How to design memory map (physical RAM and ROM address bus connections) for 8086 microprocessor? - cpu-architecture

It is desired to design a 64kb memory decoder for the 8086 microprocessor using two 16KB SRAM and two 16KB EPROM chips.
Assuming the microprocessor wants to write to memory address 0A557H, which chip select and location select will the system use?
I know that the 8086 microprocessor has 20 address lines and 14 address lines could be used for location select if we were considering only one 16KB RAM and 4 lines for chip select.
Location select: A0-A13 and Chip select: A14-A19
I am confused about going forward to solve this question as we expect to see such in exams.

How to design memory map...?
You can put the each of the 2 16k-RAMs and 2 16k-ROMs almost anywhere in the 1MB address space (i.e. as long as no two overlap each other), so you might develop some other criteria to help you choose.
  It would make most sense for the RAMs to be consecutive with each other, so that you'd have one larger 32k RAM area rather than two 16k RAM section separated in the address space — that will result in more flexibility and ease of use for software.
  Software memory model: the small memory model for x86 means that the program need store only 16 bits for pointers.  The manner in which code in ROM interacts with code in RAM interact may or may not suggest placing both with some 16 bit address space.
  Expandability:  If the system later allows expansion of either the amount of RAM or ROM, there is then an argument for leaving a gap between them for the other to expand into, at the cost of having to deal with a larger portion of the 1MB address space, possibly requiring pointers larger than 16-bits wide to be used in some cases.
  Using the least number of address lines would suggest using the lowest part of the 1MB address space.
Other criteria can be identified also, I'm sure.


advantages of segmentation in 8086 microprocessor

what are the advantages of segmentation in 8086 microprocessor?
Not getting the importance of segmentation. Is it for managing more memory?
The instruction set used in 8086 is a 16-bit instruction set. This means that a register can only store values in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, and instructions mostly only did 16-bit operations (16-bit addition, 16-bit subtraction, etc). If a register contains an address/pointer, then it would've worked out to a maximum of 64 KiB of address space (some for ROMs, some for RAM) and this wasn't enough for the market at the time.
Segmentation was a way to allow the 16-bit CPU to support a larger address space. Essentially, combining two 16-bit registers together, so that addresses/pointers could be much larger. Unfortunately (likely, to avoid "unnecessary at the time" costs of having more address lines on the CPU's bus), instead of using two 16-bit registers as a 32-bit address, Intel did an "address = segment * 16 + offset" thing to end up with a 20-bit address, giving the 8086 a 1 MiB address space.
Later (early 1980s) there was a push towards "protected objects" where "objects" (in object oriented programming) could be given access controls and limits that are enforced/checked by hardware, and around the same time there were "virtual memory" ideas floating around. These ideas led to the ill-fated iAPX 432 CPU; but also led to the idea of associating protection (attributes and limits) to the segments that 8086 already had, which resulted in the "protected mode" introduced with 80286 (and extended in 80386).
Essentially; the original reason for (advantage of) segments was to increase the address space (without the cost of a 32-bit instruction set, etc); and things like protection and memory management were retro-fitted afterwards (and then barely used by software before being abandoned in favour of paging).
Memory size is divided into segments of various sizes.
A segment is just area in memory.
Process of dividing memory in this way is called segmentation.
data ----> bytes -----> specific address.
8086 has 20 lines address bus.
2^20 bytes = 1Mb
4 types of Segments
Code Segment
Data Segment
Stack Segment
Extra Segment
Each of these segments are addressed by an address stored in corresponding segment address.
registers are 16 bit in size.
store base address of corresponding segments and store upper 16 bits.

Addressing a word inside memory frames

Suppose we have a 64 bit processor with 8GB ram with frame size 1KB.
Now main memory size is 2^33 B
So number of frames is 2^33 / 2^10 which is 2^23 frames.
So we need 23 bits to uniquely identify every frame.
So the address split would be 23 | 10 where 10 bits are required to identify each byte in a frame (total 1024 bytes)
As it is word addressable with each word = 8B, will the address split now be 23 | 7 as we have 2^7 words in each frame?
Also can the data bus size be different than word size ?
If suppose data bus size is 128 bits then does it mean that we can address two words and transfer 2 words at a time in a single bus cycle but can only perform 64 bit operations?
Most of the answers are dependent on how the system is designed. Also there is bit more picture to your question.
There is something called available addressable space on a system. In a 32 bit application this would be 2^32 and in a 64 bit application this would be 2^64. This is called virtual memory. And there is physical memory which commonly refereed as RAM. If the application is built as 64 bits, then it is able work as if there is 2^64 memory is available. The underlying hardware may not have 2^64 RAM available, which taken care by the memory management unit. Basically it breaks both virtual memory and physical memory into pages( you have refereed to this as frames) and keeps the most frequently used pages in RAM. Rest are stored in the hard disk.
Now you state, the RAM is 8GB which supports 2^33 addressable locations. When you say the processor is 64 bits, I presume you are talking about a 64 bit system which supports 2^64 addressable locations. Now remember the applications is free to access any of these 2^64 locations. Number of pages available are 2^64/2^10 = 2^54. Now we need to know which virtual page is mapped to which physical page. There is a table called page table which has this information. So we take the first 54 bits of the address and index in to this table which will return the physical page number which will be 2^33/2^10 = 23 bits. We combine this 23 bits to the least 10 bits of the virtual address which gives us the physical address. In a general CPU, once the address is calculated, we don't just go an fetch it. First we check if its available in the cache, all the way down the hierarchy. If its not available a fetch request will be issued. When a cache issues a fetch request to main memory, it fetches an entire cache line (which is usually a few words)
I'm not sure what you mean by the following question.
As it is word addressable with each word = 8B, will the address split now be 23 | 7 as we have 2^7 words in each frame?
Memories are typically designed to be byte addressable. Therefore you'll need all the 33 bits to locate a byte within the page.
Also can the data bus size be different than word size ?
Yes you can design a data bus to have any width, but having it less than a byte would be painful.
If suppose data bus size is 128 bits then does it mean that we can
address two words and transfer 2 words at a time in a single bus cycle
but can only perform 64 bit operations?
Again the question is bit unclear, if the data but is 128 bits wide, and your cache line is wider than 128 bits, it'll take multiple cycles to return data as a response to a cache miss. You wont be doing operations on partial data in the cache (at least to the best of my knowledge), so you'll wait until the entire cache line is returned. And once its there, there is no restriction of what operations you can do on that line.

memory segmentaion and segment registers

I do not understand memory segmentation very well , if we have memory of 1MB the segmentation make it segments of 64KB , is this right?
so is there specific segment for every segment register(CS,DS,SS,ES) and can not be changed ?
image for helping understand question
I guess you're referring to the old real mode of x86.
The values in the segment registers are not strictly static. The idea is that you had 16 bits of architectural address space in the x86, but this was very limiting (64 KB), yet 20 bits of physical address space. Typical addresses would be 16 bits, but addresses in a segment register would be the most significant 16 bits of a 20-bit address. This means they must exist on a 2^4=16-bit boundary. The hardware would then pretend the segment register is a 20-bit base address and the other address (e.g. address of an instruction) is treated as an offset.
Edit: One thing you might be asking is if the segments are mutually exclusive. The segments could overlap partially or completely. This made them quite powerful and quite dangerous.

How can virtual address space be paged?

While I was reading this Wikipedia article,, I came across that divide virtual address space (range of address used by processor) into pages. But I have learnt that only the physical memory (RAM) is divided into pages. So how is the division of virtual address space of a process done?
Also, here the definition of virtual address space goes as range of address used by processor. Range of address used by processor means the length of address bus in processor, right? So if I am having a processor of address bus of 32 bits, and a RAM of 4 GB (2^32), is my physical and virtual address space same?
Bear with me if the questions are too naive.. I am still not getting a very clear visualization of address space. Thanks in advance.
The answer is specific to each OS, but in general terms it means that though each process gets say 32 bits worth of addressable memory, this memory space is divided in to ranges or pages of a certain size.
Simplistically speaking when your process accesses an address, that location will be in a certain page. The OS will ensure that there is physical memory that is mapped to that location. However it may not be in the same address in physical ram.
When some other process addresses that location then the OS will map in a page of physical ram at that so that location too will be addressable.
All the time the physical memory pages are being mapped to and from disk (so that you can have memory greater than 32 bits worth_\, and the virtual memory pages are being mapped to physical pages just described.
I really recommend reading the links in this question

Why do x86-64 systems have only a 48 bit virtual address space?

In a book I read the following:
32-bit processors have 2^32 possible addresses, while current 64-bit processors have a 48-bit address space
My expectation was that if it's a 64-bit processor, the address space should also be 2^64.
So I was wondering what is the reason for this limitation?
Because that's all that's needed. 48 bits give you an address space of 256 terabyte. That's a lot. You're not going to see a system which needs more than that any time soon.
So CPU manufacturers took a shortcut. They use an instruction set which allows a full 64-bit address space, but current CPUs just only use the lower 48 bits. The alternative was wasting transistors on handling a bigger address space which wasn't going to be needed for many years.
So once we get near the 48-bit limit, it's just a matter of releasing CPUs that handle the full address space, but it won't require any changes to the instruction set, and it won't break compatibility.
Any answer referring to the bus size and physical memory is slightly mistaken, since OP's question was about virtual address space not physical address space. For example the supposedly analogous limit on some 386's was a limit on the physical memory they could use, not the virtual address space, which was always a full 32 bits. In principle you could use a full 64 bits of virtual address space even with only a few MB of physical memory; of course you could do so by swapping, or for specialized tasks where you want to map the same page at most addresses (e.g. certain sparse-data operations).
I think the real answer is that AMD was just being cheap and hoped nobody would care for now, but I don't have references to cite.
Read the limitations section of the wikipedia article:
A PC cannot contain 4 petabytes of memory (due to the size of current memory chips if nothing else) but AMD envisioned large servers, shared memory clusters, and other uses of physical address space that might approach this in the foreseeable future, and the 52 bit physical address provides ample room for expansion while not incurring the cost of implementing 64-bit physical addresses
That is, there's no point implementing full 64 bit addressing at this point, because we can't build a system that could utilize such an address space in full - so we pick something that's practical for today's (and tomorrow's) systems.
The internal native register/operation width does not need to be reflected in the external address bus width.
Say you have a 64 bit processor which only needs to access 1 megabyte of RAM. A 20 bit address bus is all that is required. Why bother with the cost and hardware complexity of all the extra pins that you won't use?
The Motorola 68000 was like this; 32 bit internally, but with a 23 bit address bus (and a 16 bit data bus). The CPU could access 16 megabytes of RAM, and to load the native data type (32 bits) took two memory accesses (each bearing 16 bits of data).
There is a more severe reason than just saving transistors in the CPU address path: if you increase the size of the address space you need to increase the page size, increase the size of the page tables, or have a deeper page table structure (that is more levels of translation tables). All of these things increase the cost of a TLB miss, which hurts performance.
From my point of view, this is result from the page size.Each page at most contains 4096/8 =512 entries of page table. And 2^9 =512. So 9 * 4 + 12=48.
Many people have this misconception. But I am promising to you if you read this carefully, after reading this all your misconceptions will be cleart.
To say a processor 32 bit or 64 bit doesn't signify it should have 32 bit address bus or 64 bit address bus respectively!...I repeat it DOESN'T!!
32 bit processor means it has 32 bit ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit)...that means it can operate on 32 bit binary operand (or simply saying a binary number having 32 digits) and similarly 64 bit processor can operate on 64 bit binary operand. So weather a processor 32 bit or 64 bit DOESN'T signify the maximum amount of memory can be installed. They just show how large the operand can be...(for analogy you can think of a 10-digit calculator can calculate results upto 10 cannot give us 11 digits or any other bigger results... although it is in decimal but I am telling this analogy for simplicity)...but what you are saying is address space that is the maximum directly interfaceable size of memory (RAM). The RAM's maximum possible size is determined by the size of the address bus and it is not the size of the data bus or even ALU on which the processor's size is defined (32/64 bit). Yes if a processor has 32 bit "Address bus" then it is able to address 2^32 byte=4GB of RAM (or for 64 bit it will be 2^64)...but saying a processor 32 bit or 64 bit has nothing relevance to this address space (address space=how far it can access to the memory or the maximum size of RAM) and it is only depended on the size of its ALU. Of course data bus and address bus may be of same sized and then it may seem that 32 bit processor means it will access 2^32 byte or 4 GB memory...but it is a coincidence only and it won't be the same for all....for example intel 8086 is a 16 bit processor (as it has 16 bit ALU) so as your saying it should have accessed to 2^16 byte=64 KB of memory but it is not true. It can access upto 1 MB of memory for having 20 bit address bus....You can google if you have any doubts:)
I think I have made my point clear.Now coming to your 64 bit processor doesn't mean that it must have 64 bit address bus so there is nohing wrong of having a 48 bit address bus in a 64 bit processor...they kept the address space smaller to make the design and fabrication nobody gonna use such a big memory (2^64 byte)...where 2^48 byte is more than enough nowadays.
To answer the original question: There was no need to add more than 48 Bits of PA.
Servers need the maximum amount of memory, so let's try to dig deeper.
1) The largest (commonly used) server configuration is an 8 Socket system. An 8S system is nothing but 8 Server CPU's connected by a high speed coherent interconnect (or simply, a high speed "bus") to form a single node. There are larger clusters out there but they are few and far between, we are talking commonly used configurations here. Note that in the real world usages, 2 Socket system is one of the most commonly used servers, and 8S is typically considered very high end.
2) The main types of memory used by servers are byte addressable regular DRAM memory (eg DDR3/DDR4 memory), Memory Mapped IO - MMIO (such as memory used by an add-in card), as well as Configuration Space used to configure the devices that are present in the system. The first type of memory is the one that are usually the biggest (and hence need the biggest number of address bits). Some high end servers use a large amount of MMIO as well depending on what the actual configuration of the system is.
3) Assume each server CPU can house 16 DDR4 DIMMs in each slot. With a maximum size DDR4 DIMM of 256GB. (Depending on the version of server, this number of possible DIMMs per socket is actually less than 16 DIMMs, but continue reading for the sake of the example).
So each socket can theoretically have 16*256GB=4096GB = 4 TB.
For our example 8S system, the DRAM size can be a maximum of 4*8= 32 TB. This means that
the max number of bits needed to address this DRAM space is 45 (=log2 32TB/log2 2).
We wont go into the details of the other types of memory (MMIO, MMCFG etc), but the point here is that the most "demanding" type of memory for an 8 Socket system with the largest types of DDR4 DIMMs available today (256 GB DIMMs) use only 45 bits.
For an OS that supports 48 bits (WS16 for example), there are (48-45=) 3 remaining bits.
Which means that if we used the lower 45 bits solely for 32TB of DRAM, we still have 2^3 times of addressable memory which can be used for MMIO/MMCFG for a total of 256 TB of addressable space.
So, to summarize:
1) 48 bits of Physical address is plenty of bits to support the largest systems of today that are "fully loaded" with copious amounts of DDR4 and also plenty of other IO devices that demand MMIO space. 256TB to be exact.
Note that this 256TB address space (=48bits of physical address) does NOT include any disk drives like SATA drives because they are NOT part of the address map, they only include the memory that is byte-addressable, and is exposed to the OS.
2) CPU hardware may choose to implement 46, 48 or > 48 bits depending on the generation of the server. But another important factor is how many bits does the OS recognize.
Today, WS16 supports 48 bit Physical addresses (=256 TB).
What this means to the user is, even though one has a large, ultra modern server CPU that can support >48 bits of addressing, if you run an OS that only supports 48 bits of PA, then you can only take advantage of 256 TB.
3) All in all, there are two main factors to take advantage of higher number of address bits (= more memory capacity).
a) How many bits does your CPU HW support? (This can be determined by CPUID instruction in Intel CPUs).
b) What OS version are you running and how many bits of PA does it recognize/support.
The min of (a,b) will ultimately determine the amount of addressable space your system can take advantage of.
I have written this response without looking into the other responses in detail. Also, I have not delved in detail into the nuances of MMIO, MMCFG and the entirety of the address map construction. But I do hope this helps.
Anand K Enamandram,
Server Platform Architect
Intel Corporation
It's not true that only the low-order 48 bits of a 64 bit VA are used, at least with Intel 64. The upper 16 bits are used, sort of, kind of.
Section Canonical Addressing in the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual says:
a canonical address must have bits 63 through 48 set to zeros or ones (depending on whether bit 47 is a zero or one)
So bits 47 thru 63 form a super-bit, either all 1 or all 0. If an address isn't in canonical form, the implementation should fault.
On AArch64, this is different. According to the ARMv8 Instruction Set Overview, it's a 49-bit VA.
The AArch64 memory translation system supports a 49-bit virtual address (48 bits per translation table). Virtual addresses are sign- extended from 49 bits, and stored within a 64-bit pointer. Optionally, under control of a system register, the most significant 8 bits of a 64-bit pointer may hold a “tag” which will be ignored when used as a load/store address or the target of an indirect branch
A CPU is considered "N-bits" mainly upon its data-bus size, and upon big part of it's entities (internal architecture): Registers, Accumulators, Arithmetic-Logic-Unit (ALU), Instruction Set, etc. For example: The good old Motorola 6800 (or Intel 8050) CPU is a 8-bits CPU. It has a 8-bits data-bus, 8-bits internal architecture, & a 16-bits address-bus.
Although N-bits CPU may have some other than N-size entities. For example the impovments in the 6809 over the 6800 (both of them are 8-bits CPU with a 8-bits data-bus). Among the significant enhancements introduced in the 6809 were the use of two 8-bit accumulators (A and B, which could be combined into a single 16-bit register, D), two 16-bit index registers (X, Y) and two 16-bit stack pointers.