Ionic ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="!" it does not work - ionic-framework

I need to check the items "Not open" in an ion-checkbox, but the item I get from a server is When I click on the ion-checkbox it doesn't work correctly.
Does anyone have a solution?
ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="!"

You can use ionChange method so you will be able to keep track of the value.


Property additionalActions of NSUserNotification seems not working?

To understand NSUserNotification better, I wrote a little test app playing with this class.
So far so good, except that no matter how hard I tried to feed the additionalActions property with array of NSUserNotificationAction objects, it never showed any difference but only one action button and a close one.
My expectation for this property is that the notification would show a pull-down menu containing the additional buttons I offer as it does in the Mac App Store update notifications.
Am I missing something? Or are you having the same problem, since it is a bug awaiting Apple to tackle?
Can you please try to click and hold down the action button in your notification? Does it show a drop-down menu of additionalActions?
As it turns out, you can show the little chevron next to the action button by setting a true value for the private _alwaysShowAlternateActionMenu key on the notification. In Swift 3, it would look like this:
notification.setValue(true, forKey: "_alwaysShowAlternateActionMenu")
However, as I mentioned this is a private API and I strongly advise against using it if you want to distribute your App through the Mac App Store.
It is probably a bug. Setting up additionalActions will create the list, but not the little arrow icon. Holding down on actionButton will show the menu with the number of actions you set.
Besides setting additionalActions will cause several other problems. I will save this for another question.
Refer to another question.
show NSUserNotification additionalActions on click
P.S. I am using El Capitan APIs

Ionic app sidemenus don't work after closing $ionicPopup

The Ionic app I'm working on displays a $ionicPopup when it starts and after closing the popup, the two sidemenus the app contains don't work at all. If I remove the popup from the code, the sidemenus work well.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
Add the following code to the controller that contains the slidebox:
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(){
I had the same problem than you. I resolved with this.
I was facing this same problem.
In my case, this was happening because, the enable-menu-with-back-views="true" option in ion-side-menu was set false.
It got back to work when setting it to true. =)

using protractor mouseMove to click on a drop-down

I am using the following to get protractor to click on a drop-down menu.
However this does nothing which is to say that the drop-down does not get clicked and no errors are displayed.
What am I missing here ?
For the benefit of those who landed on this page. The solution is to use .perform at the end.
here is the working version
Actually you don't have to use actions, with actions you can not select option that is not currently visible in the screen.
use this:
I suppose you should only use perform, like:

Protractor - does anybody know how to click on element with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON?

I know that protractor click on element by default with left mouse button. How to do it to click with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON ?'RIGHT'); ?
I would have done like this:
Based on what I saw in actionsequence.js and Protractor rightClick issue #280
The accepted solution for this question isn't the best way to go about this. Browser actions' .click() method accepts an optional arg for clicking the right button. A better solution, from the webdriverJs api is:
.click($('.myElm'), protractor.Button.RIGHT)
Try this:
Here is the list of keys:
If it doesn't work do this:!topic/selenium-users/fF_Hcp40KO0
Let me know if it works

disable back button on in ltk wizardinputpage

I'm doing a plugin in Eclipse IDE in order to do a refactoring. I'm using LTK, the point is: I don't know how I can disabled the back button after the preview. I've tried to create the RefactoringWizard using some flags like 'NO_BACK_BUTTON_ON_STATUS_DIALOG', but I think it is not the rigth way to do it.
The poblem I have in the background is that when I push preview and then push back, and preview again, the preview box shows the change related with the refactoring twice!.
I think the best solution is disabling the back button after the preview because this is the solution I have seen in others plugins.
Sorry because of my English and thanks beforehand.
The method org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog#updateButtons disables the back button when currentPage.getPreviousPage() returns null. So, I suggest you to override the method org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard#getPreviousPage to return null.