (pullDownEl.className.match('loading')) {
pullDownEl.className = 'pullDown';
pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = 'Pull down to refresh...';
onScrollMove : function() {
if (this.y > 5 && !pullDownEl.className.match('flip')) {
pullDownEl.className = 'flip pullDown';
pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = 'Release to refresh...';
this.minScrollY = 0;
onScrollEnd : function(response) {
if (pullDownEl.className.match('flip')) {
pullDownEl.className = 'loading pullDown';
pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = 'Loading...';;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(pullDownCallback,response);
only by removing divs from:
<li class="GOE-WOTBDO GOE-WOTBIO GOE-WOTBEO " __idx="0">
<div class="cssDivStyle">
<img width="120px" height="74px" src="http://some_jpg_image.jpg">
<p>Some long text ....</p>
and making it to:
<li class="GOE-WOTBDO GOE-WOTBIO GOE-WOTBEO " __idx="0">
<img class="cssDivStyle" width="120px" height="74px" src="http://some_jpg_image.jpg">
<p>Some long text ....</p>
Made the scrolling much, much faster !! I have no idea why!
The code below will render your page the way webkit expects it. So redrawing will be massively quicker.
<div class="headerFix">
<div class="header">
<!-- The content in header...logo/menu/e.t.c -->
<div class="content"><!-- you dont need this extra div but it keeps structure neat -->
<li>List content here which can be as complex as needed</li>
<div class="footerFix">
<div class="footer">
<!-- The content in footer -->
The css
.headerFix, .header {
height:50px; /*important to share width in both divs*/
.headerFix, .footerFix {
.header {
/*this is now fixed, but the parent being in flow keeps this div from overlapping your list which is why the height had to be the same for both*/
ul li {
/*basic list look for sample purposes*/
border-bottom:solid 1px #777;
.footerFix, .footer {
height:50px; /*important to share width in both divs*/
.footer {
/*you will need to use javascript to find the height of device screen to know what the css value for "top" should really be. This will take some work on android where getting screen sizes is funky if you plan to support it. */
/*If its iphone only you can assume the size which has always been the same, and make an exception for the new iphone 6. I say use javascript to position this footer if you plan to support many platforms*/
By the way I recommend using this meta tag in your html head to make sure you use the screen at its best
<meta content='width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;' name='viewport' />
When I use 'iscroll-lite.js' library in my mobile application, I fall same problem. Then I had little change in 'iscroll-lite.js' library.
Simply add e.preventDefault() to '_move:' function in 'iscroll-lite.js';
It resolve my problem.