I can't see any compile errors in the project.
I've already tried to
to restart IDE.
to enable Scala type-aware highlighting(ctrl+shift+alt+e)
It didn't help.
Below is my IDE Version:
Intellij IDEA 2021.2.2(Ultimate Edition)
I've figured it out with the following steps.
Update Scala plugin if possible.
Disable other plugins(e.g. Andoroid).
Restart IDE.
Enable all the needed plugins again.
I have sbt 0.13.16 and Scala 2.10.6 running with Intellij 2018.2.1, working with those recommended sbt and Scala settings for Odersky's coursera course on Scala (I'm guessing their automated submission grader depended on old SBT?).
When creating new sbt + scala projects, I choose the above sbt and Scala versions, then after all the dependencies have downloaded, when I right-click New -> ... I see options for Java class but nothing for Scala. I have the Scala plugin already there according to the plugin settings.
So I try to Add Framework Support after right-clicking on the project, I select Scala, but then everything is disabled except Cancel.
I looked through previous forums, found one but that seemed relevant only for git projects.
Anyone else run into this issue? Do I need to update to more recent Scala and SBT? Any help would be very appreciated.
Please check https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/1347-scala/versions for a compatibility table.
You can manage plugins in IntelliJ Preferences. Your versions seem to be too old to still be supported, already. It may help to upgrade IntelliJ and then go to preferences and get the latest Scala and SBT plugins.
I am using Intellij IDEA Community Edition 14.0.3 for Scala development. I am having AspectJ in my application. I am using sbt-aspect v0.10.1.
I am able to run everything fine when I run the application from SBT console. However, when I use run from the intellij menu, it is not invoking the aspect.
Because of this, I am not able to run in Debug Mode. How can I make it work with intellij ?
I have the same issue.
My workaround is:
Open project Run/Debug configuration on IntelliJ IDEA
In the VM Options field type: -javaagent:path/to/aspectjweaver.jar
path/to/aspectjweaver.jar in my case is C:\Users\aelkin\.ivy2\cache\org.aspectj\aspectjweaver\jars\aspectjweaver-1.8.13.jar
Actually I do not use Scala in IntelliJ IDEA, but Java. Anyway, a quick web search led me to the SBT Community Plugins page which lists these links:
Plugins for IDEs
IntelliJ IDEA
sbt Plugin to generate IDEA project configuration: https://github.com/mpeltonen/sbt-idea
IDEA Plugin to embed an sbt Console into the IDE: https://github.com/orfjackal/idea-sbt-plugin
At the time of writing this GitHub is down for database maintenance, so I cannot check on the projects mentioned there, but in 15 minutes or you should be able to navigate there by yourself and see if the repos actually contain something useful for you.
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.3 and am trying to compile a Scala 2.10.4 project. It compiles for a while, then the compile process hangs.
I can compile and run my project from the sbt console.
I already invalidated caches, cleaned the project, reinstalled IntelliJ IDEA and all plugins.
Any ideas why Intellij behaves like this?
The problem was the Play Framework plugin. Uninstalling it did the trick.
Alternatively, you can try the Community Edition, as it does not have Play support at all.
Does anyone has an experience with a code analysis tool that has a working plugin for both eclipse and intelliJ?
Both FindBugs and CheckStyle work well with intelliJ 10 and eclipse. you may have to modify the JVM setting for the plugins to work.
but it works.
have you also tried PMD? http://pmd.sourceforge.net/integrations.html
I'm an intelliJ user but it works for Eclipse. I would prefer FindBugs/PMD to CheckStyle. To be honest I use intelliJ's (9 version) built in Inspection tool as well. You will find this previous thread in SO useful Checkstyle vs. PMD
Found this plugin (multiple integration including PMD/FindBugs) for intelliJ this morning (yet to try) but here's the link http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=4596
I've installed Scala, SBT and Scala Power Pack plugins for IntelliJ Idea 9. And it says
"Plugin scala power pack failed to initialize and will be disabled:
Please restart IntelliJ IDEA"
I've found this with Google but with no solution. Do you know one?
Scala Power Pack has been in a development haitus, but I hope to have an update available by the end of the year to work with Scala 2.8 and IDEA 9.0. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Use the "Scala" plugin and the "SBT" plugin - they work great.
There is a nice writeup on how to set up projects with IDEA and SBT:
It's a plugin which hasn't been updated since a long time and before IntelliJ 9 was out. You can still try to contact the developer.