I am trying to find information if it is possible to create a Functor for a Map type.
The docs have information for the List, Option, but not for my case.
Can you please tell me if it is possible to create a Functor[Map[Int, T]]?
Below I will attach an implementation of a similar functor for a List.
trait Functor[F[_]]:
def map[A, B](list: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
given Functor[List] with
def map[A, B](list: List[A])(f: A => B): List[B] = ???
Expanding Luis' and Andrey's answers, with Scala 2 and scala-cats try using type alias
import cats.Functor
type MapInt[T] = Map[Int, T]
Functor[MapInt].map(Map(1 -> "woo"))(a => a + "hoo")
// : MapInt[String] = Map(1 -> "woohoo")
or using Scala 2 type lambda "atrocity"
Functor[({type MapInt[T]=Map[Int, T]})#MapInt].map(Map(1 -> "woo"))(a => a + "hoo")
// : MapInt[String] = Map(1 -> "woohoo")
or using kind-projector
Functor[Map[Int, *]].map(Map(1 -> "woo"))(a => a + "hoo")
// : MapInt[String] = Map(1 -> "woohoo")
Regarding Map being of wrong "kind" for Functor try using the REPL to explore the idea (if you start with sbt console it should load it with all the dependencies from build.sbt):
scala> import cats.Functor
import cats.Functor
scala> :kind -v Functor
cats.Functor's kind is X[F[A]]
(* -> *) -> *
This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type.
scala> :kind -v Map
Map's kind is F[A1,+A2]
* -> * -(+)-> *
This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.
scala> type MapInt[T] = Map[Int, T]
type MapInt
scala> :kind -v MapInt
MapInt's kind is F[A]
* -> *
This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.
Note how Functor has higher-order kind
(* -> *) -> *
required shape of type argument to Functor
which means it expects a type constructor of first-order kind, and in particular a type constructor which takes a single type argument
* -> *
only one type argument expected
Now Map type constructor by itself does have first-order kind expected by Functor, however it is of wrong arity as it takes two type arguments instead of one
1st arg to Map
* -> * --> *
2nd arg to Map
hence we need a type lambda to fix the first type parameter of Map to Int whilst keeping second type parameter free which turns it into a type constructor of the correct kind and arity for Functor
scala> :kind -v MapInt
MapInt's kind is F[A]
* -> *
Here is an example of a higher-order type constructor which takes another binary-arity first-order type constructor as its type argument
trait Foo[F[A, B]]
Let's check if Map now fits without having to use a type lambda
scala> trait Foo[F[A, B]]
trait Foo
scala> :kind -v Foo
Foo's kind is X[F[A1,A2]]
(* -> * -> *) -> *
This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type.
scala> new Foo[Map] {}
val res2: Foo[Map] = $anon$1#589af27e
Map[A, B] is almost the same as A => B, but with a finite domain.
A => B is basically the Reader[A, B]
Reader[A, B] is a monad
All monads are functors
So, yes let's try to do the same as what Reader does: it simply post-composes the functions given to map:
given mapFunctor[K]: Functor[[V] =>> Map[K, V]] with
def map[A, B](m: Map[K, A])(f: A => B): Map[K, B] = m.view.mapValues(f).toMap
The toMap is necessary, because mapValues is non-strict (it refuses to map all the values right away, and keeps the function composition in a symbolic MapView).
I am trying to write a Functor for Either for academic purposes in Scala. With help of higher-kinded types and type-projections, I managed to write an implementation for Either.
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
object Functor {
implicit def eitherFunctor[A] = new Functor[({type λ[α] = Either[A, α]})#λ] {
override def map[B, C](fa: Either[A, B])(f: B => C) = fa.map(f)
def mapAll[F[_], A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B)(implicit fe: Functor[F]): F[B] = fe.map(fa)(f)
val right: Either[String, Int] = Right(2)
mapAll(right)(_ + 2)
Now, the code above does not compile. I am not sure of the reason but the compilation error that I am getting is given below -
Error:(19, 16) type mismatch;
found : Either[String,Int]
required: ?F[?A]
Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
both method ArrowAssoc in object Predef of type [A](self: A)ArrowAssoc[A]
and method Ensuring in object Predef of type [A](self: A)Ensuring[A]
are possible conversion functions from Either[String,Int] to ?F[?A]
mapAll(right)(_ + 2)
Can someone point what I am not doing right in the code above?
PS: Please do not suggest me to use kind-projector.
You've just been bitten by SI-2712. If you're using Scala >= 2.12.2 just add this line to your build.sbt:
scalacOptions += "-Ypartial-unification"
For other Scala versions you can use this plugin.
Either[+A, +B] is expecting two type parameters(as #Ziyang Liu said), so for your example actually need BiFunctor not Functor, BiFunctor accept two functors and bound the two types.
there is a Bifunctor from Scalaz
trait Bifunctor[F[_, _]] { self =>
/** `map` over both type parameters. */
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): F[C, D]
So you can use this Bifunctor like:
Bifunctor[Either].bimap(Right(1): Either[String, Int])(_.toUpperCase, _ + 1).println
Hope it's helpful for you.
As others said, what the compiler is trying to tell you is that the shapes of your types don't match. When you require an F[_], you're requiring a type constructor with a single type parameter, which Either[A, B] doesn't satisfy.
What we need to do is apply a type lambda when applying mapAll, same as we did when we created the instance of the Either functor:
val right: Either[String, Int] = Right(2)
mapAll[({type λ[α]=Either[String, α]})#λ, Int, Int](right)(_ + 2)
We've now squeezed in String and fixed it as the first argument, allowing the type projected type to only need to satisfy our alpha, and now the shapes match.
Of course, we can also use a type alias which would free us from specifying any additional type information when applying mapAll:
type MyEither[A] = Either[String, A]
val right: MyEither[Int] = Right(2)
mapAll(right)(_ + 2)
For example I have defined a Monad Trait like this:
trait Monad[F[_]] {
def unit[T](a: => T): F[T]
def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
I create a ListMonad that implement above interface:
class ListMonad extends Monad[List] {
override def unit[T](a: => T): List[T] = List(a)
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: List[A])(f: (A) => List[B]): List[B] = fa flatMap f
Now I want to verify above Monad in "Generic way". First attribute of monad is Left Identity. That means: if we giving a monad "m", an value " x"and a function "f". It should satisfied: m.(identity(x)).flatMap(f) == f(x)
So for example I create following verifier class for checking that assumption:
case class MonadVerifier[A, F[_]](monad: Monad[F[_]])(f: A => F[A]) {
def leftIdentity(value: A): Boolean =
monad.flatMap[A, A](monad.unit(value))(f) == f(value)
In this code, I meet error:
Type mismatch. expected: (A) => F[_][A], actual: (A) => F[A]
I don't know in Scala, how can I express F[A] as generic. I think if I defined F[_] Scala will insert generic type into [_] when calling F[A] but it isn't true.
Please help me in this case. Thanks
What #Dima said:
The error is that
MonadVerifier[A, F[_]](monad: Monad[F[_]])
should be
MonadVerifier[A, F[_]](monad: Monad[F])
What the first line is saying is not that F is a monad (F has kind * -> * and values of type F[_]), but that F[_] (that is, type constructor F applied to any type of the right kind) is a monad, (F has kind * -> (* -> *) and values of type F[_][_]).
Expanding on that (ignore this if you want): Monad expects its type argument to take one type argument and return a concrete type. The argument to Monad is said to have kind * -> * ("function" from concrete types to concrete types), and Monad itself has kind (* -> *) -> * ("function" from "functions" from concrete types to concrete types to concrete types). When you say Monad[F[_]], you imply that the argument (F[_]) has kind * -> *, because that's the kind Monad expects. F[_] is the application of a type constructor F (kind a -> b for some unknown kinds a and b) to any concrete type (implied by _, forcing the kind of F to be constrained to * -> k for some unknown k). Since F[_] also has to be * -> * because of Monad, this constrains k = (* -> *) and so F is forced to be of kind * -> (* -> *) which is the curried version of (*, *) -> *. This implies that F has two type parameters, and it is monadic in the second one (like Either).
In the future, maybe use a context bound to avoid similar mixups:
MonadVerifier[A, F[_]: Monad] // no params needed
The following bind(>>=) code, in Haskell, does not compile:
ghci> [[1]] >>= Just
Couldn't match type ‘Maybe’ with ‘[]’
Expected type: [t] -> [[t]]
Actual type: [t] -> Maybe [t]
In the second argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘Just’
In the expression: [[1]] >>= Just
But, in Scala, it does actually compile and run:
scala> List( List(1) ).flatMap(x => Some(x) )
res1: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1))
Haskell's >>= signature is:
>>= :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
So, in [[1]] >>= f, f's type should be: a -> [b].
Why does the Scala code compile?
As #chi explained Scala's flatMap is more general than the Haskell's >>=. The full signature from the Scala docs is:
final def flatMap[B, That](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List[A], B, That]): That
This implicit isn't relevant for this specific problem, so we could as well use the simpler definition:
final def flatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): List[B]
There is only one Problem, Option is no subclass of GenTraversableOnce, here an implicit conversion comes in. Scala defines an implicit conversion from Option to Iterable which is a subclass of Traversable which is a subclass of GenTraversableOnce.
implicit def option2Iterable[A](xo: Option[A]): Iterable[A]
The implicit is defined in the companion object of Option.
A simpler way to see the implicit at work is to assign a Option to an Iterable val:
scala> val i:Iterable[Int] = Some(1)
i: Iterable[Int] = List(1)
Scala uses some defaulting rules, to select List as the implementation of Iterable.
The fact that you can combine different subtypes of TraversableOnce with monad operations comes from the implicit class MonadOps:
implicit class MonadOps[+A](trav: TraversableOnce[A]) {
def map[B](f: A => B): TraversableOnce[B] = trav.toIterator map f
def flatMap[B](f: A => GenTraversableOnce[B]): TraversableOnce[B] = trav.toIterator flatMap f
def withFilter(p: A => Boolean) = trav.toIterator filter p
def filter(p: A => Boolean): TraversableOnce[A] = withFilter(p)
This enhances every TraversableOnce with the methods above. The subtypes are free to define more efficient versions on there own, these will shadow the implicit definitions. This is the case for List.
Quoting from the Scala reference for List
final def flatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): List[B]
So, flatMap is more general than Haskell's (>>=), since it only requires the mapped function f to generate a traversable type, not necessarily a List.
Sometime I stumble into the semi-mysterious notation of
def f[T](..) = new T[({type l[A]=SomeType[A,..]})#l] {..}
in Scala blog posts, which give it a "we used that type-lambda trick" handwave.
While I have some intutition about this (we gain an anonymous type parameter A without having to pollute the definition with it?), I found no clear source describing what the type lambda trick is, and what are its benefits. Is it just syntactic sugar, or does it open some new dimensions?
Type lambdas are vital quite a bit of the time when you are working with higher-kinded types.
Consider a simple example of defining a monad for the right projection of Either[A, B]. The monad typeclass looks like this:
trait Monad[M[_]] {
def point[A](a: A): M[A]
def bind[A, B](m: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
Now, Either is a type constructor of two arguments, but to implement Monad, you need to give it a type constructor of one argument. The solution to this is to use a type lambda:
class EitherMonad[A] extends Monad[({type λ[α] = Either[A, α]})#λ] {
def point[B](b: B): Either[A, B]
def bind[B, C](m: Either[A, B])(f: B => Either[A, C]): Either[A, C]
This is an example of currying in the type system - you have curried the type of Either, such that when you want to create an instance of EitherMonad, you have to specify one of the types; the other of course is supplied at the time you call point or bind.
The type lambda trick exploits the fact that an empty block in a type position creates an anonymous structural type. We then use the # syntax to get a type member.
In some cases, you may need more sophisticated type lambdas that are a pain to write out inline. Here's an example from my code from today:
// types X and E are defined in an enclosing scope
private[iteratee] class FG[F[_[_], _], G[_]] {
type FGA[A] = F[G, A]
type IterateeM[A] = IterateeT[X, E, FGA, A]
This class exists exclusively so that I can use a name like FG[F, G]#IterateeM to refer to the type of the IterateeT monad specialized to some transformer version of a second monad which is specialized to some third monad. When you start to stack, these kinds of constructs become very necessary. I never instantiate an FG, of course; it's just there as a hack to let me express what I want in the type system.
The benefits are exactly the same as those conferred by anonymous functions.
def inc(a: Int) = a + 1; List(1, 2, 3).map(inc)
List(1, 2, 3).map(a => a + 1)
An example usage, with Scalaz 7. We want to use a Functor that can map a function over the second element in a Tuple2.
type IntTuple[+A]=(Int, A)
Functor[IntTuple].map((1, 2))(a => a + 1)) // (1, 3)
Functor[({type l[a] = (Int, a)})#l].map((1, 2))(a => a + 1)) // (1, 3)
Scalaz provides some implicit conversions that can infer the type argument to Functor, so we often avoid writing these altogether. The previous line can be rewritten as:
(1, 2).map(a => a + 1) // (1, 3)
If you use IntelliJ, you can enable Settings, Code Style, Scala, Folding, Type Lambdas. This then hides the crufty parts of the syntax, and presents the more palatable:
Functor[[a]=(Int, a)].map((1, 2))(a => a + 1)) // (1, 3)
A future version of Scala might directly support such a syntax.
To put things in context: This answer was originally posted in another thread. You are seeing it here because the two threads have been merged. The question statement in the said thread was as follows:
How to resolve this type definition: Pure[({type ?[a]=(R, a)})#?] ?
What are the reasons of using such construction?
Snipped comes from scalaz library:
trait Pure[P[_]] {
def pure[A](a: => A): P[A]
object Pure {
import Scalaz._
implicit def Tuple2Pure[R: Zero]: Pure[({type ?[a]=(R, a)})#?] = new Pure[({type ?[a]=(R, a)})#?] {
def pure[A](a: => A) = (Ø, a)
trait Pure[P[_]] {
def pure[A](a: => A): P[A]
The one underscore in the boxes after P implies that it is a type constructor takes one type and returns another type. Examples of type constructors with this kind: List, Option.
Give List an Int, a concrete type, and it gives you List[Int], another concrete type. Give List a String and it gives you List[String]. Etc.
So, List, Option can be considered to be type level functions of arity 1. Formally we say, they have a kind * -> *. The asterisk denotes a type.
Now Tuple2[_, _] is a type constructor with kind (*, *) -> * i.e. you need to give it two types to get a new type.
Since their signatures do not match, you cannot substitute Tuple2 for P. What you need to do is partially apply Tuple2 on one of its arguments, which will give us a type constructor with kind * -> *, and we can substitue it for P.
Unfortunately Scala has no special syntax for partial application of type constructors, and so we have to resort to the monstrosity called type lambdas. (What you have in your example.) They are called that because they are analogous to lambda expressions that exist at value level.
The following example might help:
// foo has signature: (String, String) => String
scala> def foo(x: String, y: String): String = x + " " + y
foo: (x: String, y: String)String
// world wants a parameter of type String => String
scala> def world(f: String => String): String = f("world")
world: (f: String => String)String
// So we use a lambda expression that partially applies foo on one parameter
// to yield a value of type String => String
scala> world(x => foo("hello", x))
res0: String = hello world
// Foo has a kind (*, *) -> *
scala> type Foo[A, B] = Map[A, B]
defined type alias Foo
// World wants a parameter of kind * -> *
scala> type World[M[_]] = M[Int]
defined type alias World
// So we use a lambda lambda that partially applies Foo on one parameter
// to yield a type of kind * -> *
scala> type X[A] = World[({ type M[A] = Foo[String, A] })#M]
defined type alias X
// Test the equality of two types. (If this compiles, it means they're equal.)
scala> implicitly[X[Int] =:= Foo[String, Int]]
res2: =:=[X[Int],Foo[String,Int]] = <function1>
More value level and type level parallels.
// Instead of a lambda, you can define a named function beforehand...
scala> val g: String => String = x => foo("hello", x)
g: String => String = <function1>
// ...and use it.
scala> world(g)
res3: String = hello world
// Same applies at type level too.
scala> type G[A] = Foo[String, A]
defined type alias G
scala> implicitly[X =:= Foo[String, Int]]
res5: =:=[X,Foo[String,Int]] = <function1>
scala> type T = World[G]
defined type alias T
scala> implicitly[T =:= Foo[String, Int]]
res6: =:=[T,Foo[String,Int]] = <function1>
In the case you have presented, the type parameter R is local to function Tuple2Pure and so you cannot simply define type PartialTuple2[A] = Tuple2[R, A], because there is simply no place where you can put that synonym.
To deal with such a case, I use the following trick that makes use of type members. (Hopefully the example is self-explanatory.)
scala> type Partial2[F[_, _], A] = {
| type Get[B] = F[A, B]
| }
defined type alias Partial2
scala> implicit def Tuple2Pure[R]: Pure[Partial2[Tuple2, R]#Get] = sys.error("")
Tuple2Pure: [R]=> Pure[[B](R, B)]
Sometime I stumble into the semi-mysterious notation of
def f[T](..) = new T[({type l[A]=SomeType[A,..]})#l] {..}
in Scala blog posts, which give it a "we used that type-lambda trick" handwave.
While I have some intutition about this (we gain an anonymous type parameter A without having to pollute the definition with it?), I found no clear source describing what the type lambda trick is, and what are its benefits. Is it just syntactic sugar, or does it open some new dimensions?
Type lambdas are vital quite a bit of the time when you are working with higher-kinded types.
Consider a simple example of defining a monad for the right projection of Either[A, B]. The monad typeclass looks like this:
trait Monad[M[_]] {
def point[A](a: A): M[A]
def bind[A, B](m: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
Now, Either is a type constructor of two arguments, but to implement Monad, you need to give it a type constructor of one argument. The solution to this is to use a type lambda:
class EitherMonad[A] extends Monad[({type λ[α] = Either[A, α]})#λ] {
def point[B](b: B): Either[A, B]
def bind[B, C](m: Either[A, B])(f: B => Either[A, C]): Either[A, C]
This is an example of currying in the type system - you have curried the type of Either, such that when you want to create an instance of EitherMonad, you have to specify one of the types; the other of course is supplied at the time you call point or bind.
The type lambda trick exploits the fact that an empty block in a type position creates an anonymous structural type. We then use the # syntax to get a type member.
In some cases, you may need more sophisticated type lambdas that are a pain to write out inline. Here's an example from my code from today:
// types X and E are defined in an enclosing scope
private[iteratee] class FG[F[_[_], _], G[_]] {
type FGA[A] = F[G, A]
type IterateeM[A] = IterateeT[X, E, FGA, A]
This class exists exclusively so that I can use a name like FG[F, G]#IterateeM to refer to the type of the IterateeT monad specialized to some transformer version of a second monad which is specialized to some third monad. When you start to stack, these kinds of constructs become very necessary. I never instantiate an FG, of course; it's just there as a hack to let me express what I want in the type system.
The benefits are exactly the same as those conferred by anonymous functions.
def inc(a: Int) = a + 1; List(1, 2, 3).map(inc)
List(1, 2, 3).map(a => a + 1)
An example usage, with Scalaz 7. We want to use a Functor that can map a function over the second element in a Tuple2.
type IntTuple[+A]=(Int, A)
Functor[IntTuple].map((1, 2))(a => a + 1)) // (1, 3)
Functor[({type l[a] = (Int, a)})#l].map((1, 2))(a => a + 1)) // (1, 3)
Scalaz provides some implicit conversions that can infer the type argument to Functor, so we often avoid writing these altogether. The previous line can be rewritten as:
(1, 2).map(a => a + 1) // (1, 3)
If you use IntelliJ, you can enable Settings, Code Style, Scala, Folding, Type Lambdas. This then hides the crufty parts of the syntax, and presents the more palatable:
Functor[[a]=(Int, a)].map((1, 2))(a => a + 1)) // (1, 3)
A future version of Scala might directly support such a syntax.
To put things in context: This answer was originally posted in another thread. You are seeing it here because the two threads have been merged. The question statement in the said thread was as follows:
How to resolve this type definition: Pure[({type ?[a]=(R, a)})#?] ?
What are the reasons of using such construction?
Snipped comes from scalaz library:
trait Pure[P[_]] {
def pure[A](a: => A): P[A]
object Pure {
import Scalaz._
implicit def Tuple2Pure[R: Zero]: Pure[({type ?[a]=(R, a)})#?] = new Pure[({type ?[a]=(R, a)})#?] {
def pure[A](a: => A) = (Ø, a)
trait Pure[P[_]] {
def pure[A](a: => A): P[A]
The one underscore in the boxes after P implies that it is a type constructor takes one type and returns another type. Examples of type constructors with this kind: List, Option.
Give List an Int, a concrete type, and it gives you List[Int], another concrete type. Give List a String and it gives you List[String]. Etc.
So, List, Option can be considered to be type level functions of arity 1. Formally we say, they have a kind * -> *. The asterisk denotes a type.
Now Tuple2[_, _] is a type constructor with kind (*, *) -> * i.e. you need to give it two types to get a new type.
Since their signatures do not match, you cannot substitute Tuple2 for P. What you need to do is partially apply Tuple2 on one of its arguments, which will give us a type constructor with kind * -> *, and we can substitue it for P.
Unfortunately Scala has no special syntax for partial application of type constructors, and so we have to resort to the monstrosity called type lambdas. (What you have in your example.) They are called that because they are analogous to lambda expressions that exist at value level.
The following example might help:
// foo has signature: (String, String) => String
scala> def foo(x: String, y: String): String = x + " " + y
foo: (x: String, y: String)String
// world wants a parameter of type String => String
scala> def world(f: String => String): String = f("world")
world: (f: String => String)String
// So we use a lambda expression that partially applies foo on one parameter
// to yield a value of type String => String
scala> world(x => foo("hello", x))
res0: String = hello world
// Foo has a kind (*, *) -> *
scala> type Foo[A, B] = Map[A, B]
defined type alias Foo
// World wants a parameter of kind * -> *
scala> type World[M[_]] = M[Int]
defined type alias World
// So we use a lambda lambda that partially applies Foo on one parameter
// to yield a type of kind * -> *
scala> type X[A] = World[({ type M[A] = Foo[String, A] })#M]
defined type alias X
// Test the equality of two types. (If this compiles, it means they're equal.)
scala> implicitly[X[Int] =:= Foo[String, Int]]
res2: =:=[X[Int],Foo[String,Int]] = <function1>
More value level and type level parallels.
// Instead of a lambda, you can define a named function beforehand...
scala> val g: String => String = x => foo("hello", x)
g: String => String = <function1>
// ...and use it.
scala> world(g)
res3: String = hello world
// Same applies at type level too.
scala> type G[A] = Foo[String, A]
defined type alias G
scala> implicitly[X =:= Foo[String, Int]]
res5: =:=[X,Foo[String,Int]] = <function1>
scala> type T = World[G]
defined type alias T
scala> implicitly[T =:= Foo[String, Int]]
res6: =:=[T,Foo[String,Int]] = <function1>
In the case you have presented, the type parameter R is local to function Tuple2Pure and so you cannot simply define type PartialTuple2[A] = Tuple2[R, A], because there is simply no place where you can put that synonym.
To deal with such a case, I use the following trick that makes use of type members. (Hopefully the example is self-explanatory.)
scala> type Partial2[F[_, _], A] = {
| type Get[B] = F[A, B]
| }
defined type alias Partial2
scala> implicit def Tuple2Pure[R]: Pure[Partial2[Tuple2, R]#Get] = sys.error("")
Tuple2Pure: [R]=> Pure[[B](R, B)]