Fastest way to check if either one of two numbers is odd using bitwise operations - numbers

I came up with the following code (written in Solidity assembly):
let z := xor(and(x, 1), and(y, 1))
Where x and y are of type int256 (they are signed and can have negative values). z is the result, and it's equal to 1 when either of x and y are odd, and 0 when both are either odd or even.
The question is whether there is any algorithm that is faster than the one I wrote above?


what is the difference between defining a vector using linspace and defining a vector using steps?

i am trying to learn the basics of matlab ,
i wanted to write a mattlab script ,
in this script i defined a vector x with a "d" step that it's length is (2*pi/1000)
and i wanted to plot two sin function according to x :
the first sin is with a frequency of 1, and the second sin frequency 10.3 ..
this is what i did:
my question:
what is the different between :
and ..
? i am asking because i got confused since i think they both are the same but i think there is something wrong with my assumption ..
also is there is a more sufficient way to write sin function with a giveng frequency ?
The main difference can be summarizes as predefined size vs predefined step. And your example highlights it very well, indeed (1000 elements vs 1001 elements).
The linspace function produces a fixed-length vector (the length being defined by the third input argument, which defaults to 100) whose lower and upper limits are set, respectively, by the first and the second input arguments. The correct step to use is internally computed by the function itself (step = (x2 - x1) / n).
The colon operator defines a vector of elements whose values range between the specified lower and upper limits. The step, which is an optional parameter that defaults to 1, is the discriminant of the vector length. This means that the length of the result is determined by the number of steps that must be accomplished in order to reach the upper limit, starting from the lower one. On an side note, on this MathWorks thread you can find a very interesting discussion concerning the behavior of the colon operator in respect of floating-point management.
Another difference, related to the first one, is that linspace always includes the upper limit value while the colon operator only contains it if the specified step allows it (0:5:14 = [0 5 10]).
As a general rule, I prefer to use the former when I want to produce a vector of a predefined length (pretty obvious, isn't it?), and the latter when I need to create a sequence whose length has only a marginal relevance (or no relevance at all)

What is this code doing? Machine Learning

I'm just learning matlab and I have a snippet of code which I don't understand the syntax of. The x is an n x 1 vector.
Code is below
p = (min(x):(max(x)/300):max(x))';
The p vector is used a few lines later to plot the function
It generates an arithmetic progression.
An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers where the next number is equal to the previous number plus a constant. In an arithmetic progression, this constant must stay the same value.
In your code,
min(x) is the initial value of the sequence
max(x) / 300 is the increment amount
max(x) is the stopping criteria. When the result of incrementation exceeds this stopping criteria, no more items are generated for the sequence.
I cannot comment on this particular choice of initial value and increment amount, without seeing the surrounding code where it was used.
However, from a naive perspective, MATLAB has a linspace command which does something similar, but not exactly the same.
Certainly looks to me like an odd thing to be doing. Basically, it's creating a vector of values p that range from the smallest to the largest values of x, which is fine, but it's using steps between successive values of max(x)/300.
If min(x)=300 and max(x)=300.5 then this would only give 1 point for p.
On the other hand, if min(x)=-1000 and max(x)=0.3 then p would have thousands of elements.
In fact, it's even worse. If max(x) is negative, then you would get an error as p would start from min(x), some negative number below max(x), and then each element would be smaller than the last.
I think p must be used to create pp or model somehow as well so that the plot works, and without knowing how I can't suggest how to fix this, but I can't think of a good reason why it would be done like this. using linspace(min(x),max(x),300) or setting the step to (max(x)-min(x))/299 would make more sense to me.
This code examines an array named x, and finds its minimum value min(x) and its maximum value max(x). It takes the maximum value and divides it by the constant 300.
It doesn't explicitly name any variable, setting it equal to max(x)/300, but for the sake of explanation, I'm naming it "incr", short for increment.
And, it creates a vector named p. p looks something like this:
p = [min(x), min(x) + incr, min(x) + 2*incr, ..., min(x) + 299*incr, max(x)];

Plotting piecewise functions in maple

How would I plot this function in maple?
f(x)= 1 if x is rational, 0 otherwise.
Also I want this to be within the interval 0<=x<=1
That function is not piecewise, and it cannot be plotted by any software. It's theoretically impossible. The best that you could do is plot a line segment from (0,1) to (1,1) to represent the rationals and another from (0,0) to (0,1) to represent the irrationals.
This is an old question now but is a good place to clarify just what a computer program could mean by "rational" and "irrational".
As a first attempt you could try to define your desired function this way:
f1 := x -> `if`(x::rational, 1, 0):
A few test cases seem to be giving us what we want:
> f1(3), f1(3/2), f1(Pi), f1(sqrt(2));
1, 1, 0, 0
However we then run into this:
> f1(1.5);
What gives? Since f(3/2)=1, we might expect f(1.5) to be the same. The explanation is that the check x::rational is checking that the input x is of the Maple type rational, which is an integer or a fraction. A Maple fraction is an ordered pair of integers (numerator and denominator) which is structurally different from a floating-point number.
A broader interpretation of the mathematical meaning of 'rational' would include the floating-point numbers. So we can broaden that definition and write:
f2 := x -> `if`(x::{rational,float}, 1, 0}:
and then we have the desired f2(1.5)=1.
But both of these are useless for plotting. When Maple plots something, it generates a set of sample points from the specified interval, all of which will be floating-point numbers. Of our previously-defined functions, f1 will then return zero for all these points, while f2 will return 1.
You won't do any better with other software. If you were to take a truly uniform sample of n points from some real interval, your resulting points would be irrational (in fact, transcendental). Almost all such numbers cannot be represented on a computer because they cannot be represented in any compact form, so any software that attempts such sampling will simply return a collection of n results with terminating decimal expansions.
As Carl suggested you can generate something resembling the plot you want with
> plot([0,1]);

Dot Product: * Command vs. Loop gives different results

I have two vectors in Matlab, z and beta. Vector z is a 1x17:
1 0.430742139435890 0.257372971229541 0.0965909090909091 0.694329541928697 0 0.394960106863064 0 0.100000000000000 1 0.264704325268675 0.387774594078319 0.269207605609567 0.472226643323253 0.750000000000000 0.513121013402805 0.697062571025173
... and beta is a 17x1:
I'm dealing with some singularity issues, and I noticed that if I want to compute the dot product of z*beta, I potentially get 2 different solutions. If I use the * command, z*beta = 18.5045. If I write a loop to compute the dot product (below), I get a solution of 0.7287.
for i=1:17
Any idea what's going on here?
Here's a link to the data:
The problem here is that addition of floating point numbers is not associative. When summing a sequence of numbers of comparable magnitude, this is not usually a problem. However, in your sequence, most numbers are around 1 or 10, while several entries have magnitude 10^26 or 10^27. Numerical problems are almost unavoidable in this situation.
The wikipedia page shows a worked example where (a + b) + c is not equal to a + (b + c), i.e. demonstrating that the order in which you add up floating point numbers does matter.
I would guess that this is a homework assignment designed to illustrate these exact issues. If not, I'd ask what the data represents to suss out the appropriate approach. It would probably be much more productive to find out why such large numbers are being produced in the first place than trying to make sense of the dot product that includes them.

Linspace vs range

I was wondering what is better style / more efficient:
x = linspace(-1, 1, 100);
x = -1:0.01:1;
As Oli Charlesworth mentioned, in linspace you divide the interval [a,b] into N points, whereas with the : form, you step-out from a with a specified step size (default 1) till you reach b.
One thing to keep in mind is that linspace always includes the end points, whereas, : form will include the second end-point, only if your step size is such that it falls on it at the last step else, it will fall short. Example:
ans =
0 3 6 9
That said, when I use the two approaches depends on what I need to do. If all I need to do is sample an interval with a fixed number of points (and I don't care about the step-size), I use linspace.
In many cases, I don't care if it doesn't fall on the last point, e.g., when working with polar co-ordinates, I don't need the last point, as 2*pi is the same as 0. There, I use 0:0.01:2*pi.
As always, use the one that best suits your purposes, and that best expresses your intentions. So use linspace when you know the number of points; use : when you know the spacing.
[Incidentally, your two examples are not equivalent; the second one will give you 201 points.]
As Oli already pointed out, it's usually easiest to use linspace when you know the number of points you want and the colon operator when you know the spacing you want between elements.
However, it should be noted that the two will often not give you exactly the same results. As noted here and here, the two approaches use slightly different methods to calculate the vector elements (here's an archived description of how the colon operator works). That's why these two vectors aren't equal:
>> a = 0:0.1:1;
>> b = linspace(0,1,11);
>> a-b
ans =
1.0e-016 *
Columns 1 through 8
0 0 0 0.5551 0 0 0 0
Columns 9 through 11
0 0 0
This is a typical side-effect of how floating-point numbers are represented. Certain numbers can't be exactly represented (like 0.1) and performing the same calculation in different ways (i.e. changing the order of mathematical operations) can lead to ever so slightly different results, as shown in the above example. These differences are usually on the order of the floating-point precision, and can often be ignored, but you should always be aware that they exist.