I need RAlt + LAlt + g to behave as LShift + Del (nothing happend)
#InputLevel, 1
#inputLevel, 0
F24 & g::Del
I test RAlt + RShift + g it works fine,
also I test to change the key g to d and it works too!!
#InputLevel, 1
#inputLevel, 0
F24 & d::Del
did I miss something !?
I am writing a script which uses the ImageSearch command.
The script starts by pressing F3 and it scans from 900,55 to 1005,72.
If it locates any of these 3 identical images, it should send F1, otherwise it should keep scanning until I press F12.
I tried changing the resolution and such but to no success.
SendMode , Input
SetMouseDelay , -1
SetBatchLines , -1
ImageSearch ,,, 0 , 0 , A_ScreenWidth , A_ScreenHeight , para1.png
bT := ErrorLevel ? bT : 1
ImageSearch ,,, 0 , 0 , A_ScreenWidth , A_ScreenHeight , para2.bmp
bT := ErrorLevel ? bT : 1
ImageSearch ,,, 0 , 0 , A_ScreenWidth , A_ScreenHeight , para3.png
bT := ErrorLevel ? bT : 1
If bT
bT := 0
Send , {F1}
Sleep , 100
thanks for the correction #GoldenLizard
Send {Tab 33}
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 2500
Click, 235, 380
Sleep, 2500
Send {Tab 19}
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 1200
Send, ^a
Send, ^c
In this script, I want to increase the number of tabs from 33 to 34, 35, 36,....... without actually changing the script.
How do I do that?
Do I use a loop?
Obviously I can't see if you're triggering this via a hotkey - but lets assume yes (lets assume Ctrl+l for my example below), you would change it to this:
global tabNumber = 33 ; the word "global" is optional, but helps make it more clear
Send {Tab %tabNumber%}
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 2500
Click, 235, 380
Sleep, 2500
Send {Tab 19}
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 1200
Send, ^a
Send, ^c
tabNumber += 1
I also see you're using 2 tab entries - 33 and 19. To increase both of them, do this:
global tabNumberA = 33
global tabNumberB = 19
Send {Tab %tabNumberA%}
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 2500
Click, 235, 380
Sleep, 2500
Send {Tab %tabNumberB%}
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 1200
Send, ^a
Send, ^c
tabNumberA += 1
tabNumberB += 1
i was trying to make a .ahk to macro a gif making, uploading, and url coping but it often times ignores keystrokes like send, {tab down}{tab up} which compleatly breaks the macro. also send, ^L isnt working when i send it in the middle of the string
Run, firefox.exe "gifcreator.me"
sleep 9000
Loop 9
Send, {tab}
sleep 100
send, {enter down}
sleep 500
send, {enter up}
sleep 200
Loop 4
send, {ctrl down}
send, ^L
send, {ctrl up}
sleep 200
send {ctrl down}
send, a
send, {ctrl up}
sleep 200
send, {delete down}
sleep 200
send {delete up}
sleep 5000
send, C:\Users\John Reuter\OneDrive\art
sleep 300
send, {enter down}
sleep 500
send, {enter up}
sleep 5000
click 1200, 50
sleep 3000
click 1200, 50
sleep 200
send, {ctrl down}
sleep 200
send, v
sleep 200
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 13000
click 50, 150
sleep 3000
send, {Ctrl Down}
sleep 200
send, a
sleep 200
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 200
send, {Ctrl Down}
sleep 200
send, a
sleep 200
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 7000
send, {enter}
sleep 5000
send, 5
sleep 200
send, 1
sleep 3000
send,^{ctrl down}-{ctrl up}
sleep 3000
send,^{ctrl down}-{ctrl up}
sleep 3000
send,^{ctrl down}-{ctrl up}
sleep 3000
send,^{ctrl down}-{ctrl up}
sleep 3000
send,^{ctrl down}-{ctrl up}
sleep 3000
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 300
send, {down}
sleep 3000
click 567, 227; miss
sleep 3000
send, {Ctrl Down}
send, f
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 3000
send, download gif
sleep 5000
send, {enter}
sleep 5000
send, {Ctrl Down}
send, l
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 5000
send, giphy.com/upload
sleep 3000
send, 2
sleep 3000
click 642, 325
sleep 8000
send, {down}
sleep 3000
send, {right}
sleep 3000
send, {down}
sleep 3000
send, {right}
sleep 3000
send, {down}
sleep 3000
send, {right}
sleep 3000
send, {down}
sleep 3000
send, {right}
sleep 3000
send, {enter}
sleep 7000
send, {Ctrl Down}
send, f
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 3000
send, upload gifs
sleep 3000
click right 661, 198
sleep 3000
click 713, 218
sleep 3000
send, {Ctrl Down}
send, l
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 3000
send, {Ctrl Down}
send, x
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 3000
send, <img src="
sleep 3000
send, {Ctrl Down}
send, v
send, {Ctrl Up}
sleep 3000
send, "alt=""style="width:12px;height:18px;">
Instead of sleeps, try using WinWait etc. Look in AHK help file how the commands (Run, WinWait etc.) are properly used.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Run, firefox.exe "gifcreator.me"
WinWait, Online Animated GIF Maker
IfWinNotActive, Online Animated GIF Maker, ,WinActivate, Online Animated GIF Maker
WinWaitActive, Online Animated GIF Maker
sleep 100
Loop 8
Send, {tab}
sleep 100
Send, {Enter}
; WinWait, ...
; IfWinNotActive, ...
; ...
; SendInput, C:\Users\John\OneDrive\art
; ...
If the next window doesn't appear after the first "Send, {Enter}", try using a loop:
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Run, firefox.exe "gifcreator.me"
WinWait, Online Animated GIF Maker
IfWinNotActive, Online Animated GIF Maker, ,WinActivate, Online Animated GIF Maker
WinWaitActive, Online Animated GIF Maker
sleep 100
Loop 8
Send, {tab}
sleep 100
Send, {Enter}
sleep 1000
IfWinExist, title of next window
; WinWait, title of next window
; IfWinNotActive, ...
; ...
; SendInput, C:\Users\John\OneDrive\art
Why are you putting a comma after Send? That is not proper syntax. These examples from the AltHotKey website would be the proper syntax for your commands:
Send {b down}{b up}
Send {TAB down}{TAB up}
Send {Up down} ; Press down the up-arrow key.
Sleep 1000 ; Keep it down for one second.
Send {Up up} ; Release the up-arrow key.
Check their web page for more details about the Send command: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Send.htm
So I was making a AFK stopper with AHK but I need it to only run in one program so I used #If WinActive but to no avail.
#If WinActive("ahk_class WINDOWSCLIENT")
while( 1 = 1 ) {
Send, {W down}
sleep 240
Send, {W up}
sleep 240
Send, {A down}
sleep 240
Send, {A up}
sleep 240
Send, {S down}
sleep 240
Send, {S up}
sleep 240
Send, {D down}
sleep 240
Send, {D up}
The #IfWin directives are only for creating context-sensitive hotkeys and hotstrings.
Try using a loop or SetTimer with IfWinActive:
If WinActive("ahk_class WINDOWSCLIENT")
while( 1 = 1 )
; do something