Use of uninitialized value $login_output in concatenation (.) or string at - perl

in a .pl I have the following error (capture), the script is used through SPECTRUM, a network monitoring tool, and the script is used to capture the running config of a device, what could be the fault ? Thank you.
#!/opt/SPECTRUM/bin/perl -w
# This script will capture the running configuration of a
# Cisco SAN-OS device through an SSH session and print it to STDOUT.
# Error Codes:
# 0 = Success
# 255 = Usage error
# 254 = Invalid timeout value
# 252 = Login error
# 249 = Exec prompt not found error
# 244 = Error retrieving configuration
# 245 = Insufficient privileges
# 253 = Unexpected output
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SSH::Expect;
$ENV{'PATH'} = "/usr/bin:". $ENV{'PATH'};
### Main ###
if( $#ARGV != 4 && $#ARGV != 5 )
print "Usage: <device IP> <user> <pass> <enable_pass>
<login_timeout_in_seconds> <capture_timeout_in_seconds>\n";
print STDERR "Usage: <deviceIP> <user> <pass>
<enable_pass> <login_timeout_in_seconds> <capture_timeout_in_seconds>\n";
exit 255;
elsif( $ARGV[4] < 1 || $ARGV[4] > 600 )
print "$ARGV[4] is the login timeout and must be an int between 1 and 600 seconds\n";
print STDERR "$ARGV[4] is the login timeout and must be an int between 1 and 600 seconds\n";
exit 254;
elsif( $#ARGV == 5 && ( $ARGV[5] < 1 || $ARGV[5] > 600 ) )
print "$ARGV[5] is the capture timeout and must be an int between 1 and 600 seconds\n";
print STDERR "$ARGV[5] is the capture timeout and must be an int between 1 and 600 seconds\n";
exit 254;
my $capture_timeout = $ARGV[4];
if( $ARGV[5] )
$capture_timeout = $ARGV[5];
my $errorCode = 1;
my #data;
my $errorString = "\nHost $ARGV[0]: \n";
($errorCode, #data) = GetConfig( $ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3],
$ARGV[4], $capture_timeout );
if( $errorCode == 0 )
# Success. The running configuration
# content is in the data variable
foreach ( #data ) { print "$_\n" }; # print the configuration to STDOUT
exit 0;
print STDERR $errorString;
if( $errorCode == 245 )
print STDERR join " ", #data, "\nEnsure that the device user has
sufficient privileges to disable paging and view the config\n";
print STDERR join " ", #data, "\n";
exit $errorCode;
exit 0;
sub GetConfig
my $deviceIP=shift;
my $user=shift;
my $pass=shift;
my $epass=shift;
my $login_timeout=shift;
my $capture_timeout=shift;
my #config;
my $msg;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new ( host => $deviceIP,
user => $user,
password=> $pass,
raw_pty => 1,
no_terminal => 0,
timeout => $login_timeout,
ssh_option => '-1 -c DES'
my $login_output;
eval { $login_output = $ssh->login(); };
if( $# )
$msg = "Login has failed. Output: $login_output";
return( 252, $msg );
# login output should contain the right prompt characters
if( $login_output !~ /\>\s*\z/ )
$msg = "Login has failed. Didn't see device prompt as expected.";
return( 252, $msg );
if( $login_output !~ /\>\s*\z/ ) # Replace '#' is the prompt character here
# we don't have the '#' prompt, means we still can't exec commands
$msg = "Exec prompt not found.";
return( 249, $msg );
my $elogin = $ssh->exec("en");
my $elogin2 = $ssh->exec($epass);
if( $elogin2 !~ /\#\s*\z/ ) # Replace '#' is the prompt character here
$msg = "Exec prompt not found.";
return( 249, $msg );
# disable paging
# different commands for different devices, if they don't
# work then we will get messages about problems later
# specifically the "No prompt after 'sh run'" error
# errmsg doesn't get set when these error and if we use print
# and getlines to read for errors it causes problems with print "sh run"
# later.
# $ssh->exec( "term pager 0" );
my $paging = $ssh->exec( "term pager 0" );
if ( $paging =~ /\s?%\s/ )
$msg = "Unable to set terminal size to 0 - Insufficient privileges";
return( 245, $msg);
$ssh->send( "sh run" );
$ssh->timeout( $capture_timeout );
while( my $line = $ssh->read_line() )
# get configuration content
if( $line !~
/sh run|Building configuration|Current configuration|^\s*$/ )
push #config, $line;
if( #config <= 0 )
$msg = "No data retrieved, the capture timeout may be too low.";
return( 244, $msg );
if( scalar grep { $_ =~ /^%/ } #config )
# Ensure show running actually returned the config and not an error
# message containing '%'
return( 245, #config );
return( 0, #config ); # everything was okay, return the captured data

It would really help us if you took the time to ensure the code you give us is well-formatted and as easy to read as possible.
But the code causing the problem is this:
my $login_output;
eval { $login_output = $ssh->login(); };
if( $# )
$msg = "Login has failed. Output: $login_output";
return( 252, $msg );
It's the only place where $login_output is used in a "concatenation (.) or string" as described in the error message.
So the the call to $ssh->login() is failing in such a way as to leave $login_output undefined.
I don't know anything about Net::SSH::Expect, but I suspect that you need to change the arguments to the new() call (a few lines above) in some way.
You'll get more information about what has gone wrong by adding $# to the debug output.

The most likely candidate for that error is this:
my $login_output;
eval { $login_output = $ssh->login(); };
if( $# )
$msg = "Login has failed. Output: $login_output"; # this line
return( 252, $msg );
Remove $login_output from that line since it will be uninitialized if login() dies/croaks. You can replace it with $# to get the message supplied to die/croak.


Can't call method “send” on an undefined value at - Net::SSH::Expect Perl error

I am running some commands in a remote server by connecting from my local server. To achieve this I am connecting to remote server using Net::SSH::Expect perl module. Connection is establishing here, but sometimes when I execute the command the following error comes up -
Can't call method "send" on an undefined value at .....
Here is my code:
my ($ip, $user, $passwd) = ("","user", "password");
my $ssh = SSH_Connection( $ip, $user, $passwd );
my $command_to_execute = "<Command to be executed will build here>";
print "$command_to_execute\n";
$str = 'Bye';
$ssh->send("$command_to_execute; echo $str");
$output = $ssh->waitfor($str, undef);
print "END\n";
sub SSH_Connection {
my ( $host, $user, $passwd ) = #_;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => $host, #ip
user => $user, #'user'
password => $passwd, #'password'
raw_pty => 1,
no_terminal => 0,
my $login_output;
my $handledie = eval {
$login_output = $ssh->login();
if ( $# ) {
if ($# =~ m/SSHConnectionError/i ) {
print "SSH Connection Error\n";
} elsif ( $# =~ m/SSHProcessError/ix ) {
print "SSH Process Error\n";
} elsif ( $# =~ m/SSHConnectionAborted/ix ) {
print "SSH Connection Aborted\n";
} else {
print "SSH Unknown Error: $#\n";
if ($login_output !~ /Last login/) {
die "Login has failed.";
} else {
return $ssh;
print "SSH to ip - $host failed\n";
First I'm building the command and storing it in $command_to_execute variable.
At the end of command execution I'll get keyword Bye. So I am waiting for that keyword to match.
My question is -
Why I am getting above mentioned error?
Suppose if my command execution is failed, will the control will come back to my script ? Because its waiting for $str word.
I doubt about the error catching method is not proper. Please suggest a better solution.

Perl - Output the log files

I have created a perl that telnet to multiple switches. I would like to check if telnet functions properly by telneting the switch.
This is my code to telnet to the switches:
use warnings;
use Net::Cisco;
open( OUTPUT, ">log.txt" );
open( SWITCHIP, "ip.txt" ) or die "couldn't open ip.txt";
my $count = 0;
while (<SWITCHIP>) {
my $switch = $_;
my $tl = 0;
my $t = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new(
Host => $switch,
Prompt =>
Timeout => 5,
Errmode => 'return'
) or $tl = 1;
my #output = ();
if ( $tl != 1 ) {
print "$switch Telnet success\n";
else {
my $telnetstat = "Telnet Failed";
print "$switch $telnetstat\n";
This is my output status after I was testing 7 switches: Telnet success Telnet success Telnet success Telnet success Telnet Failed Telnet success
I would like to convert the telnet result as log file.
How to separate successful and failed telnet results by using perl?
Please Try the following
use warnings;
use Net::Cisco;
################################### S
open( OUTPUTS, ">log_Success.txt" );
open( OUTPUTF, ">log_Fail.txt" );
################################### E
open( SWITCHIP, "ip.txt" ) or die "couldn't open ip.txt";
my $count = 0;
while (<SWITCHIP>) {
my $switch = $_;
my $tl = 0;
my $t = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new(
Host => $switch,
Prompt =>
Timeout => 5,
Errmode => 'return'
) or $tl = 1;
my #output = ();
################################### S
if ( $tl != 1 ) {
print "$switch Telnet success\n"; # for printing it in screen
print OUTPUTS "$switch Telnet success\n"; # it will print it in the log_Success.txt
else {
my $telnetstat = "Telnet Failed";
print "$switch $telnetstat\n"; # for printing it in screen
print OUTPUTF "$switch $telnetstat\n"; # it will print it in the log_Fail.txt
################################### E
################################### S
################################### E
In print statement after print just write the filehandle name which is OUTPUT in your code:
print OUTPUT "$switch Telnet success\n";
print OUTPUT "$switch $telnetstat\n";
A side note: always use a lexical filehandle and three arguments with error handling to open a file. This line open(OUTPUT, ">log.txt"); you can write like this:
open my $fhout, ">", "log.txt" or die $!;
Use Sys::Syslog to write log messages.
But since you're opening a log.txt file with the handle OUTPUT, just change your two print statements to have OUTPUT as the first argument and the string as the next (without a comma).
my $telnetstat;
if($tl != 1) {
$telnetstat = "Telnet success";
} else {
$telnetstat = "Telnet Failed";
print OUTPUT "$switch $telnetstat\n";
# Or the shorter ternary operator line for all the above:
print OUTPUT $swtich . (!$tl ? " Telnet success\n" : " Telnet failed\n");
You might consider moving close to an END block:
Not only because it's in your while loop.

Modifying Large files line by line using perl script

I am having two huge .csv files one is around 8 GB and other is 3.4 GB file size. I want only few values from each line inside that .csv files.
Its taking huge time to modify the data and copy it into new file.
Could anyone help in modifying the code.So that the modification will be completed in a reasonable time.
Below is the lines of code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
require "$ENV{'SAI_HOME'}/bin/utils/";
require "$ENV{'SAI_HOME'}/bin/utils/";
my $date1 = `date '+%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%Ss'`;
our $LOGPATH = "$ENV{'SAI_HOME'}/logs/SP6migrationcsv_$date1.log";
my $status = 0;
log_info("Refer $LOGPATH log file for more information");
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( { binary => 1, eol => $/, sep_char => ',' } );
my $file1 = $ARGV[0] or die "Please provide Subscriber and Subscription CSV files on the command line\n";
my $file2 = $ARGV[1] or die "Please provide Subscriber and Subscription CSV files on the command line\n";
my $subscriberFile = "";
my $subscriptionFile = "";
if ( ( grep /SUBSCRIBER/i, $file1 ) && ( grep /SUBSCRIPTION/i, $file2 ) ) {
$subscriberFile = $file1;
$subscriptionFile = $file2;
} elsif ( ( grep /SUBSCRIBER/i, $file2 ) && ( grep /SUBSCRIPTION/i, $file1 ) ) {
$subscriptionFile = $file1;
$subscriberFile = $file2;
} else {
log_error("Invalid CSV files input");
exit -1;
my $SP6DIR = `dirname $0`;
chomp $SP6DIR;
$SP6DIR = "${SP6DIR}/SP6";
`mkdir -p $SP6DIR` or checkExit( $?, "Unable to carete $SP6DIR directory" );
my $newSubscriberFile = "Subscriber.csv";
my $newSubscriptionFile = "Subscription.csv";
my $subscriptionimsifile = "$SP6DIR/.IMSI_$newSubscriptionFile";
my $subscriberimsifile = "$SP6DIR/.IMSI_$newSubscriberFile";
$newSubscriberFile = "${SP6DIR}/$newSubscriberFile";
$newSubscriptionFile = "${SP6DIR}/$newSubscriptionFile";
`dos2unix $subscriptionFile $subscriberFile 2>/dev/null`
or checkExit( $?, "Unable to perform dos2unix on input files" );
`cut -d "," -f3 $subscriptionFile > $subscriptionimsifile`
or checkExit( $?, "Failed to get IMSI details from $subscriptionFile" );
`cut -d "," -f1 $subscriberFile > $subscriberimsifile`
or checkExit( $?, "Failed to get IMSI details from $subscriberFile" );
my $isSubscriptionHeaderPresesnt = "false";
my $isSubscriberHeaderPresesnt = "false";
$status = system("head -1 $subscriptionimsifile | grep 'IMSI' >>/dev/null");
if ( $status == 0 ) {
$isSubscriptionHeaderPresesnt = "true";
$status = system("head -1 $subscriberimsifile | grep 'IMSI' >>/dev/null");
if ( $status == 0 ) {
$isSubscriberHeaderPresesnt = "true";
open( my $subscriptionData, '<:encoding(utf8)', $subscriptionFile )
or die "Could not open '$subscriptionFile' $!\n";
open( NEWSUBSCRIBERDATA, "> $newSubscriberFile" ) or die "Could not open '$newSubscriberFile' $!\n";
open( NEWSUBSCRIPTIONDATA, "> $newSubscriptionFile" ) or die "Could not open '$newSubscriptionFile' $!\n";
if ( "$isSubscriptionHeaderPresesnt" eq "true" ) {
my $subscriptionHeader = <$subscriptionData>;
if ( $csv->parse($subscriptionHeader) ) {
my #subscriptionHeaderFields = $csv->fields();
print NEWSUBSCRIPTIONDATA "\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[0]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[2]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[4]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[5]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[6]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[8]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[13]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[14]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[15]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[16]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[17]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[18]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[25]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[26]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[27]\"\n";
print NEWSUBSCRIBERDATA "\"IMSI\",\"IMEI\",\"MSISDN\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[21]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[22]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[12]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[9]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[1]\",\"$subscriptionHeaderFields[0]\"\n";
} else {
log_error("Line could not be parsed: $subscriptionHeader\n");
exit 1;
} else {
log_only("No header info in subscription file");
if ( "$isSubscriptionHeaderPresesnt" eq "false" && "$isSubscriberHeaderPresesnt" eq "true" ) {
} else {
log_only("No header info in subscriber file");
my $subscriberHeader = "";
my #subscriptionFields = {};
my #subscriberFields = {};
while ( my $eachSubscriptionLine = <$subscriptionData> ) {
chomp $eachSubscriptionLine;
if ( $csv->parse($eachSubscriptionLine) ) {
#subscriptionFields = $csv->fields();
$status = system("grep \"^[\\\"]*${subscriptionFields[2]}[\\\"]*\\\$\" $subscriberimsifile >> /dev/null");
if ( $status == 0 ) {
my $lastMatchedSubscriberdata = `grep "^[\\\"]*${subscriptionFields[2]}[\\\"]*," $subscriberFile | tail -1`;
chomp $lastMatchedSubscriberdata;
if ( $csv->parse($lastMatchedSubscriberdata) ) {
#subscriberFields = $csv->fields();
if ( "${subscriberFields[0]}" eq "${subscriptionFields[2]}" ) {
#log_only("Updating \"#subscriberFields\" subscriber details from subscription data");
print NEWSUBSCRIBERDATA "\"$subscriberFields[0]\",\"$subscriberFields[1]\",\"$subscriptionFields[2]\",\"$subscriptionFields[21]\",\"$subscriptionFields[22]\",\"$subscriptionFields[12]\",\"$subscriptionFields[9]\",\"$subscriptionFields[1]\",\"$subscriptionFields[0]\"\n";
} else {
log_error("Unable to process #subscriberFields record");
exit -1;
} else {
log_error("Line could not be parsed: $lastMatchedSubscriberdata\n");
exit 1;
} else {
log_only("Adding new subscriber details from subscription : \"#subscriptionFields\"");
print NEWSUBSCRIBERDATA "\"$subscriptionFields[2]\",,\"$subscriptionFields[3]\",\"$subscriptionFields[21]\",\"$subscriptionFields[22]\",\"$subscriptionFields[12]\",\"$subscriptionFields[9]\",\"$subscriptionFields[1]\",\"$subscriptionFields[0]\"\n";
print NEWSUBSCRIPTIONDATA "\"$subscriptionFields[0]\",\"$subscriptionFields[2]\",\"$subscriptionFields[4]\",\"$subscriptionFields[5]\",\"$subscriptionFields[6]\",\"$subscriptionFields[8]\",\"$subscriptionFields[13]\",\"$subscriptionFields[14]\",\"$subscriptionFields[15]\",\"$subscriptionFields[16]\",\"$subscriptionFields[17]\",\"$subscriptionFields[18]\",\"$subscriptionFields[25]\",\"$subscriptionFields[26]\",\"$subscriptionFields[27]\"\n";
} else {
log_error("Line could not be parsed: $eachSubscriptionLine\n");
exit 1;
open( my $subscriberData, '<:encoding(utf8)', $subscriberFile ) || die "Could not open '$subscriberFile' $!\n";
if ( "$isSubscriberHeaderPresesnt" eq "true" ) {
$subscriberHeader = <$subscriberData>;
while ( my $eachSubscriberLine = <$subscriberData> ) {
chomp $eachSubscriberLine;
if ( $csv->parse($eachSubscriberLine) ) {
#subscriberFields = $csv->fields();
$status = system("grep \"^[\\\"]*${subscriberFields[0]}[\\\"]*\\\$\" $subscriptionimsifile >>/dev/null");
if ( $status != 0 ) {
"Adding back subscriber details, because unable to get IMSI details from subscription file : \"#subscriberFields\""
print NEWSUBSCRIBERDATA "\"$subscriberFields[0]\",\"$subscriberFields[1]\",\"$subscriberFields[2]\",\"$subscriberFields[6]\",,\"$subscriberFields[7]\",,,\n";
} else {
log_error("Line could not be parsed: $eachSubscriberLine\n");
exit 1;
or checkExit( $?, "Unable to update header info in subscriber fi le" );
General advice:
Don't use backticks to parse your input. Perl is perfectly capable of doing this with a while loop and split.
Misspelling variable names is going to screw you. Don't. isSubscriptionHeaderPresesnt
mixing your open calls - 3 argument with lexicals is generally preferred, but mismatching isn't nice.
Using the text string "false" in lieu of a boolean is horrible. Don't do it. Someone someday is going to do the equivalent of print "true" if "false" and it's going to break.
The most 'expensive' operation your script will be doing is reading the files. That's almost always true. So find something other than syscalls to grep or sed require full-rereading of the files you're targeting. Assuming subscriptionFile and subscriberFile are your biggies, you're reading them multiple times - you're running a cut that reads the whole thing. A dos2unix that reads the whole thing. A grep that reads the whole thing. And then you're opening it, and reading the whole thing.
your last line is a sed which will... re-read your output file, entirely, and apply a line by line transform to it.

If elsif if snmp issue

I have some devices I want to get the temperature from. Some devices do not give a numeric temperature, just OK or 1. Basically I want to poll on mib then if that is blank poll another, if still blank print problem.
my $walk = `snmpwalk -O n -v 1 -c $community $switchaddr`;
$walk = substr("$walk", -3); #remove spacing
#print "\r$switchaddr $walk"
if ($walk =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { #If something is returned
print "$switchaddr $walk";
} elsif ($walk eq "") {
$walk = `snmpwalk -O n -v 1 -c $community $switchaddr`;
print "$switchaddr $walk\n"; #Should print 1
} else {
print "$switchaddr Problem\n";
Thanks for the help.
Use this, a lot better:
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SNMP;
my $OID = '';
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => shift || 'localhost',
-community => shift || 'public',
if (!defined $session) {
printf "ERROR: %s.\n", $error;
exit 1;
my $result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [ $OID ],);
if (!defined $result) {
printf "ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error();
exit 1;
printf "The sysUpTime for host '%s' is %s.\n", $session->hostname(), $result->{$OID};

backupc error: Child exited prematurely

Suddenly, one server cannot be backed up. i get a strange error message:
2011-01-04 10:10:37 host1: Can't fork at /usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/ line 1128.
What does this error mean?
All other hosts (with same OS) don't have this problem.
Thanks in advance for any reply. :)
$cmd = [split(/\s+/, $cmd)] if ( ref($cmd) ne "ARRAY" );
print(STDERR "cmdSystemOrEval: about to system ",
$bpc->execCmd2ShellCmd(#$cmd), "\n")
if ( $bpc->{verbose} );
if ( !defined($pid = open(CHILD, "-|")) ) { # <<<<<<<<< 1128
my $err = "Can't fork to run #$cmd\n";
$? = 1;
$$stdoutCB .= $err if ( ref($stdoutCB) eq 'SCALAR' );
&$stdoutCB($err) if ( ref($stdoutCB) eq 'CODE' );
return $err if ( !defined($stdoutCB) );
if ( !$pid ) {
# This is the child
if ( $ignoreStderr ) {
open(STDERR, ">", "/dev/null");
} else {
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
$cmd = [map { m/(.*)/ } #$cmd]; # untaint
# force list-form of exec(), ie: no shell even for 1 arg
exec { $cmd->[0] } #$cmd;
print(STDERR "Exec of #$cmd failed\n");
The error message given at the top does not match the error message given in the code for some reason.
The error message lacks reporting $ERRNO. See fork(2) for the modes of failure for this system call.
Improve error reporting, then you need not guess about the cause.