I am trying to implement a functionality, that if a user travels, then his/her live location will be captured in every interval of 10 sec. I am saving the captured lat-longs in local database and then run a API after every 10 mins to save data on server.
In every 10 secs I am calculating the distance between last last lat-long captured and updated lat-long captured.
When I tested it, I travelled around 35 KM, but total distance calculate was around 400 KM.
On again testing, I travelled around 15 KM, but total distance calculate was around 150 KM.
Please anyone suggest what am I doing wrong. Or is there any alternative solution to track my path on which I travelled and total distance I covered.
For this I am using the below code to run the timer in every 10 secs
Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 10), (timer) async {
await CommonMethods.getCurrentLocationDateTime();
In every 10 secs, I run the below code:
static Future getCurrentLocationDateTime() async {
_result = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition(
desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.bestForNavigation,
if (_updatedLatitude == null && _updatedLongitude == null) {
_previousLatitude = _result!.latitude;
_previousLongitude = _result!.longitude;
} else {
_previousLatitude = _updatedLatitude;
_previousLongitude = _updatedLongitude;
_updatedLatitude = _result!.latitude;
_updatedLongitude = _result!.longitude;
// Save data in a local variable
Map<String, String> _currentLatLong = {
"lat": _result!.latitude.toStringAsFixed(8),
"long": _result!.longitude.toStringAsFixed(8),
// Update previous and current location names
await placemarkFromCoordinates(_updatedLatitude!, _updatedLongitude!)
.then((List<Placemark> placemarks) {
_previousLocationName = (_currentLocationName == "")
? placemarks[0].name!
: _currentLocationName;
_currentLocationName = placemarks[0].subLocality!;
}).catchError((e) {
// Check if device is not moved for more than 2 hours
// if not moved then stop the timer
if (CommonEntities.travelHistoryLatLng.toSet().length == 1) {
CommonEntities.idealStateTravelTimeSpent += 10;
if (CommonEntities.idealStateTravelTimeSpent >= 7200) {
CommonEntities.idealStateTravelTimeSpent = 0;
// BackgroundLocation.stopLocationService();
if (CommonEntities.travelTimer != null) {
CommonEntities.isTravelTimerActive = false;
CommonEntities.workEndTime =
} else {
CommonEntities.idealStateTravelTimeSpent = 0;
// Get Current date time of captured lat-longs
_currentDateTime = DateTime.now();
_currentDateTimeString = _currentDateTime.year.toString() +
"-" +
_currentDateTime.month.toString() +
"-" +
_currentDateTime.day.toString() +
" " +
_currentDateTime.hour.toString() +
":" +
if (CommonEntities.workStartTime == "00:00") {
CommonEntities.workStartTime = _currentDateTime.hour.toString() +
":" +
// LocalSharedPreferences().setWorkStartTime();
// Update the total distance covered in 10 min
print("Total Distance Covered: " + CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["total_distance_covered"]);
// Call API to save travel data in every 10 minutes.
if (CommonEntities.totalTravelsecondsCount == 600) {
// Calculate the time before 10 min and for time interval in post params
String _currentTime = _currentDateTime.hour.toString() +
':' +
DateTime _dateTimeBeforeTenMin =
_currentDateTime.subtract(const Duration(minutes: 10));
String _timeBeforeTenMin = _dateTimeBeforeTenMin.hour.toString() +
':' +
String _tempDistanceTravelled =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["total_distance_covered"] = "";
_distanceTravelled = 0.0;
// Create post params value
Map<String, dynamic> params = {
'lat_long': jsonEncode(CommonEntities.travelHistoryLatLng),
'date': _currentDateTime.day.toString() +
'-' +
_currentDateTime.month.toString() +
'-' +
_currentDateTime.year.toString() +
' ' +
_currentDateTime.hour.toString() +
':' +
_currentDateTime.minute.toString() +
':' +
'distance_covered': _tempDistanceTravelled,
'userID': await LocalSharedPreferences().getUserId(),
'time_interval': _timeBeforeTenMin + '-' + _currentTime,
'location_name': _currentLocationName,
'status': 'progress',
// Call the API to save travel history of 10 min of server
// await LocalSharedPreferences().saveTravelHistoryLatLng();
// Reset the timer of 10 min, clear lat-long history of 10 min
CommonEntities.totalTravelsecondsCount = 0;
CommonEntities.travelHistoryLatLng = [];
CommonEntities.totalTravelsecondsCount += 10;
// Save latlong and date time
// BOC: commented logging of lat-long as the same is not required in final app
// by shubham.bansal2
_result!.latitude.toString() + "-" + _result!.longitude.toString(),
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["updated_latitude"] =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["updated_longitude"] =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["updated_location_name"] =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["previous_latitude"] =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["previous_longitude"] =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["previous_location_name"] =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["total_distance_covered"] =
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["current_date_time"] =
Also for Distance, I am using the below code:
static updateDistanceTraveled() {
var p = 0.017453292519943295;
var c = cos;
var a = 0.5 -
c((_updatedLatitude! - _previousLatitude!) * p) / 2 +
c(_previousLatitude! * p) *
c(_updatedLatitude! * p) *
(1 - c((_updatedLongitude! - _previousLongitude!) * p)) /
_distanceTravelled = double.parse(CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["total_distance_covered"]);
_distanceTravelled += (12742 * asin(sqrt(a))).toDouble();
CommonEntities.travelTrackingDetails["total_distance_covered"] =
I need to programmatically (javascript) get a linked object of a given element per stereotype, even if it is more than one level up.
So, for example in the next figure, I expect to get Obj1 from both el1 and el2, but never Obj2.
I have this solution already but is seems not too elegant and its time consuming:
function count(main_str, sub_str)
main_str += '';
sub_str += '';
if (sub_str.length <= 0)
return main_str.length + 1;
subStr = sub_str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
return (main_str.match(new RegExp(subStr, 'gi')) || []).length;
function getLinkedObjects(objectID, connectionType, end_or_start) {
//This function gets the objects linked to the given objectID. It can be filtered by 'connectionType' and by weather the given object is in start or end position.
if (connectionType == '' || connectionType == 'any') {
var connector = ""
} else {
var connector = " and Connector_type = '"+connectionType+"'"
if (end_or_start == 'start') {
var SQLquery = "select obj.Object_ID, obj.Name from (t_object obj inner join (select * from t_connector where start_object_ID = "+objectID+connector+") q on q.End_object_ID = obj.Object_ID) where obj.Object_ID <> "+objectID+connector
} else if (end_or_start == 'start') {
var SQLquery = "select obj.Object_ID, obj.Name from (t_object obj inner join (select * from t_connector where end_object_ID = "+objectID+connector+") q on q.start_object_ID = obj.Object_ID) where obj.Object_ID <> "+objectID+connector
} else if (end_or_start == '' || end_or_start == 'both') {
var SQLquery = "select distinct obj.Object_ID, obj.Name from (t_object obj inner join (select * from t_connector where (start_object_ID = "+objectID+connector+" or end_object_ID = "+objectID+connector+")) q on (q.Start_object_ID = obj.Object_ID or q.End_object_ID = obj.Object_ID)) where obj.Object_ID <> "+objectID+connector
} else {
var SQLquery = ""
var conn_elements = Repository.GetElementSet(SQLquery, 2);
return conn_elements;
function getObjectStream(elemid, stereotype) {
//This function gets all the stream of objects and/or blocks linked to the given objectID.
var i = 0
var streams = []
var linked_objs = getLinkedObjects(elemid, "", "both");
for (var l = 0; l < linked_objs.Count; l++) {
var level1 = getLinkedObjects(linked_objs.GetAt(l).ElementID, "", "both");
if (linked_objs.GetAt(l).Stereotype == stereotype) {
var stream = "l0-- " + linked_objs.GetAt(l).Name
} else {
for (var l1 = 0; l1 < level1.Count; l1++) {
var level2 = getLinkedObjects(level1.GetAt(l1).ElementID, "", "both");
if (level1.GetAt(l1).Stereotype == stereotype) {
var stream = "l0-- " + linked_objs.GetAt(l).Name + " l1-- " + level1.GetAt(l1).Name
} else {
for (var l2 = 0; l2 < level2.Count; l2++) {
if (level2.GetAt(l2).Stereotype == stereotype) {
var stream = "l0-- " + linked_objs.GetAt(l).Name + " l1-- " + level1.GetAt(l1).Name + " l2-- " + level2.GetAt(l2).Name
var w = ''
var level = 5
for (var f = 0; f < streams.length; f++) {
levels = count(streams[f], "--")
if (levels < level) {
level = levels - 1
w = streams[f]
var le = "l"+level+"-- "
var n = w.search(le) + 5;
var winner = w.substring(n, w.lenght);
return winner
function main() {
var linked_per_stereotype = getObjectStream(1234, "A");
Any suggestions for a better approach for this?
Thank you!
I'm not really familiar with JS and it depends on your model. So just thinking loud: if there were a limited number of the desired stereotypes (and having language construct like in Python which might or might not be present in JS) I would just query all elements having the stereotype along with their connectors in a JOIN and make a hash of the result by object ID. So I could traverse simply by indexing the hash from the connector source/end ID. I would assume the number of stereotyped elements is rather low so that would be an approach.
If your model were huge and having tons of these stereotypes there might be no way around single queries. Maybe Geert has something doing that in one go.
What I need to do to circumvent this issue, because when I request data for 2 months I already receive this error, when there is a break per day, I have the following call. With Little data works perfect, but when I increase the period the server brings me
User request limit reached","type":"OAuthException","is_transient":true,"code":17,"error_subcode":2446079,"fbtrace_id":"...
function solicitacaoAssicrona(){
var service = getService()
var batch = [{"method": "GET", "relative_url":"v3.2/act_1125789557444919/insights/impressions,reach,frequency,spend,campaign_name,account_name,clicks,cost_per_10_sec_video_view,cpm,cpp?level=campaign&since=2016-03-03&until=2019-03-04&time_increment=1&limit=100"}]
// var batchUrl = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(batch));
// Logger.log(batchUrl);
var url = "https://graph.facebook.com?include_headers=false&batch=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(batch))
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken()
var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
// response.forEach(function(resp){
// var resp = JSON.parse(resp.body);
// //Logger.log(JSON.stringify(resp, null, 2));
//// resp.data[0].values.forEach(function(response){
//// })
// })
I'Ve looked at the documentation, but to the moment without success!
That's the call I have
var metricas = [
var parameters = metricas.join(',');
var url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/act_xxxxxxxxxx/insights?fields= + parameters + '&level=ad&time_range[since]=2019-02-05&time_range[until]=2019-04-05&time_increment=1&limit=200'
It's to do with how much data you can retrieve with batch requests. For longer periods, you should divide it into smaller chunks, sequential to each other, thus retrieving the data needed in multiple requests. Have a look at this example:
From line 88 of the file, you can see how it can be divided in multiple requests.
function dateDelta(dObj, num) {
if (isNaN(num)) {
var dateStart = new Date(dObj);
} else {
var dateStart = new Date(dObj);
var dateStart = new Date(dateStart.setDate(dateStart.getDate() + num));
var dd = dateStart.getDate();
var mm = dateStart.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = dateStart.getFullYear();
var dateStart = yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
return dateStart;
var gStartDate = new Date(request.dateRange.startDate);
var gStartDate = new Date(dateDelta(gStartDate, -1));
var gEndDate = new Date(request.dateRange.endDate);
var gEndDate = new Date(dateDelta(gEndDate, +1));
var gRange = Math.ceil(Math.abs(gEndDate - gStartDate) / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
var gBatches = Math.ceil(gRange / 92);
if (gBatches < 2) {
var batch = [{"method": "GET", "relative_url": request.configParams.pageID + "/insights/page_fans,page_impressions,page_post_engagements?since=" + dateDelta(gStartDate) + "&until=" + dateDelta(gEndDate)}];
} else {
batch = [];
var iterRanges = gRange / gBatches;
for (i = 0; i < gBatches; i++) {
var iterStart = dateDelta(gStartDate, (iterRanges * i));
if (i == (gBatches - 1)) {
var iterEnd = dateDelta(gEndDate);
} else {
var iterEnd = dateDelta(gStartDate, (iterRanges * (i + 1)) + 1);
batch.push({"method": "GET", "relative_url": request.configParams.pageID + "/insights/page_fans,page_impressions,page_post_engagements?since=" + iterStart + "&until=" + iterEnd})
// Fetch the data with UrlFetchApp
var url = "https://graph.facebook.com?include_headers=false&batch=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(batch))
Hi I need help finding coordinate or points offset from two endpoints of a line. In my program, I would like to specify the two points and the offset. Then I need to calculate the two offset coordinates.
I worked something out using trigonometry but it only works in some cases and when the line is in the positive quadrant.
Here is an image describing what I need to find:
Points on line
Ok so I need to find X3,Y3 and X4,Y4 coordinates.
My method I followed:
Calculate angle:
Ang = atan((Y2 - Y1)/(X2 - X1))
To find X3:
X3 = X1 + Offset * Cos(Ang)
The same concept for Y3
The issue is that if the line is in a different quadrant the point info is not correct... Any help, please.
This question is a clear case for using 2d vector math. The idea is that we subtract p1 from p2 to give us a vector that describes the length and direction of the line. We then normalize this vector, such that it has a length of 1. If you then multiply this normalized vector with the number of units you'd like to move away from the end and add the result to the end-point, you'll have a new point.
Consider an example walking along the x axis:
p1 = 0,0
p2 = 10,0
dif = p2 - p1 = (10,0)
length is 10, so it's 10 times too long - we divide it by 10 to get a vector 1 unit long.
If we then move 5 times (1,0), we end up at 5,0 - 5 units away, bewdy!
Here's a function that achieves the same thing:
function calcOffsetPoint(x1,y1, x2,y2, distTowardsP2fromP1)
var p1 = new vec2d(x1,y1);
var p2 = new vec2d(x2,y2);
var delta = p2.sub(p1);
var dirVec = delta.clone();
var resultPoint = p1.add(dirVec);
return resultPoint;
As you can see, this makes use of something I've called vec2d. There's a copy of it in the following snippet:
"use strict";
function byId(id){return document.getElemetById(id)}
function newEl(tag){return document.createElement(tag)}
window.addEventListener('load', onDocLoaded, false);
function onDocLoaded(evt)
var end1 = new vec2d(0,0);
var end2 = new vec2d(10,0);
var midPoint = calcOffsetPoint(end1.x,end1.y, end2.x,end2.y, 5);
console.log( midPoint.toStringN(2) );
class vec2d
constructor(x=0, y=0)
this.mX = x;
this.mY = y;
get x(){return this.mX;}
set x(newX){this.mX = newX;}
get y(){return this.mY;}
set y(newY){this.mY = newY;}
return new vec2d(this.x+other.x, this.y+other.y);
return new vec2d(this.x-other.x, this.y-other.y);
this.x *= scalar;
this.y *= scalar;
return this;
this.x /= scalar;
this.y /= scalar;
return this;
return this.x*other.x + this.y*other.y;
return Math.hypot(this.x, this.y);
this.divByEquals( this.length() );
return this;
var tmp = this.x;
this.x = -this.y;
this.y = tmp;
return this;
return vec2d.clone(this);
static clone(other)
return new vec2d(other.x, other.y);
toString(){return `vec2d {x: ${this.x}, y: ${this.y}}`}
toStringN(n){return `vec2d {x: ${this.x.toFixed(n)}, y: ${this.y.toFixed(n)}}`}
function calcOffsetPoint(x1,y1, x2,y2, distTowardsP2fromP1)
var p1 = new vec2d(x1,y1);
var p2 = new vec2d(x2,y2);
var delta = p2.sub(p1);
var dirVec = delta.clone();
var resultPoint = p1.add(dirVec);
return resultPoint;
I had some spare time over the weekend, so put together a working demo of the image you posted. Have a play around. Make sure you run it in full-screen, so you can see the sliders that set the offsets for p3 and p4. Disregard the coordinate-system transformation stuff, that's just there to allow me to make an image the same dimensions as your image yet conveniently display it in a window with about 5% the area. The questions come from the exercise section of some old text-book I was reading over the weekend.
"use strict";
class vec2d
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.x = Math.abs(this.x);
this.y = Math.abs(this.y);
return this;
return new vec2d(this.x+vec1.x, this.y+vec1.y);
return new vec2d(this.x-vec1.x, this.y-vec1.y);
return new vec2d(this.x*scalar, this.y*scalar);
this.x += vec1.x;
this.y += vec1.y;
return this;
this.x -= vec1.x;
this.y -= vec1.y;
return this;
this.x *= scalar;
this.y *= scalar;
return this;
this.x /= scalar;
this.y /= scalar;
return this;
var len = this.length;
this.x /= len;
this.y /= len;
return this;
get length()
//return Math.sqrt( (this.x*this.x)+(this.y*this.y) );
return Math.hypot( this.x, this.y );
set length(newLen)
var invLen = newLen / this.length;
return this.x*vec1.x + this.y*vec1.y;
var tmp = this.x;
this.x = -this.y;
this.y = tmp;
return this;
{ // computes an area for parallelograms
return this.x*other.y - this.y*other.x;
static clone(other)
var result = new vec2d(other.x, other.y);
return result;
clone() // clone self
return vec2d.clone(this);
this.x = other.x;
this.y = other.y;
get(){ return {x:this.x, y:this.y}; }
toString(){ return `vec2d {x: ${this.x}, y: ${this.y}}` }
toStringN(n){ return `vec2d {x: ${this.x.toFixed(n)}, y: ${this.y.toFixed(n)}}` }
class mat3
static clone(other)
var result = new mat3();
function(el, index, collection)
result.elems[index] = el;
return result;
return mat3.clone(this);
if (arguments.length < 6)
this.elems = [a,b,0,c,d,0,e,f,1];
this.elems = [1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1];
multiply(other, shouldPrepend)
var a, b, c = new mat3();
if (shouldPrepend === true)
a = other;
b = this;
a = this;
b = other;
c.elems[0] = a.elems[0]*b.elems[0] + a.elems[1]*b.elems[3] + a.elems[2]*b.elems[6];
c.elems[1] = a.elems[0]*b.elems[1] + a.elems[1]*b.elems[4] + a.elems[2]*b.elems[7];
c.elems[2] = a.elems[0]*b.elems[2] + a.elems[1]*b.elems[5] + a.elems[2]*b.elems[8];
// row 1
c.elems[3] = a.elems[3]*b.elems[0] + a.elems[4]*b.elems[3] + a.elems[5]*b.elems[6];
c.elems[4] = a.elems[3]*b.elems[1] + a.elems[4]*b.elems[4] + a.elems[5]*b.elems[7];
c.elems[5] = a.elems[3]*b.elems[2] + a.elems[4]*b.elems[5] + a.elems[5]*b.elems[8];
// row 2
c.elems[6] = a.elems[6]*b.elems[0] + a.elems[7]*b.elems[3] + a.elems[8]*b.elems[6];
c.elems[7] = a.elems[6]*b.elems[1] + a.elems[7]*b.elems[4] + a.elems[8]*b.elems[7];
c.elems[8] = a.elems[6]*b.elems[2] + a.elems[7]*b.elems[5] + a.elems[8]*b.elems[8];
for (var i=0; i<9; i++)
this.elems[i] = c.elems[i];
var i, n = pointList.length;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
var x = pointList[i].x*this.elems[0] + pointList[i].y*this.elems[3] + this.elems[6];
var y = pointList[i].x*this.elems[1] + pointList[i].y*this.elems[4] + this.elems[7];
pointList[i].x = x;
pointList[i].y = y;
var result = [];
for (var i=0,n=pointList.length;i<n;i++)
var x = pointList[i].x*this.elems[0] + pointList[i].y*this.elems[3] + this.elems[6];
var y = pointList[i].x*this.elems[1] + pointList[i].y*this.elems[4] + this.elems[7];
result.push( new vec2d(x,y) );
return result;
rotate(degrees, shouldPrepend)
var tmp = new mat3();
tmp.elems[0] = Math.cos( degrees/180.0 * Math.PI );
tmp.elems[1] = -Math.sin( degrees/180.0 * Math.PI );
tmp.elems[3] = -tmp.elems[1];
tmp.elems[4] = tmp.elems[0];
this.multiply(tmp, shouldPrepend);
scaleEach(scaleX, scaleY, shouldPrepend)
var tmp = new mat3();
tmp.elems[0] = scaleX;
tmp.elems[4] = scaleY;
this.multiply(tmp, shouldPrepend);
scaleBoth(scaleAmount, shouldPrepend)
var tmp = new mat3();
tmp.elems[0] = scaleAmount;
tmp.elems[4] = scaleAmount;
this.multiply(tmp, shouldPrepend);
translate(transX, transY, shouldPrepend)
var tmp = new mat3();
tmp.elems[6] = transX;
tmp.elems[7] = transY;
this.multiply(tmp, shouldPrepend);
var result, a, b;
a = ( (this.elems[0]*this.elems[4]*this.elems[8])
+ (this.elems[1]*this.elems[5]*this.elems[6])
+ (this.elems[2]*this.elems[3]*this.elems[7]) );
b = ( (this.elems[2]*this.elems[4]+this.elems[6])
+ (this.elems[1]*this.elems[3]+this.elems[8])
+ (this.elems[0]*this.elems[5]+this.elems[7]) );
result = a - b;
return result;
return (this.determinant() != 0);
var det = this.determinant();
if (det == 0)
var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;
a = this.elems[0]; b = this.elems[1]; c = this.elems[2];
d = this.elems[3]; e = this.elems[4]; f = this.elems[5];
g = this.elems[6]; h = this.elems[7]; i = this.elems[8];
this.elems[0] = (e*i - f*h); this.elems[1] = -((b*i) - (c*h)); this.elems[2] = (b*f)-(c*e);
this.elems[3] = -(d*i - f*g); this.elems[4] = (a*i) - (c*g); this.elems[5] = -( (a*f) - (c*d) );
this.elems[6] = (d*h - e*g); this.elems[7] = -((a*h) - (b*g)); this.elems[8] = (a*e)-(b*d);
var detInv = 1.0 / det;
for (var i=0; i<9; i++)
this.elems[i] *= detInv;
return this;
var str = '';
for (var i=0; i<9; i++)
if (i && i%3==0)
str += "\n";
str += " " + this.elems[i].toFixed(5);
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//(400-48)/400 = 0.88
var invMat, svgInvMat;
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function updateSliderLabels()
byId('ofset1Output').textContent = byId('slider1').value;
byId('ofset2Output').textContent = byId('slider2').value;
function draw()
var can = byId('output');
var ctx = can.getContext('2d');
var orientMat = evaluateViewOrientationMatrix(0.06*can.width,can.height-24, 0,-1);
var scaleMat = computeWindowToViewPortMatrix(2052,1317, can.width,can.height);
var viewMat = scaleMat.clone();
invMat = viewMat.clone().invert();
for (var i=0; i<9; i++)
invMat.elems[i] /= invMat.elems[8];
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
var axisPts = [ new vec2d(0,1070), new vec2d(0,0), new vec2d(0.88*2052,0) ]; // xAxis line 88% of image width
var axis = viewMat.makeTransformedPoints(axisPts);
drawLine(axis[0].x,axis[0].y, axis[1].x,axis[1].y, ctx);
drawLine(axis[1].x,axis[1].y, axis[2].x,axis[2].y, ctx);
var lineEnds = [new vec2d(330,263), new vec2d(1455,809)];
var pts2 = viewMat.makeTransformedPoints(lineEnds);
drawCircle(pts2[0].x,pts2[0].y, 4, ctx);
drawCircle(pts2[1].x,pts2[1].y, 4, ctx);
drawLine(pts2[0].x,pts2[0].y, pts2[1].x,pts2[1].y, ctx);
var rawP3 = calcOffsetCoords(lineEnds[0].x,lineEnds[0].y, lineEnds[1].x,lineEnds[1].y, byId('slider1').value);
var rawP4 = calcOffsetCoords(lineEnds[1].x,lineEnds[1].y, lineEnds[0].x,lineEnds[0].y, byId('slider2').value);
var ofsPts = viewMat.makeTransformedPoints( [rawP3, rawP4] );
drawCircle(ofsPts[0].x,ofsPts[0].y, 4, ctx);
drawCircle(ofsPts[1].x,ofsPts[1].y, 4, ctx);
function calcOffsetCoords(x1,y1, x2,y2, offset)
var dx = x2 - x1;
var dy = y2 - y1;
var lineLen = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
var normDx=0, normDy=0;
if (lineLen != 0)
normDx = dx / lineLen;
normDy = dy / lineLen;
var resultX = x1 + (offset * normDx);
var resultY = y1 + (offset * normDy);
return {x:resultX,y:resultY};//new vec2d(resultX,resultY); //{x:resultX,y:resultY};
// Exercise 6-1:
// Write a procedure to implement the evaluateViewOrientationMatrix function that calculates the elements of the
// matrix for transforming world coordinates to viewing coordinates, given the viewing coordinate origin Porigin and
// the viewUp vector
function evalViewOrientMatrix(screenOriginX,screenOriginY, worldUpVectorX,worldUpVectorY)
var worldUp = {x: worldUpVectorX, y: worldUpVectorY};
var len = Math.hypot(worldUp.x, worldUp.y);
if (len != 0)
len = 1.0 / len;
worldUp.x *= len;
worldUp.y *= len;
var worldRight = {x: worldUp.y, y: -worldUp.x};
var rotMat = svg.createSVGMatrix();
rotMat.a = worldRight.x;
rotMat.b = worldRight.y;
rotMat.c = worldUp.x;
rotMat.d = worldUp.y;
var transMat = svg.createSVGMatrix();
transMat = transMat.translate(screenOriginX, screenOriginY);
var result = rotMat.multiply(transMat);
return result;
function evaluateViewOrientationMatrix(screenOriginX,screenOriginY, worldUpVectorX,worldUpVectorY)
var worldUp = new vec2d(worldUpVectorX, worldUpVectorY);
var worldRight = worldUp.clone().perp();
var rotMat = new mat3();
rotMat.elems[0] = worldRight.x; rotMat.elems[1] = worldRight.y;
rotMat.elems[3] = worldUp.x; rotMat.elems[4] = worldUp.y;
var transMat = new mat3();
var result = rotMat.clone();
return result;
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
1 0 0
0 1 0
tX tY 1
sX 0 0
0 sY 0
0 0 1
cosX -sinX 0
sinX cosX 0
0 0 1
// Exercise 6-2:
// Derive the window to viewport transformation equations 6-3 by first scaling the window to
// the size of the viewport and then translating the scaled window to the viewport position
function computeWindowToViewPortMatrix(windowWidth,windowHeight,viewPortWidth,viewPortHeight)
var result = new mat3();
return result;
// returns an SVGMatrix
function compWnd2ViewMat(windowWidth,windowHeight,viewPortWidth,viewPortHeight)
var result = svg.createSVGMatrix();
return result.scaleNonUniform(viewPortWidth/windowWidth,viewPortHeight/windowHeight);
function drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,ctx)
function drawCircle(x,y,radius,ctx)
ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, (Math.PI/180)*360, false);
background-color: black;
display: inline-block;
background-color: #888;
border: solid 4px #555;
#screenMouse, #worldMouse, .control
display: inline-block;
width: calc(513px/2 - 2*8px);
margin-left: 8px;
<div class='container'>
<canvas id='output' width='513' height='329'></canvas><br>
<div id='screenMouse'></div><div id='worldMouse'></div>
<div class='control'>P2 ofs: <input id='slider1' type='range' min='0' max='500' value='301'><span id='ofset1Output'></span></div>
<div class='control'>P3 ofs: <input id='slider2' type='range' min='0' max='500' value='285'><span id='ofset2Output'></span></div>
I am a bit of a beginner at google maps api. I managed to let the user to draw a polygon on the map and then I want to get the coordinates on the drew polygon.
I have used the following segment of code but it gave me the following error Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getPath'
this is the code that I used
function startShape() {
document.getElementById('lat').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('lng').disabled = true;
var polygon = new GPolygon([],"ff0000", 2, 0.7,"ff0000",0.2);
startDrawing(polygon, "Shape " + (++shapeCounter_), function() {
var cell = this;
var area = polygon.getArea();
cell.innerHTML = (Math.round(area / 10000) / 100) + "km<sup>2</sup>";
function startDrawing(poly, name, onUpdate) {
poly.enableEditing({onEvent: "mouseover"});
poly.disableEditing({onEvent: "mouseout"});
GEvent.addListener(poly, "endline", function() {
//var cells = addFeatureEntry(name, color);
//GEvent.bind(poly, "lineupdated", cells.desc, onUpdate);
GEvent.addListener(poly, "click", function(latlng, index) {
if (typeof index == "number") {
function showcoor (poly) {
GEvent.addListener(poly, "endline", function() {
GEvent.addListener(poly, "click", function() {
var str;
var vertices = this.getPath();
for (var i =0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
var xy = vertices.getAt(i);
str += xy.lat() +"," + xy.lng()+"<br />";
alert (str);
There is no getPath method on the GPolygon object. See the GPolygon reference.
Instead, you'll need to use getVertexCount() and getVertex(i).
for (var i = 0, I = this.getVertexCount(); i < I; ++i) {
var xy = this.getVertex(i);
str += xy.lat() + ', ' + xy.lng() + '<br />';