I am trying to include employee data in a query for those with phone numbers of 10 digits. They are displayed as ###.###.#### or ###.##.####.###### in the table.
How would I use the where function to only include 10 digit numbers. The code below and others I have tried result in errors.
select column_a, column_b
from employees
where phone_number like '__________'
I would make a validation in the input
<input runat="server" type="text" class="form-control" maxlength="10" id="txtPhoneNumber" placeholder="### ### ####" />
If your table is small, you can strip the non-numbers from the phone numbers and then check the length. The functions to do this vary from database to database. Here's how you can do it in MySQL with regexp_replace.
select column_a, column_b
from employees
where length(regexp_replace(phone_number, '[^[:digit:]]', '')) = 10
This is fine for small tables. If your table is large this will run into performance problems. Since it is calculated it must scan every row. One way to handle this is to add a generated column which normalizes the phone number.
alter table employees
add column phone_number_normalized varchar(20)
generated always as (
regexp_replace(phone_number, '[^[:digit:]]', '')
create index phone_number_normalized on employees (phone_number_normalized);
This adds a column phone_number_normalized automatically generated from phone_number and only stores numbers. And it indexes it. Then your query, and other queries, become simpler and more efficient.
select column_a, column_b
from employees
where length(phone_number_normalized) = 10
Finally, if you work a lot with phone numbers, instead of storing them as a string you may wish to parse them and put them into their own table. Then you can store things like their country code, area code, and so on.
I have a table in Postgres that has ~50 million rows. I need to convert certain columns to rows.
I need to unpivot certain columns for individuals that repeat as an individual column and repeat the non-individual variables against the respective ID -
The following is the output I need -
Id appreciate any help on this.
50 million rows is not a big deal in Greenplum but returning that many rows to a client is kind of pointless. I'm guessing you want to create a new table for this new output. You are also going to be creating a table that is 2x larger because you are taking a single row and turning it into 2.
create table new_table as
select id, mid_1 as mid, name_1 as name, age_1 as age, location
from your_table
union all
select id, mid_2 as mid, name_2 as name, age_2 as age, location
from your_table
distributed by (id);
I'm having trouble creating a query for the following task: i want to return exactly one row with columns: region_id, region_name, province_name, province_code, country_name, country_code for any given regionid. The database has 3 tables "countrylist" , "provinces" and "regionlist"
the table countrylist has the following columns : countryid, language code, countryname, countrycode and continentid
provinces : country_code, country_name, province_code, province_name
regionlist: regionid, regiontype.
So I tried writing a query for joining the table but I'm sure if I'm doing it correct.
exactly one row with columns: region_id, region_name, province_name, province_code, country_name, country_code for any given regionid.
I am not 100% aware of the differences between Postgres and MySQL - but guess you get the idea at the very least.
One way to do it, to get your id with WHERE regionlist.regionid = and join the other tables. From either the regionlist you can use the LIMIT (reference) to get a limited amount of rows.
Apparently neither provinces nor country have a common column with regionlist, so I can not tell where the link between those are. However, once you have 1 row of the region list you should have no troubles joining them with the others (if the links are trivial).
I have a sql table of 5,000,000 entries with 5 columns over which I need to make a 4-condition (TEXT type) select. The table has columns id, name, street, city, zip and my select looks like this
SELECT id FROM register WHERE name=%s AND zip=%s AND city=%s AND street=%s
Problem is, i need to speed up this query, because i need to do 80 000 of this queries and now it takes half a day.
The %s placeholders imply that all four of your columns are varchar or text. If so, then the following index might help:
CREATE INDEX idx ON register (name, zip, city, street, id)
The first four parts of the index cover the WHERE clause, and the fifth part covers the id column which is needed for the SELECT clause.
I have the following table:
create table test(
id serial primary key,
firstname varchar(32),
lastname varchar(64),
id_desc char(8)
I need to insert 100 rows of data. Getting the names is no problem - I have two tables one containing ten rows of first names and the other containing ten last names. By doing a insert - select query with a cross join I am able to get 100 rows of data (10x10 cross join).
id_desc contains of eight characters (fixed size is mandatory). It always starts with the same pattern (e.g. abcde) followed by 001, 002 etc. up to 999. I have tried to achieve this with the following statement:
update test set id_desc = 'abcde' || num.id
from (select * from generate_series(1, 100) as id) as num
where num.id = (select id from test where id = num.id);
The statement executes but affects zero rows. I know that the where-clause probably does not make much sense; I have been trying to finally get this to work and just started trying a couple of things. Didn't want to omit it though when posting here because I know it is definitely required.
Laurenz's suggestion fits this specific case very well. I recommend using it.
The rest of this is for the more general case where that simplification is not appropriate.
In my tests this doesn't work in this way.
I think you are better off using a WITH clause and a window function.
WITH ranked_ids (id, rank) AS (
select id, row_number() OVER (rows unbounded preceding)
FROM test
update test set id_desc = 'abcde' || ranked_ids.rank
from ranked_ids WHERE test.id = ranked_ids.id;
It should be as simple as
UPDATE test SET id_desc = 'abcde' || to_char(id, 'FM099');
i have a table [Company] with a column [Address3] defined as varchar(50)
i can not control the values entered into that table - but i need to extract the values without leading and trailing spaces. i perform the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT RTRIM(LTRIM([Address3])) Address3 FROM [Company] ORDER BY Address3
the column contain both rtl and ltr values
most of the data retrieved is retrieved correctly - but SOME (not all) RTL values are returned with leading and or trailing spaces
i attempted to perform the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT ltrim(rTRIM(ltrim(rTRIM([Address3])))) c, ltrim(rTRIM([Address3])) b, [Address3] a, rtrim(LTRIM([Address3])) Address3 FROM [Company] ORDER BY Address3
but it returned the same problem on all columns - anyone has any idea what could cause it?
The rows that return with extraneous spaces might have a kind of space or invisible character the trim functions don't know about. The documentation doesn't even mention what is considered "a blank" (pretty damn sloppy if you ask me). Try taking one of those rows and looking at the characters one by one to see what character they are.
since you are using varchar, just do this to get the ascii code of all the bad characters
--identify the bad character
COUNT(*) AS CountOf
,'>'+RIGHT(LTRIM(RTRIM(Address3)),1)+'<' AS LastChar_Display
FROM Company
do a one time fix to data to remove the bogus character, where xxxx is the ASCII value identified in the previous select:
--only one bad character found in previous query
UPDATE Company
SET Address3=REPLACE(Address3,CHAR(xxxx),'')
--multiple different bad characters found by previous query
UPDATE Company
SET Address3=REPLACE(REPLACE(Address3,CHAR(xxxx1),''),char(xxxx2),'')
if you have bogus chars in your data remove them from the data and not each time you select the data. you WILL have to add this REPLACE logic to all INSERTS and UPDATES on this column, to keep any new data from having the bogus characters.
If you can't alter the data, you can just select it this way: