Lex (flex) generates dangerous trailing context warning when using end of line match pattern `$` in rule - lex

I was working on a shell project for my course and I wrote a rule in my lex file as follow to match a special keyword when it was entered by the user:
^"key_word"$ { /* Do something here */ }
When I compiled my lex file (using flex -l), it then generates the following warning at the line of this rule:
warning, dangerous trailing context
I then looked up the manual of flex, and it said the following which I think does not match the pattern I used.
Some trailing context patterns cannot be properly matched and generate warning messages ("dangerous trailing context"). These are patterns where the ending of the first part of the rule matches the beginning of the second part, such as "zx*/xy*", where the 'x*' matches the 'x' at the beginning of the trailing context. (Note that the POSIX draft states that the text matched by such patterns is undefined.)
From the manual, I also knew that test$ is equivalent to test/\n so I created the following test lex file to do some experiment and compile it with flex -l:
int nFirstMatch;
int nSecMatch;
int nThirdMatch;
"first"/\n { nFirstMatch++; }
"second"$ { nSecMatch++; }
"third"\n { nThirdMatch++; }
int yywrap(void) {
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
The output from the flex (both version 2.6.4 and 2.5.35 Apple(flex-32)) is as follow (line 10 is the second rule above):
eol.l:10: warning, dangerous trailing context
However, from the manual test$ is equivalent to test/\n so they should generate the same result. Moreover, when I removed the -l flag (maximal compatibility with original lex), the warning was then gone.
So my question is: is this a kind of internal bug within the implementation of flex when using the -l flag?


Eclipse formatter: How to move comment between method name and open brace to always have open brace on same line as method declaration

I have code that looks like this, that I'm trying to format
Original code:
public int doThing(int a) // -incredibly useful comment here
int ab = a+1;
return ab;
I want it to look like this
public int doThing() { // -incredibly useful comment here
int ab = a+1;
return ab;
If I try to turn on the Brace position -> Method Declaration -> Same line option and run the formatter, any code with a comment in the position "breaks" the formatter, and I get an output for my example that looks the same as the original code, but methods without a comment have the correct formatting (meaning the results are inconsistent).
Is it possible with the eclipse formatter to get the style I want? I'm trying to run it against a large amount of code, and would prefer not to have to fix these all manually to get a consistent brace position.
The problem here is that is not formatting but rewriting. Using File Search + regular expression + Replace could do that in bulk.
Try this regex
On File Search ( Ctrl + H)
Hit Replace and use $1 { $2\n as replacement
Code should compile after the refactoring.
Fixed regex part that represents function arguments
Full Regex matches these cases
public int doSmthg() // coment here
return 1;
private String doSmthgElse(String arg) // coment here
return arg;

Can Sal annotate that parameter members may be mutated?

I am writing a reference-counted linked list of characters data structure in C for practice. I want to try using Sal in it to annotate function parameters for this practice.
I have an input paremeter(named This), which I want to annotate to make it clear that the specified parameter's members must be mutable in order for the function to behave as expected.
The situation is analogous to the code below.
#include <Windows.h>
typedef struct Box {
ULONG val;
} Box;
ULONG Box_decrement(_In_ Box *This) {
return InterlockedDecrement(&(This->val));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Box b = {2};
return (BYTE)b.val;
Is there an existing Sal annotation that can be used to annotate the This parameter of the Box_increment function to make it clear from the function signature that the function modifies one or more members of the Box that has been passed to it?
Something like _InternallyMutable_(but exist):
#include <Windows.h>
typedef struct Box {
ULONG val;
} Box;
ULONG Box_decrement(_InternallyMutable_ _In_ Box *This) {
return InterlockedDecrement(&(This->val));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Box b = {2};
return (BYTE)b.val;
Best solution so far(unfortunately, there does not seem to be any equivelent in SAL to denote Internally_mutable, there is Unchanged which is the opposite):
#include <Windows.h>
#define _Internally_mutable_(expr) _At_(expr, _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(expr)))
typedef struct Box {
ULONG val;
} Box;
ULONG Box_decrement(_In_ _InternallyMutable_(This) Box *This) {
return InterlockedDecrement(&(This->val));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Box b = {2};
return (BYTE)b.val;
Yes! You can. SAL is a wonderful DSL that lets you do basically anything you want if you're psychic enough to infer it from the little bits in the Windows SDK. I've even in the past been able to write super simple custom annotations to detect invalid HANDLE usage with _Post_satisfies_ and friends.
This code seems to work:
_At_(value, _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(value)))
void change_value_supposed_to(int& value) noexcept {
//value += 1;
...Running with all native rules in code analysis, I get a warning like this:
Warning C28196 The requirement that '_Param_(1)!=(("pre"), _Param_(1))' is not satisfied. (The expression does not evaluate to true.)
(there, substitute value with your variable)
For _Internally_mutable_, I can do it in the "above the function" style of SAL:
#define _Internally_mutable_(expr) _At_(expr, _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(expr)))
void change_value_supposed_to_internally_mutable(int& value) noexcept {
//value += 1;
...but not inline WITHOUT being repetitive, as you wanted. Not sure why right now - _Curr_ doesn't seem to be working? - I may need another layer of indirection or something. Here's what it looks like:
#define _Internally_mutable_inline_(value) _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(value))
void change_value_supposed_to_internally_mutable_inline(_Internally_mutable_inline_(value) int& value) noexcept {
//value += 1;
How I figured this out:
sal.h defines an _Unchanged_ annotation (despite doing web dev for several years now and little C++, I remembered this when I saw your question in a google alert for SAL!):
// annotation to express that a value (usually a field of a mutable class)
// is not changed by a function call
#define _Unchanged_(e) _SAL2_Source_(_Unchanged_, (e), _At_(e, _Post_equal_to_(_Old_(e)) _Const_))
...if you look at this macro closely, you'll see that it just substitutes as:
_At_(e, _Post_equal_to_(_Old_(e)) _Const_)
...and further unrolling it, you'll see _Post_equal_to_ is:
#define _Post_equal_to_(expr) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_equal_to_, (expr), _Out_range_(==, expr))
Do you see it? All it's doing is saying the _Out_range_ is equal to the expression you specify. _Out_range_ (and all the other range SAL macros) appear to accept all of the standard C operators. That behavior is not documented, but years of reading through the Windows SDK headers shows me it's intentional! Here, all we need to do is use the not equals operator with the _Old_ intrinsic, and the analyzer's solver should be able to figure it out!
_Unchanged_ itself is broken?
To my great confusion, _Unchanged_ itself seems broken:
void change_value_not_supposed_to(_Inout_ int& value) noexcept {
value += 1;
...that produces NO warning. Without the _Inout_, code analysis is convinced that value is uninitialized on function entry. This makes no sense of course, and I'm calling this directly from main in the same file. Twiddling with inlining or link time code generation doesn't seem to help
I've played a lot with it, and various combinations of _Inout_, even _Post_satisfies_. I should file a bug, but I'm already distracted here, I'm supposed to be doing something else right now :)
Link back here if anybody does file a bug. I don't even know what the MSVC/Compiler teams use for bug reporting these days.
Fun facts
5-6 years ago I tried to convince Microsoft to open source the SAL patents! It would have been great, I would have implemented them in Clang, so we'd all be able to use it across platforms! I might have even kicked off a career in static-analysis with it. But alas, they didn't want to do it in the end. Open sourcing them would have meant they might have to support it and/or any extensions the community might have introduced, and I kinda understand why they didn't want that. It's a shame, I love SAL, and so do many others!

FSharpLint, how to use the rule "InterfaceNamesMustBeginWithI" in SuppressMessageAttribute?

[<SuppressMessage("NameConventions","InterfaceNamesMustBeginWithI")>] //No effect
[<SuppressMessage("NameConventions","InterfaceNames")>] //It's working
module Test=
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MutationEvent =
abstract attrChange: float with get, set
Also, failed to search source code about "InterfaceNamesMustBeginWithI".
The name of the rule is InterfaceNames, so you can suppress it thus:
module Test =
Also note that the first argument to SuppressMessage is not used by fsharplint, so it can be anything (although not null, strangely enough!)
There are pointers to InterfaceNamesMustBeginWithI in the documentation, but this is not correct.

Never before seen syntax in Objective-C: open/close braces w/out method/conditional statement, what is the purpose?

I am looking over an Xcode project I downloaded and am seeing code syntax that I am unfamiliar with:
The braces don't belong to a method signature, or any other conditional statement, they are just floating there. What is the point of this? Purely for code segregation/readability purposes?
This is just block scope; and is the same in C and C++. Any variables declared within the block are inaccessible outside of it. I commonly use it in switch statements:
switch(x) {
case 1: {
const char *s = "hi";
case 2: {
const char *s = "ho";
// etc.
Note that there are two variables called s, neither of which interfere with the other as they are within their own scope.
The declarations within the scope enclosed by the braces will be confined to that scope, so label, icon, and button will not be visible outside of it. As such it provides locality which is generally considered to be good.
Legacy code needed { } in order to do declarations at all
In C89, you couldn't just do int i; anywhere; declarations were only valid at the beginning of blocks.
check this for more explanation
Why enclose blocks of C code in curly braces?

eclipse ASTNode to source code line number

Given an ASTNode in eclipse, is there any way to get the corresponding source code line number?
You can get the line number of an ASTNode using the below code
int lineNumber = compilationUnit.getLineNumber(node.getStartPosition()) - 1;
the compilation unit can be obtained from the ASTParser using the below code
ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
// Parse the class as a compilation unit.
parser.setSource(source); // give your java source here as char array
// Return the compiled class as a compilation unit
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = parser.createAST(null);
Then you can use the ASTVisitor pattern to visit the type of required node (say MethodDeclaration node) using the below code:
compilationUnit.accept(new ASTVisitor() {
public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration node) {
int lineNumber = compilationUnit.getLineNumber(node.getStartPosition()) - 1;
return true;
ASTNode has getStartPosition() and getLength() methods which deal with character offsets. To convert from a character offset to a line number you should use CompilationUnit's getLineNumber() method. CompilationUnit is the root of your AST tree.
Apart from the general solution that has already been described, there is another one that applies if you need the line number of an ASTNode including leading whitespaces or potential comments written in front of the ASTNode. Then you can use:
int lineNumber = compilationUnit.getLineNumber(compilationUnit.getExtendedStartPosition(astNode))
See the API:
Returns the extended start position of the given node. Unlike ASTNode.getStartPosition() and ASTNode.getLength(), the extended source range may include comments and whitespace immediately before or after the normal source range for the node.