I have installed b13/container extension on a typo3 10.4.20 composer installation. I want to replace grid elements with containers. Based on the documentation you can register a new Content Element by making a PHP call to TCA Registry. But after following all the steps it doesn't add a “Container” tab to the New Content Element Wizard.
Here is my tt_content.php
// Configure the default backend fields for the content element
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['eftmg_categorizedpages'] = [
'showitem' => '
'columnsOverrides' => [
'selected_categories' => [
'config' => [
'minitems' => 1,
'category_field' => [
'config' => [
'itemsProcConfig' => [
'table' => 'pages'
// Configure containers
new \B13\Container\Tca\ContainerConfiguration(
'b13-3col-container', // CType
'3 Columns', // label
'Some Description of the Container', // description
['name' => 'left', 'colPos' => 200],
['name' => 'middle', 'colPos' => 201],
['name' => 'right', 'colPos' => 202]
] // grid configuration
Maybe I have to downgrade my version to TYPO3 10.4.18?
You may take a look at https://github.com/b13/container-example which provides an example container with 2-columns using TCA to add it into the NewContentElement-Wizard.
I'm also running on 10.4.20 and it works fine, might be your TCA for the container.. didn't test it but you should be good taking a look into the upper mentioned example.
We are using the Mask extension for some of our content Elements. (It basically adds dynamic CTypes and additional columns in the tt_content).
Next we have our custom extension whose entities should have a relation to an instance of a Mask module. Which works. The only problem is, that the labels of the inline element aren't showing up.
If we add the same Mask module as normal page content, the labels are showing up just fine.
Domain Model of our ext:
* Returns the intro
* #return \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\MASK\Mask\Domain\Model\Content> $intro
public function getIntro()
return $this->intro;
'intro' => [
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'Intro zentriert',
'config' => [
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tt_content',
'foreign_field' => 'tx_zeppelinregions_content_elements',
'foreign_label' => 'tx_mask_teasergalleryheadline',
'foreign_table_field' => 'tx_zeppelinregions_content_elements_type',
'maxitems' => 1,
'foreign_match_fields' => [
'ctype' => 'mask_introzentriert',
'overrideChildTca' => [
'columns' => [
'CType' => [
'config' => [
'default' => 'mask_introzentriert',
'readOnly' => 1,
Missing labels in inline element:
(Note: the default tt_content field labels are showing)
Labels showing when adding an element of the same type as normal page content:
I've come accross a weird issue with extbasewhile working on some semi-complicated logic for filtering of courses for a LMS tools that we work on.
The logic is as follows:
There are course templates and seminars
A course template always has a start and end date, it contains courses that depend on one another
A seminar contains multiple courses that do not depend on one another
As long as a course template starts after the selected date, it has to be displayed
As long as a seminar contains a course that starts after the selected date, it has to be displayed
There are other filters that do not matter here and that do not play into this issue
In order to solve this request, I resorted to the power of extbase being able to simply create a subquery by using something like $query->greaterThanOrEqual('template_children.start_date', $date) (see below for concrete example). This now generates the below result:
Resulting SQL:
SELECT `tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate`.*
FROM `tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate`
LEFT JOIN `tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate`
ON Find_in_set(
The relations are built by an important and there are no values written to the field template_children on this side of the relation, thus no result is found.
AFAIK, this should work without having to populate this field with anything else than maybe an amount of children (and I'm not sure if this is even necessary anymore).
Here's my TCA configuration and the PHP code handling the logic.
'template_children' => [
'exclude' => true,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:xxx/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate.template_children',
'config' => [
'items' => [
['', 0]
'type' => 'select',
'renderType' => 'selectSingleBox',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate',
'foreign_table_where' => 'AND tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate.template = ###REC_FIELD_uid### AND tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate.sys_language_uid = 0',
'readOnly' => 1,
'size' => 5,
'maxitems' => 100,
'autoSizeMax' => 20,
$constraints[] =
// If the learning form is a course, the start and end date should be in between the period
$query->greaterThanOrEqual('start_date', $demand->getStartDate()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')),
$query->logicalNot($query->equals('learning_form', 'Seminar'))
// If the learning form is seminar, we only want to display it, if there is at least one course that starts in this period
$query->greaterThanOrEqual('templateChildren.start_date', $demand->getStartDate()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')),
$query->equals('learning_form', 'Seminar')
I tried switching the TCA field type to inline but this didn't change the behaviour.
Another way to do this would be to get all objects that relate to each seminar that match the filter, but that would mean creating some thousands of separate queries while filter :-/
Thanks for your support.
PS: I found this article, but it does not describe, how to configure the TCA accordingly, so that it works:
TYPO3 Extbase: Filtering a 1:N relation
Also sadly the documentation doesn't say much about what to configure how in TCA for this to work:
I ended up finding the solution to my problem: you have to use inline as a type so that extbase has a chance to know how to resolve the relation:
'template_children' => [
'exclude' => true,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:xxx/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate.template_children',
'config' => [
'items' => [
['', 0]
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_xxx_domain_model_courseprogrammetemplate',
'foreign_field' => 'template',
'appearance' => [
'collapseAll' => 1,
'levelLinksPosition' => 'top',
'showSynchronizationLink' => 1,
'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => 1,
'showAllLocalizationLink' => 1
'overrideChildTca' => [
'ctrl' => [
'types' => [
'1' => ['showitem' => 'sys_language_uid, l10n_parent, l10n_diffsource, hidden, title'],
hope a knowing being reads this.
The task is simple but something went wrong.
Ive wrote an extension to extend the pages table for every page with some new props.
These values are:
1 boolean value (is extension active)
1 Text value (e.g css class name)
1 Filelink to sys_file for uploaded images
The fields itself are working as expected in backend.
fields in backend
But if i try to access them via fluid in frontend, there is only a lony 1 (Int) saved?
In Fluid:
leads to this -> 1 (Integer)
What iam doing wrong?
my ext_tables.sql
tx_mnadditionalpagefields_custom_css_class varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
tx_mnadditionalpagefields_activate_extended_rules TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
tx_mnadditionalpagefields_extended_background_image int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'
my ext.../Configuration/TCA/Overrides/pages.php
defined('TYPO3_MODE') or die();
// Configure new fields:
$fields = [
'tx_mnadditionalpagefields_custom_css_class' => [
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:nm_addtional_page_fields/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:pages.tx_mnadditionalpagefields_custom_css_class',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => [
'type' => 'input',
'max' => 255
'tx_mnadditionalpagefields_activate_extended_rules' => [
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:nm_addtional_page_fields/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:pages.tx_mnadditionalpagefields_activate_extended_rules',
'config' => [
'type' => 'check',
'default' => 0
'tx_mnadditionalpagefields_extended_background_image' => [
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:nm_addtional_page_fields/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:pages.tx_mnadditionalpagefields_extended_background_image',
'config' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::getFileFieldTCAConfig(
'maxitems' => 1,
'minitems' => 0,
'appearance' => [
'createNewRelationLinkTitle' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:images.addFileReference'
//'foreign_match_fields' => array(
// 'fieldname' => 'tx_mnadditionalpagefields_extended_background_image',
// 'tablenames' => 'pages',
// 'table_local' => 'sys_file',
// Add new fields to pages:
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addTCAcolumns('pages', $fields);
// Make fields visible in the TCEforms:
'pages', // Table name
'--palette--;LLL:EXT:nm_addtional_page_fields/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:pages.palette_title;nm_addtional_page_fields', // Field list to add
'1', // List of specific types to add the field list to. (If empty, all type entries are affected)
'after:nav_title' // Insert fields before (default) or after one, or replace a field
// Add the new palette:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['pages']['palettes']['nm_addtional_page_fields'] = [
'showitem' => 'tx_mnadditionalpagefields_activate_extended_rules,tx_mnadditionalpagefields_custom_css_class,tx_mnadditionalpagefields_extended_background_image'
Extension download (WIP): download
For images/files, the local table stores only the count of references to files. (int)1 means, there's one reference.
Have a look at DataProcessing for how to use these filereferences with Fluid:
I want to format the title showing in a list of TCA items which can contain italic text. But whatever I try, I get only unformatted text - even from RTE text fields.
My base information is "partA", "partB", "partC" and I need a title like "partA : partC - part B"
My Code so far:
return [
'ctrl' => [
'title' => 'LLL:EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Language/myext.xlf:tx_myext_domain_model_myitem',
'label' => 'partC',
'label_alt' => 'partA',
'formattedLabel_userFunc' => T395\myExt\Classes\UserFuncs\MyBEUserFuncs::class.'->getFullMyitemTitle',
'formattedLabel_userFunc_options' => [
'sys_file' => [
'iconfile' => 'fileadmin/Resource/icons/svgs/myext.svg',
'columns' => [
'partC' => [
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Language/myext.xlf:tx_myext_domain_model_myitem.partC',
'config' => [
'type' => 'text',
'enableRichtext' => true,
'partA' => [
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Language/myext.xlf:tx_myext_domain_model_myitem.partA',
'config' => [
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '5',
'eval' => 'trim',
'partB' => [
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Language/myext.xlf:tx_myext_domain_model_myitem.partC',
'config' => [
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '5',
'eval' => 'trim',
'types' => [
'0' => ['showitem' => 'partA,partB,partC'],
And the UF:
class MyBEUserFuncs
public function getFullMyitemTitle(&$params, &$pObj)
echo "Hello World!";
$params['title'] = $params['row']['partA'].' : '.$params['row']['partC'].' - '.$params['row']['partB'];
Even the echo is not showing. Changing the formattedLabel_userFunc to label_userFunc results in getting a string in right order - but right without any text formats like <i> etc but showing them as text. I'm sure, I'm missing something, but I can't figure out what it is - I was also unable to find any code snippets or examples showing the right way - and the docs from TYPO3 saying only that exists formattedLabel_userFunc and it has options - but no proper example there. Hope you can help me. Thank you!
in the documentation for formattedlabel_userfunc you can find:
[...] return formatted HTML for the label and used only for the labels of inline (IRRE) records.
and for label_userfunc there is the warning:
The title is passed later on through htmlspecialchars() so it may not include any HTML formatting.
Related to How to add custom wizards in typo3 7 TCA? how can costum wizards in TYPO3 9 be implemented? I've added my entry to the Routes.php
return [
'tx_csseo_preview' => [
'path' => '/wizard/tx_csseo/preview',
'target' => \Clickstorm\CsSeo\UserFunc\PreviewWizard::class . '::render'
'tx_csseo_permalink' => [
'path' => '/wizard/tx_csseo/permalink',
'target' => \Clickstorm\CsSeo\UserFunc\PermalinkWizard::class . '::render'
How can I add them now to my TCA field?
'tx_csseo_title' => [
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cs_seo/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:pages.tx_csseo_title',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => [
'type' => 'input',
'max' => $extConf['maxTitle'],
'eval' => 'trim',
'fieldWizard' => [
'tx_csseo_preview' => [
'disabled' => false,
This does not work. What do I miss? Thanks in advance.
Related to your kind of wizard the registration-process is different and extensive explained here. You can leave the entries in Routes.php away (perhaps even the whole file if nothing else is inside).
Registration is done in ext_localconf.php:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['formEngine']['nodeRegistry'][1485351217] = [
'nodeName' => 'importDataControl',
'priority' => 30,
'class' => \T3G\Something\FormEngine\FieldControl\ImportDataControl::class
Then reference the new wizard in TCA:
'somefield' => [
'label' => $langFile . ':pages.somefield',
'config' => [
'type' => 'input',
'eval' => 'int, unique',
'fieldControl' => [
'importControl' => [
'renderType' => 'importDataControl'
Then finally the class with the "magic"
namespace T3G\Something\FormEngine\FieldControl;
use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\AbstractNode;
class ImportDataControl extends AbstractNode
public function render()
$result = [
'iconIdentifier' => 'import-data',
'title' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:something/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:pages.importData'),
'linkAttributes' => [
'class' => 'importData ',
'data-id' => $this->data['databaseRow']['somefield']
'requireJsModules' => ['TYPO3/CMS/Something/ImportData'],
return $result;
In the linked example there is still an Ajax Route with corresponding files, including a special defined route, but that's not required to get the basic wizard shown.
Concerning the registration in ext_localconf.php there is above the number 1485351217 as array-key shown. For an own registered node just calculate once the current time as unix-timestamp and enter that instead. So it's unique and can't be mistaken with other definitions of any registered nodes.
In contrast to the linked example I used slightly different descriptions, so I call the process in ext_localconf.php registering, and the inclusion in TCA referencing. Perhaps this small difference makes it a bit more clear.
Concerning Icons there is still a difference to earlier TYPO3 versions, they have to be registered now too and in TCA they are only referenced too by the registered name. Here in the TCA-file is no icon referenced but the class below makes usage of it. Here is an example how an icon has to be registered in ext_tables.php:
$systemIconRegistry = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconRegistry::class);
'source' => 'EXT:imagemap_wizard/Resources/Public/Icons/link_edit.png'
The new icon registry is implemented starting with TYPO3 version 7.5
Don't forget the configuration in YourExtension/Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php. See the documentation