Typer CLI enabling arguments based on user input - typer

I already asked this question under Typer Github issues but haven't received an answer yet. https://github.com/tiangolo/typer/issues/370
What I am trying to do is, enabling CLI arguments for a command based on the user's input to the first argument.
So the rest of the arguments for a particular command would depend on what user inputs to the first argument. Let's say there is a command to connect a particular platform, the first argument would be is_config_available, if the user inputs True then they just have to pass the path to the config else if they input False, then other arguments like name, password would become required and the user has to input those to run the command successfully.
If there's no native way to do this with Typer, is there a better approach that can be taken? Thank you!


Write to parameter value in Adaxes PowerShell action

This is a question about using PowerShell with Custom Commands (or scheduled tasks) in the Adaxes Active Directory management software by Softerra.
I am trying to accept a parameter from a user when using a custom command, then I need to take that value and modify it for use in a future action of the custom command.
A "for example" use-case would be creating a script that sets a user's out of office, where the custom command takes a target user reference in the out of office message. The first action in the custom command would find the email address of the provided user, then the second action would set the out-of-office with a message telling recipients for immediate assistance to email the provided user's email address. I realize there may be ways to solve this with one PowerShell script, but there are MANY scenarios where it would be beneficial to process provided information with a script action for use with MULTIPLE future actions in the custom command.
I already know how to access parameter values in custom commands for Softerra Adaxes, but I can't figure out how to WRITE to parameter values.
Accessing values:
Does anyone know how to write TO parameter values? $context.SetParameterValue() does not work. This would be extremely useful for being able to store and manipulate values between actions in custom commands in Adaxes.
If anyone is looking for something similar, the answer I got from Adaxes support was that there is no means to do this currently with their software.
The only work-around would be writing to a property of the object being modified, then reference that property later.
For instance, writing a value to the extensionAttribute1 property of a user, then referencing that later in the script in a different action.
If anyone comes up with a better solution or Adaxes changes this, please feel free to suggest a better solution!

Make my google home verify an oral code

I would like to build an app with a oral code verification.
i could just set my cde in dialogflow before then, juste verify it.
GH : "For continue, give me the code"
Me : " 1 2 3 4"
GH " Access granted" / "Access denied"
But how can do an input a get this code on dialogflow?
First of all - consider if you really want to do this. Having someone say a passcode out loud isn't really very secure and adds very little additional security in a multi-user environment.
There are two stages to this - the first is setting up an Intent to handle this, specifically in the format you want, and the second would be handling and verifying this is the correct code.
Setting up the Intent
We'll need two intents - one that prompts and sets a context so we know we're expecting the validation code, and one that checks for the code.
The prompting intent might look something like this:
The notable part here is that it is setting an output context. We'll see why that matters in a moment.
The one to handle numeric input might look like this:
There is a lot more to this one. First note that we're requiring an input context that matches the output context from the last Intent. This means that this Intent should only match if that Context has been set. This lets us talk about numbers elsewhere in our conversation without triggering this validation.
Next we're looking for sequences of numbers that match the #sys.number-sequence built-in Entity type. There are other entity types that may be useful for you - see the documentation for details and pick one that makes sense or experiment to find what works best in your case.
Finally, we're going to use a webhook for fulfillment to verify if the code is correct. Which is the next session...
Verifying the code
While there are ways to do the verification without a webhook, this is really the most straightforward way to do it. If you're using Google's library to handle input from Dialogflow, you can get the value with something like
var code = app.getArgument('number-sequence');
using whatever the parameter name is. If you're not using the library, you can find this in the JSON at result.parameters.number-sequence.
You would then verify this code, however you want, and return a message indicating if it is correct or not.
If you want to use a sequence of numbers as your code you can use the #sys.number-sequence entity to recognize it and then check the code in your webhook.
Another way would be to simply make a custom entity 'code' that has an entry of '1234'.

luigi: command-line parameters not becoming part of a task's signature?

In luigi, I know how to use its parameter mechanism to pass command-line parameters into a task. However, if I do so, the parameter becomes part of the task's signature.
But there are some cases -- for example, if I want to optionally pass a --debug or --verbose flag on the command line -- where I don't want the command-line parameter to become part of the task's signature.
I know I can do this outside of the luigi world, such as by running my tasks via a wrapper script which can optionally set environment variables to be read within my luigi code. However, is there a way I can accomplish this via luigi, directly?
Just declare them as insignificant parameters, ie instantiate the parameter class passing significant=False as keyword argument.
class MyTask(DateTask):
other = luigi.Parameter(significant=False)

FileMaker MissingFunction

Set Variable [$Write; Value: <Function Missing>("filepath";$inputedText)]
I'm trying to determine what the missing function is. I'm trying to write data to an external file with this script, and this is one line of code from the script. I can't post the rest of the code for security reasons. Any direction as to what the missing function would be would be greatly appreciated.
The < Function Missing> message means that this code was written with the expectation that a now-missing plugin would be present. To resolve this, you'll need to determine which plugin this is, and install this on your development machine (and likely on all machines needing to use this script, unless you choose to write this to execute as a PSOS script running on the server).
My best guess based on functionality and the arguments being passed is that the missing plugin may be the Monkeybread Plugin.
It's the Write To File function in ScriptMaster

Powershell: Hiding second function parameter when first is already defined

I'm trying to implement API of our product using Powershell. E.g., I'd like to create a function Remove-OurProductEntity. This function should have both -ById and -ByFullPath parameters to know which entity to delete. They shouldn't be both mandatory, but only one of them.
If user specified one of them in the command line, the second mustn't appear in autocompletion and Powershell shouldn't ask user to define the second. Moreover, if user specified both, function should ask to define the only one.
Is it possible to be done in Powershell? Or I should handle all the logic inside the function?
Powershell has really COOL language, and guess, something similar should be.
Parameter sets are your friend.