Linux Kernel Module dev_get_drvdata Function Always Returns NULL - callback

I have the following kernel module probe function (simplified to show the relevant parts):
static int qnap_ec_probe(struct platform_device* platform_dev)
// Allocate memory for the custom data and associate with the device
struct qnap_ec_platform_drv_data* platform_drv_data;
platform_drv_data = devm_kzalloc(&platform_dev->dev, sizeof(struct qnap_ec_platform_drv_data),
// Add the custom data to the platform device
platform_set_drvdata(platform_dev, platform_drv_data);
// Register the platform device
devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info(&platform_dev->dev, "qnap_ec", NULL,
&qnap_ec_hwmon_chip_info, NULL);
return 0;
and the following hwmon read callback function:
static int qnap_ec_hwmon_read(struct device* dev, enum hwmon_sensor_types type, u32 attribute,
int channel, long* value)
struct qnap_ec_platform_drv_data* platform_drv_data;
platform_drv_data = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
if (platform_drv_data == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
Unfortunately the second function always returns -1 because the dev_get_drvdata function always returns NULL. For some reason the data that's associated with the device in the probe function using platform_set_drvdata doesn't make it into the hwmon read callback function. Am I missing a step in associating this data with the device? What could be causing this issue?


HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback() circular DMA: What address is the data?

I'm using the HAL with an STM32F3xx, implementing UART receive with circular DMA. The data should continually be received into the huart->pRxBuffPtr buffer, overwriting old data as new data arrives, and the HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback() function gets called regularly to copy out the data before it gets overwritten. The HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback() function receives a size parameter and of course a pointer huart, but no direct indication of where in the huart->pRxBuffPtr the freshly arrived data was DMA'd to.
How do I know whereabouts in huart->pRxBuffPtr the freshly arrived data starts?
Thank you to Tom V for the hint. For future generations, here is the solution code - a function which returns true and gets the next available byte, otherwise returns false:
bool uart_receiveByte(uint8_t *pData) {
static size_t dmaTail = 0u;
bool isByteReceived = false;
// dmaHead is the next position in the buffer the DMA will write to.
// dmaTail is the next position in the buffer to be read from.
const size_t dmaHead = huart->RxXferSize - huart->hdmarx->Instance->CNDTR;
if (dmaTail != dmaHead) {
isByteReceived = true;
*pData = pRxDmaBuffer[dmaTail];
if (++dmaTail >= huart->RxXferSize) {
dmaTail = 0u;
return isByteReceived;

AllocatePages return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER for memory type as EfiConventionalMemory?

Hi I'm using edk2 to write a boot service for a kernel and need to apply AllocatePages service to apply memory with type as EfiConventionalMemory.
However, it returns an error code of EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER.
I looked into the source code from git, the actual function is as follow:
CoreAllocatePages (
IN UINTN NumberOfPages,
BOOLEAN NeedGuard;
NeedGuard = IsPageTypeToGuard (MemoryType, Type) && !mOnGuarding;
Status = CoreInternalAllocatePages (Type, MemoryType, NumberOfPages, Memory,
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
CoreUpdateProfile (
EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (NumberOfPages),
(VOID *) (UINTN) *Memory,
InstallMemoryAttributesTableOnMemoryAllocation (MemoryType);
ApplyMemoryProtectionPolicy (EfiConventionalMemory, MemoryType, *Memory,
EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (NumberOfPages));
return Status;
It calls the function CoreInternalAllocatePages, which is as follow:
CoreInternalAllocatePages (
IN UINTN NumberOfPages,
UINT64 Start;
UINT64 NumberOfBytes;
UINT64 End;
UINT64 MaxAddress;
UINTN Alignment;
if ((UINT32)Type >= MaxAllocateType) {
if ((MemoryType >= EfiMaxMemoryType && MemoryType < MEMORY_TYPE_OEM_RESERVED_MIN) ||
(MemoryType == EfiConventionalMemory) || (MemoryType == EfiPersistentMemory)) {
So it actually returns EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER if memory type is EfiConventionalMemory.
I also read the UEFI spec which define EfiConventionalMemory as type of "Free (unallocated) memory" before ExitBootServices() is called and "Memory available for general use" after.
So I'm kind of confused if it is normal that I got EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER, if not, what should I do to get the right memory allocation??
Thanks a lot!
The memory type parameter specifies the type the memory should have after allocation. Obviously the memory cannot be free after allocation, so that’s why EfiConventionalMemory is an invalid parameter.
The source of memory for the allocation is always EfiConventionalMemory.
Typically you would use BootServicesData as the requested memory type.

How to change value of module_param parameter in the device driver?

I wrote a simple program for taking a value through command line into my driver. I used module_param() for this and gave permission argument, i.e third arg of module_param(), as S_IWUSR.
This I guess would allow user to modify the value of that parameter once driver is loaded in the kernel. I tried to modify the value of that parameter by:
echo 1 > /sys/module/ghost/parameters/num
But this shows me Permission denied error every time I try to do this, even when I execute the command with sudo. I also tried changing permission in module_param() to 0770 but still was not able to change the parameter value. Is there a way to change the value of parameter passed while inserting the driver ? Why does the above command shows permission denied, even if I run as sudo ?
After the answer of #Ian Abott I am to change the value of the parameter. Now I tried to define a callback function to notify me any changes in the value of that parameter while my driver is loaded. Here is the code
static int my_set(const char *val, const struct kernel_param *kp)
int n = 0, ret;
ret = kstrtoint(val,10,&n); // Kernel function to convert string to integer
if (ret !=0 || n > 10) {
return -EINVAL;
printk(KERN_ALERT "my-set function running\n");
return param_set_int(val,kp);
static const struct kernel_param_ops param_ops = {
.set = my_set,
.get = param_get_int,
static char *name = "hello";
static int __init init_func(void)
int i;
module_param_cb(callBack, &param_ops, &num, 0770);
printk(KERN_INFO "Value of num is %d\n",num);
for( i=0; i<num; i++)
printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", name);
return 0;
static void __exit exit_func(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "Value of num is %d\n",num);
printk(KERN_ALERT "Module removed successfully\n");
But it doesn't seem to work because my_set function never runs, even if I change the value. My doubt is
1) Is this correct way to implement callback function for the parameter?
2) What is significance of first argument to the function module_param_cb?

UEFI TGC2's sendCommand always returns error 21

I'm developing an UEFI app using the TPM2. getCapabilities works, but everything else is shoved onto this submitCommand() function. everything I try there returns EFI_ABORTED as status.
I tried several commands, like read_PCR and get_random_number, but it appears to occur for all commands (TPM2 spec part 3). I chose the random number command because it's a simple command without authorization or encryption that should always return when executed correctly.
struct TPM2_ {
UINT32 activePCRbanks;
struct TPM2_Rand_Read_Command {
UINT32 commandSize;
TPM_CC commandCode;
UINT16 bytesRequested;
struct TPM2_Rand_Read_Response {
TPM_ST tag;
UINT32 responseSize;
TPM_RC responseCode;
TPM2B_DIGEST randomBytes;
UINTN tpm_get_random(TPM2 * tpm) {
struct TPM2_Rand_Read_Command cmd;
struct TPM2_Rand_Read_Response resp;
cmd.tag = __builtin_bswap16(TPM_ST_NO_SESSIONS); //x86 is little endian, TPM2 is big-endian, use bswap to convert!)
cmd.commandCode = __builtin_bswap32(TPM_CC_GetRandom);
cmd.commandSize = __builtin_bswap32(sizeof(struct TPM2_Rand_Read_Command));
cmd.bytesRequested = __builtin_bswap16(4);
EFI_STATUS stat = tpm->prot->SubmitCommand(tpm->prot,sizeof(struct TPM2_Rand_Read_Command), (UINT8*)&cmd,sizeof(struct TPM2_Rand_Read_Response),(UINT8*)&resp); //responds 0x15 || 21
Print(L"statreadrand: %x \t %d \r\n", stat, *((UINT32*)resp.randomBytes.buffer));
CHECK_STATUS(stat, L"SubmitReadCommand");
return 0;
TPM2* tpm_create(EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *BS, EFI_HANDLE image) {
TPM2* tpm = calloc(1, sizeof(TPM2));
tpm->BS = BS;
tpm->image = image;
EFI_STATUS stat = tpm->BS->LocateProtocol(&prot_guid, NULL, (void **)&tpm->prot);
CHECK_STATUS(stat, L"LocateTPMProtocol");
return tpm;
I expect the SubmitCommand function to return EFI_SUCCESS (0) and fill the response struct with 4 random bytes. But the function returns EFI_ABORTED (21)
Does anyone know how to solve this?
EDIT: tried different toolchains (GNU-EFI/ plain GCC / EDK2) all give the same behaviour.
The particular PC had this exact problem. probably the TPM was locked.
When using a different PC With a TPM2 the problem didn' t occur and instead, I just got a random number back.

Simblee/Rfduino Gzll communcation failing

I am attempting to send data from device to host using the Gazelle protocol, however, when reading a time varying signal in on MATLAB the values continuously change elements in the array.
Here is the Simblee/Rfduino host code:
#include <SimbleeGZLL.h>
device_t role = HOST;
char array[5];
void setup() {
timer_one(1); // 1 ms timer
void loop() {
void SimbleeGZLL_onReceive(device_t device, int rssi, char *data, int len)
if (len > 0) {
array[0] = data[0];
array[1] = data[1];
array[2] = data[2];
array[3] = data[3];
array[4] = '\0';
} else SimbleeGZLL.sendToDevice(device, 'A');
And the device code:
device_t role = DEVICE1;
volatile int state;
char array[4];
void setup() {
void loop() {
array[0] = analogRead(2);
array[1] = analogRead(3);
array[2] = analogRead(4);
array[3] = analogRead(5);
Could someone please provide some assistance to identify where the issue may lie?
Thank you!
Matlab is not super reliable with serial communication. I actually had a similar issue with a serial device where the input values would be out of order. Are you signaling when to start and stop printing? What does your matlab code look like?
I would set up a ring buffer on the host and the device to deal with the asycn time issues.
You are going to get timing issues with the current method. What kind of frequency are you going for? The analogRead is super slow, and double multiple in a row seems to make things even slower. Could you try to set up an ADC interrupt?
Where is your timer code?