Fastlane CI/CD container setup - fastlane

I am looking into how to use Fastlane in a custom CI/CD setup and first step is to use a Fastlane docker container. I found this Dockerfile. Have you seen any CI/CD setup(examples) using Fastlane?
Note: I am planning on building ios on the new XCode Cloud so it will only be Android.


List available docker tags when creating a release

We have a web app that creates batch jobs in Azure using docker images. In the application configuration there is a parameter to defines which version of the docker image the batch job should use. In our current setup we need to manually change the parameter if we deploy a new version of the docker image.
What I want to do is choose which docker image to use when I create a release for the web app. I already have a working release pipeline where I manually type in which version of the docker image I want to use, but I would like to be able to choose from the available docker images in the repository. The docker images are built in Azure devops and we have a tag on each build with the version number.
Is it possible to achieve this?

How to deploy an ASP.Net docker containerized application to an On-Premise Server, using Azure CI-CD Pipelines?

I have a multi-layer Asp.Net Application running. Due to it's multi-layer nature, I have to build a container for it and deploy it as a container.
Is there anyway I can deploy it to an existing server using Azure-Pipelines?
All other support that I am finding online is related to deploying to Azure App Services, however I would like to deploy to an existing production environment.
Is there anyway I can deploy it to an existing server using Azure-Pipelines?
Since you are deploying to the local environment, you can use Self-hosted Agent(Build Pipeline and Release Pipeline) or Deployment Group(Release Pipeline).
Then you could try the following pipeline settings.
Here is a blog about ASP.Net Application Deployment in Docker for Windows.
You could use Command Line Task to run the docker command. In this case, you can move the local build and deploy process to azure devops
By the way, if you have the Container registry Service connection in Azure Devops, you could use the Docker task or Docker Compose task.

Kubernetes how to make Deployment to update image auto CI/CD

I am using gcp and kubernetes.
I have gcp repository and container registry.
I have a trigger for build container after pushing into the master branch.
I don't know how to set some auto-trigger to deploy new version of the container (docker file).
How can I automate the build process?
You need some extra pieces to do it, for example if you use Helm to package your deployment you can use Flux to trigger the automated deployment.
There are two solutions here.
You can expand the build step. Cloud Build can also push changes to your GKE cluster. You can read more about this here
What you currently have is a solid CI pipeline, for the CD, you can use Spinnaker for GCP, which was released recently. This integrates well with GCE, GKE and GAE and allows you to automate the CD portion.

In Azure DevOps, how do we access build artifacts and the build environment itself in future container job steps?

I want to have a pipleline that does a maven build and then have a later step in the pipeline that uses a docker container to do some operation on the built artifact(s).
This page explains how to run a script in the context of a Docker container - great:
What I'm not seeing is documentation on how to access, from the Docker container, artifacts from previous build steps, or for that matter, the build environment itself.
GitLab, for example, allows you to share artifacts between steps and exposes a whole slew of environment information to container jobs. How is this accomplished in Azure DevOps?

Setting Up Own CI service and Deploymentation

I need suggestion for continuous integrations and deployment of some of my django project. Codeship and heroku r perfect. But I want to deploy their feature on my hosting. I got Jenkins but still needed heroku replacement. Please suggest me to find currect apps.