Map an excel sheet to auto import products and update inventory and prices - solidus

Is there a way to map an excel sheet to auto import products and update inventory and prices from sheet on Solidus??

Have a look at
You can export the data from Excel to CSV and than import it with this extension.


Excel to Smart Sheets

I am need to convert my Excel sheet into Smartsheet. I tries to upload the document from Excel and Google Sheets but tbe formulas do not transfer. How can I create new formulas in Smartsheet that correspond with the formula in Excel or Google Sheet. How do I determine the new formulas for Smartsheet?
When you import into smartsheet, you have to select the checkbox to keep formulas from your excel file.
checkbox to keep formulas

Qlik excel data import for columns with same name

I have 4 different excel sheets and I have been loading them in QlikSense. The common column names get suffix EXPORT WORKSHEET1 . Although I change the name of the sheet after importing, the alias remains the same. How can I change that? Thanks.
I needed to change the name of the sheet within the excel sheet before importing it into QlikSense. Thanks.

Excel to Tally Import with multiples Cost categories

I want to import Journal vouchers in Tally. For each ledger in the voucher, I need to specify multiple Cost categories and against each Cost category, I need multiple Cost centres.
Here's an example.
Ledger named Ledger-1
Manufacturing Cost Category-1
Cost Centre1 - Rs 500
Cost Centre2 - Rs 300
Cost Centre3 - Rs 200
Location Cost Category-2
Cost Centre1 - Rs 400
Cost Centre2 - Rs 600
As you can see, there are two Cost Categories and then multiple cost centres against each Cost category. I am looking for an excel to tally import tool or Tally XML tags which can import this data in Tally.
Please specify the Excel template name.
You can import data from Excel to Tally in several ways. You can create XML file using any free tool and import it in Tally under import of data option. You can also use the udiMagic online template builder to generate a new Excel template for import in Tally.
Use the udiMagic template named "Vouchers-V10-Financial-transactions-Advanced.xls" provided with the udiMagic software to import Journal vouchers with multiple Cost Categories and Cost Centres.
Excel sheet details
Column L - specify the Cost Category details
Column M - Specify the Cost Centre details
To get the Tally XML tags for uploading Journal vouchers with multiple Cost Categories, you must enable the settings as shown underneath.
udiMagic settings
Start udiMagic Software.
Click the Settings button and enable the option "Send XML tag to file".
Next, click the save button to save the settings.
Steps to Import data from Excel to Tally
Start Tally ERP and Open a Company
Start udiMagic software
Select the option Excel to Tally
Select the option Import data into Tally
Click the Browse button and select "Vouchers-V9-Financial-transactions-Advanced.xls" provided with udiMagic converter
Click the Start button
The above steps will import data into Tally. In addition, it will generate a file name "xmltags.xml" which contains the XML request sent to Tally. The XML file is automatically generated in the folder where udiMagic is installed.
Excel to Tally :
There are many way to import vouchers from Excel to Tally. You can create XML file can import it in Tally under import of data option. But for that you have to know knowledge of Tally XML tag. Also some online tool is available which it auto create XML from Excel data and directly import it in Tally.
In XLtool there is very simple steps to import Excel data in Tally application.
Follow these steps for import vouchers Excel to Tally
Enable ODBC port in Tally application.
Open one Tally application & open only one company.
In XLTOOL software ​fillup the data in appropriate voucher template.
Open MY MENU by F1 Key.
click START button.
Data will be imported in Tally.
Download Excel template from -
Following are the Tally XML Code tag for Vouchers -
"<TALLYMESSAGE xmlns:UDF=""TallyUDF"">"_
End Sub

How to combine multiple excel data into one excel with all sheets?

Actually I have a list of customers from all the countries in one sheet name "ALL".
Problem: I have to crate separate sheets for group of countries like for USA sheet name will be USA and for Australia,Germany and Switzerland sheet name will be Central_Region output will be like below image.
What I have tried till now :- I used tFilterRow component and I have got all the separate excel files group by countries . now trying to combine in one file.
For Example : I have 5 excel workbook files each has one sheet like excel1.xls has sheet "USA" other excel2.xls has sheet "Canada" and same other 3 are in same way.
Now I want to generate a single excel workbook which will have all the sheets like "USA", "Canada" and all other sheets from other excels.
I tried using iUnite but it did not help it just append all the sheets data into one sheet.Like below image
Download this add-ins
Open one your excel file and then open this add-ins file (also you can install that)
when you open this file, select Enable Macro.
Go to DATA tab on excel file and select RDB Merge add-in.
set properties and push Merge Button.
With this, your excel fills will merge in one sheet.
If you can't know in which order row will appear, you could store your data in csv files for each country.
Then you can add each csv file into a separate sheet on the Excel file using Write after.
If rows are coming in the rigth order, like all USA then Canada etc . . . you can directly use Write after in your ExcelOutput behind your tFilter but i highly suppose this is not the case.
If you have same structure excel file with different in sheet name then you have to make job like this.
Set source directory where you get all the files to the tFileList component.
Use global varibale which hold "file with path" information and assign to the file name text box of tFileInputExcel component.
In select Sheet box assign index instead sheet name.
check Append property of tFileOuputExcel component you can merge all files in single one.
Note: in tMap you can add transformation or make changes in column sequence of output.

Import from Excel to Sql Table

I have excel sheet and I have 5 columns all are of type VARCHAR's.
I have a Table called Details and has 5 columns all of type VARCHAR's.
I have to import the data from Excel to table every day.
I am manually copying the records from excel and pasting them into the sql table. This approach is easy and quick.
But I want to make it automated.
Can I do it through the coding by giving the location of Excel Sheet.
I am using SQL 2005 and Excel 2007.
Any suggestions or directions please.
Thank you.
You can use Integration Services to import excel files automatically, here is a good example:
You can also use Import/Export Wizard within SQL Server 2005 as well, which does the same job and also allow you to save it as a SSIS package.