Using hibernate Envers, is there a way to delete entity from audit tables as well. Needed for GDPR compliance - hibernate-envers

Using hibernate Envers, is there a way to delete entity from audit tables as well. Needed for GDPR compliance Need a clean solution to comply with GDPR for completely deleting a record from all places.
Using envers 5.3.7


Entity framework core code first migration postgresql database privileges management

I need to set up an automated way to manage table privileges and ownership during migration execution.
Currently, the workflow is that a developer runs database migrations using his personal account during the new version release. The issue here is that he is automatically set as the owner of newly created tables, and the owner and privileges for table access have to be changed manually afterwards. I'm looking for a way to automate this, but could not find a solution. My assumption is that this is not supported by ef core as permission/ownership handling differs on underlying database used, but I don't see a reason for specific ef providers not to have this functionality. I'm probably missing something obvious and any help would be appreciated.
We are using .NET 5 with EF Core 5.0 with Postgresql.

Persisting to multiple databases in Spring

We have a DB2 database which is used by legacy applications that we are in the process of decommissioning and we have an Oracle database that we are developing new applications for. In order to maintain compatibility with legacy applications until they are completely decommissioned and keep data in sync, we are using Atomikos for two phase commits. This however is resulting in a lot of duplicated entities and repositories and thus technical debt, because the same entities and repositories cannot be used by the same entity managers so we have to duplicate them and put them under different packages for the entity scanning.
In most cases we want to read data from the legacy database and persist to both, but ideally this would be configurable.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

How to manage Entity Framework model first schema updates?

I'm using Entity Framework 5 model first. Say I've deployed the application and I'd like to upgrade an EF entity with new columns, basically adding columns to the table.
What is the best way to upgrade the existing database without losing data? For example I have a User table that I add two new columns to. If I try to script a schema change the tables will need to be dropped in order to add the new columns. Is there a way to update the tables without needing to recreate them? Thanks!
This may be a late answer but I have had the same problem and could just find one solution, there is an application that can update the model-first generated databases without losing the data.
It can directly open the model file and update the database tables.
It also installs some extensions on Visual Studio that I have not personally used but may be usable.
The name is Entity Developer and there are some editions of the application listed here:
Entity Developer Editions
The free edition is usable only for 10 entities or less that may not suit your needs but the Professional edition is usable for 30 day as a trial that may help you do the job. The only solution I could find on the net was this one.
Hope it helps you with the problem.

No relationships when generating Entities from Advantage database

I am trying to add tables from an existing Advantage Database (recently upgraded from v8 to v10) to a .NET project via the Entity Framework. However, no matter what I do, the relationships between the tables are not being imported from the database. Obviously, I can just recreate them in Visual Studio, but I'd prefer to keep the data structure primarily in the database.
This link describes the problem, but the solution (permissions issues) doesn't work for me. We're using the IGNORERIGHTS security mode in connections, and user permissions are not enabled on the database.
Based on this chapter, I've made sure that the tables in question are ADT tables, and have Primary keys which are non-nullable. I've also verified that the RI constraints exist and show up in Advantage's visual designer.
Despite all that, when I "Update Model from Database" in the EDMX and select the tables which have a reference between them, no reference is created.
Is there anything else I can try? Some step I'm missing? A setting that needs to change?
I ended up deleting the EDMX for entirely unrelated reasons, and when I recreated it, relationships worked just fine. It's quite possible that Mark's suggestion was the answer, but for new ones only. I didn't do any extensive testing to try and confirm that, though.

does EF 4 have Audit and Logical Deletes support built in?

Does EF 4 have built in audit / logical delete support? After using SubSonic and getting use to how nicely this was handled automagically I was hoping I might have the same luck with EF 4 but haven't found any documentation.
Not built in, no. You could build an audit feature fairly easily with the tracing provider. For soft deletes, you can handle ObjectContext.SavingChanges() to change a delete to an update and filter "deleted" records at the data service layer.