I am trying to use Facebook Graph API to reply to comments left by users in a Facebook Page which I am the admin.
For top-level comments, everything is fine: I send a request to POST /{comment_id}/comments?message=message and it returns an OK with the reply comment_id.
But when I try to send a request to reply a comment that's already a reply to a top-level comment, API just returns OK with the new comment_id, but in the wrong hierachical level.
I created a Page Post in some Test Page, and left a comment (1 in image = 113788881016328_113789711016245) to this Post with some other user just using Facebook's interface.
Then I made a request to POST 113788881016328_113789711016245/comments?message=Reply to Comment 1 and replied it with another comment from the test user using the page interface (3 in image = 113788881016328_113791161016100: so, it is a reply to a Page's reply to another comment).
Finally, I made another request to reply this reply POST 113788881016328_113791161016100/comments?message=Reply to reply and it was created fine, but not in the right level. But, if I reply to this same id as the Page by the Facebook interface like a normal user, it creates in the desired level:
2 and 4 = API requests. 1, 3 and 5 = interaction directly in Page
When I do a request to GET 113788881016328_113789711016245/comments, it shows me all the other 4 comments in the image as children of comment 1.
So, the question is: am I doing something wrong or Facebook Graph API just only allows replies to a top-level comment like Instagram API? There's any way I can make a request behave like in the comment "5" from image?
Paypal webhooks send me a post variable, but whats the name from that?
I can't found anything.
The posted variables depend on the event triggered. To actually see the post sent by PayPal , Follow the below steps :
1. Go to developer.paypal.com--> Dashboard and login .
2. In left move to "WebHooks Simulator" and put your url you want to receive the post to after selecting the event type and it will show you the data posted after clicking on submit .
You will see something like below :
When a webhook is sent, it sends headers as well as a payload. That documentation is spread between the two links below. What's not explained very well is the actual contents of the "resource" field. If for example the webhook is for a sale event type, then the contents of resource is the same as getting the info from GET /v1/payments/sale/
First link explains the main payload. Second link explains the headers.
$bodyReceived = file_get_contents('php://input');
While I do realize that the ids for graph api objects are not documented, I'm seeing some oddities which I'd like to understand.
I have an authorized app that polls a page's feed for new comments and it looks like I'm getting different ids for the same post.
On first run I get a post with the id of:
Which is the id of the page and post joined by an underscore.
The second poll which ran a few minutes later, I received the same post with a different id:
Which is the user id of the poster and post joined by an underscore.
While I'd like to understand the inconsistency, the real problem is trying to access the post via the second identifier returns an Unsupported get request with the code of 100
The post is public and is accessible via both
This sounds like an oauth problem. While the post is public, to access it via the graph API you have to use an access token.
If you use the access token for Hans Gotwo then you should be able to access the post with the id of 100008124617959_1553567768225184
Looks like it's a bug. thanks #phwd
According to the Facebook documentation, you can update the run status of an individual ad group via the ads api.
To do this, you submit a POST request to /<AD_GROUP_ID>/ with adgroup_status=X where X is your status (1 for active, 9 for paused, etc). However, making this request results in the status NOT changing, and the only response you get back from Facebook is a JSON representation of the Ad Group.
Has anyone been able to successfully submit ad group status updates to the facebook ads api? If so, are you using the method outlined above, or is there another trick to it?
I cross posted this into the Facebook Bug tracker in hopes to create a trail/awareness/find more people who were having this problem. https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/354657724569051
An example of the request I'm making. This request is being tested from the Facebook Graph Explorer
We have not been experiencing problems with changing adgroup_status. Try submitting the status number as an integer and then as a string (I don't remember which type they expect). Note that if the campaign is paused, setting the adgroup_status to 1 will actually change it to 8 (campaign_paused). The fact that you're getting the adgroup to redownload (I presume you have the redownload=1 parameter) tells me that your call is mostly correct. I just confirmed that this works:
curl -F "adgroup_status=9" \
-F "ids=..." \
-F "access_token=..." \
If you're making that API call and receiving the adgroup's details back instead of a 'true' response, it means you're making a GET request, not a POST request.
Update your code to make a HTTP POST request, and this will resolve your issue, John Pickard's answer above is an example of making a POST request in curl, but it will change depending on your application's language and/or which Facebook SDK you're using.
I'm trying to figure out how to get the name of the Facebook user that left a comment in the Comment Social plugin using FB.Event.subscribe and the comment.create event.
I only see 2 properties on the response object:
response.href: URL of the page that the comment was left on
response.commentID: ID of the comment thread
Is it possible to implement client side code to get the name of the facebook user that left the comment? I'm trying to save an extra roundtrip for my server to make a call the graph API to get all the comments then try to figure out who the user was that left the most recent one. I thought that there might be a way to run an FQL query, but I'm at a loss here.
I figured this would be an obvious thing for the facebook event to expose, but their documentation is so poor I haven't been able to see anything.
Update: I've tried using FB.api as suggested by another user and using /me but I can't use that since hte user leaving the comment hasn't granted me any permissions. This was confusing because they logged in to post the comment in the comment box AND the user's name is public info if you go to the user's facebook page. So I need a way to query the commenting user's name without using /me in FB.api.
This method definitely works to get a name.. but there is a race condition issue if it is a thread that is getting a ton of comments, as the request to get the comments might not get sent before another comment is made:
FB.Event.subscribe('comment.create', function(comment) {
FB.api('comments', {'ids': comment.href}, function(res) {
var data = res[comment.href].data;
This works without the user authenticating your app as well.
After reading TMC's comment below I realized that it is not possible without permissions. If you want to this then you will have to ask every commenter to grant you basic permissions.
You can use Facebook Javascript SDK function FB.api which works the same way as PHP SDK's api function but returns a JSON string. Have a look at this page for documentation. You might also like to have a look at Comment Object Documentation.
Comment has a property from which gives the id and name of the user.
I started researching this because I wanted to be able to delete a comment on the wall of a Facebook Event, because the "Remove post" doesn't seem to be applicable to comments on an Event wall. However, since I don't know if it is even possible I decided to see if I could mannually delete a post I made to my own wall first since that is possible. Note I am NOT using any SDK; I am just building the URL and entering it in the address bar in Firefox v3.6.17.
These posts have helped me alot since I am now starting:
Delete facebook post with Graph API - trouble getting this to work and
Facebook SDK and Graph API Comment Deleting Error
I can see the comment data and all its field via the following:
`where [POST_ID] and [ACCESS_TOKEN] were got using the graph API.`
However, where do I put the "method=delete" command in the URL? I tried putting it at the end, like
but that results in a OAuthException stating "Invalid access token signature" because it seems to read the method as part of the access token.
I tried putting it after the post_id like
but that results in an Exception (Unsupported method) because it thinks "access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN]" is part of the method being called.
I see one of the posts cited above states I have to prepend the userid to the object ID when deleting by using
DELETE https://graph.facebook.com/673509687_104812882909249?access_token={access_token}
`where 673509687 is my userID and 104812882909249 is the objectID`
But when I enter
DELETE https://graph.facebook.com/[POST_ID}?access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN]
in the Firefox address bar it doesn't recognize it (I didn't think it would anyway) and uses it as a google search query.
How do I delete a comment if I have the comment_id and my access_token using the web browser?
You have a big problem with your urls :
Should be :
https://graph.facebook.com/[POST_ID]?access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN] & method=delete
should be :
https://graph.facebook.com/[POST_ID}?method=delete & access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN]
So you have to use the ? before entering your parameters and then & between each parameter and the order should not have any importance ..